» Fiction » Through Three Campaigns: A Story of Chitral, Tirah and Ashanti, G. A. Henty [free e novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Through Three Campaigns: A Story of Chitral, Tirah and Ashanti, G. A. Henty [free e novels .txt] 📗». Author G. A. Henty

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garrison. The labourers worked in relays, as did the rest of the soldiers.

High grass had grown almost up to the fort walls, and had to be cut down. While this was being done, skeletons and corpses in all states of decomposition were met with. Almost all had died of starvation. At first the bodies of those who died had been buried, but latterly their friends had become too weak to perform this office; and the poor wretches had crawled a few yards into the jungle, to die quietly. Such numbers of bodies were found that they had, at last, to be burned in heaps. Few, indeed, of the four thousand fugitives who had gathered round the fort, reached the coast with the force that had fought their way out.

The doctors were busy all day with the refugees, the old garrison, the thirty casualties from the fight of the day before, and several white men down with fever.

The Ashantis had burnt all the cantonments of friendly natives, but had left the old palace of Prempeh uninjured. This structure was burnt during the day.

The order for officers to assemble was sounded in the evening, and it was arranged that the return march was to start at four on the following morning. The coveted post of leading the column was given to a company of the West African Frontier Force.

They were a little sorry that they were so soon to leave the place. The fort itself was a handsome, square stone building, with towers at the four corners. The resident's quarters had a balcony, and excellent rooms. There was also, of course, barrack accommodation, store rooms, and a well. Quick-firing guns were mounted on the circular bastions. The surrounding buildings were bungalows, with broad verandahs; and the force would have been well pleased to remain for a few days, and enjoy the comforts provided for them.

The force to be left was under the command of Major Eden; and consisted of three officers, one doctor, three British non-commissioned officers, a hundred and fifty men of the West African Frontier Force, and a few Gold Coast Constabulary gunners; with fifty-four days' rations, and a plentiful supply of ammunition.

The column was a terribly long one, owing to the enormous number of invalids, wounded, women, and children. They halted for the night at the village halfway to Pekki. The villages on the road were all burnt down, to prevent opposition next time we passed; and all crops were destroyed. This work the soldiers quite enjoyed. Continued explosions occurred during the burning of the huts, showing how large an amount of ammunition the natives possessed.

Next night they arrived at Pekki. The king had prepared a market, so that the starving force got a more substantial supper than usual. Here the column was to divide. Colonel Willcocks was to go straight through to Bekwai; while the second portion, with the wounded and cripples, was to take two days.

They halted at Bekwai for two or three days, to give rest to the soldiers; a large proportion of whom were suffering from coughs, sore throats, and fever, the result of their hardships. Two thousand carriers were sent to fetch up more stores.

Preparations were then made for an attack on Kokofu, which was a serious menace to the troops going up or down. The column for this purpose, which was under General Moreland, consisted of six companies, which were to be brought up to eight. With three of the larger guns and two seven-pounders, they started for Esumeja on the 22nd. The force was a compact one, the only carriers allowed being one to each white man, to take up some food and a blanket. Major Melliss commanded the advance.

They marched rapidly, as it was all important to take the enemy by surprise. Some distance short of Kokofu, they stopped for breakfast. Then the officers were assembled and, when the plan of attack had been formed, the column moved cautiously on.

The place was only a mile away, so that an attack was momentarily expected. The troops entered a deserted village, and there halted. A few sentries were thrown out, and the colonel held a short council of war with Major Melliss and two of his other officers. After some discussion, it was decided that a Hausa company should go on, and rush the stockade with the bayonet, without firing. If they carried it, they were to proceed along the river bank beyond, and so place themselves as to cover the advance of the guns.

The scouts were called in; and the Hausa company set off, in fours, along the path. When they had marched a hundred yards, the little band that formed the advance signalled that they made out something ahead and, when they rounded the next sharp turn of the road they saw, not thirty yards away, a great six-foot stockade, extending far into the bush on either side. It lay halfway down a gentle slope, a situation which favoured the assailants for, naturally, the hill would increase the impetus of the charge.

The order was sent down in a whisper, "Stockade ahead, prepare to charge."

The men kept together as closely as possible. The buglers rang out the charge and, with a shout, the Hausas rushed at the stockade. In an instant the white leaders scaled the timbers, and the men followed at their heels.

To their astonishment, the place was empty. The surprise was complete. It was clear that the enemy had no information, whatever, of their approach; and the guard from the stockade had gone to feed, with their companions, in the war camp.

The bugle had told them what was coming and, with a roar, thousands of black figures dashed up towards the stockade. There was nothing for it but to charge and, with fixed bayonets, the Hausas dashed forward, regardless of the heavy fire with which they were met.

Enormously as they outnumbered their assailants, the sight of the glittering bayonets and the cheers of the Hausas were too much for the enemy. Those in front, after a few more shots, turned and fled; the Hausas following in hot pursuit. The river turned out to be of no depth; and it had not, as reported, a parapet for defending the passage. Hard as the Hausas tried to overtake the enemy, the Ashantis, being fleeter of foot, kept ahead but, though the shouting and running were beginning to tell on the pursuers, still they held on.

