» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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me. “You have a boyfriend?”

“I didn’t say he was a boy, I said he was a friend.” I pointed out.

“But he is a boy, and is your friend.” My dad, replied. “Alice, I do not know how I feel about you dating someone your mom and I never met…”

I rolled my eyes, my dad was always jumping to conclusions. “Did I not just say he was just a friend?” I asked, bewildered. He was beginning to act like Thomas, only older and having a lot more grey hair than a ten year old boy should ever have.

He let out a chuckle, just staring at me silently. As if he was in deep thought, “I will find out who bought the land which had the dance academy, I will see what I could do. But, I don’t however make any promises,” I nodded my head at his rule. “Good, now have something I want to tell you…”

I tilted my head to examine him, my dad rarely asked for me to do favors and when he did. It kind of worried me, “What is it…?” I asked, slowly.

His light eyes stared at me silently, “It’s kind of an apology sort of thing.”

“What?” I asked, getting a little bit confused to what he was beginning to say.

He let out a sigh, running his hands through his almost bald head. “Look, Alice. I love you, I know you know that. But, sometimes I do realize I could be a little overprotected and harsh. But, you are my only daughter and I don’t want to lose you…”

“Well you are a rainbow with an attitude, so suck it up.” I responded, looking out the window.

Gavin just glanced at me from the corner of his eye. Ignoring me as he continued to sing softly with the music and occasionally drum his fingers on the steering wheel.

I closed my eyes for a few brief seconds but when I opened it I noticed an entire different scenery out my window. “Where are we going?” I asked, as I noticed there becoming more trees instead of city life.

“I want to show you something, I found.” He responded.

I just kept quiet as I continued to stare out the window. A few minutes later, the truck came to a halt as Gavin parked the car getting out of it.

I quickly did the same following his as he climbed up the trunk of his car, as he set up some blankets that were there. “What are you doing? Planning to have a sleepover?” I asked, kind of sarcastically.

He nodded his head, “That is exactly what I am doing. Thanks for using your brains for once, nerd.”

I watched as Gavin pulled down the blankets as he made a somewhat bed, then when he finally decided it looked comfortable and good enough to sleep on. He proceeded to lie down with his arms behind his head.

“What on earth are you doing?”

“What does it look like I am doing? I am watching the stars.”

I tilted my head up, noticing all the beautiful stars that were scattered across the dark sky like a bunch of really small seeds on a kitchen floor. “Wow,” I said, slightly out of breath.

“Wow is right, isn’t it beautiful?” Gavin, asked.

I nodded my head, “really is.”

“Come here, I made some room for you to lie down.” He said, moving over giving me some space.

“Why should I lie down, when you don’t trust me?” I blurted out, before I could process what I had just said.

I heard Gavin groan to himself. “Are we really going to start this? I just forgot about it and now you are bringing it up?”

“Sorry,” I said, muttering.

As I sat down on the trunk of the hood as my feet dangled of the side. “It’s fine. Now just come here and let’s watch the stars a little bit before the clocks strikes twelve and Cinderella has to get home.”

I rolled my eyes, crawling to lay beside him. However, I didn’t move too near him, there was about a few centimeters of space between us.

I felt Gavin shift over closer to me, I didn’t however feel the need to move over. “So want to tell me what was so important that I had to leave the comfort of my own bed to spend time with you?” Gavin asked, whispering in my ear.

“I just wanted to tell you that I talked to someone about the dance academy and how it is being taken down for demolition.”

“Who is this person that you talked to?”

“Well, let us just say he is very high up in the government-“

Gavin spoke cutting me off, “How high up?”

I shook my head, “That doesn’t matter. What matters is that, they will see what they could do about the demolition project and see if it could be stopped.”

Gavin sat up from his lying position as he turned to me a small smile on his face, “Please tell me you are kidding? Cause getting someone’s hopes up like this is cruel.”

I chuckled, shaking my head. “No, I am not joking.”

Gavin opened his arms out to me, wrapping his arms around my small body. I felt him squeeze me, “Thank you.” He whispered in my ear.

I smiled, as I wrapped my arms around him. “You’re welcome.”

He pulled away, “No. I actually do mean it. Thanks, Ali.” He said, moving his head towards mine pressing his lips on my cheek.

He let his lips linger on my cheek for a few seconds before pulling away. “Thank you, Ali." He whispered once more, before lying down and looking back at the sky.

I touched my cheek as I felt my face flush, I nodded my head. Moving to go and lie back down next to Gavin, but this time instead of moving away from him. I laid my head on his chest. He didn’t seem to mind, because he wrapped an arm around my body as the sounds of crickets and other noises filled the quiet night.

I quickly crossed the street, walking over to where Gavin was sitting patiently in his truck. Once I reached his truck, I quickly opened the passenger door getting inside.

“What took you so long?”

