» Fiction » Loving a Crosten, Jessica Erstad [free ebook reader for iphone TXT] 📗

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Earth? And so many more. Then I kissed Drako, and it felt good to have his lips on mine. Knowing that he had missed me as much as I had missed him felt good. We moved towards his bed, and then I realized he was listening to my play list. Jar of Hearts was on, by Christina Perri. When I stopped kissing him to listen to the lyrics, he looked at me. I smiled, and pulled him onto his bed with me. This smile could never leave my face, as long as I was with him. Nothing could hurt me.
“ Mind explaining?” He asked me, he wanted me to explain? I don’t even know what’s going on. Or where I am really, how could I explain? He should be the one explaining. I sat on his lap and leaned my head on his shoulder, his muscles flexed as if waiting. His arm wrapped around me then.
“ I can only tell you what I know, and then I expect you to do the same!” I told him, and he chuckled softly, and I felt his breath on my neck, and then I told him everything I could remember. From the last second I was in my home, to when I came here. Drako didn’t say anything for a little while he just held me in his arms which was comforting. I loved every second of it, and the two days between us vanished. Chris vanished from my thoughts, and so did Janelle, Calib, and Luke.
“ So you want to know my story?”

Chapter # 3 ~ Drako’s Story ~

Ella’s POV

“ Okay, when I was born I had a twin brother. His name is Ashton, and he is ruler of the Everly’s which is what you are, or should be. Your pure good, me well I’m the ruler of the Crsoten’s which is well evil. They are two realms besides the human realm, which is where you lived. Or live, my parents Anna and Kiran, Anna being the leader of Everly and Kiran being the leader of Crosten. My parents were never supposed to be together, they were enemies, or should have been. They loved each other, and had my brother and I. My father chose to teach me to be the ruler of Crosten, and my mother chose to make Ashton the ruler of Everly. They died when I was 12 making me the youngest ruler of Crosten, and my brother the youngest ruler of Everly,” Drako paused and looked at me intently, “ Well 6 years later my executives decided we needed to scout the human realm and see if is was easy to take over. So I came, and well you know what happened in school. You captivated me, you were the only human to see me for who I was. Now I know you weren’t exactly human. We age different then humans, once we reach 18 we stay there for a good 15 years, and then age again till we reach 30 and we stay for another 20 years. Well I decided that the human realm could easily be taken over if we had the girl in the prophecy. Which is you,” he looked at me again. I thought about what he was telling me, and his parents have the same names as mine! Isn’t that a little weird? Well I’ll wait until later, “ And I was rushed back here away from you, the night after our party. I came to say good-bye to you, because I didn’t think you were one of us. If you not one of us you would die the moment you came here. I figured I could come back and see you again, and I knew you would be mad at me and possibly hate me.” He looked up and I know he saw hurt in my eyes. I was hurt, hurt that he would do that, hurt that he thought I could hate him.
“ I might have hated you once, but never again, I would be mad at you though,” I laughed and hugged him, and a tear stung my eyes. Of all the hurt I would have went through if my uncle hadn’t kidnapped me. I wouldn’t be here, would that be worse? “ Umm I have a quick question, do you find it weird that our parents have the same names?” I asked him and he looked at me, and then he looked confused.
“ You never mentioned your parents names, but I do find it odd that our parents have the same first names,” Drako told me, and I thought about it. I was younger then him, but even so they weren’t my birth parents. They were my adoptive parents he was only four years older then me. They were gone a lot when you were younger… No! Shut up voice, he said his parents were dead. So they couldn’t be the same, unless they never found bodies.

