» Fiction » The Jerks, The Players, and The Girl.., Sam Ale [which ebook reader .txt] 📗

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anything. Whatever she said was good cuz he hugged her. He murmurs something and then looks at me as I get out of bed. I swallow hard, “Matt, bro, I’m sorry.” He shakes his head and pulls me in for a man hug. What?! You never had a man hug?! Your missing out! I smile and pat his back. Matt says, “I overreacted, I’m sorry.” I pull back so I can look at him as I smile. “No problem man. No hard feelings.” Then we start walking downstairs, joking around with each other, then Matt murmurs softly “I wouldn’t have been so mad if you told me you finally asked her out.” I looked at him like he was crazy. One minute he was about to clobber me but, now he wants me to ask out his little sister. Wow.. Weird day. I walk to the kitchen, feeling starved. Sam follows after us and goes over to Zane, ruffling his baby blonde hair. Gosh, why doesn’t she do that to me. I watched them together. Wondering how Zane was better then me. Zane was swatting at her hand trying to get her away from his hair, I watch her sigh then drop his hair, then he leans down and kisses her cheek. I start to see red. His lips on my girl. No way! Then she giggles and hugs the loser. Wait?! Loser?! That’s Zane. My best bud. Ughhh My head feels so scrabbled! All thanks to her. Wow.. I watch as she jumps on his back and he carries her to the TV room. Why can’t I do that? Why can’t I be the one she plays around with? I’d be so much fun. I frown and turn away. Not wanting to look or I was going to start pounding Zane’s face in. Matt came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. “Hey, easy man. No worries?” I nod stiffly. He was about to leave when I said, “Why does she like him better then me?” I swallow hard, preparing for the answer. Matt looks at me for a second then starts to laugh. I stare at him in disbelief. He grabs the counter because he’s laughing so hard. “Y-Y-You seriously w-w-want me t-to answer t-that?” I frown and nod. Matt straightens and calms his laughter. “How come you haven’t figured it out?” he asks genuinely curious. “Figured out what?” My gut immediately twists, ‘Are they secretly dating?’ No, they can’t be! Can they? Matt chuckles and says softly, “Bro, Zane is totally gay. Haven’t you figured that out?” I stare at Matt opened mouth. “Y-Your serious?! Zane is gay?!” Matt nods. “That’s why his parents kicked him out.” Then Matt walks out, shaking his head and still laughing. I look through the doorway, watching Zane and Sam cuddle. He’s gay. I laugh. The guy who was out to steal my girl, wasn’t interested in her. I laugh louder, and stand near the doorway, watching my love.
Chapter 8

*** Sam ***
The boys were gathered in the kitchen, eating something or other. I grabbed an apple from the fridge and hopped onto the counter next to my best friend, Zane. I ruffled his soft blonde hair, smiling when he swats my hand away. “Sam,” he whines, trying to push me away. “Please don’t touch my hair!” I sighs and gave it one last tug before releasing him. He smiles and gives me a quick kiss on my cheek. I giggle and hug him. Zane is my best friend because he is really sweet. Oh and I forgot to mention.. he’s gay. Yeah! Shocker right? Yes? No? Maybe? Okay! Anyway I jumped on his back and said, “Carry me to the TV room!” I play with his hair and bite into my apple and he laughs, shaking his head. He carries me to the TV room. Plopping me on the couch then sitting next to me. I smile at him and put my head in his lap. He turns on the TV and I grab the remote, turning it to SpongeBob. He groan and so do the other boys. “Really Sam?!” I nod and Zane leans back watching. The other boys keep complaining and I chuckle and shake my finger at them, “Hush! I am trying to watch the little sponge dance!” they chuckle and get up to get more food. I look at Chris, then smile and get up walking toward him. He looks at me with a lustful, wary smile. I put my hands on his chest and lean very close to him. “Will you get me some potatoes chips Chris? Please?” I ask, running my hands over his chest and then his abs. He gasps softly and nods, then I pull back smiling. “Thanks Chris” then I walk back and sit next to Zane. I hear Chris swear under his breath and the guys laughing. I glance at Chris and see Chris Junior has come out to play. I laugh and cover my eyes. “Umm.. Chris? You might want to… umm..fix..your situation.” I hear him chuckle and then walk away to the kitchen. I can hear the guys laughter and comments like.. “Damn she got you good bro” “Haha Why’d you fall for it?” I smile and Zane gives me a high-five. “You are so beast girlfriend!” I laugh and slap his palm. We settle back into the couch, listening to the guys tease Chris. He comes back in looking mad he tosses me the bag of chips and I smile and blow him a kiss. He smirks and comes to sit next to me and Zane. “Hmm.. I believe you teased me there Sam.. You might want to either kiss me or suffer my revenge.” He murmurs into my ear with a wink. I hear two sets of footsteps but I don’t glance to see who it is. I smile at Chris and lean in really close, making his sparkling blue eyes shine brighter. My lips are mere inches from his when something grabs Chris by the collar of his shirt and jerk him away.

