» Fiction » One School Day, Zoe Zhang [best e ink reader for manga TXT] 📗

Book online «One School Day, Zoe Zhang [best e ink reader for manga TXT] 📗». Author Zoe Zhang

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the board to finish writing the assignment. While her back was turned I whipped out a post-it note from my binder. I scribbled silently as in not to attract anyone.

Good shot! Right next to the nose!
Just make sure you don’t get caught.
Be careful…
Akira Yamagachi

I crumpled the note to form a ball and threw it at Abby. She caught it without hesitation and started reading it. I saw her face light up. Not wanting to attract attention, she sent a grin my way. I nodded and turned back to the show.
Ms. Worton’s shoulders shook with rage. She spun around so quickly that everyone jumped up slightly.
“Whoever did that, I’ll get them expelled! For GOOD!” She screamed.
Then everyone’s gaze caught something flying in the air. Without looking up, Ms. Worton caught it and instead of crumpling it up and throwing it away, she held it in her hand and unfolded it. She peered at the piece of paper suspiciously.
“Hey Ms. Worton. You really DO look like a witch now, don’t you agree?” she read aloud. She shook violently from head to toe. Uh-oh, I don’t like the sound of this…
“BRRRRRRRRRRRM” Saved by the bell!

Everyone scurried out of the classroom, sweeping his or her binders out the door. Safa and Abby were the first ones out the door and down the hall. They stopped abruptly, though, at the lockers to wait for Kerry and I to catch up.
“That was,” Kerry panted.
“Amazing.” I finished for him. Kerry glared at me suspiciously.
“You know, you seem to be finishing my sentences all the time. Is it a gift or are you just trying to annoy me?”
“The latter,” I said, giggling at Kerry’s face. He screwed his face and shook his finger in front of my face.
“Never choose the latter, Akira. It’s bad luck!” he cried sarcastically, making “ooooo” sounds. Abby hit him on the head.
“Oh, be quiet. The faster we get to P.E., the faster this day can end.” She stated. She didn’t like P.E. anymore then I did.
I nodded in agreement. “Hai, hai.” Yes, yes. They were used to me saying that. I still can’t get over the habit of speaking bits Japanese.
We met at the bike racks. This was where we split off. Abby and I would go into the girl’s locker room and Kerry would go to the boy’s locker room. Then Abby, Kerry, and I would separate all together, me going to Mr. Talem, Abby going to Ms. Mallor, and Kerry going to Mrs. Talem.
Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t enjoy P.E. Then again, what the heck am I talking about? Nobody enjoys P.E. But I don’t hate it, because it doesn’t only depend on what teacher you have, but whom you have to cooperate with. Everybody in my P.E. class I knew, but there was one student I made as an expectance: Mari Alakut.
I had heard that she just got back from her home state, Mexico, after sticking there for a few months. And I wasn’t happy at all. Mari has been one of those snotty, stuck-up girls who think they’re all that (not too much unlike Carter, but he was on friendly terms with me), and I hated people like that. Especially if one of those people happens to be the one to tease me of my skin color and life. That surprises me greatly, because she herself was black and Spanish, so I had no idea what her reason was to abuse me as she does. And because Kerry, Abby, and I are separated in Music, P.E., AND elective classes, which just happen to be the same classes that Mari is in with me, which also makes it even harder to avoid her. Yes, I do have more friends than Kerry and Abby; I’m not a loner or anything. But there aren’t close enough friends to stand up for me besides Abby and Kerry.
I rushed in the Girls Locker room with Abby, and we both rushed out together.