“Sorry, got a tad bit distracted.” I said, pulling on my seatbelt.

“You are ten minutes late.” Gavin replied, starting up the engine as he merged on with oncoming traffic. “You are ten minutes late, so you are definitely not a tad bit late.”

I rolled my eyes, “So where are we going? Or are you going to be one of those bad boys I read about in books and refuse to tell the girl where we are going?”

“You read?” Gavin asked, shocked.

“Yes…” I said slowly, “Don’t you?”

He nodded his head, “Yeah, I read to Garrett every night. He enjoys when I read to him.”

I looked at him kind of confused, I had no idea what he had just said had anything to do with what I asked but nevertheless I went along with it by nodding my head.

“So are you going to tell me where we are going or are you going to change the topic once more?”

“I want to say change the topic, but you will just get agitated.” Gavin responded.

I smirked, “You know me so well.”

“So, to answer your question Miss Clair. We are going to Garrett and I’s favorite café in the whole world. Well, all of DC. We usually go there for breakfast on special occasions, since the place is sort of expensive.”

My eyes widened in shock, “Then why the hell are you taking me there?”

“Because, I am craving some good chocolate and you are paying for yourself.”

I ran my fingers through my hair, looking out the window. “I should’ve known….” I muttered, to myself.

If Gavin heard me he didn’t choose to respond, which I was kind of grateful for. I didn’t have a comeback to when Gavin made his intelligent remark.


“Be honest, wasn’t that the best milkshake you have ever tasted?”

I nodded my head, as I licked my lips trying to taste the chocolate milkshake that Gavin had ordered for me. “I want to say no, but anyone with excellent taste would know I was lying. That was amazing.”

Gavin nodded in agreement as we walked towards his truck. “It really was, Garrett and I usually order that, or we order the vanilla fudge shake.”

I let out a quiet moan, when Gavin said the word vanilla, “Normally whenever I would go out with my brother. Which is rare, he would usually get this combination of weird things mostly chocolate. I am not really a big fan of chocolate but you my friend have introduced me to the light side.”

“I am glad, I could be of service.” Gavin replied, chuckling. We got back into his truck for the ride back home.

I got in, putting on my seatbelt, as Gavin started up the engine turning on the radio this time. Some country song blasted from the radio as I heard Gavin mumble the words as the singer sang.

“I never pegged you as guy to listen to country music.” I said voicing my thoughts aloud.

“I never pegged you as an annoying nerd, boy was I wrong.” Gavin replied.

“Why are you so sassy?”

“Don’t call me that,” He said wincing. “The word sassy is something that people use for girls with attitudes.”

I let out a chuckle, trying to stifle my laughs. “Hey!” Thomas complained.

My mom, however ignored him moving on. “And second, who is this Gavin fellow?”

I looked back at Thomas, “Do you want to answer this?”

Thomas looked at my mother quickly than back at me, “Nah. I am good, I’ll take the next one.”

I looked at him confused, “There is no ‘next one!’ She is asking both of us.”

Thomas and I just stared at each other in return, I didn’t know what to tell my mother. How I met Gavin? Or who he was? Or what he was known for in my school? All that I really know is that no matter what I say about Gavin, my mom wouldn’t find him a good kid.

I noticed as Thomas opened up his mouth to speak, “Gavin is Alice’s-“

I quickly cut him off spewing random facts on Thomas the same time he was telling my mother who Gavin was. As we both began to talk at the same time, a few moments later we both stopped at the same time.

My mom just looked at us confused, “O-okay?”

I nodded my head, “Well I will best be going now, see you. Love you, don’t wait up!” I said, adding a remark I once heard on television as I ran out of the red room and towards the front door. I don’t think she gave me permission to go hang out with Gavin but she didn’t try to stop me so this was probably her way of saying yes.

As I was walking to the front door, I heard someone call out my name. “Alice?”

I turned my head and saw Ricky one of the bodyguards. “Ricky!” I called out, running towards him and giving him a hug. “Where have you been?”

“My wife just gave birth to our fourth child. So I was on leave to help around, until she gets back on her feet.”

I smiled, “I didn’t know your wife was expecting a baby? Is it a boy or girl?”

“It’s a girl, her name is Kayla Ginny Taylor. After my mother and my wife’s mother.”

I beamed, “That’s a nice name! Congratulations!”

“Thanks, kid. Where are you heading off to?”

I raised my eyebrows at him, “Now, I am kid?” I asked, and in return Ricky just chuckled. “Well I am off to meet a friend, and I am actually running late…” I said, pulling out my phone to check the time, there were three messages from Gavin repeating the same message of ‘where are you?’

“Do you want me to drop you off?” He asked.

I nodded my head in return “That would be awesome, thanks!” He nodded his head in return as we walked towards the front door together silently.

Once we got outside we got into
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