» Fiction » BackLash, Szilvia N. Adler [recommended ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «BackLash, Szilvia N. Adler [recommended ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Szilvia N. Adler

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when it was a third way into the water. Holy shit was the individual exclamation its owner could utter. He got stuck and has gotten his “baby” wet, which could not move away from the place it has made love to. After killing the engine, the owner had to push it out of the water.
This car was robust. It was noiseless and the undulations against the metal could be heard. The gliding of the tires on the little rocks in the bottom of the lake was like wind moving against the leaves; natural and calm, as the weather before a massive storm, which leaves everything dark. It was the state of immeasurable tranquility before everything becomes angry, Stygian and suicidal.
He got the jeep out of the water and continued the ride on the beaten track. He went by the sand dunes to the nudes resort. Close to sunset, no nudes occupied the place and he ventured to the bank as close as possible.
He was out first. He came around and wanted to reach for her. He held out his hand but she refused to take it. She stared at him for long and weary seconds and wasn’t ready to accept where this situation was leading to.
The thought of him wanting her was now as plain as a pikestaff and she was witless. It was impossible. It was a forthcoming gesture intended toward a more than friendly encounter. It was out of her league.
Upon registering her reply, he retreated and allowed her to walk to the shore. She gawked at the water and soaked her legs in it. She was engrossed and he wasn’t saying much either; at least it did not get through if he’s been talking to her.
Neither of them knew how to pick up the rhythm again. She sat in the car, with the door open and he stood beside her.
“Your eyes tell me that you’re sad,” was the only thing he could say.
“I might be,” her voice trails off. “Should we go?”
He trod to his door, got in and they were off again. There were hard moments when she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. After some time, when he took a left turn to one of the roads, which would take them back, something came over her and before she could stop herself saying the wildest thoughts she wouldn’t utter even to those who knew her, the words left her mouth. She didn’t know what she was doing and most importantly why she was doing it.
“I’ve got the urge just to get any guy.”
He listens with both ears, tries to hide his sudden excitement. “I see.”
“I work with all these guys and I’m hungry to get on with one of them. Any one of them.”
“Any one of them?”
“All right. Not any one of them, just some.”
“Did you ever have a one-night stand?”
“No, never. I never felt the impulse for trying it. How about you?”
After a short hesitation his reply arrives. “Yes. Haven’t you ever been so unprincipled that you didn’t care about what would happen afterwards, and just concentrate on the now?”
“Which guy would you do it with?”
She pushes aside her shyness. “Johnny.”
“Johnny?” He is stunned. “Anyone else from work?”
“What about your current boyfriend?”
“I don’t know what to do with him. I lost the passion I had for him. He is supposed to come and visit me soon, but I don’t want him to.”
“How long have you guys been together?”
“Over one and a half year.”
“That is quite a long time. You guys know mostly everything about each other.”
“That is true. But it is like a routine. There is nothing exciting about it.”
It wasn’t about cruelty or rudeness. She footed up the good and bad times they had together. She felt nothing for him. He was neutral, at hand, but without evoking sensual and sexual feelings. She needed more in a relationship.
Theirs was like a ship. After it reached its destination there was no sightseeing left to observe. All she needed to know, she was familiar with. Deep down somewhere, even though he hasn’t done anything bad, she rejected him. She trusted him, but could not evoke her interest in him anymore.
She wanted to hunt. It was unavoidable. However she did not chose the Man as the prey. She wanted someone unfamiliar and someone whom she couldn’t hurt and even if she did, wouldn’t mind causing the trouble. And even, it wasn’t about hurting people, only satisfying the “needs.”
She poked his stomach. It wasn’t the first time today she has done it. His belly was bigger than usual and she couldn’t help herself teasing him about it. It wasn’t only the belly she mocked him about. His white lower extremities, which didn’t receive any sunlight during the summer and glowed in the dark, was an element she had to point out.
It wasn’t her who started pulling someone’s leg. It was the Man with his boyish sexual implications, which left her speechless, then puzzled. He was contented and his smiles were gigantic. He loved to play with words and so did she. These passing hours bred a bound unbreakable, hidden with unforeseen insinuations. Neither of them could do anything to reverse it and neither of them wanted to. Those whole-hearted smiles were ironed not only on their cheeks, but in their hearts; they would and could not be washed away.
“Do you want to see a dike?” he inquired.
“Why not?”
It was dark outside and in the car, concealing some of the emotions sitting on her face. She was ashamed of herself. She wasn’t a product that had to be sold, but this is what she has actually done. She was selling herself. She had to be out of her mind. It was unlike her to do something as crazy and foolish as this.
