Blown to Bits; or, The Lonely Man of Rakata, R. M. Ballantyne [good short books .txt] 📗

- Author: R. M. Ballantyne
Book online «Blown to Bits; or, The Lonely Man of Rakata, R. M. Ballantyne [good short books .txt] 📗». Author R. M. Ballantyne
THE WAY SHE TROD. A STUDY. Just Published. Small crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.
"'The Way She Trod' is a study of the development of religious sentiment and belief in a girl's character."—Scotsman.
"She is Triplice, which, being interpreted, means threefold.... Her life-history, under these various phases, is ingeniously set forth."—Glasgow Herald.
"An admirably written book for young women, who will be attracted by the interesting story, telling how Triplice was led by a way she knew not' until she finds rest and joy in God."—The Christian.
"A good book for distribution among girls of the upper classes."—Record.
FLOWER VOICES. With Illustrations. Demy 16mo, 1s.
"A dainty little booklet, giving many sweet and useful lessons from the flowers."—The News.
"A choice little book, in which flowers are made to typify men and women, and to whisper important lessons regarding life and duty."-Christian.
"Short stories, which will both please and profit. There is life and point about them, and their association with flowers is by no means strained. We place this little book in the first class as to the quality of the writing."-Sword and Trowel.
WAFTED SEEDS. With Illustrations. Demy 16mo, 1s.
By Miss MARSH.THE RIFT IN THE CLOUDS. Small crown 8vo, 1s.
CROSSING THE RIVER. Small crown 8vo, 1s.
SHINING LIGHT. Small crown 8vo, 1s.
WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN. A True Story. Crown 8vo, 1s.
By Rev. J. REID HOWATT.THE CHILDREN'S PEW. Sermons to Children.
AFTER HOURS; or, The Religion of Our Leisure Time. With Appendix on How to Form a Library for Twenty Shillings. Small crown 8vo, 1s.
THE CHILDREN'S PULPIT. A Year's Sermons and Parables for the Young. Second Edition. Extra crown 8vo, 6s.
"It will be heartily welcomed. The subjects are well selected; the style is always simple and forcible, and the lessons which the preacher desires to impress upon the mind are such as every youthful reader may appreciate. The sermons have another merit—that of brevity. A child may read them with a good deal of pleasure, and, it need hardly be said, with much profit."—Scotsman.
"The sermonettes are simple, suggestive, and singularly happy in illustration and treatment."—Word and Work.
"All these fifty-three sermons and parables are worth reading, and would seem admirable either as models for addresses to children, or for reading in the home circle."—Church Bells.
"Full of nature and of life, and flashing with happy illustrations. "—Christian World.
THE CHILDREN'S ANGEL. Being a Volume of Sermons to Children. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.
"Brief, fresh, and often original in thought. A preacher to children will find many suggestions and ideas in these discourses."—Literary Churchman.
"Fifty-three brief addresses to children. Direct, as such things should be; clear, as they must always be; and interesting, as, if any good is to be done, they are bound to be—they contain a collection of truths which children ought to be taught, and the teacher is always bright and clear, which is saying a great deal."—Church Bells.
"One of the most beautiful and helpful books we know of for ministers and others who are called upon to address the young."—Methodist New Connexion Magazine.
By Miss NUGENT.THE PRINCE IN THE MIDST. Jesus our Centre. 16mo, 1s.
NEVER SAY DIE: A Talk with Old Friends. 16mo. 9d.; paper cover, 6d.
By the Rev. JAMES WELLS, M.A.BIBLE OBJECT LESSONS. Addresses to Children. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
BIBLE ECHOES. Addresses to the Young. Small crown. 8vo, 3s. 6d.
THE PARABLES OF JESUS. With Illustrations. Small crown 8vo, 5s.
BIBLE CHILDREN. Studies for the Young. With illustrations. Small crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
BIBLE IMAGES. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d.
By the Rev. J.H. WILSON, D.D.THE KING'S MESSAGE. A Book for the Young. With Illustrations. Small crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
THE GOSPEL AND ITS FRUITS. A Book for the Young With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN: The Lord's Prayer Familiarly Explained and Illustrated for the Young. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.
By EDITH RALPH.STEP BY STEP THROUGH THE BIBLE. PART I FROM THE CREATION TO THE DEATH OF JOSHUA. A Scripture History for Little Children. With a Preface by CUNNINGHAM GEIKIE, D.D., LL.D., and Twelve Illustrations. Crown. 8vo, 2s. 6d.
