Havelok The Dane, Charles Whistler [interesting books to read TXT] 📗

- Author: Charles Whistler
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followed them, and when we came to where they had been, we saw that they had fallen back on a company of about the same strength as ours, save that there were more horsemen. I was the only mounted man of my little force, and that rather to save my strength than because I liked riding. I should certainly fight on foot, as would Havelok himself, in the old way. It is not good to trust to the four feet of a horse when one means business.
We bided where we were, waiting to see what these men did, and soon beyond them grew the long cloud of dust starred with shifting sparks that told us that the host of Hodulf was on foot and advancing. It seemed to me that here we had a good place to meet it, for the land went down in a long slope that was in our favour, and therefore I set a man on my horse, and sent him back with all speed to Havelok to bid him hasten. Our host was not so far behind me, and I could see both from this hill. We had full time to take position here before Hodulf's army was in reach.
Now it seemed that the foemen would see what they could also, and they began to move toward us. It was plain that we should have a small fight on our own account directly, for I did not mean to let them take our place. We moved, therefore, toward them, and at that the half-dozen horsemen made for us at a trot. Then I saw that their leader was Hodulf himself.
We were in a track that led across the hill, and here on the slope it was worn deep with ages of traffic between the two towns, and on either side the heather grew thick and high, so that the horsemen could not get round us. So Hodulf rode forward to where we barred the way, and told me to stand aside.
"What next?" I asked. "I may as well bid you go back, for I came here to stop you."
"Come over to me, and leave this half-crowned kinglet of yours. It shall be worth your while."
"Hard up for men must you be, Hodulf," said one of my courtmen, laughing.
At that he made a sign to his followers, for they came on us at the gallop, with levelled spears. We closed up, and hewed the spear points off, and then dealt with the horses and men who foundered among us, and they struggled back, leaving three men and four horses in the roadway. It was bravely done, too, for there were only eight of them, and they did us no harm beyond a bruise or two. I wished that we had taken or slain Hodulf, however, for that might have made things easier in the end.
Hodulf got back to his courtmen, and now they came on. At that moment over the hill behind us rode Havelok and Raven, and saw at once what was on hand. They had ridden on, but the host was hard after them.
"Send a man to bid the host halt," Havelok said to me, "for we can end the matter here. Now shall I be hand to hand with Hodulf, even as I would wish."
I sent a man back as he bade me, and he stayed the host half a mile beyond the hill, where they were not seen. Hodulf's army was yet two miles away across the heath, and none had gone back to hasten it.
Now Havelok went forward, holding up his hand in token of parley, and his enemy rode from his men to meet him. "There is much between us, Hodulf," Havelok said, "and we have been together along this road before. Yet for the sake of the men who follow us it may be that we can make peace."
"That is for me to say," answered Hodulf, "for you have invaded my land, and are the peace breaker."
"I might mind you of a blood feud between us two," said Havelok, "but that is not the business of the host. For the sake of the land I will say this. Give up the throne that you have held for me, and you shall go hence with what treasure you have gathered, taking your Norsemen with you. There will be no shame in doing that, for I am able now to hold the land for myself."
Hodulf laughed a short laugh.
"Fine talk that for the son of Grim the thrall, who drowned Havelok for me! 'Nidring' should I be if I gave up to you."
"If things must go in that way, we will settle the matter here and now. Will you that we fight hand to hand while our men look on, or shall we go back to them and charge? I like the first plan best myself, as I would avenge my father and sisters, and also that insult of the way in which we passed this road together twelve years ago."
So said Havelok, and his words fell like ice from his lips, and he was very still as he spoke, though the red flush crept into his cheek and his brows lowered.
And Hodulf did not answer at once. He looked at the towering young warrior before him, and maybe into his mind there crept the thought of the children whom he had slain, whom this one would avenge. Well he knew that the true Havelok was speaking with him, though he would not own it, and branded my father with the name of thrall for the sake of insult to his foster son.
At last he said, "We will go back to the men, for you have advantage in that bulk of yours."
"As you will," answered Havelok. "Twelve years ago that was on your side."
He reined round at once, and touched his horse with the spur without another glance at his enemy. And then we shouted, and Raven spurred forward with a great oath, for Hodulf plucked his sword from the scabbard, and with a new treachery in his heart, rode after our brother and was almost on him. The shout was just in time, for Havelok turned in his saddle as the blow was falling.
Quick as light, he took it on the shaft of the spear he carried, and turned it, wheeling his horse short round at the same time. Lindsey training was there in that horsemanship of his. Hodulf's horse shot past as the blow failed, and then Raven seemed to be the next man to be dealt with.
But Havelok called to him to stand aside, for this was his own fight; and at that Hodulf had his horse in hand again, and was ready to meet his foe fairly.
And now Havelok had cast aside the spear, and taken the axe from the saddle bow; and these two met, unshielded, for neither had time to unsling the round buckler from his shoulder.
It was no long fight, for now Hodulf's men were coming up, and there need be no more thought of aught but ending one who was ready to smite a foul blow before us all shamelessly. Havelok spurred his horse, and the two met and closed for one moment. Then down went the Norseman with cleft helm, and the old wrongs were avenged, and there was but one king in the land.