After ten minutes, they reached the hurdle. They stood by the railing and she was fully aware of his body close to hers. He wanted to hush the mosquitoes away, which were biting both of them; and then he leaned in for a kiss. She drew back and turned her head away, without meeting his glance.
She wanted his kiss. She loved his smell; the masculine scent was all over her body, nostrils and head. Yet, she couldn’t do it. He belonged to someone else.
Before getting back in the car, he managed to embrace her. It was sensual. The mosquitoes bit them, but the environment was miles away, in a different dimension, on a different plane. She wanted more. It was undeniable.
He drove on an old track, among the woods, where the grass and weeds reached half the height of the car. In an instant, he turned off the engine, sank back in his seat and crossed his arms above his head.
“Isn’t it lovely? Everything’s so unperturbed.” His voice is calm, resolute, but yearning.
“I want to give you a kiss on the cheek or neck.”
She is puzzled at his direct motives. “Why?”
“Simply because I want to give you one.”
One kiss on the cheek would do no harm to anyone, she confuted herself. There were underlying implications, the rush of feelings. She didn’t detest. He leaned closer, slowly. He stroked his head against her cheek, until he found her neck. Carefully, in slow motion, with tenderness and gentleness, he pushed his lips against her neck. Then he pulled back leisurely. She was fully aware of him wanting more. He wasn’t the only one.
“I want a kiss as well.” He was adorable, but they haven’t made a deal.
She is on the brink of laughing at his compromise. “I don’t want to give you a kiss!”
His is childish, but half-serious, “I will be angry at you.”
“I don’t care. I don’t want to kiss you.” Her voice is firm, sharp, with a hint of playfulness.
It was hard steering clear of him. His stubborn, resolute and hard look not only showed hurt, but resentment and disappointment. Still, it didn’t move her. The molecules of air in the car got over the comfortable boundary and mosquitoes ran into the car when he rolled down the window. Some found their way to the Girl; the rest stayed and feasted on the Man, whose O blood type was more appetizing than hers.
He realized he wouldn’t achieve anything if he continued by pushing her; he started the engine and with the same disillusioned face, he drove back to the nightclub.
They sat beside each other, and listened to the deafening silence and to the sounds of the running engine. She was a bit disappointed, but didn’t lose her hope about feeling better. His reactions were wonted. It didn’t come as a surprise, since she heard it before. But she wished for a better ending.
She did not want to leave him soaked as a wet dog, in her opinion, he didn’t deserve it. And as crazy as it sounds, she didn’t feel he deserved it.
He parked the Samurai beside hers; like he did when he arrived. Hours ago, their meeting seemed so much easier. Now, leaving was an agony for both of them.
He is serious, longing. “I want to get my kiss for all the teasing you put me through today!”
Without vacillation she blurts out the words, which she can no longer hold in herself. “What are you doing? Are you going through the whole family?” She is scandalized by the facts. “First Crimson, and then my mother? Who’s next? Beanie?” He raises his eyebrows at the unexpected outburst and questions. “I’m sorry if I was rough with you, but this is how it comes down to me.”
“I hadn’t thought about it that way.”
“Of course, because it’s not your family! I feel awkward.”
She shouldn’t have thrown away her defenses. She was absolutely right; he was only playing with her. He had a greater impact on her than she actually thought he’d have. She didn’t mean what she said.
Even though, she was well aware she was going against her family, her laws of behavior, she couldn’t stop herself. She couldn’t leave without a kiss. The resonation of the air was unexplainable, anomalous, yet calming.
He was looking at her; she was fully aware of it. He was waiting for it. Aggrieved, peeved, he longed for that kiss. She didn’t know why – maybe the look on his face was so undeniably gentle and attractive – she kissed him.
She drew away and looked at him. He simpered. It was satisfaction, mingled with joy. It was invigorating, without antipathy as auras of the same energy colliding into one another, allowing each other a taste, which became a strong likeness within these key moments.
She felt no remorse; only pure emotions. Everything was washed away in her head. In those moments, they mattered and the whole world shrunk into a little corner, in a small closet, in a tiny box.
He leaned in for another one and she allowed him to taste her mouth; she kissed him back. The world no longer existed; there were no problems, no self-consciousness and self-control; all was lost to the devil.
On the brink of passion and fervor, morals and battles were lost. The poison of consciousness hid itself within the frontal lobes, which suffered from a coup and contra-coup affect after a serious, life-threatening, differed accident.
The minutes passed by like fluttering of wings of angels. Neither of them retreated. Kisses followed one another and they held each other in a sweet embrace beside his car, as it was the world’s most neutral fact and outcome. Neither of them wanted to think about the consequences, like they could be erased
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