fire and ice, anaya phoenix [popular romance novels txt] 📗

- Author: anaya phoenix
Book online «fire and ice, anaya phoenix [popular romance novels txt] 📗». Author anaya phoenix
dawn and went downstairs to make breakfast. I made pancakes, eggs, bacon and coffee kyle came down and kissed me on my cheek rubbed my stomach. I handed him a plate and cup of coffee “ thanks babe” I nodded. They all cam down and caught the atmosphere and went quite I gave them all a plate and a cup of coffee and gave my father a kiss on his cheek and my mother a hug. I sat down and ate, looking around at everyone and hearing the silence aggravated me “ ok everybody up, I don’t care if it’s snowing we’re gonna go outside and talk” I got up and when nobody followed I changed my eyes into slits “ now” I said with more authority that made even my parents scramble to get up. They all formed a circle outside and I stepped outside bare footed, it felt good, “ now I’m not upset if anything I’m ecstatic, so there is no need to be tense” I looked at each of them. “ we heard you screaming last night” mom said quietly “ I had a wonderful dream last night and I woke up and was upset” I told them simply. They all nodded but it was still to tense so I walked behind travis and saw him tense up and I smiled. I coughed up an ice ball and put it down his pants and ran to jeff, he laughed and we joined him as we watched travis dance around trying get it out, when he did he looked at me and pointed “ your dead” here we go I thought, we both spit out freezing water one trying to drench the other. I pushed and pushed but travis won, if kyle hadn’t tickled me I would have won, he kissed my nose “ sorry babe but us guys gotta stick together” he winked at jeff and I patted his arm. i went inside and changed clothes then came back down to find everyone snacking on grapes, fred through one at me and I caught in my mouth, I danced. For some reason I was extremely happy, I got cheers and claps then kyle joined me with his own silly dance, the next thing I knew we were having a silly dance competition with mom as the judge. Naturally I won with my slow motion chicken dance, I leapt in the air and kissed kyle and he kissed me back. Nobody said anything until we were both out of breath “ some prize huh?” I said pointing to kyle and winking, which just mad everyone laugh. After our afternoon of fun we decided to watch a comedy, I didn’t pay attention to the plot because I was so tired, I fell asleep before the opening credits began.
They were circling me singing ring around the rosy, the girl with the red hair and and the boy with the blue hair and green eyes. He took them without any warning, snatched them and ran. I tried to follow them, follow they’re screaming for me but my feet wouldn’t carry me fast enough. I burst into a clearing and he stands their with the boy in tears , he reaches for me pleading with his eyes for me to save him, the man has a knife to his throat “ the prophecy can’t be fulfilled” he then slit the boys throat. “NOOO” I woke up, kyle stared at me with fright I grabbed his arm “ don’t let them hurt him” I pleaded with tears running down my face. “ who baby?” he asked putting his around my shoulder “ the boy, he wanted me but I couldn’t move, they killed him” I sobbed. “ who killed who icey?” my mom asked “ I don’t know, I cant get any sleep because of these stupid dreams” I moved closer to kyle gaining comfort from his touch. “ I’m sorry baby” he kissed my forehead, “ it’s perfectly natural” my mother said leaning back “ you’ll have dreams about your children before they are born, up to when they are 5” she shrugged, NO, this was not happening thaty boy and girl was mine. “ wait you know what it’s gonna look like?” kyle asked now excited, I nodded solemnly, my unborn children were going to die because of me, “ well what does it look like>” I looked at him and smiled the boy had his facial expressions, my face sobered. I felt the tears coming before I could stop it, my son was going to be murdered because of a prophecy. I got up and ran to the bathroom aware that kyle was following me, I slammed the door in his face “ baby what happened?” his voice muffled : stay away from me” I cried to him “ baby what’s wrong”
“ SHUTUP KYLE” I heard him sit down in front of the door. I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes bugged, my stomach was a little bigger and so were my breasts. I have to ask my mom about this, why am I getting bigger daily. I opened the door to find kyle looking up at me his eyes pleading with me like the boys did, I knelt down in front of him and hugged him and cried. He patted my back but didn’t say anything but continued to pat me, “ come on baby its ok” he said when I finished and pulled back. I nodded and pulled him up with me and tugged him to the living room.
“ mom, why am I getting bigger every day” I said when we were seated. I heard her gasp then she looked away “ you noticed” I looked at her like she was sprouting another arm “ umm yeah” I motioned to my breasts “ these feel like wet sandbags and my shirt’s aren’t fitting” I pulled my shirt down. “ well since baby dragons are bigger than regular baby’s they will be at full growth in two months” she said fastly. Everyone looked at her but I broke the silence “ so your telling me in TOW FREAKING MONTHS I’M GONNA HAVE TWIN DRAGONS POPPING OUT OF ME” kyle’s head snapped up “ what?”I looked at him “ yes, ok we’re gonna have green eyed twins” I smiled feebly but then remembered the dream “ they look like you especially the boy, he has your facial expressions, I think he’s my favorite” my face sobered “ in my dream a man slit his throat in front of me because of the prophecy” I wiped away a tear “ I can’t go through that, you” I pointed to kyle “ look like him , and she likes you more than she liked me” I looked back to my mother “ so two months huh” she looked at me with grief and pain “ well a month and a half” I nodded and walked away “ please don’t follow me kyle I can’t really deal with you around me, I love you but it’s too painful” I walked up stairs. I went into my room and laid down I curled into a ball and cried, I had a month and a half to be the best mother and mate I could be. Although it was early I decided to go to sleep, but I didn’t dream about anything except for what was to be done.