Ariella’s POV

Where was Ella? She was so stupid! She was a no brain half wit, and then some. Where did she go and why didn’t she tell me? She tells me everything! Hold on a second Ari, first of all she is your twin. Your not her mother, she’s eighteen, she’ll do whatever she wants. I was supposed to know where she was at all times! I’m going to be in so much trouble with Jack.
“ Ariella!” Uncle Bates yelled, and I walked into the living room to face him. He looked mad considering I just got home. You might ask why I still live with him, and its mostly because I don’t have any choice. I don’t have a job, and I don’t go to college. So where else am I supposed to live? Sooner or later he was going to kick me out, he didn’t like having me here. I reminded him to much of my mother. Who died when I was five, and I don’t remember anything about her, or my father who died then too. My uncles first name is Alex, but I just call him Bates when I’m not talking to him. Alex Rain Bates, weird name right? Sounds human right? He’s not human though, my aunt Cindy is though. Bates is a full blooded Crosten his daughter Andrea, who was a Cross. Which is what we call those who arent fully Crostens or Everly’s there Cross’s.
Oh yea where were we? Oh yes Ella becoming ruler of Crosten would be terrible. If she was the one in the prophecy, which she’s not. She cant be! She’s good, it has to be me because I’m well not good! She should go to Everly I’m sure Ashton would love her. Crosten is just as big as Earth, well technically it is earth still. Earth is actually split into three realms, human, Crosten, and Everly.
Crsoton and Everly are more advanced in technology then the human realm though. The only lack is actually communication, which is where the humans excel. Everly and Croston and time machines, transporters, hover cars, and powers. Not super powers, but powers. Well maybe they are kind of like super powers. Most have one power, some have two, less have three, few have four, normally no one has more then five. No one normal anyway, you might be wondering about me. Well I’m not telling right now.

Drako’s POV

Ella and I lay in my bed, and I couldn’t help thinking about the prophecy. Ella didn’t have a twin, so who was I supposed to protect her from. My parents were part of the prophecy, my parents were still alive! They took care of Ella, but who was her twin? Her twin was supposed to kill her, but that was another verse. It was the second prophecy, but it was for the first prophecy. I didn’t care if I was the one to turn Crosten good or not, but nothing was going to happen to my Ella. When she was brought into this, well lets just say its more then a little personal. Ella was all I could think about, and she was laying right next to me. I wrapped my arms around her protecting. Until I pulled them back onto my head! My head hurt, shoot!

Ariella rushed into my bedroom, she wore Crsoten colors, but she looked at me once. Then went directly for Ella, I couldn’t move! I couldn’t stand the feeling at all. There was something keeping me from helping her, and I couldn’t figure out what is was. Ariella smiled wickedly, and Ella looked scared. Ariella whispered something to Ella before snapping her neck. I screamed.
End of vision.

I was pulled out of my vision and Ella held my head in her arms, and she looked at me with concerned eyes. She looked really scared. “ I’m fine Ella, I’m more worried about you. Is Ariella your sister?” I asked her and she looked at me and her face told me she had no clue what I was talking about. Which meant my parents took her from her birth parents, but left Ariella. Ella did tell me My parents weren’t the ones who gave birth to her. She found her Birth Certificate.
I wondered, what kind of powers might Ella have? Could learning how to use them protect her from Ariella? Or was Ariella that dangerous. She made some kind of field where I couldn’t get near Ella. That scared me, more then I knew. I wouldn’t be able to protect her. She needs to know how to protect herself, but how and where will she be safe enough to learn? Would it better if I sent her back to the human realm?
“ Drako?” Ella murmured looking at me intently. She looked scared, and confused. “ We’ll figure out whatever’s scaring you together you know that right?” She asked, and I pulled my head up and called for a servant to bring up some ice. They were quick and Ella now looked worried.
“ Ella love go back to sleep I just had a vision,” I told her, and that was smart! She doesn’t know anything about powers! Now I just told her I had a vision, which she was going to question. She wasn’t stupid. Well that gave me all the reason to know she didn’t think she had any, but she had to have at least one.

Ella’s POV

How! Drako just told me he had a vision! Is that even possible? That’s not humanly possible. Your not human! Neither is he. Something in my head reminded me. I guess I wasn’t wrapping my head around this the way I wanted to yet. I wasn’t ready! I needed more information, I was being brought into the middle of something I knew nothing of. Well besides what Drako had told me but really? I needed to be raised with the information to have any chance of figuring out what it meant.
“ Can you do anything abnormal?” Drako suddenly asked, and I looked at him. Really he was asking me this? Was he stupid?
“ I don’t know! You tell me. Do I? I don’t know, I don’t get any of this! You’ve just dropped it all on me last night, now your telling me you have visions. So cant you tell me?” I shouted and he pulled me into a hug which I pulled right out of. I think that was the first time I pulled away from one of Drako’s hugs. He looked hurt. Really though? How could I even think about answering his question with all of this on my mind. Did he even think about how this was affecting me? No. He thought about himself. Typical Drako.
“ Ella, you know that’s not what I meant! You know
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