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bed, and push off down the river on the raft with Jim, hiding days and running nights, the way me and Jim used to do before. Wouldn’t that plan work?”


“Work? Why, surely it would work, like rats a-fighting. But it’s too simple; there ain’t nothing to it. What’s the good of a plan that ain’t no more trouble than that? It’s as weak as goose-milk. Why, Huck, it wouldn’t make no more talk than breaking into the soap works.”


I never said nothing, because I weren’t looking for nothing different; but I knowed mighty well that whenever he got his plan ready it wouldn’t have none of them problems with it.


And it didn’t. He told me what it was, and I see in a minute it was worth fifteen of mine for quality, and would make Jim just as free a man as mine would, and maybe get us all killed besides. So I was happy, and said we would dance in on it. I needn’t tell what it was here, because I knowed it wouldn’t stay the way it was. I knowed he would be changing it around every which way as we went along, and bringing in new adventures wherever he was able. And that is what he done.


Well, one thing was dead sure, and that was that Tom Sawyer was sincere about this, and was really going to help rob that black man out of being a slave. That was the thing that was too much for me. Here was a boy that was well brought up; and had a good name to lose; and with family at home that had good names; and he was smart and not leather-headed; and knowing and not stupid; and not mean, but kind; and yet here he was, without any more pride or feeling, than to come down to the level of this business, and embarrass himself and embarrass his family, before everybody. I couldn’t understand it no way at all. It was hard to believe, and I knowed I should a just up and told him so; and so be his true friend, and let him quit the thing right where he was and save himself. And I did start to tell him; but he shut me up, and says: “Don’t you think I know what I’m about? Don’t I most of the time know what I’m about?”




“Didn’t I say I was going to help you rob the black man?”



“Well, then.”


That’s all he said, and that’s all I said. It weren’t no use to say any more; because when he said he’d do a thing, he always done it. But I couldn’t make out how he was willing to go into this; so I just let it go, and never worried no more about it. If he was going to have it so, I couldn’t help it.


When we got home the house was all dark and quiet; so we went on down to the one-room shack by the ash-box for to study it. We went through the yard so as to see what the dogs would do. They knowed us, and didn’t make no more noise than country dogs is always doing when anything comes by in the night. When we got to the shack we took a look at the front and the two sides; and on the side I hadn’t seen before -- which was the north side -- we found a square window- hole, up pretty high, with just one strong board nailed across it. I says: “Here’s the ticket. This hole’s big enough for Jim to get through if we pull off the board.”


Tom says: “It’s as easy as one two three, and as easy as missing school. I should hope we can find a way that’s a little more difficult than that, Huck Finn.”


“Well, then,” I says, “how will it do to saw him out, the way I done before I was killed that time?”


“That’s more like it,” he says. “It’s real secret and dangerous, and good,” he says; “but I think we can find a way that’s even longer. There ain’t no hurry; let’s keep on looking around.”


Between the shack and the fence, on the back side, was another smaller room made by leaning boards against the first room. The door to it was at the south end, and was locked. Tom he went to the soap kettle and looked around, and come back with the iron thing they lift the top of the kettle with; so he took it and forced out one of the pieces holding the lock. The chain fell down, and we opened the door and went in, and shut it, and scratched a match, and seen the room was only built against the shack and there was no opening between the two. There weren’t no floor to this side, and nothing in it but some dirty old tools. The match went out, and so did we, and pushed back in the piece that was hold- ing the lock, and the door was locked as good as ever. Tom was happy. He says: “Now we’re all right. We’ll dig him out. It‘ll take about a week!”


Then we started for the house, and I went in the back door -- you only have to pull a leather string to open it, they don’t lock the doors -- but that weren’t good enough for Tom Sawyer; no way would do him but he must climb up the lightning-rod. But after he got up half way about three times, and fell every time, and the last time almost broke his brains out, he thought he’d got to give it up; but after he was rested he said he would give her one more turn for luck, and this time he made the climb all right.


In the morning we was up with the sun, and down to the servants’ cabins to play with the dogs and make friends with the slave that brought the food to Jim -- if it was Jim that he was feeding. The slaves was just getting through breakfast and starting for the fields; and Jim’s servant was filling up a tin pan with bread and meat and things; and while the others was leaving, the key come from the house.