I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the challenges. Today I had to ask everybody to help me be better at well everything. I needed to work on my temper, my speech and how I acted. I got up and did my normal routine ignoring how my stomach looked a little bigger and did my hair in two ponytails, I had to look innocent for them to help me. i patted my belly and walked downstairs “ OH YOU CHEATER” I heard travis yell which meant only one thing, games. They were all around the tv playing some game with zombies, I walked in front of the tv and was instantly boo-ed away.
“ hey”
“ watch it”
“ anna move it” I looked at all of them with amusement refusing to look at kyle. “ I need you help” they paused the game and looked at me “ what’s up anna” kyle asked and I looked at my hands folded in front of me. “ I only have a month and a half to prepare to be a mother, I’m not tolerant enough. I need you guys to tell me how my motherliness” they looked at me and laughed. I felt my blood beginning to boil. “ what’s so funny?” I asked through clenched teeth “ anna no offense sweety but you can’t be nice” fred said, before I could stop it a fire ball was spit out my mouth towards fred but kyle stopped it. He looked at me and cocked an eyebrow “ I didn’t do that, I couldn’t even stopped it” I covered my mouth then felt my stomach flutter. “ can you guys help me” I asked pleading for their help. “ fine but you spit out another fire ball at me it’s on” fred said, I squealed and clapped my hands “ so what do I do” I asked looking at each of them still ignoring kyle’s gaze. “ well MOM, I think you should go make breakfast I’m starved” travis said patting his stomach, I looked at him and he looked back, it’s a test. I walked into the kitchen and made ham and eggs. “ ok it’s done” I told them jeff came in and looked at the plate , he pushed it away from him “ I don’t like eggs” I looked at him and saw he was fighting a smile. I pushed the plate back to him smiling numbly “ so eat the ham”
“ I don’t want the ham” he pushed it back
“ It tastes really good and it’s healthy” I pushed it back to him
“Eww, now I definitely don’t want it” he said pushing it as far as his arms could go. I glared at him “ what do you want then “ I asked through clenched teeth, he wagged his finger “ doesn’t matter” I made oatmeal and put a little bit of honey in it. I put it down in front of him “ eh it’s mushy” I was done “ ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE BRAT, YOU EITHER EAT THE OATMEAL OR STARVE” I was fuming and everybody was staring at us. “ I’m sorry but I’ll never be able to do this right” I sat down on a kitchen stool and bit a piece of ham. “ you owe me 5 bucks dude” travis said to kyle, I looked up slowly “ you placed a bet” he nodded “ and why did you lose” he looked at me and I looked away I couldn’t look at those green eyes “ I said you would pass the test, I didn’t know he was gonna push so hard” he looked at travis who looked down.” Ok boys you had your fun, now it’s time to get serious” my mom said “ real dragons don’t care what they eat as long as it tastes good and its food”. I nodded then spit out an ice ball and threw it at travis’s head, he dodged naturally but it was the thought that counted. “ so first things first” she went to the living room and came back with Maria “ hi anna” she said “ hi maria” my mother gave her to me “ she is your little girl for the day and you wont be having a scream fit like last tim” she cocked her brow then left. Everyone left but kyle me and maria, “ you’ll stay right”
They were circling me singing ring around the rosy, the girl with the red hair and and the boy with the blue hair and green eyes. He took them without any warning, snatched them and ran. I tried to follow them, follow they’re screaming for me but my feet wouldn’t carry me fast enough. I burst into a clearing and he stands their with the boy in tears , he reaches for me pleading with his eyes for me to save him, the man has a knife to his throat “ the prophecy can’t be fulfilled” he then slit the boys throat. “NOOO” I woke up, kyle stared at me with fright I grabbed his arm “ don’t let them hurt him” I pleaded with tears running down my face. “ who baby?” he asked putting his around my shoulder “ the boy, he wanted me but I couldn’t move, they killed him” I sobbed. “ who killed who icey?” my mom asked “ I don’t know, I cant get any sleep because of these stupid dreams” I moved closer to kyle gaining comfort from his touch. “ I’m sorry baby” he kissed my forehead, “ it’s perfectly natural” my mother said leaning back “ you’ll have dreams about your children before they are born, up to when they are 5” she shrugged, NO, this was not happening thaty boy and girl was mine. “ wait you know what it’s gonna look like?” kyle asked now excited, I nodded solemnly, my unborn children were going to die because of me, “ well what does it look like>” I looked at him and smiled the boy had his facial expressions, my face sobered. I felt the tears coming before I could stop it, my son was going to be murdered because of a prophecy. I got up and ran to the bathroom aware that kyle was following me, I slammed the door in his face “ baby what happened?” his voice muffled : stay away from me” I cried to him “ baby what’s wrong”
“ SHUTUP KYLE” I heard him sit down in front of the door. I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes bugged, my stomach was a little bigger and so were my breasts. I have to ask my mom about this, why am I getting bigger daily. I opened the door to find kyle looking up at me his eyes pleading with me like the boys did, I knelt down in front of him and hugged him and cried. He patted my back but didn’t say anything but continued to pat me, “ come on baby its ok” he said when I finished and pulled back. I nodded and pulled him up with me and tugged him to the living room.
