» Fiction » The Cloud Dream of the Nine, Kim Man-Choong [bearly read books txt] 📗

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servants running towards them at great speed with a host of people following.

One rushed forward to say: “The Emperor and the Empress have sent out refreshments.”

The Prince and the Master then returned, went into the pavilion and waited. Two officers of the Court poured out the Imperial wine and ordered two others to bring specially decorated writing paper.

They each took one in hand, knelt down, opened the roll and the subject suggested was “The Hunt,” and the command was given to write.

What the Master wrote ran as follows:

“In early morning, with all the combatants, off we go, With glittering swords and arrows like shooting stars. [p256]

The tent is filled with the prettiest faces in the land. In pairs, before the horses, are the keen-eyed falcons.

We unite to taste with grateful hearts the sweet wine of the king, We draw the glittering sword and cut from the high roast before us.

I think of last year, and the wild western hordes, While I go forth on this happy hunt to-day.”

Prince Wol wrote:

“Flying dragons go by us like the lightning, Fitted to the saddle, and accompanied by the rattling drum.

Swift like shooting stars, like arrows that strike the deer, Round as the moon, flash the bows and the falling wildgoose answers.

The joy of the hunter rises in the keen zest of the play, While all faces shine from the royal wines that flow.

Let’s no more talk of the fine shots of Yo-yang; How could he ever equal the feats of this happy day?”


The officials received the compositions, bade farewell and returned within the city, while the two companies of guests sat each in rows and the stewards passed refreshments. Who can tell of the delightful flavour of wine mixed with milk and of the tender lips of the monkey? Fruit was there from Wol, and potatoes from Yong piled high on the green stone platters, and such a banquet none had ever seen even at the Lake of Gems with the Western Queen Mother presiding. One need not speak of gatherings under Moo-jee of Han or of such delicacies or delights ever having been seen before.

Behold the dancers ready, a thousand strong, in ranks three deep with the broad silk awning shading them. The sound of gems and ornaments was like rippling thunder; the slender waists of the dancers were more lithe than the willow; the hundred pretty faces vied with the flowers in freshness and beauty; the sound of harps and flutes surpassed the music of many waters; the singing made the whole South Mountain to tremble.

When the glass was passed Prince Wol said to the Master: “I, your humble servant, have been the recipient of your abundant favour, and there is no way by which I can return my lively appreciation. I want once to make you glad through the maids-of-honour that I have brought with me, so, if you please, I will call them and make them sing and dance before your Excellency.”

The Master thanked him and said: “How should your humble servant look upon the ladies of my lord’s household, but since we are brothers, bound together by your sister’s gracious favour, I shall venture to be [p258] so bold. I, too, have my household here who desire to see the celebration, and I shall call upon them to accompany the ladies of your palace, each following the music according to her own special skill, and so add cheer to the occasion.”

The Prince replied: “Good, how happy your suggestion is.”

Then Moonlight and Wildgoose and four dancers of Prince Wol came forth, and made their obeisance before the dais.

The Master said: “In ancient times King Yong had one famous dancing-girl whose name was Lotus Bud. Yi Tai-baik earnestly requested King Yong that he might hear her sing, but he never dreamed of asking to see her face. Now I, your humble servant, see all these pretty dancers and behold their beauty, and am therefore blessed many times beyond Yi Tai-baik. What are the names of these four, please? “

The four then advanced and gave answer for themselves, saying: “I am the Cloud Fairy of Keum-neung; I am Hair Pin of Chin-joo; I am Ok-yon of Moo-chang; I am Soft Whinny of Chang-an.”

Then the Master remarked to Prince Wol: “When I was a young scholar and travelled from place to place, I heard the famous name of Ok-yon. Now that I see her face to face she far surpasses in beauty the renown that preceded her.”

Prince Wol hearing the names of Moonlight and Wildgoose, and recognising them, said: “These two famous women are noted the world over, and now they have become attached to your Excellency’s household. They certainly have been very fortunate [p259] in the master they have chosen. I wonder where you first met them?”

The Master replied: “Moonlight I met on my way to examination. When I reached Nakyang she came to me of her own accord. Wildgoose was originally attached to the palace of the King of Yon, but when I went there as envoy she made her escape and followed me.”

The Prince clapped his hands, laughed, and said: “Wildgoose had courage indeed.”

The Master went on: “When I think of those days, really it is amusing. A poor scholar like me, riding a mean little donkey, with but a boy to accompany me, started out on my way. I was overtaken with thirst, and drank overmuch fragrant wine, and when crossing Chon-jin Bridge found several score of the literati youth enjoying themselves with music and dancing. I took courage and went in. My poor clothes and headgear were put to shame by the dresses of the slaves that served. But I took a seat and there was Moonlight. In the exhilaration of the moment I never thought of making a laughing-stock of myself but wrote a verse or two. I do not know now what I wrote or what it was like, but Moonlight chose it before all the others and sang it. There had been an agreement in the first place that Moonlight should be given to the one whose verse she chose to sing, so there was no question that she was mine; besides it was a predestined affinity that settled the matter between us.”

