» Fiction » Four Young Explorers; Or, Sight-Seeing in the Tropics, Oliver Optic [best thriller books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Four Young Explorers; Or, Sight-Seeing in the Tropics, Oliver Optic [best thriller books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Oliver Optic

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Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. 2. Northern Lands; or, Young America in Russia and Prussia. 3. Cross and Crescent; or, Young America in Turkey and Greece. 4. Sunny Shores; or, Young America in Italy and Austria. 5. Vine and Olive; or, Young America in Spain and Portugal. 6. Isles of the Sea; or, Young America Homeward Bound.

"Oliver Optic is a nom de plume that is known and loved by almost every boy of intelligence in the land. We have seen a highly intellectual and world-weary man, a cynic whose heart was somewhat embittered by its large experience of human nature, take up one of Oliver Optic's books, and read it at a sitting, neglecting his work in yielding to the fascination of the pages. When a mature and exceedingly well-informed mind, long despoiled of all its freshness, can thus find pleasure in a book for boys, no additional words of recommendation are needed."—Sunday Times.


The Great Western Series. By Oliver Optic. In six volumes. Illustrated. Any volume sold separately. Price per volume, $1.25.
1. Going West; or, The Perils of a Poor Boy. 2. Out West; or, Roughing it on the Great Lakes. 3. Lake Breezes; or, The Cruise of the Sylvania. 4. Going South; or, Yachting on the Atlantic Coast. 5. Down South; or, Yacht Adventures in Florida. 6. Up the River; or, Yachting on the Mississippi.

"This is the latest series of books issued by this popular writer, and deals with life on the Great Lakes, for which a careful study was made by the author in a summer tour of the immense water sources of America. The story, which carries the same hero through the six books of the series, is always entertaining, novel scenes and varied incidents giving a constantly changing yet always attractive aspect to the narrative. Oliver Optic has written nothing better."

The Yacht Club Series. By Oliver Optic. In six volumes. Illustrated. Any volume sold separately. Price per volume, $1.25.
1. Little Bobtail; or, The Wreck of the Penobscot. 2. The Yacht Club; or, The Young Boat Builders. 3. Money-Maker; or, The Victory of the Basilisk. 4. The Coming Wave; or, The Treasure of High Rock. 5. The Dorcas Club; or, Our Girls Afloat. 6. Ocean Born; or, The Cruise of the Clubs.

"The series has this peculiarity, that all of its constituent volumes are independent of one another, and therefore each story is complete in itself. Oliver Optic is, perhaps, the favorite author of the boys and girls of this country, and he seems destined to enjoy an endless popularity. He deserves his success, for he makes very interesting stories, and inculcates none but the best sentiments, and the 'Yacht Club' is no exception to this rule."—New Haven Journal and Courier.

Onward and Upward Series. By Oliver Optic. In six volumes. Illustrated. Any volume sold separately. Price per volume, $1.25.
1. Field and Forest; or, The Fortunes of a Farmer. 2. Plane and Plank; or, The Mishaps of a Mechanic. 3. Desk and Debit; or, The Catastrophes of a Clerk. 4. Cringle and Crosstree; or, The Sea Swashes of a Sailor. 5. Bivouac and Battle; or, The Struggles of a Soldier. 6. Sea and Shore; or, The Tramps of a Traveller.

"Paul Farringford, the hero of these tales, is, like most of this author's heroes, a young man of high spirit, and of high aims and correct principles, appearing in the different volumes as a farmer, a captain, a bookkeeper, a soldier, a sailor, and a traveller. In all of them the hero meets with very exciting adventures, told in the graphic style for which the author is famous."

The Lake Shore Series. By Oliver Optic. In six volumes. Illustrated. Any volume sold separately. Price per volume, $1.25.
1. Through by Daylight; or, The Young Engineer of the Lake Shore Railroad. 2. Lightning Express; or, The Rival Academies. 3. On Time; or, The Young Captain of the Ucayga Steamer. 4. Switch Off; or, The War of the Students. 5. Brake Up; or, The Young Peacemakers. 6. Bear and Forbear; or, The Young Skipper of Lake Ucayga.

"Oliver Optic is one of the most fascinating writers for youth, and withal one of the best to be found in this or any past age. Troops of young people hang over his vivid pages; and not one of them ever learned to be mean, ignoble, cowardly, selfish, or to yield to any vice from anything they ever read from his pen."—Providence Press.


Army and Navy Stories. By Oliver Optic. Six volumes. Illustrated. Any volume sold separately. Price per volume, $1.25.
1. The Soldier Boy; or, Tom Somers in the Army. 2. The Sailor Boy; or, Jack Somers in the Navy. 3. The Young Lieutenant; or, Adventures of an Army Officer. 4. The Yankee Middy; or, Adventures of a Navy Officer. 5. Fighting Joe; or, The Fortunes of a Staff Officer. 6. Brave Old Salt; or, Life on the Quarter Deck.

"This series of six volumes recounts the adventures of two brothers, Tom and Jack Somers, one in the army, the other in the navy, in the great Civil War. The romantic narratives of the fortunes and exploits of the brothers are thrilling in the extreme. Historical accuracy in the recital of the great events of that period is strictly followed, and the result is, not only a library of entertaining volumes, but also the best history of the Civil War for young people ever written."