This black man had a friendly face that didn’t look too smart, and his hair was all tied up in little balls with thread. That was to keep witches off. He said the witches was troubling him awful these nights, and making him see all kinds of strange things, and hear all kinds of strange words and noises, and he didn’t believe he was ever witched so long before in his life. He got so worked up, and got to running on so about his troubles, he couldn’t remember what he’d been a-going to do. So Tom says: “What’s the food for? Going to feed the dogs?”


The black man kind of smiled around slowly with the smile moving out over his face, like when you throw a stone into water, and he says: “Yes, Master Sid, a dog. Strange dog, too. Does you want to go and look at him?”




I hit Tom, and whispers: “You going, right here in the light? That weren’t the plan.”


“No, it weren’t; but it’s the plan now.”


So we went along, but I didn’t like it much. When we got in we couldn’t hardly see anything, it was so dark; but Jim was there, sure enough, and could see us; and he sings out: “Why, Huck! And good land! ain't dat Master Tom?”


I just knowed how it would be; I just knew it. I didn’t know nothing to do; and if I had I couldn’t a done it, because that servant cut in and says to us: “Why, good Lord! do he know you men?”


We could see pretty well now. Tom he looked at the servant, not doing anything, and says: “Does who know us?”


“Why, dis here runaway nigger.”


“I don’t think he does; but what put that into your head?”


“What put it there? Didn’t he just dis minute sing out like he knowed you?”


Tom says, in a confused kind of way: “Well, that’s mighty strange. Who said anything? When did he sing out? What did he say?” And turns to me, perfectly relaxed, and says, “Did you hear anyone sing out?”


Well, there weren’t nothing to be said but the one thing; so I says: “No; I ain’t heard nobody say nothing.”


Then he turns to Jim, and looks him over like he never seen him before, and says: “Did you sing out?”


“No, sir,” says Jim; “I ain’t said nothing, sir.”


“Not a word?”


“No, sir, I ain’t said a word.”


“Did you ever see us before?”


“No, sir; not as I knows.”


So Tom turns to the servant, who was looking wild and confused, and says, kind of seriously: “What do you think’s wrong with you, anyway? What made you think somebody shouted out?”


“Oh, it’s de blowed out witches, sir, and I wished I was dead, I do. Dey’s always at it, sir, and dey do most kill me, dey scares me so. Please don’t tell nobody about it sir, or old Master Silas he’ll come at me; because he say dey ain’t no witches. I just wish to God he was here now -- den what would he say! I just know he couldn’t find no way to get around it dis time. But it’s always just so; people dat’s sat, stays sat; dey won’t look into nothing and find it out for deyselves, and when you find it out and tell ‘em about it, dey don’t believe you.”


Tom give him ten cents, and said we wouldn’t tell nobody; and told him to buy some more thread to tie up his hair with; and then looks at Jim, and says: “Do you think Uncle Silas is going to hang this black man? If I was to catch a black man that was evil enough to run away, I wouldn’t give him up, I’d hang him.” And while the servant stepped to the door to look at the coin and bite it to see if it was good, he whispers to Jim and says: “Don’t ever let on to know us. And if you hear any digging going on nights, it’s us; we’re going to free you.”


Jim only had time to take us by the hand and squeeze it; then the servant come back, and we said we’d come again some time if he wanted us to; and he said he would, more so if it was dark, because the witches went for him mostly in the dark, and it was good to have people around then.


Chapter 35

Chapter 35

It would be another hour before breakfast, so we went down into the trees, because Tom said we got to have some light to see how to dig by, and a lantern makes too much, and might get us into trouble. What we must have was a lot of them stones that’s called fox-fire, that just makes a soft kind of a light when you put them in a dark place. We found as many as we could carry and put them in the weeds, and sat down to rest, and Tom says, kind of not happy with things: “Curse it, this whole thing is just as easy and stupid as it can be. The most difficult part is just getting up a difficult plan. There ain’t no watchman to be drugged -- now there should be a watchman. There ain’t even a dog to give a sleeping-mixture to. And there’s Jim chained by one leg, with a ten-foot chain, to the leg of his bed: why, all you got to do is to lift up the bed and off comes the chain. And Uncle Silas he trusts everybody; sends the key to that stupid black man, and don’t send nobody to watch him. Jim could a got out that window-hole by now, only there wouldn’t be no use trying to travel with a ten-foot chain on his leg. Why, hit it, Huck, it’s the stupidest thing I ever seen. We got to make up all the problems. Well, we can’t help it; so we'll do

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