» Fiction » South American Fights and Fighters, and Other Tales of Adventure, Brady [guided reading books txt] 📗

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We had lots of pets in those days; some time they may serve for another story.


{335} INDEX

Abancay, battle of, 102.

Acla, Spanish settlement, 45-49

Aguilar, Geronimo de, 122

Alc�ntara, Martin de, 54, 106, 107

Alderete, the King's Treasurer, 205-212

Alfred, the, Jones's first ship, 283

Almagrists, the, 106, 111

Almagro, Diego de, 57-67; 88-93; 101-104; 107

    Diego, the son, 104, 108, 109

Alvarado, Pedro de, called Tonatiuh, 102, 109, 174, 184, 186, 187, 194

Amazon River, 105

America, Central, 3

    South, 3, 4, 18, 27

Anahuac, Empire of, 125

Andalusia, New, 7

Antigua del Darien, Maria de la, 20, 23-27; 33-41

Arbolancha, 42

Arguello, the notary, 48, 49

Arrows, poisoned, used by Indians, 10, 11, 13, 14

Astor, John Jacob, 261-272

    Fur Trading Company, 262

Astoria, 262-276

Atahualpa, 71-92; 108

Avila, Pedro Arias de, called Pedrarias, 32-35; 42-50; 56

Ayxacatl, 169,176

Aztec Empire, 115, 116, 125, 132

    Holy of Holies, 134

    wealth, 135

    last of the Kings, 219

Aztecs, the, 69, 116, 125-130; 133, 176, 182-187; 194-198; 215-219


Badajoz, 53

Bahamas, the, 4

Balboa, Vasco Nu�ez de, accompanies Encisco to San Sebastian, 19

    placed in charge at Antigua, 20

    seeks to serve Nicuesa, 25

    further adventures, 31-50

    referred to, 107

Barron, James, 251, 252

Bastidas, an explorer, 5

"Battery of the Fearless," referred to, 74 (footnote)