Boat Builders Series. By Oliver Optic. In six volumes. Illustrated. Any volume sold separately. Price per volume, $1.25.
1. All Adrift; or, The Goldwing Club. 2. Snug Harbor; or, The Champlain Mechanics. 3. Square and Compasses; or, Building the House. 4. Stem to Stern; or, Building the Boat. 5. All Taut; or, Rigging the Boat. 6. Ready About; or, Sailing the Boat.

"The series includes in six successive volumes the whole art of boat building, boat rigging, boat managing, and practical hints to make the ownership of a boat pay. A great deal of useful information is given in this Boat Builders Series, and in each book a very interesting story is interwoven with the information. Every reader will be interested at once in Dory, the hero of 'All Adrift,' and one of the characters retained in the subsequent volumes of the series. His friends will not want to lose sight of him, and every boy who makes his acquaintance in 'All Adrift' will become his friend."

Riverdale Story Books. By Oliver Optic. Twelve volumes. Illustrated. Illuminated covers. Price: cloth, per set, $3.60; per volume, 30 cents; paper, per set, $2.00.
1. Little Merchant.        7. Proud and Lazy. 2. Young Voyagers. 8. Careless Kate. 3. Christmas Gift. 9. Robinson Crusoe, Jr. 4. Dolly and I. 10. The Picnic Party. 5. Uncle Ben. 11. The Gold Thimble. 6. Birthday Party.

12. The Do-Somethings.

Riverdale Story Books. By Oliver Optic. Six volumes. Illustrated. Fancy cloth and colors. Price per volume, 30 cents.
1. Little Merchant. 4. Careless Kate. 2. Proud and Lazy. 5. Dolly and I. 3. Young Voyagers.

6. Robinson Crusoe, Jr.

Flora Lee Library. By Oliver Optic. Six volumes. Illustrated. Fancy cloth and colors. Price per volume, 30 cents.
1. The Picnic Party. 4. Christmas Gift. 2. The Gold Thimble. 5. Uncle Ben. 3. The Do-Somethings. 6. Birthday Party.

These are bright short stories for younger children who are unable to comprehend the Starry Flag Series or the Army and Navy Series. But they all display the author's talent for pleasing and interesting the little folks. They are all fresh and original, preaching no sermons, but inculcating good lessons.


The Way of the World. By Oliver Optic. Illustrated. $1.50.

"One of the most interesting American novels we have ever read."—Philadelphia City Item.

"This story treats of a fortune of three million dollars left a youthful heir. The volume bears evidence in every chapter of the fresh, original, and fascinating style which has always enlivened Mr. Adams' productions. We have the same felicitous manner of working out the plot by conversation, the same quaint wit and humor, and a class of characters which stand out boldly, pen photographs of living beings.

"The book furnishes a most romantic and withal a most instructive illustration of the way of the world in its false estimate of money."

Living too Fast; or, The Confessions of a Bank Officer. By Oliver Optic. Illustrated. $1.50.

This story records the experience of a bank officer in the downward career of crime. The career ought, perhaps, to have ended in the State's prison; but the author chose to represent the defaulter as sharply punished in another way. The book contains a most valuable lesson; and shows, in another leading character, the true life which a young business man ought to lead.

In Doors and Out; or, Views From a Chimney Corner. By Oliver Optic. Illustrated. $1.50.

"Many who have not time and patience to wade through a long story will find here many pithy and sprightly tales, each sharply hitting some social absurdity or social vice. We recommend the book heartily after having read the three chapters on 'Taking a Newspaper.' If all the rest are as sensible and interesting as these, and doubtless they are, the book is well worthy of patronage."—Vermont Record.

"As a writer of domestic stories, Mr. William T. Adams (Oliver Optic) made his mark even before he became so immensely popular through his splendid books for the young. In the volume before us are given several of these tales, and they comprise a book which will give them a popularity greater than they have ever before enjoyed. They are written in a spirited style, impart valuable practical lessons, and are of the most lively interest."—Boston Home Journal.

Our Standard Bearer. A Life of Gen. U. S. Grant. By Oliver Optic. Illustrated by Thomas Nast. Illuminated covers, $1.50.

It has long been out of print, but now comes out in a new edition, with a narrative of the civil career of the General as President for two terms, his remarkable journey abroad, his life in New York, and his sickness, death, and burial. Perhaps the reader will remember that the narrative is told by "Captain Galligasken" after a style that is certainly not common or tiresome, but, rather, in a direct, simple, picturesque, and inspiring way that wins the heart of the young reader. For the boy who wants to read the life of General Grant, this book is the best that has been published,—perhaps the only one that is worth any consideration.

Just His Luck. By Oliver Optic. Illustrated. $1.00.

"It deals with real flesh and blood boys; with boys who possess many noble qualities of mind; with boys of generous impulses and large hearts; with boys who delight in playing pranks, and who are ever ready for any sort of mischief; and with boys in whom human nature is strongly engrafted. They are boys, as many of us have been; boys in the true, unvarnished sense of the word; boys with hopes, ideas, and inspirations, but lacking in judgment, self-control, and discipline. And the book contains an appropriate moral, teaches many a lesson, and presents many a precept worthy of being followed. It is a capital book for boys."



A Start in Life: A Story of the Genesee Country. By J. T. Trowbridge. Illustrated. $1.00.

In this story the author recounts the hardships of a young lad in his first endeavor to start out for himself. It

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