» Fiction » The X-Man, Brian R. Lundin [ebooks that read to you .txt] 📗

Book online «The X-Man, Brian R. Lundin [ebooks that read to you .txt] 📗». Author Brian R. Lundin

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go deeper. She moved steadily above me and kissed me hotly. My tongue found her erect nipples and I gently sucked them. The timing of our exhilaration and efforts increased and I encouraged her to join me in my release as I lifted and dropped her heavily upon me. I begged for her release and suddenly her ripping contortions directed my senses to the depths of her being. Feeling her heat I released into her and she cried out softly and held me tightly, we both moaned in total ecstasy as we climaxed together, then we were both still.
I kissed her lips as I withdrew and she rolled off and lay beside me. One of her legs flung sideways across my chest as we listened to the sounds of our breathing even out and the haunting melody of Miles. The scent of sex lingered, but the breeze through the window was chasing it from the room, the currents of cool air felt good as she rubbed my naked chest and stomach. Perspiration dropped from my body onto hers and I kissed it off as it disappeared along her neck and breast.

John I like you a lot, but let’s take it slow Ok

Ok, I said as I felt the rising again in my loins.

We made love again and when I awoke, she was gone.

The little man had watched Reverend Wilson interview and was incensed.

Who the hell he thinks he is calling me a monster and a coward, I’ll show them who’s a fuckin coward

INT:- First Church of Deliverance- 26 September 2008
Mariah Woodberry was quietly laying down in the pew on the far north side of First Church of Deliverance her head in her arms, she was tired and needed sleep but she was there waiting for Reverend Wilson, he had urged her to come so he could help her and her five children find a place to stay. Fortunately, he had arranged for the children to stay, at lease for the night, with a single female member of the church. She was glad that he told her to meet him after he finished his rounds in the senior building she didn‘t want anyone to see her. Esau Sneed had the cab driver drop him in front of the First Church of Deliverance. The church occupied the entire west side of the street, attached on the north was a day care center and to the south a three flat senior citizen building. A sign on the well manicured front lawn read, “OUR DOORS ARE ALWAYS OPEN” and a large parking took up the entire east side of the street. Esau entered and noticed three people, one man was dosing and another man was deep in meditation. Mariah watched as the little man entered and sat beside an old woman who was praying. There was utter silence in the large church and she saw the old woman close her bible and heard her say “Amen.”

Welcome brother, can we pray together?

Mariah watched as the woman handed the man a gold trimmed bible and touching his hand.

Yes, I would like that

Mariah sat in total silence and watched as they both lowered their heads as she read a scripture, in a few minutes she stopped and patted Esau hand again.

Are you new to our church?

Yes, I’m new to the city and I am looking for a good church

Well, you’ve found one

Who’s the pastor?

A wonderful man, a true man of God, his name is Reverend Wilson

Is he here now?

No, he’s generally administering to the seniors until nine, and then he comes in for nightly prayer

Esau checked his watch, it was eight -forty five.

I’ve got to go, hope I see you for Sunday Services

Deep dark shadows covered Mariah as she watched the praying man and the woman leave the church, the dozing man was snoring loudly. She watched Esau quietly got out his seat and walk over to the man who smelled of cheap wine and unwashed body. She didn’t see the man open his bloodshot eyes and give Esau a lopsided grin and closed his eyes again, but she did see Esau pop open a switchblade knife and slowly cut the man’s throat and returned to his seat. Mariah held back a scream and slouched further down in the pew as a patch of moonlight came through the tall stain-glass window. She wanted to run out, to get away but she didn’t move and tried to silence the beating in her chest. She heard the outer door of the church open and she turned to see Reverend Wilson enter, smiled at the little man and briefly looked at the dead man whom he thought was asleep as he walked to the pulpit. Mariah slid further down in the pew and watch the little man get up, paused, and looked to his right and left before walking to where the reverend was standing. Again silence and dark shadow covered her and she was a part of them, she felt a cool breeze and pulled her tattered coat tighter and listened.

Welcome, my son, are you ready to be saved?