Then Hodulf's men were on Havelok, but not before Raven was at his back, and over Hodulf there was a struggle in which Havelok was in peril for a short time before we closed round him. Well fought the courtmen of the fallen king, and well fought my men, and we bore them back, fighting every foot of ground, until there were only five of them left, and these five yielded in all honour, being outnumbered. Yet ours was a smaller band by half ere there was an end.
It had not lasted long, and still the host of Hodulf was so far off that they knew not so much as that there was any fighting. Then we went to the hilltop, and set the banner there, and our line came on and halted along the crest.
One hardly need say what wonder and rejoicing there was when it was known how Hodulf had met his end, and Sigurd and other chiefs went to where we had fought, and looked on him. And one took the helm, which had round it the stolen crown, and gave it to Havelok.
"Set it on the standard," he said, "for we may need that it shall be shown presently. As for Hodulf, bear him aside out of the path of the host, that we may lay him in mound when all is ended."
One cried that he did not deserve honour of any kind, and there were some who agreed to that openly. I will not say that I was not one of them, for I had seen the foul play, and heard the insult to Grim, my father.
But Havelok answered gravely, "He has been a king, and I have not heard that he was altogether a bad one. All else was between him and me, and that is paid for by his death. Think only of the twelve years in which you have owned him as lord, and then you will know that it is right that he should be given the last honours. You had no feud as had I."
Then they did as he bade them, and that gladly, for the words were king-like, and of good omen for the days to come. I saw Sigurd and the older chiefs glance at each other, and it was plain that they were well pleased.
Now the host came on, and it was greater than ours; but when there was no sign of its leader the march wavered, and at last halted altogether. Whereon some chiefs rode to speak to us, and Havelok met them with his leaders. He had to speak first, for they could not well ask where Hodulf was. The helm was a token that told them much.
"I met your king even now," he said, "and I offered him peace and honourable return to Norway with his property if he would give up the throne that is mine by right. Maybe I was wrong in thinking that he might do so, but he refused. There were certain matters between us two, besides that of the crown, which needed settling; and therefore, after that, I challenged him to fight on these points, that being needful before they were done with. So we fought, and our feud was ended. Hodulf is dead, and his courtmen would not live after him while there was a chance of avenging his fall. That was before the host came up. Now I offer peace and friendship to all, and I can blame none who have held to the king who has fallen. It was not to be expected that all would own me at once. Only those Norsemen who came with Hodulf or have come hither since must leave the land, and they shall go in honour, taking their goods with them. Their time is up; that is all."
It was a long speech for Havelok, but in it was all that could be said. Long and closely did the chiefs look at him as he spoke, for none of them had seen him before. His words were not idly to be set aside either, and they spoke together in a low voice when he had ended.
We bided where we were, waiting to see what these men did, and soon beyond them grew the long cloud of dust starred with shifting sparks that told us that the host of Hodulf was on foot and advancing. It seemed to me that here we had a good place to meet it, for the land went down in a long slope that was in our favour, and therefore I set a man on my horse, and sent him back with all speed to Havelok to bid him hasten. Our host was not so far behind me, and I could see both from this hill. We had full time to take position here before Hodulf's army was in reach.
Now it seemed that the foemen would see what they could also, and they began to move toward us. It was plain that we should have a small fight on our own account directly, for I did not mean to let them take our place. We moved, therefore, toward them, and at that the half-dozen horsemen made for us at a trot. Then I saw that their leader was Hodulf himself.
We were in a track that led across the hill, and here on the slope it was worn deep with ages of traffic between the two towns, and on either side the heather grew thick and high, so that the horsemen could not get round us. So Hodulf rode forward to where we barred the way, and told me to stand aside.
"What next?" I asked. "I may as well bid you go back, for I came here to stop you."
"Come over to me, and leave this half-crowned kinglet of yours. It shall be worth your while."
"Hard up for men must you be, Hodulf," said one of my courtmen, laughing.
At that he made a sign to his followers, for they came on us at the gallop, with levelled spears. We closed up, and hewed the spear points off, and then dealt with the horses and men who foundered among us, and they struggled back, leaving three men and four horses in the roadway. It was bravely done, too, for there were only eight of them, and they did us no harm beyond a bruise or two. I wished that we had taken or slain Hodulf, however, for that might have made things easier in the end.
Hodulf got back to his courtmen, and now they came on. At that moment over the hill behind us rode Havelok and Raven, and saw at once what was on hand. They had ridden on, but the host was hard after them.
"Send a man to bid the host halt," Havelok said to me, "for we can end the matter here. Now shall I be hand to hand with Hodulf, even as I would wish."
I sent a man back as he bade me, and he stayed the host half a mile beyond the hill, where they were not seen. Hodulf's army was yet two miles away across the heath, and none had gone back to hasten it.
Now Havelok went forward, holding up his hand in token of parley, and his enemy rode from his men to meet him. "There is much between us, Hodulf," Havelok said, "and we have been together along this road before. Yet for the sake of the men who follow us it may be that we can make peace."
"That is for me to say," answered Hodulf, "for you have invaded my land, and are the peace breaker."