Prince Wol laughed and said: “You are winner in more than one field. Certainly to win her was more marvellous and delightful than being crowned with [p260] laurel. I am sure what you wrote must be very fine indeed. Might I hear it?”

The Master replied: “How can I possibly recall what I wrote then?”

Then the Prince said to Moonlight: “The Master has forgotten the verse that he wrote when he first met you. Can you not recite it for me?”

Moonlight said: “I remember it well; shall I write it out and hand it to your Highness, or shall I sing it?”

The Prince, pleased with the reply, said: “If you would sing it, as well as give it to me, I should be delighted.”

Then Moonlight advanced and sang, so that the assembled guests were transfigured with joy. The Prince, overcome with a sense of wonder and awe, praised her, saying: “Your Excellency’s gift in writing and Moonlight’s soft compelling song are nowhere to be equalled. The bouquets of flowers that bloom forth from that song of yours rival the pretty girl’s soft robes and ornaments. It would make even Yi Tai-baik take a second place. How can those who make a pretence at writing nowadays ever venture to look at such?”

Wine was then passed in a golden goblet filled to the brim, and thus were Moonlight and Wildgoose rewarded.

The four dancers from Prince Wol’s palace and these two sang together the tune of “Long Life,” and the assembled guests announced them angels from heaven. Ok-yon’s name was rated with that of Moonlight and Wildgoose. The three others, while not equal to Ok-yon, were yet wonderfully skilful. [p261]

The Prince, congratulating himself on the occasion, and highly pleased, now asked all the guests to step forth from the tent to see the military master’s sword exercise, spear drill and charging in the lists.

He said: “The women’s horsemanship and shooting with the bow are worth seeing. Several among my palace maids are adepts. Your Excellency has among yours, no doubt, women from the north, who would, if you gave command, shoot a rabbit or pheasant for the amusement of the assembled company.”

The Master was pleased at this and gave the order for a score or more to be chosen who were practised with the bow and in dashing horsemanship. These, with the maids from the palace of Prince Wol, laid wagers. Suddenly Wildgoose stepped forward and said: “Though I am not trained with the bow, still I have seen a great deal of riding and shooting and to-day I should like to try.”

The Master gave ready assent, unfastened the bow from his own belt and handed it to her. Wildgoose took it and said to the combatants: “Even though I do not hit the mark you girls must not laugh at me.” At once she mounted as if by wing one of the fast horses and sped away from before the tent. Just then a pheasant came flying from the copse. Wildgoose instantly straightened her slender back, grasped the bow, and the arrow went singing through the air, when a bunch of feathers in all the five colours fell before the horse’s head.

The Master and the Prince clapped their hands and gave a ringing outburst of applause.

[IMG: In the Fairy Lists: Swallow and White-Cap Enter]

Wildgoose turned rapidly, rode back and alighted [p262] before the tent. She walked slowly to her place and sat down while all the girls congratulated her, saying: “We have trained for ten years and all to no purpose.”

But Moonlight turned to her and said: “Though we two have not been beaten by the dancers from Prince Wol’s palace, still there are four of them and we only two. This is hard work. Our not bringing Cloudlet was a great mistake. Though dancing and singing are not Cloudlet’s speciality, her beauty and grace are such as would hold their own with Ok-yon’s company.” She gave a sigh. Suddenly two women were seen coming from the farther side of the grounds in a swift palanquin across the blooming green sward. They reached the entrance of the pavilion, when the gatekeeper said: “Do you come from Prince Wol’s palace, or from the home of the Prince of Wee?”

The charioteer replied: “These two ladies are from the household of General Yang. They have been delayed, and so did not get here at first with the others.”

The soldier guards then went in and reported the matter.

Master Yang said: “It is evidently Cloudlet who has come to see, but why has she come in this unaccountable way? Call her in.”

The two ladies wearing embroidered shoes alighted from the palanquin. In front was Swallow, and behind was the maiden seen so clearly in the dream, the daughter of the Tong-jong Dragon King. The two came forward before the Master and bowed.

Then Yang pointed towards Prince Wol and said: “This is his Highness Prince Wol; go and make your obeisance to him.” [p263]

When they had done so, the Master gave orders that they should be placed beside Wildgoose and Moonlight. Then he said to Prince Wol: “These two maidens I met first on my campaign against the Tibetan. I have been so busy recently that I did not have opportunity to bring them before. They have come in order that they might enjoy the music and see the sights of the day.”

When the Prince had looked at them again he saw that they were beautiful, like sisters to Moonlight and

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