I sighed. “Well, this is where we part.” I said sadly, making Abby laugh softly and shake me on the shoulder.
“Oh, you’re just overreacting. I mean, it’s just for an hour, right?” She smiled and started jogging to the soccer field. “Bye!” she called, as I watched her blue P.E. uniform flash around the corner of the swimming pool fence. I sighed deeply, yet again. My depression was only to turn worse when I turned around.
I spun around, sensing someone standing behind me, only to face my all hated arch nemesis, little miss perfect. Okay, not arch nemesis; I have another even worse enemy. But she was close enough to be one. I narrowed my eyes at her, realizing she was smirking at me.
“Welcome bac-” I began, but was cut off.
“I don’t want YOUR welcome, Koyto freak.” Mari sneered. I didn’t bother correcting that it was Kyoto to her. I never did. And I know that if I did, it would just boost her ego.
I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. See ya,” I said, and, very quietly after I got out of earshot, I muttered, “Marisnot.” It was her new nickname, and it fit her perfectly. I’m so lucky that I have Abby as a best friend. She made it up herself. I happily skipped (or as happily as I could) to the far end of the basketball courts, seeing all of my classmates that had come early. As I sat down, I smiled at Teresa, and she smiled back. At least I had at least ONE person who I could trust in this class.
I looked around at all people surrounding me, reminding myself that now that Ishalla Staney had transferred to another class, it gave Mari a slight disadvantage of bullying me. And that was when I noticed something wrong with the crowd. Wait, now I remember! Mr. Talem said something about having another student joining our class. And sitting in Ishalla’s spot was—wait!
I suddenly narrowed my eyes at a smiling boy. I nudged Teresa, pointing at Ishalla’s spot. I wasn’t very happy.
“Teresa, tell me, HOW did we end up with one of the biggest jerks our class, transferred to our P.E. class?” I groaned, putting my backhand against my forehead, acting as if I was about to faint from depression. Teresa raised her eyebrows and glanced at me.
“Oh, come one, Jordan isn’t THAT bad.” She said, giggling as she and some other people watched Jordan try a break dance move on the black top, almost succeeding in flipping himself over. A couple of boys whistled and clapped, while everybody else laughed at his instincts.
“Okay kids, hustle, hustle!” Mr. Talem hollered over everyone, making Jordan drop down from his stunt. Mr. Talem blew his whistle hard, startling everybody and making us jump slightly.
“Jordan, I heard that you have been moved from Mrs. Mallor’s class, due to some-- blah blah blah, blah blah blah! Blah blah blah—” I tuned out Mr. Talem’s voice, his voice droning on like a robot. I yawned and nudged Teresa into a game of Chopsticks.
After some time, Mr. Talem stopped talking, and I tried to focus to him.
As Mr. Talem fumbled with his whistle, this alerted the class that he was about to make an announcement. He shifted uneasily, and stood up straight.
“Well, as you know, Cindy and I recently got married,” a few nods and murmurs were heard, and Mr. Talem took that as a sign to continue. “And,” he said, clasping his hands together. “We just figured out that she’s pregnant!”
Several whoops and “Congratulations, Mr. Talem!” were hollered and spoken out loud to him, and a round of applause was heard too. Mr. Talem smiled proudly. Some of the boys in the front row stood up and thumped him on the back.
From the back, I saw Amber jump up from her spot and walk over to Mr. Talem. She had tugged on his sleeve, and instantly started jabbering to him. Since I was in the way back, and there were still people talking about Mrs. Talem being pregnant, I couldn’t hear most of the conversation, though I heard a few words, like “shopping”, “have some help”, “boy? Girl?”, and “Wait.”
Then I saw her wave me over, and I pointed at my chest. “Me?” I mouthed. She nodded, and continued waving me up. I sighed, and slowly got up to jog over to where Mr. Talem and Amber were.
“You see, I asked Mr. Talem if you and I could go shopping for some baby clothes for the new baby, and since they don’t even know what gender it is yet, um, we’ll be able to go shopping in…” she paused, and looked at Mr. Talem for a response. “8 months.” He said abruptly. I could see he didn’t like being hassled, so I dragged Amber to her seat.
“So? Do you agree?” she asked hopefully, pleading with her hands kept together. I nodded dumbly.
“Just,” I said, picking my words out carefully, trying to make sure I didn’t make a mistake or slip. “Don’t bother me until 2 months before we should go shopping, okay?” I said. She cried in victory, and said a quick thank you before I left to my seat.
Mr. Talem suddenly blew the whistle to get everyone’s attention. When everybody had quieted down and looked at him, he laughed. “Rowdy kids. Don’t think just because Mrs. Talem is pregnant you get a free period off of today. Everyone, run the half-mile, do 30 push-ups, and line up at the gym. We’re playing dodge ball today!” he announced loudly. The whole class groaned and moaned, and some of the faster boys and girls, including Teresa, ran ahead of the group. I looked crestfallen. Great, just great. Torture began, and it lasted for 50 minutes.

“BRRRRRRRRRRRM” WTDBB (Went the Demented Ball Bell)
“Abby! Kerry! OMIGOD, THANK GOODNESS!” I yelled as I practically jumped at the two said people, grabbing on to their arms, as if willing them not to leave. They both awkwardly patted my back and pulled me over the side of the bike racks.
“How was the torture chamber? Did you survive?” she said, looking partly serious, while also looking at her watch every 15 seconds waiting for the second bell to ring.
“Well, being the all-so-brave-warrior, why am I standing here, then?” I asked sarcastically. Abby glared at me.
“Since when did you become the queen of smart remarks?” she said, placing her hands on her hips.
“Since I became you friend. Oh, and it’s princess of smart remarks.” I said, holding my head up high, acting superior-like.
She narrowed her eyes at me. “Ha, ha, very funny.” She grumbled. Kerry and I just laughed.
“Ah, that’s right,” Kerry said, snapping his fingers. “Did you guys know that Mrs. Talem is pregnant now?” I nodded.
“Yeah,” I answered. “And Amber already forced me to go shopping with her until they know the gender of the baby. And I promised her that she couldn’t bother me until 2 months before they figure out—” my eyes widened. “Oh, no.” I guess I didn’t pick my words carefully enough. Abby smirked and glanced warily at me.
“Don’t try to make promises like that when you don’t know what you’re doing, okay? ‘Cause it’ll be like going into your own private torture chamber for 2 WHOLE MONTHS.” Abby shuddered. “I’m glad that I don’t have to go through that.” I glared pointedly at her. She steadily returned it, though in my mind I was cheering, and was happy. Abby would be by my side through the whole thing.
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