She watched the little man smile, lower his head, nod and say “Yes I am, but could I use your facilities”
But, of course, my son follows me

She watched as Esau followed the reverend down a dimly lit, cavernous corridor, she wanted to warn the reverend and on her hands and knees she quietly crept out the safety of the pew and looked down the hall. When they reached the bathroom she watched in horror as Esau struck the reverend hard on the head knocking him to the floor, when the reverend opened his eyes, Esau struck him again. Esau straddled the unconscious man and stabbed him repeatedly carved a large X into his chest and smeared an X on the bathroom door. Mariah returned quickly to the pew and watched as the little man passed the dead man in the pew and carved an X into his chest and left the church. “Fuckin’ coward, huh,” she heard him say as he walked out into the night. Mariah waited and looked at the crucifix behind the pulpit, she felt a moment of shame and fear, the air seemed to shift but the silence was absolute. Mariah don’t know how long she waited but eventually she slowly rose from the pew and looked around the darken church. “Was he gone, where is the reverend?” she asked herself. Keeping low she crawled on her hands and knees down the dim hallway and suddenly bumped into the reverend the top half of his body in the bathroom the other half in the hallway. She covered her mouth and saw the surprised look on his face his no-seeing eyes looking up at the Cross. I was playing chess on the computer when Lieutenants O’Shea called, his voice trembled as he said, “That black minister has been killed in his church, can you believe that,” he shouted over the phone.

Calm down Lieu, who are you talking about?

That Reverend Wilson, get your ass down there, now, your partner is on the way

At eleven-thirty I arrived at the church, the police had blocked all traffic between 43rd and 44th South Prairie Avenue and blue mars lights on the police cars and red mars lights on the emergency vehicles cast an eerie glow on the street. I heard the wail of an emergency vehicle and the roar of police sirens filled the cool night air. As I walked to the church I noticed a large crowd had gathered outside and the news trucks were setting up. Irene Maudesa was being prepped by the makeup artist as she smoothed her dark blue pantsuit. Shortly, Evetta was on the scene with Doctor Dixon. A uniform sergeant and a young police officer were standing at the door.

Hi Sarge, I’m Sergeant Ringo and this is my partner, Evetta from the Special Crimes Bureau and Doctor Dixon from the M.E. office, what we got?

Officer Brady?

I Responded to a call of a man stabbed in the church, when I arrived I was met by an elder woman named Roberta Shacks who told me that when she went into the church at about ten fifteen to pray she saw a man sitting with his head down in the pew, at first she though he was praying and she sat in the pew opposite him but then she saw blood on the floor coming from his pew she went to see if he was alright, that when she saw he had been stabbed, she ran outside and call 911. I met Mrs. Shacks on the steps of the church, entered and she showed me the man in the pew, I immediately called for an ambulance, backup and the sergeant. Mrs. Shacks told me that Reverend Wilson often worked late in his office in the rear of the church and she accompanied me to the rear and that’s where I found the reverend in the bathroom. I secured the scene and waited for the sergeant, Mrs. Shacks also said that as she entered the church a woman ran passed her covered with blood and seemed hysterical. Mrs. Shacks said she felt sick and had to leave but I got her address and phone number

Thanks officer, make sure you send me a copy of your case report

We ducked under the yellow police tape and entered the church and walked to the pew where a man was seated head down like he was praying. Crime scene technicians were taking pictures and dusting for prints, we walked down the hall to the washroom; Reverend Wilson was laying face down on the cold floor. The sergeant and the officer joined the other police officers trying to control the crowd in front of the church. Suddenly, Lieutenant O’Shea burst through the door accompanied by two of his lackeys.

What the fuck we got, sergeant?

I told the lieutenant what I knew and he looked at the dead man in the pew.

Shit, damn

Want to see the reverend?

Hell no, he said turning on his heels and walking out

Some leader

I watched as the lieutenant and his flunkies ducked under the tape and were immediately confronted by Irene.

Lieutenant O‘Shea, what’s happened in there?

The lieutenant without breaking stride gave her an icy look and said, “No comment,” and ducked inside his car and drove off

It’s him!

Yep, well let‘s go home and get a good nice rest, tomorrow is going to be a motherfucker

Evetta picked me up at seven thirty in the morning and as usual she had a cup of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee and a copy of the Chicago Sun-Times Newspaper was laying on the seat, in bold type the front page headlines read, “REVEREND CLARENCE WILSON MURDERED IN HIS CHURCH BY THE X-MAN.”

It’s going to be a long day

Roberta Starks, female black born 1984, address 4125 South Wabash, third floor

Let’s go talk to her

On the
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