~~~ Shane ~~~
I was watching Sam lay on Zane’s lap, day dreaming that it was mine when the guys started to come into the kitchen. I quickly busied myself with the sundae I was making for me and Sam. She and I love ice cream. Then I hear her voice, low and seductive. I turn and see her standing in front of Chris, looking small in comparison. I almost growl when I see her touch him, running her hands over his chest and abs, smiling. I glare at Chris as he gasps loving the feel of her hands then just as soon as it started it stopped. I quickly turn and hear Chris swear as he walks into the kitchen, rummaging for food. The guys are teasing him. Apperantly Sam was just playing with him. Thank God. I wouldn’t have been able to handle it if she was serious. Especially about him, I concentrate on the sundae so I don’t go and beat Chris’s face in for looking at her in such a way. Then I do turn when I hear his low voice, saying her name. I look at them. Her pinned in between his arms, her lips teasing his. He is enjoying it. You can tell from the slight bulge in his shorts. I walk into the room thinking they are fooling around, then he smiles wickedly and leans closer. I grab his collar and jerk him away from her. Growling, I hold him high. Sam jumps off the couch and touches me shoulder, pleading with me to put him down. That they were playing. Then Chris says, “Oh yeah, I was gonna teach her how to play. My way.” My grip tightens and Chris gasps, trying to breathe. Visions of him and Sam made me want to kill him. Kill, my best friend, right now. “Take it back” I say in a low, scary calm voice. Chris claws at my hands wanting me to release him. “I-I-I t-take I-it b-bac-ck” I drop Chris and Sam pulls me into the kitchen.

Chapter 9

*** Sam ***
I look up expecting to see Matt, instead I see Shane.. Looking very pissed off. I jump up and touch his shoulder, “Shane. Relax, we were just playing around.” Chris smirks and opens his big mouth, “Oh yeah.. I was gonna teach her how to play. My way.” I glare at him in shock and Shane’s grip tightens. Chris gasps and tries to push him away. “Take it back.” Shane says in a threatening tone, grip tightening more. “I-I-I t-take I-it b-bac-ck” Chris gasps, his breathing low and shallow. I grab Shane’s hand and he releases Chris, who falls to the floor, gasping for breath. I pull Shane into the kitchen and stare at him as he paces. His hands are shaking as he turns to me and I expect him to yell. Instead he gently places his trembling hands on my shoulders and tilts my chin up to face him. “Sam.. What were you thinking?” He asks softly, green eyes piercing my boring brown ones. “I.. was just playing with him. I never meant for him to take me seriously.” He sighs and lowers his head. “He’s a player Sam, you know that. He’ll take you to his bed against your will if he has to. He’s to stubborn to realize you don’t want him. Unless..” Shane glances at me eyes unreadable. I jump, “No! Oh Lord, no. I can’t- couldn’t- ever be with Chris. We aren’t.. won’t ever be.. compatible..” Shane sighs in relief and his eyes seem to soften and relax. “Okay well, with that taken care of. Matt was wondering if you wanted to throw a party in celebration of graduating?” Shane smiles at me and I nod rapidly. “Yes, Yes, Yes! I totally want to throw a party” His smile gets brighter and I laugh. He turns around to grab some food and I watch his muscles ripple as he reaches into the cabinet for a bowl. ’I wonder what it would feel like to have his arms around me.. “ I shake my head, getting rid of that thought. I can’t think like that. I can’t! He’s my brothers best friend. He is totally off limits. Though.. I wouldn’t mind.. No! I can’t.. I start walking into the TV room trying to clear

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