"Miss Edith Ralph, in this little book, shows herself exceptionally skilful in her delicate task.... The tone and spirit of her pages seem to me admirably suited to her subject—simple, tender, gentle, wise, and full of sweet Christian love, they point the little ones invitingly to heaven, and lead the way.... Nor is the careful and well-informed intelligence wanting which is needed to make the first steps in Bible knowledge a preparation for safe and healthy progress in it hereafter."
Part II. FROM DEATH OF JOSHUA TO END OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. A Scripture History for Little Children. Revised and recommended by CUNNINGHAM GEIKIE, D.D., LL.D. Twelve Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.
"No sweeter, wiser, or more Christian story of the Scriptures could be given to a little child or read to it."—Christian Commonwealth. "Just the thing for Sunday afternoon,"—Word and Work.
By FREDERICK A. ATKINS,Editor of "The Young Man," and Hon. Sec. of the National Anti-Gambling League.
MORAL MUSCLE: AND How TO USE IT. A Brotherly Chat with Young Men. With an Introduction by Rev. THAIN DAVIDSON, D.D. Now ready. Small crown 8vo, 1s.
Dr. CLIFFORD writes:—"It is full of life, throbs with energy, is rich in stimulus, and bright with hope."
The Methodist Times says:—"An excellent book for young men—manly, honest, straightforward, and full of Christian earnestness."
Just Published. Small crown 8vo, 1s.
"An excellent book for young men. The addresses are vigorous and to the point. The work would certainly help to develop in a thoughtful reader a truer manliness than generally prevails among our young men."—Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette.
"Another of Mr. Atkins' capital little books for young men."—British Weekly.
HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE. By Dr. CLIFFORD, M.A.; Professor ELMSLIE, D.D.; R.F. HORTON, M.A.; Rev. F.B. MEYEE, B.A.; Rev. C.H. WALLER, M.A.; Rev. H.C.G. MOULE, M.A.; Rev. C.A. BERRY; Rev. W.J. DAWSON. Third Edition. Small crown 8vo, 1s.
"In this little book we have the choicest counsels of men who are themselves successful students of the Word. We very earnestly commend this volume. All those who desire to know how to study the Scriptures with the utmost profit should secure it at once."—Christian Advocate.
"Young Bible students will find some very valuable hints in this little volume."—Nonconformist.
"The whole of these essays are well worthy of perusal, and are as instructive as they are interesting-."—Manchester Courier.
"In this small book are comprised eight practical and, we may say, delightful essays from well-known divines and authors,"—Schoolmaster.
THE QUESTION OF QUESTIONS: "WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST?" By SAMUEL WAINWRIGHT, D.D., Incumbent of St. Stephen's, Clapham Park. Crown 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d.
"A volume of earnest and able sermons, full of life and vigour."—Literary Churchman.
"In this volume Dr. Cuyler is at his best.... His sermons are full of practical teaching, and cannot fail to profit the reader."—Rock. "Dr. Cuyler has given us here some of his best work."—Church Bells.
"This is a volume of short practical sermons, characterised by the simplicity and directness which we expect from Dr. Cuyler."—Christian Leader.
"The discourses are vigorous expositions of simple texts."—Scotsman
HOW TO BE A PASTOR. Recently Published. Crown 8vo, 2s.
"It is full of strong, cheery, sensible, hard-working Christianity. It ought to have a very large circulation."—British Weekly.
"Twelve chapters well worthy of the study of pastors, and calculated to stimulate all who have at heart the cause of Christ."—Christian.
"In this handy little volume Dr. Cuyler gives wise guidance, couched in graphic and telling style."—Methodist Recorder.
"We lay down this book, brimful of wholesome advice, with the earnest wish that some of our wealthy laymen would place a copy of it in the hands of each of our ministers."—Christian Advocate.
The Bishop of Bedford says:—"Old truths are felicitously expressed and beautifully illustrated. There is much that is original and suggestive in exposition."
The Dean of Winchester says:—"A delightful volume: the chapter on 'Non-Resistance' pleases me especially."
THE CHRISTIAN'S AIMS. Small Crown 8vo, 1s.
"Under Mr. Pearson's guidance the aims of life are considered with reference to God, to ourselves, and to our fellows. Self-denial, as required of every Christian, is sensibly considered in the chapter on Cross-bearing. "—Guardian.