Bay, Chesapeake, 4

Bentham, Jeremy, 248

Biddle, Major Thomas, 255

Biru, land of, early name of Peru, 56

    chieftain named, 56

Bonhomme Richard, the, 285, 286

Bowie, James, 252-254

    knives, 253

Brackett, Charles, 305

Broderick, Senator, 256-258

Buccaneers, the, 3

Burr, Aaron, 248


Cabot, John, 4

Cabral, Portuguese explorer, 5

Caceres, 53

    Cacique, Indian, Caonabo, 6

    Cemaco, 20

    Careta, of Cueva, 36

    Comagre, 37, 56

    of Tenepal, 115

    Monteczuma, so called in Cortes's letter, 156

    Quahpopoca, 172

    of Tlacuba, 216

Cannibalism universal among Aztecs, 126

Capac, Manco, 68, 85, 92, 93, 95, 111, 112

    Huayna, 71, 108

Cape, de la Vela, 7

    Gracias � Dios, 7

Careta, Cacique of Cueva, 36

Caribbean Sea, 3, 13

Carrero, Alonzo de Puerto, 123

Cartagena, 10, 18

Carvajal, 109-111

Castile, Golden, 8

    King of, 40

    Joanna of, 41

Castro, Vaca de, 109

Caverns, Infernal, of Pitt River, 311

Caxamarca, massacre of, 73-85

Cempoalla, town of, 135

    Cacique of, 135

    people of, 135, 166

Central America, 3

Chalcuchimo, 72, 85, 92

Chapus, field of, 109

Charles V., of Spain, 82, 88, 92, 95, 109, 137, 147, 217, 218, 220

Chase, Owen, mate of the Essex, 231

Chaves, Francisco de, 106

Chesapeake, Bay, 4

    American ship, 251

Chili, Almagro goes to, 93

    Valdivia partially conquers, 109

    Men of, 102-107

    coast of, 231, 237

Cholula, 140, 145, 146

Cholulans, the, 145, 146, 194

Cilley, Jonathan, 255, 256

Cipango, referred to, 37

Claverhouse, compared with Cortes, 120

Coatzacualco, Province of, 115

Colmenares, Rodrigo de, 23

Columbus, Christopher, 4, 5, 6, 23, 37, 117, 132

    Diego, 9, 35

Comagre, Indian chief, 37, 56

Conception, a whaling ground, 231

Cordova, Gonsalvo de, 117

Cortes, Hernando (or Fernando), mentioned, 9, 75, 107; lands at Vera Cruz, 116; story of his birth and early life, 117; voyage to Santo Domingo and Cuba, 118; described by Helps and Diaz, 118-120; expedition to Mexico, 120-125; march to Tenochtitlan, 130; personal character of, 133; describes Tlascala, 138-140; massacres Cholulans, 145, 146; describes Mexico, 147-162; meets Montezuma, 162-167; seizes the Emperor, 171-173; Mexico rebels against, 175; attacks Mexico, 192-218; the end of, 218-223; descriptions of, 223-228

Cosa, Juan de la, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12

Costa Rica, 21

Coya, the Inca's legal wife, 72

Crook, George, 301-311

Crozier, William, captain of the brig Indian, 240

Cuba, 3, 16, 55, 120

Cueyabos, 16

Cuitlahua, 136, 176, 191

Cuzco, 75, 85, 87, 92, 93, 102-111


Darien, Isthmus of, 5, 26, 32, 37, 55, 109

    Maria de la Antigua del, 20, 23-27; 33-41

    Quevedo, Bishop of, 33, 44

Dauphin,Nantucket Whaler, 242

Davila, another name for Pedrarias, 32 (footnote)

De Candia, 66, 73, 79, 104, 109

Decatur, Stephen, 251, 252

De Soto, Hernando, 33, 67, 68; 77-89; 107

Despotism, communistic, form of government on South American coast, 68

Diaz, Bernal, 119, 124, 134, 135, 167, 179 (footnote), 223, 224, 225

    Porfirio, 224

Dickinson, Charles, 248-250

Dios, Nombre de, 23, 36

Disappointment, Cape, 269, 270

Duras, Duc de, an East Indiaman, 285


El Dorado, 9, 57, 59, 93

El Galan, nickname of Pedrarias, 33

El Justador, nickname of Pedrarias, 33

Encisco, 8; 17-20; 31, 32, 42, 66

English, their first appearance on the South American coast, 5

Espinosa, 33, 48, 60

Esquivel, Juan de, 9

Essex, the whaleship, 231-242

Estremadura, birthplace of the Pizarros, 53

    birthplace of Cortes, 117


Felippo, the interpreter, 82, 89, 90

Ferdinand, King, of Spain, 5, 7, 41

Fiske, John, 4, 43, 63 (footnote), 122, 125, 168, 226

Florida, 4

Fonseca, Bishop, 7, 33

Fox, Ebenezer, 268, 269

"Furor Domini," name given to Pedrarias, 43


Gallo, Island of, 62

Garavito, Andres, 47

Gasca, 110-112

Golden Castile, 8

Gonzales, Francisca, 54

Gorgona, Island of, 63

Graves, William J., 255, 256

Grijilva, Juan de, 120

Guatemoc (or Guatemotzin), 137, 177, 191, 193, 194, 216, 225

Guatemotzin, popular name for Guatemoc, 191, 216

Guayaquil, Gulf of, 67

Gulf, of Mexico, 3

    explorations on, coast, 5

    of Darien, 5, 20, 55

    of Uraba, 7

    of Venezuela, 7

    of San Miguel, 56

    of Guayaquil, 67

Guzman, Tello de, 50


Hamilton, Alexander, 248

Helps, Sir Arthur, the historian, referred to, 63 (footnote), 70, 78, 118, 124, 178, 188, 220, 224

Herrera, referred to, 179 (footnote)