The path gradually became firmer; and suddenly, when they turned a corner, there was Kokofu in front of them. From almost every house, running for their lives, were naked Ashantis. The sight restored the men's strength; and they redoubled their efforts, with the result that they killed some thirty of the enemy.

The pursuit was maintained until they reached the other end of the town. Then the company was halted. The officers had difficulty in restraining their men, who implored them to press on in pursuit; but a general permission to do so could not be given. No one knew whether the main column had followed them; and it was possible, too, that the Ashantis might rally and return. Half the company, however, were permitted to continue the pursuit, and to keep the Ashantis on the run.

With shouts of delight, the men darted off in the darkness. In a short time they were recalled, and the company then marched back to the centre of the town. Here they found that the main body had come in. Two companies had been sent out, right and left into the bush, to keep down sniping fire, and hurry the enemy's retreat. Pickets and sentries had been thrown out round the town. Soldiers were eating the food that the enemy had cooked. Piles of loot were being dragged out of the houses; among which were quantities of loaded guns, rifles, and powder barrels. The native soldiers were almost mad with delight; and were dancing, singing, and carrying each other shoulder high, shouting songs of triumph.

But short time could be allowed for rejoicing. The various company calls were sounded and, when the men were gathered, the town was methodically razed, and a collection of over two hundred guns were burnt.

The troops, however, had reason for their joy. The Kokofu army of some six thousand men, who had repulsed two previous attacks, were a mass of fugitives. In the course of one week, the Ashantis had suffered two crushing defeats in their strongest positions.

As soon as the work was done, the force set out on their return march. Their appearance differed widely from that of the men who had silently, and in good order, advanced. Scarcely a man, white or black, was not loaded with some token of the victory. All were laughing, or talking, or singing victorious songs.

A halt was made, to destroy the stockade and the war camp. The former was found to be extremely strong and, had it been manned by the enemy, the work of capturing it would have been very serious, indeed.

When they arrived at Esumeja, the garrison there could scarcely believe that the success had been so complete, and so sudden. Bekwai was reached as twilight was beginning, and here the whole of the garrison, with Colonel Willcocks at its head, was drawn up to receive them. The men were heartily cheered; and the Hausa company, which had done such splendid service, were halted and congratulated by Colonel Willcocks. Then after three cheers the force, which had been on foot for sixteen hours, was dismissed, and returned to its quarters.

"Well, Hallett, how do you feel?"

"Better," Hallett said. "I felt tired enough, after the march there but, somehow, I forgot all about it directly the fight began. Everyone was so delighted and cheery that, really, I came in quite fresh."

"I knew it would be so," Lisle said. "It has been a glorious day and, if you had come in moping, I should have given you up as hopeless."

"And I give you up as hopeless, the other way," Hallett replied. "You always seem brimming over with fun; even when, as far as I can see, there is nothing to be funny about."

"Well, it really has been a glorious victory; and I only wish we had both been with the Hausa company who first attacked. They really won the game off their own bat, for we had nothing to do but to pick up the spoil.

"There was not much worth carrying away, but I am glad of some little memento of the fight. I got the chief's stool. I don't quite know what I am going to do with it, yet; but I shall try to get my servant to carry it along; and it will come in handy, to sit down upon, when we encamp in a swamp.

"What did you manage to get?"

"I picked up a small rifle, a very pretty weapon. Do you know, I quite approve of the regulation, in South Africa, that officers should carry rifles instead of swords. I have never been able to understand why we should drag about swords, which are of no use whatever while, with rifles, we could at least pot some of the enemy; instead of standing, looking like fools, while the men are doing all the work."

"I agree with you, there. In the Tirah campaign I, several times, got hold of the rifles of fallen men, and did a little shooting on my own account. Officers would all make themselves good shots, if they knew that shooting would be of some value; and even three officers, with a weak company, could do really valuable service. I certainly found it so, when I was with the Punjabis. Of course, I was not an officer; but I was a really good shot with a rifle, and succeeded in potting several Pathan chiefs."

"I suppose," Hallett said, mournfully, "that about the time when I leave the army as a general, common sense will prevail; and the sword will be done away with, except on state occasions."

"It is very good of you to look so far ahead, Hallett. It shows that you have abandoned the idea of leaving the army, even if you again put on flesh.

"I rather wonder that you should modestly confine yourself to retiring as a general. Why not strive for the position of a field marshal, who has the possibility of becoming commander in chief? It may be, old fellow that, if you shake yourself together, you may yet attain these dignities. You were always very jovial, on board ship; and I trust that, when we get out of this horrible country, you will regain your normal spirits."

"I am not so sure that I shall get out of the country; for I often feel disposed to brain you, when you won't let me alone; and I fear that, one of these days, I may give way to the impulse."

"You would have to catch me, first," Lisle laughed; "and as I believe that I could run three feet to your one, your chance

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