"Many Christians would derive benefit from reading the chapters 'On Glorifying God,' 'On Self-Mastery,' 'On Self-Fulfilment,' 'On Cross-Bearing' and 'On Tone.'"—English Churchman.
By the Rev. ANDREW MURRAY.Small crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. each.
THE NEW LIFE. Words of God for Disciples of Christ.
"This book stands out among many of its kind as distinguished by a new impulse and freshness of thought."—Scotsman.
ABIDE IN CHRIST. Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Fellowship with the Son of God. Sixty-third Thousand.
"The varied aspects of this practical truth are treated with much freshness, power, and unction. It cannot fail to stimulate, to cheer, and to qualify for higher service."—Mr. SPURGEON in The Sword and Trowel.
LIKE CHRIST. Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Conformity to the Son of God. A Sequel to "Abide in Christ." Twenty-eighth Thousand.
"The author has written with such loving unction and spiritual insight that his pages may be read with comfort and edification by all."—Literary Churchman.
"A volume of rare excellence, and one which is much needed."—Christian News.
HOLY IN CHRIST. Thoughts on the Calling of God's Children to be Holy as He is Holy. Tenth Thousand.
"This is one of the best books we have seen upon a subject which is happily attracting much attention nowadays. There is so much spurious sentimentalism abroad that we are glad to meet with a book in which this sacred theme—holiness—is dealt with so robustly and scripturally."—Methodist N.C. Magazine.
THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST. Thoughts on the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the Believer and the Church. Eighth Thousand.
"Mr. Murray's new work, like his former ones, will serve for the edification of those who are able to appreciate spirituality of thought, and inclined to give the attention needful to digest and profit by meditations presented in a manner more solid than lively."—Record.
Small Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
THE CHILDREN FOR CHRIST. Thoughts for Christian Parents on the Consecration of the Home Life. Tenth Thousand.
"There is a tone of fervour and devotion pervading the book that contrasts pleasantly with the trivially inane tone some writers think fit to adopt in writing for and about children. All Sunday-school teachers and parents would do well to lay its lessons to heart."—Methodist Recorder.
By the Rev. J. HAMILTON, D.D.THE MOUNT OF OLIVES, and other Lectures on Prayer. 16mo, 1s.
THE PEARL OF PARABLES. Notes on the Parable of the Prodigal Son. 16mo, 1s.
THE LIGHT TO THE PATH; or, What the Bible has been to Others, and What it can do for Ourselves. 16mo, 1s.
THE HAPPY HOME. 16mo. With Illustrations. 1s.
THE BLESSED LIFE: How to Find and Live It. By N.J. HOFMEYR, Senior Professor of the Theological College of the Dutch Reformed Church, Stellenbosch, Cape Colony. Small crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.
"The teaching is sound throughout, and expressed in vigorous language."—Christian.
"We have seldom read a book which gives such a grasp of Redemption in its purpose, as in its enjoyment by the individual, in so brief and compact a manner as the one before us. The treatment is suited only to an intelligent, if not educated, Christian. To such it is calculated to give an intellectual, as well as spiritual, perception of the things which accompany salvation."—Rock.
By the Rev. GEORGE MATHESON, D.D.MOMENTS ON THE MOUNT. A Series of Devotional
Meditations. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
"This little volume is not one to be read through at a sitting, and then laid aside. Rather each meditation is to be pondered over, and enjoyed singly and separately, and to be dwelt upon until it becomes a permanent possession. Their suggestions can hardly fail to stimulate to Biblical and theological research."—Scotsman.
VOICES OF THE SPIRIT. Small crown 8vo, 3s. 6d.
"A choice little volume of devotional meditations. It is not only devout in spirit and tender in tone, but marked by freshness of thought, which volumes of this kind too often lack."—Methodist Recorder.
By Lady BEAUJOLOIS DENT. Small crown 8vo, 1s. 6d.
"An excellent little work, sound in doctrine, and thoroughly practical in its application to the reader's conscience."—Record.
By Mrs. A. RUSSELL SIMPSON.FRIENDS AND FRIENDSHIP. With Illustrations. Demy 16mo, 1s.
"Twelve beautifully written chapters on friendship. Very suitable to give to young people on life's threshold. Fresh and charming as a sprig of heather or a morsel of thyme."—Christian Treasury.
"Mrs. Simpson quotes many of the finest things that have ever been said or written on her subject; and some of her own remarks are quite as good, not less full of insight, expressed with
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