» Fiction » A Journey Into The Unknown, Angel [mind reading books .txt] 📗

Book online «A Journey Into The Unknown, Angel [mind reading books .txt] 📗». Author Angel

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held onto him as we ventured into the unknown. We walked in silence, I figured we were both use to traveling alone. Who knew what might hear us if we were talking anyways. Afterall who knew what was lurking about out here. I was lost in my thoughts when he suddenly jerked me up and threw me across his shoulder. If it hadn't been for the ground flying by I wouldn't have realized that he was running. I couldn't see his feet moving at all, then it hit me we were moving way to fast. It was almost like being in a car. Before I could finish processing my thoughts I was back on my feet beside a motorcycle. He started the bike with no problems. He held out a helmet for me to take. I thought about it for half second then refused the helmet and climbed on the the back of the bike. He laughed at my stubborness and we were off flying through the fog at an alarming rate. Before I could panic I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his back. I felt him shake with laughter at my reaction.

I was getting sore from being on the bike for so long. I don.t know if he knew that or if we had reached our destination, but I was thankful when we started slowing down. I took a chance and unburied my face to look around. I was surprised to see that we were in a clearing, a break in the fog. Then I remembered what happened the last time I was in a place like this. I immediately looked to the sky and started searching. He sat paitiently on the bike waiting for me to get off. When I felt confident that the sky was clear I got off.As soon as I was off he got off and pushed the bike into some nearby bushes. After hiding it he started walking towards the forest. I was a little confused, but I followed him anyways. We walked maybe ten feet into the trees when I saw a little stone cottage nestled in the bushes. I followed him inside, it was very cozy.It was decorated in the most beautiful wood grain I had ever seen. I just hated that it took so much tragedy for me to find something so beautiful.

After the awe of this place wore off I spotted a chair and took a seat. That's when I noticed that I was alone again. I hadn't seen him leave, but I was alone. Which he did seem to move around very quickly, even without the bike. I let out a sigh and wondered where I should go from here. Maybe I should stick around for a bit, but who knew how long I'd be safe here.

"Come on, there's something I want to show you.", he scared me half to death. When he suddenly appeared in the doorway I jumped and he chuckled. I recovered and walked over to him. He lead me back to the clearing and looked up at the sky. I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked up at the sky. It was dark and full of stars, it took my breath away. I couldn't remember the last time I had seen the stars. They were absoloutely breath taking. I was completely lost in them when he cleared his throat,"I thought you would like this, that's why I brought you here.". When I looked at him he gave me a warm smile. "Thank you so much.", I smiled back at him. "We should get back inside.", he took my hand and led the way back to the cottage. Once we were inside he closed the door and I found my chair again."Why were you wandering around out there all alone?", he asked breaking the silence. "Well everyone I know is dead, I barely escaped with my own life.", "Then I figured that they were following me so I kept moving.". He didn't seem surprised by my answer and never commented on it. "I have something I have to do, you should rest and I'll be here when you wake.", And he left me there all alone. I saw a small bed on the farside of the room and decided I should take his advice.

I woke to the smell of food again. I sat up so quickly it made my head spin. By the time the spinning stopped I looked up to see him handing me the bowl. I was glad that he had kept his word and came back.I gave him a warm smile and took the bowl. We sat in silence while I ate and he searched the cottage for anything useful. After I had finished the food I sat the bowl on the floor and stretched. When I reached to retrieve the bowl from the floor, but it was gone. He hadn't come anywhere near me had he. When I spotted him he was was putting the clean bowl in the bag he had.

"Why are you helping me?", I asked trying not to read to much into the bowl disappearance. "Would you prefer I didn't?", he countered. "No I'm glad that you are I was just wondering is all.", I half smiled at him. "We should get moving.",he smiled and tossed the bag over his shoulder. I got to my feet and followed him back to the bike. I watched him take it from its hiding place and prop it up on the kickstand. Then he strapped the bag to the back fender and started the bike. I hesitated before I took my place behind him, and just as before we were flying through the fog and the trees way too fast. I was regretting not taking the helmet he had offered before. If I had I would have it now, instead it was laying on the ground where we had found the bike. Why did I have to be so stubborn.

However I did find comfort in the fact that he seemed to be taking me in the same general direction I was already going on my own.I figured that I should take this time to think on how to question this man, my rescuer. I guess I could start with his name, not sure if I should ask him about the odd creatures I hve encountered. Or the odd things I've noticed about him, like how he seemed to move too fast, never ate anything,or never slept. It might be in everyone's best interest if I kept those questions to myself.
What Is He?

The sound of the bike giving out of gas jerked me away from my thoughts, I kept my face buried in his back listening to the engine sputter until we rolled to a stop. I looked up to see a barn, I got off and watched him push the bike inside as I followed. He had put the bike on it's kickstand and wasright there closing the door behind me as I walked in. Then he was on the other side of the barn searching through things. Seeing him moving so fast sent chills down my spine, but I acted as if I hadn't noticed.

"Are we staying here?", I had to break the silence. "No, I was hoping to find a jug of gas here.",he never looked at me just kept rummaging through things. I'd helped but he had searched the entire barn before I got in the door good.Turning towards me and giving me a smile that worried me,"Looks like we're going on foot from here.",he took the bag from the bike and handed to me. I took the bag and he opened the door for me. I placed the bag on my back as I walked out the door. He closed the door and without warning he grabbed my are and tossed me on his back with increadiable ease. Before I had hold of him good he was off at an impossible speed, not wanting to have to face the realization I buried my face in his neck. After a while he patted my arm and I looked up to see that we were standing still thankfully. Once I was on my feet and gathered my composure I looked around to see that wee were standing in front of a large two story farmhouse.It was yellow even though most of the paint had chipped off or had been clawed off which was probably the case, it had a large front porch that seemed to still be holding up pretty well. "We're staying here tonight.", He smiled at me as I examined our safe house for the night."Just wait here a moment while I check inside.",then he vanished inside. I figured I'd look around while he was inside but I still couldn't see anything but the fog and it seemed to be thicker. "Come on it's safe.", I jumped and spun around to find him inches from me. He smiled at my reaction and grabbed my hand leading me inside.The inside of the house was covered in filth and dust. The floorboards creaked as I walked on them, the wallpaper barley hanging on the walls, but windows were boarded over.

He closed the door and locked it then led me upstairs to a room in the back of the house. To my amazement this room was different. It wasn't dusty,the wallpaper was still holding its own pretty well,and the bed looked freshly made. Compared to the rest of the house this room was immaculant. There was no way he could have cleaned this room he had only been inside a few short minutes,could he? I pushed the lingering question away it was too much for me to study on at the moment and I really didn't want to be alone again. It's been kind of nice having someone around. I took a seat in a chair sitting in the corner of the room, leaving the bed and sofa open for him to pick from. He had to be tired surely, I hadn't seen him sleep at all. All the other safe houses had been so tiny with only one single bed and a chair in them. He shook his head and smiled when I sat down in the chair. Surprisingly he sat down on the side of the bed. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"You never told me your name?", now was a good time for answers. "Neither have you.", he had me there I hadn't."I'm Melissa, now you know.",I gave him a sarcastic grin. "Michael.",he met my grin with one of his own. When he said his name I immediately thought of the Arc Angel Michael,i'm not sure why but that would explain some things. I couldn't fathom why my train of thought went in that direction I had given up on God long before all this started.My life had always been overshadowed by pain more than happiness. I had very few happy moments to remember. I let the question drop off there, I

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