» Fiction » The Diary of Jerrod Bently, J.W. Osborn [the false prince series TXT] 📗

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been a quiet morning and despite the smell, Hap had played a good game of checkers with Ned Travis and listened to him complain about how badly he was being treated and that he was totally innocent of the charges that kept him behind bars. So this was what being a deputy was all about. Oh well, it sure had impressed Suzy Titus when he told her of the part time job he’d been hired for. “It’s just till they call me to Fort Dodge,” he’s told her “ it’s going to be dangerous. But I ain’t scared.”
He was thinking of how slick he was, courting Jake Titus’s daughter without his permission. If he made enough money once he got into the cavalry, he’d go to Jake and ask for Suzy. But he would have to make peace with him first.

Floyd Jax had covered many miles since he left the herd. He could not believe how long Desert Rose could keep up that smooth lope of hers. He’d heard Indian horses were good for long distances, but he’d never experienced it before. Now she was tiring quicker and having to rest more often and he knew he had better slow down. He was worn out too, but he’d made it to Portersville. Floyd , sore and exhausted slid out of the saddle in front of the mercantile and tied Desert Rose’s reins to the hitching rail. He looked around, and on seeing the Sherif’s Office sign, he stiffly walked toward it. Hap was just about to walk out the door as Floyd Jax came in. “You want somethin’ mister?”, the boy asked, half annoyed. “I was just going out for some coffee.”
“I need to see Doc Stevens,” Floyd said “You his deputy?”
“I am,” Hap III replied “What can I do for you?”
“Tell me where I can find Stevens,” Floyd stated.
“Probably on his way here, or at the bake shop with his wife.”, Hap replied. “Say, you look plum wore out, mister.”
“I need to see Stevens right away,” Floyd replied , becoming annoyed with the youth’s lackadaisical attitude. Uncaring, Hap sat back down in his chair and put his feet up on the desk in front of him. “Bake shop is about four doors up from here on the left,” he said as he pulled his hat down over his eyes “It’s noon, and you will probably find him there.” Not impressed by the lazy deputy, Floyd left and headed up the street toward Victoria’s Bake Shop.


Doc flapped open his checkered napkin and placed it on his lap. Victoria smiled warmly at her husband as she handed change to Almeda Wilks who had just purchased the last peach pie in the glass case. She winked at Doc as she crossed the room, to join him at their usual table. “Jake’s going to be disappointed when he comes by,” Doc commented as he rose to pull her chair out for her.
“Why?”, Victoria asked as she sat down.
“Because the preacher’s wife just carried the last peach pie out of here,” Doc replied with a grin. “It’s Wednesday and I bet ole Jake has been dreaming of that pie all night.”
“I have two of the cherry pies left and he will take one of those,” Victoria replied.
“As I hear it, “ Doc said with as wry grin on his face, “Titus is a true pie lover, but that wife of his can’t bake one to save the ranch.” Victoria giggled at his remark.. “J.W does very well with several things she bakes, but pie isn’t one of them.”
“So I have heard,” Doc said as young Charlie Wolf walked up to their table bringing them the sandwiches Victoria had prepared earlier. “Thanks’s boy,” Doc said “How do you like your job?”
“Just fine, sir,” the lad replied “Miss Victoria pays me twenty five cents when I come by and then I go to help my Pa over at the smithy. He says I am his apprentice now and I don’t get paid till I have learned the trade.”
“You give my regards to your Pa,” Doc said as he reached for his lemonade “And tell him that I am bringing Joe and Fancy by for shoes this week.”
“I’ll tell him, Sherrif,” the boy replied politely as he left them to remove the dirty cups and plates from the table next to them. The bell over the door of the shop clanged sharply as Floyd Jax walked in. He was covered in trail dirt and looking like a ghost. Doc immediately rose to his feet, very surprised to see him. “Jax? What the devil are you doing back in Portersville?”, he demanded.
Alarmed, Victoria turned around to see who her husband was speaking to. “Doc,” Floyd said “I been in the saddle for days. You got to come back with me. Sam is bad hurt and Jerrod is in serious trouble.”
Victoria saw her husband’s face turn white, and his hand tremble as he took the letter Floyd Jax was holding out to him. “Please, Doc,” the drover said “Scrub Pot says you got to come quick.”
“Doc?” Victoria questioned as she looked up at him. Doc was reading Jerrod’s letter and as he read on he became all the angrier. “Is Dalton dead?”, he demanded .
“Yes sir,” Jax replied “Jerrod shot him for trying to hurt Miss Sam.”
“What about this Vickers?”
“He lit out and we ain’t seen him since. But the old Indian thinks he will be gunning for Jerrod.”
Doc turned to his wife. “Vic,” he said “I am sorry. I have to go.”
The fact that he had not asked Floyd Jax anything about Sam worried Victoria Stevens. She rose to her feet , “Doc,” she said quietly “What about your niece?”
“There has been an accident.” he said as he handed her Jerrod’s letter. He placed his hands on her shoulders “Pray, Victoria, as hard as you can and tell the ladies at the church to do the same. I don’t know how long I will be gone, but I am bringing Sam back with me no matter how long it takes.”
Victoria turned to young Charlie Wolf who was wiping off the tables. “Charlie, “ she said “Go find Pede and tell him to get Doc’s horse ready to go. Tell him to go to the livery and take the best team of horses Hap Jr has for my buckboard. And hurry.”
“Yes ma’am,” the boy responded as he threw down the wet rag he’d been using and ran out the door. “Go on Doc,” she said turning back to her husband. “ You have a job to do.”
The way he kissed her then left her dizzy as she watched him walk outside the shop with drover.


It was high time that Hap the III earned his keep as a deputy. He jumped up as the door of the office flew open . “Howdy, Sherrif,” the boy said stumbling to his feet, “I see that your friend found you.”
“Am I going back to Texas?” Ned bellowed from his cell in the back of the jail.
“ Shut up Ned.,” Doc ordered and then he turned to young Johansen. “You want to be in the cavalry? You want to be a law man?”, he growled. Red faced over being caught napping on the job, Hap III nodded.
“Well, here is your chance, boy.,” Doc said “We are going to Kansas.”

Old Pede spent most of his days tending to the still that he kept outside of town. But when he was needed, he always managed to come through and the old man soon had Doc’s black groomed, saddled and ready to ride, Hap Johansen Jr.’s best team hitched to Victoria’s buckboard, and he’d loaded it with supplies they would need. All was waiting in the street in front of the Sherif’s Office with in the hour. The only thing lacking was a driver.
“Rose can’t go back,” Floyd told Doc. “She’s played out and Scrub Pot will scalp me if that mare turns up lame.”
“Don’t worry about your mare, Mr. Jax,” a female voice said from behind him. It was Victoria. She had just walked over from the bake shop, a covered basket in her hands. “She is now over at my barn being fed and resting. She will be fine.”
Though dazed from a long and hard ride, Floyd did not forget his manners, and removed his hat. “Thank you ma’am.”, he said “She’s a right fine horse. Fast too.”
“I’ll go get Decker,” Hap III interjected as he started toward the street.
“Not so fast, deputy,” Doc said sternly.
“I need my horse if we are going to Kansas, Doc.” the young man said.
“You see that wagon over yonder, Hap?” Doc said, gesturing toward the buckboard. “You’ll be driving that. ”
“Come on,
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