Honduras, 4, 5, 8, 13, 219

Hopkins, Sterling A., 257

Horn, Cape, 266

Horses introduced to the natives of South America, 13

Huarina, battlefield of, 110

Huascar, son of Huayna, 72, 85, 108

Huitzilopochtli, Aztec god of war, 126, 127, 184


Inca, the young, Manco Capac, 68

    the Empire, 69

    civilization, 69

    "Child of the Sun," 71

    Pizarro's capture of the, 75-84

    ransom and murder of the, 85-92

    and Peruvians strike for freedom, 93-102

Incas, the, 69-112

Independence, the, privateer, 284

Indian, the brig, of London, 240

Indian wife, Balboa's, 37, 44, 47, 48

Indians, Warm Spring, 302-306

Indies, the, 7, 8, 10

Isabella, Queen, and her court mentioned, 6

Island, of Gallo, the, 62, 63 (foot-note)

    of Gorgona, the, 63

    of Puna, 67

Island, St. Mary's, 231, 242

    Ducie, 239, 242

    of Massafera, 240

Islands, Society, 237

    Sandwich, 237, 267

    Cape Verde, 264

    Falkland, 265

    Vancouver, 271

Isles of Pearls, 59

Isthmus, of Darien, 5, 26, 32, 37, 109, 116

    of Panama, 5, 27, 50, 110

Ixlilxochitl, referred to, 179 (footnote)

Ixtaccihuatl, 144

Iztatapalan, 195


Jackson, Andrew, 248-250

Jamaica, 8, 17

Jones, John Paul, 281-297

    William Paul, 290-295

    Mrs. Willie, 290, 296

    Colonel Cadwallader, 296

Joy, Matthew, mate of the Essex, 231, 239

Juarez, Benito, 224


King, John II. of France, referred to, 86 (footnote)

Kirk, referred to, 63 (footnote)


Leopard, British ship, 251

Lepe, an explorer, 5

Lewis, James, 263-277

Lima, 93, 98, 101, 105, 111

Lorenzana, Archbishop, referred to, 198 (footnote)

Louden, Mary Paul, sister of John Paul Jones, 291

Luque, 60-67

Lyons, James, 305


McKay, 262-277

MacNutt, referred to, 128, 225

Maddox, Dr., 252

Madigan, John, 307-311

Magellan, referred to, 39 (footnote), 61 (footnote)

    Straits of, 109

Main, the Spanish, 3, 5

Malinal (or Marina) 115, 116; 123-125; 135, 145, 219

Malinche, shorter form of Malintzin, 124, 208, 209, 217

Malintzin, Aztec name for Cortes, 124

Marco Polo, referred to, 37

Maria, Donna, daughter of Cortes, 223

Marina, Malinal, baptized as, 124

Markham, referred to, 4, 63 (footnote), 78, 87

Massacre of Caxamarca, 73-85

Maxixcatzin, 141

Mayas, the, 122

Medellin, native city of Cortes, 117

Mexico, the Gulf of, 3, 116

    the country of, 53, 127

    Aztec Empire of, 115, 125

    shores of, 117

    City of, 125, 137, 146-162

    Republic of, 126, 224

    valley of, 144, 218

    King of, 217

Mexitl, one of the names of Aztec war god, 126

Montezuma Xocoyotzin, Emperor of Mexico, 115; sends messengers to Cortes, 135, 137; described, 136, 137; and the Tlascalans, 140, 141; agrees to receive Cortes, 143; meeting with Cortes, 162-168; seizure of, 171-173; deposed, 176; end of, 178-180


Napoleon at Toulon, referred to, 74 (footnote)

Narvaez, Panfilo de, 174, 175

Navigators, the fifteenth-century, 4

New Andalusia, 7

Newity, Nootka village, 271

Nicuesa, Diego de, 3, 5, 8, 20, 27

Nombre de Dios, 23, 36

Nootkas, the, 271


Ojeda, Alonza de, 3; heads first important expedition along South American coast, 4; second voyage, 5; arrives at Santo Domingo, 8; adventures of, 10-19; referred to, 55

Olano, Lope de, 21, 22, 24

Ordaz, 144

Orellano, commander under Gonzalo Pizarro, 105

Orgonez, 102, 103

Orinoco, the, 4

Otumba, valley of, 191

Otumies, tribe of, 141

Ovando, an explorer with Nicuesa, 7

Oviedo, quoted, 56, 57, 179 (footnote)


Pacific, the, so called by Magellan, 39 (footnote)

    discovery of, 39-42

    Balboa reaches, 45

Painala, town of, 115

    Lord of, 115

Panama, Pedrarias dies at, 50

    Pedrarias the founder and governor of, 56

    Pizarro living in, 57

    Pizarro sends ship to, 62

    Pedro de

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