"I might mind you of a blood feud between us two," said Havelok, "but that is not the business of the host. For the sake of the land I will say this. Give up the throne that you have held for me, and you shall go hence with what treasure you have gathered, taking your Norsemen with you. There will be no shame in doing that, for I am able now to hold the land for myself."
Hodulf laughed a short laugh.
"Fine talk that for the son of Grim the thrall, who drowned Havelok for me! 'Nidring' should I be if I gave up to you."
"If things must go in that way, we will settle the matter here and now. Will you that we fight hand to hand while our men look on, or shall we go back to them and charge? I like the first plan best myself, as I would avenge my father and sisters, and also that insult of the way in which we passed this road together twelve years ago."
So said Havelok, and his words fell like ice from his lips, and he was very still as he spoke, though the red flush crept into his cheek and his brows lowered.
And Hodulf did not answer at once. He looked at the towering young warrior before him, and maybe into his mind there crept the thought of the children whom he had slain, whom this one would avenge. Well he knew that the true Havelok was speaking with him, though he would not own it, and branded my father with the name of thrall for the sake of insult to his foster son.
At last he said, "We will go back to the men, for you have advantage in that bulk of yours."
"As you will," answered Havelok. "Twelve years ago that was on your side."
He reined round at once, and touched his horse with the spur without another glance at his enemy. And then we shouted, and Raven spurred forward with a great oath, for Hodulf plucked his sword from the scabbard, and with a new treachery in his heart, rode after our brother and was almost on him. The shout was just in time, for Havelok turned in his saddle as the blow was falling.
Quick as light, he took it on the shaft of the spear he carried, and turned it, wheeling his horse short round at the same time. Lindsey training was there in that horsemanship of his. Hodulf's horse shot past as the blow failed, and then Raven seemed to be the next man to be dealt with.
But Havelok called to him to stand aside, for this was his own fight; and at that Hodulf had his horse in hand again, and was ready to meet his foe fairly.
And now Havelok had cast aside the spear, and taken the axe from the saddle bow; and these two met, unshielded, for neither had time to unsling the round buckler from his shoulder.
It was no long fight, for now Hodulf's men were coming up, and there need be no more thought of aught but ending one who was ready to smite a foul blow before us all shamelessly. Havelok spurred his horse, and the two met and closed for one moment. Then down went the Norseman with cleft helm, and the old wrongs were avenged, and there was but one king in the land.
Then Hodulf's men were on Havelok, but not before Raven was at his back, and over Hodulf there was a struggle in which Havelok was in peril for a short time before we closed round him. Well fought the courtmen of the fallen king, and well fought my men, and we bore them back, fighting every foot of ground, until there were only five of them left, and these five yielded in all honour, being outnumbered. Yet ours was a smaller band by half ere there was an end.
It had not lasted long, and still the host of Hodulf was so far off that they knew not so much as that there was any fighting. Then we went to the hilltop, and set the banner there, and our line came on and halted along the crest.
One hardly need say what wonder and rejoicing there was when it was known how Hodulf had met his end, and Sigurd and other chiefs went to where we had fought, and looked on him. And one took the helm, which had round it the stolen crown, and gave it to Havelok.
"Set it on the standard," he said, "for we may need that it shall be shown presently. As for Hodulf, bear him aside out of the path of the host, that we may lay him in mound when all is ended."
One cried that he did not deserve honour of any kind, and there were some who agreed to that openly. I will not say that I was not one of them, for I had seen the foul play, and heard the insult to Grim, my father.
But Havelok answered gravely, "He has been a king, and I have not heard that he was altogether a bad one. All else was between him and me, and that is paid for by his death. Think only of the twelve years in which you have owned him as lord, and then you will know that it is right that he should be given the last honours. You had no feud as had I."
Then they did as he bade them, and that gladly, for the words were king-like, and of good omen for the days to come. I saw Sigurd and the older chiefs glance at each other, and it was plain that they were well pleased.
Now the host came on, and it was greater than ours; but when there was no sign of its leader the march wavered, and at last halted altogether. Whereon some chiefs rode to speak to us, and Havelok met them with his leaders. He had to speak first, for they could not well ask where Hodulf was. The helm was a token that told them much.
"I met your king even now," he said, "and I offered him peace and honourable return to Norway with his property if he would give up the throne that is mine by right. Maybe I was wrong in thinking that he might do so, but he refused. There were certain matters between us two, besides that of the crown, which needed settling; and therefore, after that, I challenged him to fight on these points, that being needful before they were done with. So we fought, and our feud was ended. Hodulf is dead, and his courtmen would not live after him while there was a chance of avenging his fall. That was before the host came up. Now I offer peace and friendship to all, and I can blame none who have held to the king who has fallen. It was not to be expected that all would own me at once. Only those Norsemen who came with Hodulf or have come hither since must leave the land, and they shall go in honour, taking their goods with them. Their time is up; that is all."
It was a long speech for Havelok, but in it was all that could be said. Long and closely did the chiefs look at him as he spoke, for none of them had seen him before. His words were not idly to be set aside either, and they spoke together in a low voice when he had ended.
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