“ mom, why am I getting bigger every day” I said when we were seated. I heard her gasp then she looked away “ you noticed” I looked at her like she was sprouting another arm “ umm yeah” I motioned to my breasts “ these feel like wet sandbags and my shirt’s aren’t fitting” I pulled my shirt down. “ well since baby dragons are bigger than regular baby’s they will be at full growth in two months” she said fastly. Everyone looked at her but I broke the silence “ so your telling me in TOW FREAKING MONTHS I’M GONNA HAVE TWIN DRAGONS POPPING OUT OF ME” kyle’s head snapped up “ what?”I looked at him “ yes, ok we’re gonna have green eyed twins” I smiled feebly but then remembered the dream “ they look like you especially the boy, he has your facial expressions, I think he’s my favorite” my face sobered “ in my dream a man slit his throat in front of me because of the prophecy” I wiped away a tear “ I can’t go through that, you” I pointed to kyle “ look like him , and she likes you more than she liked me” I looked back to my mother “ so two months huh” she looked at me with grief and pain “ well a month and a half” I nodded and walked away “ please don’t follow me kyle I can’t really deal with you around me, I love you but it’s too painful” I walked up stairs. I went into my room and laid down I curled into a ball and cried, I had a month and a half to be the best mother and mate I could be. Although it was early I decided to go to sleep, but I didn’t dream about anything except for what was to be done.
I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the challenges. Today I had to ask everybody to help me be better at well everything. I needed to work on my temper, my speech and how I acted. I got up and did my normal routine ignoring how my stomach looked a little bigger and did my hair in two ponytails, I had to look innocent for them to help me. i patted my belly and walked downstairs “ OH YOU CHEATER” I heard travis yell which meant only one thing, games. They were all around the tv playing some game with zombies, I walked in front of the tv and was instantly boo-ed away.
“ hey”
“ watch it”
“ anna move it” I looked at all of them with amusement refusing to look at kyle. “ I need you help” they paused the game and looked at me “ what’s up anna” kyle asked and I looked at my hands folded in front of me. “ I only have a month and a half to prepare to be a mother, I’m not tolerant enough. I need you guys to tell me how my motherliness” they looked at me and laughed. I felt my blood beginning to boil. “ what’s so funny?” I asked through clenched teeth “ anna no offense sweety but you can’t be nice” fred said, before I could stop it a fire ball was spit out my mouth towards fred but kyle stopped it. He looked at me and cocked an eyebrow “ I didn’t do that, I couldn’t even stopped it” I covered my mouth then felt my stomach flutter. “ can you guys help me” I asked pleading for their help. “ fine but you spit out another fire ball at me it’s on” fred said, I squealed and clapped my hands “ so what do I do” I asked looking at each of them still ignoring kyle’s gaze. “ well MOM, I think you should go make breakfast I’m starved” travis said patting his stomach, I looked at him and he looked back, it’s a test. I walked into the kitchen and made ham and eggs. “ ok it’s done” I told them jeff came in and looked at the plate , he pushed it away from him “ I don’t like eggs” I looked at him and saw he was fighting a smile. I pushed the plate back to him smiling numbly “ so eat the ham”
“ I don’t want the ham” he pushed it back
“ It tastes really good and it’s healthy” I pushed it back to him
“Eww, now I definitely don’t want it” he said pushing it as far as his arms could go. I glared at him “ what do you want then “ I asked through clenched teeth, he wagged his finger “ doesn’t matter” I made oatmeal and put a little bit of honey in it. I put it down in front of him “ eh it’s mushy” I was done “ ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE BRAT, YOU EITHER EAT THE OATMEAL OR STARVE” I was fuming and everybody was staring at us. “ I’m sorry but I’ll never be able to do this right” I sat down on a kitchen stool and bit a piece of ham. “ you owe me 5 bucks dude” travis said to kyle, I looked up slowly “ you placed a bet” he nodded “ and why did you lose” he looked at me and I looked away I couldn’t look at those green eyes “ I said you would pass the test, I didn’t know he was gonna push so hard” he looked at travis who looked down.” Ok boys you had your fun, now it’s time to get serious” my mom said “ real dragons don’t care what they eat as long as it tastes good and its food”. I nodded then spit out an ice ball and threw it at travis’s head, he dodged naturally but it was the thought that counted. “ so first things first” she went to the living room and came back with Maria “ hi anna” she said “ hi maria” my mother gave her to me “ she is your little girl for the day and you wont be having a scream fit like last tim” she cocked her brow then left. Everyone left but kyle me and maria, “ you’ll stay right”
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