» Fiction » Rain is me <3, Dreamer _ [freenovel24 txt] 📗

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to meet new, little kids & to teach them what I’ve learnt throughout my life, because I love to solve their silly yet so cute problems, I love to see them doing friendship, I love to see the strong bond of friendship between them & because all these things make me happy.

I’m an English teacher for primary class kids of Global Bay School, Chandigarh.

They all love me & I love them too.

After checking the test copies, I took a nap.

I was too tired because I hadn’t slept last night.

After a few hours, I woke up by a spectacular aroma of cinnamon, ginger & cloves.

“I think it’s ready!” I uttered & ran downstairs.

And there, I saw something very fascinating on the dining table. My eyes got stuck on the steaming hot dish filled with butter chicken.

I went near to it. The thick, hot, red gravy of chicken was lavishly garnished with a spoonful of salted cream, fried onions, a cube of butter & fresh mint leaves.

I ran to the kitchen. Mom & auntie were cooking chapattis on the griddle. I went inside & hugged auntie tightly.

“Thank you so much, auntie!” I said, swinging on her neck.

“That’s nothing, Heelu… Dear, can you please make Imtiyaz drink this milk?” She said, giving me a milk bottle.

“Sure!” I smiled.

I went & sat near to Imtiyaz. He was trying to eat the quilt wrapped on him.

“This is a bad habit, baby…!” I said, pulling out the quilt.

I took him to the couch & fed him milk with the bottle. He eagerly finished it.

“Hmm… Good boy!” I brushed my hand on his head.

After a few minutes, auntie & mom came to the drawing room with all the utensils, chapattis & bowl of butter chicken.

We always do our dinner on the floor. It feels good to sit down together & eat.

Auntie made Imtiyaz sleep again & gave a bowl of cat food & milk to Noori.

Auntie then placed Noori near to the couch & told her to stay there only. She was a pretty disciplined kitty; she always followed the instructions given to her.

I looked at the wall clock. It was 2:50 PM. As we sat down for lunch, I heard a knock on the door.

“Ugh!” I stood up & opened the door. I hate everyone who comes between me & my butter chicken.

It sounds funny, but it’s true.

It was Feruza on the door. She was back from school.

“Has anybody come to our house?” She questioned, staring at a pair of sandals on the doorstep.

“Come inside, Feeru. There are two great surprises for you!” I laughed, taking her schoolbag.

“Uncle!” Feruza ran inside & hugged uncle. “How are you, sweetie?” He said, brushing his hand on Feeru’s head. “Great!” She exclaimed. “And where’s the second surprise, Hila?” “It’s right behind you!” I smirked.

She turned behind & got amazed.

Without even changing her school uniform, she sat down for lunch.

And finally my wait was over. Mom served the food.

With a piece of chapatti, I began eating the butter chicken. The chicken was so tender that it melted in my mouth, leaving behind an enchanting taste of spices, tomatoes, mustard paste & salted butter. It was majestically yummy.

And bit by bit, I emptied my plate.

“Your chicken’s the best, auntie!” I exclaimed.

She laughed.

I’ve loved two recipes of chicken throughout my life; one was of my auntie & the other was of Zoufishan.
She used to cook chicken for me on her birthday as a return gift. It used to taste divine.

I lifted all the utensils & washed them in the kitchen.

The time was 4:50.

We all sat together in the drawing room. Suddenly, someone popped a plan of going for shopping & traveling in the evening.

“That’s awesome!” Feruza exclaimed, happily.

“Then it’s done! We’ll be going for shopping!” Dad gave a final statement.

Dad loved to travel. He had visited almost every state of India, except Meghalaya & Manipur.

“Okay, then! We should go to the Rock Garden!” Feruza shouted.

We nodded.

I went upstairs & put on a casual, electric-blue, full-sleeved T-shirt on a pair of red jeans. I took my black goggles & purse & tied a messy ponytail.

I observed Feruza for a while. She wore a pink-colored top with white palazzo pants. And she didn’t apply make-up; there was just a stroke of eyeliner on her eyes.

“That’s like a good sissy!” I kissed her.

She smiled.

“C’mon!” I uttered & ran downstairs.

Daddy took out the car.

We have a pretty small car. And so, we all were dreaded by the thought that will we all be able to fit inside the car.

“That’s nothing people! We can manage!” Uncle said, probably thinking about how we will sit in the car.

And then finally after sometime, we got fitted inside the car.

Dad on the driver seat, uncle on the seat beside dad’s, I, auntie & mum sat clumsily on the back seat, Imtiyaz in auntie’s arms, Feruza on mum’s lap & Noori on my lap.

Even though we sat clumsily, but I felt happy, because at least we were together.

The journey to the Rock Garden was of two and a half hours during which uncle & auntie kept on poking jokes & Imtiyaz & Noori kept on jumping here & there in the car.

After two hours of tiresome yet joyful journey, we reached the Rock Garden.

The famous Rock Garden of Chandigarh was an epitome of creativity & innovation. This huge Garden was an incredible place for nature lovers & travelers. Chandigarh Rock Garden was like a garland of gardens that beautified the entire city of Chandigarh.

There were small cottages in the garden which were made up of discarded waste materials like frames, forks, metal wires, porcelain & broken bangles.

It contained splendid gardens of roses, orchids & bougainvilleas, long paths for yoga & other fitness workout activities & finery shops of clothes, tucker, cosmetics & souvenirs.

We first took a walk to all the gardens & then did shopping.

Auntie bought a couple of bibs & clothes for Imtiyaz, mum bought some food items and I & Feruza shopped for plenty of accessories & clothes. I purchased a few saris as teachers were allowed to wear only saris in the school. And Feruza bought some bracelets & T-shirts.

I love shopping. I remember that when I was in college, our mighty group used to go for outing & shopping every last Sunday of the month.

Each & every girl of our group loved shopping, except Zoufishan.

She never liked to do all these girly things, wearing make-up or going for shopping; she was unique & completely different from others.

That’s why I liked her, as she never changed herself because of others.

After our shopping was done, we went to the famed ‘The Cuisine’ restaurant of the Rock Garden. It was famous for its mouth-watering Chole & Bhature.

We took a large seat in the restaurant & they quickly served a dandy plate adorned with the delicious meal. As we began to eat, they brought a bowl filled with chopped onions, fried chilies & pickles.

Yeah, the meal was really nice; but not as delicious as auntie’s butter chicken. After this, we ordered six bowls of chocolate ice cream for dessert.

“Feeru, remember about your tum!” I coughed. She gave me a sly expression to show that she didn’t care.

I smirked at her.

We did our dinner nicely & uncle & daddy had to pay a pretty big bill for this. After this, we came back to home. The clocks flashed 11:45 PM.

“Great day it was!” Feruza uttered, falling on the bed.

“Hey, go & sleep on your bed!” I shouted, but she was already asleep. I can’t believe that; how can someone sleep so quickly!

I wore my nightwear & went in the kitchen to make a cup of tea for daddy. He loves tea. He always needed it before going to bed. Uncle & auntie were going to stay with us for a night.

“Here it is.” I said, giving a warm cup of cardamom-flavored tea to daddy.

“Thanks.” He smiled.

Mom, dad, uncle & auntie were seated in the drawing room & I assumed that they were talking about something very serious.

“Make him sleep in the bedroom, Hila!” Mom uttered, looking towards Imtiyaz.

I took him to the bed & spread the quilt over both Feruza & Imtiyaz & switched the lights off. Noori was already sleeping on the couch. I silently sat on the couch.

“We badly need a daughter. He’s getting wild day by day. We’ve thought of sending him to boarding school.” Auntie said, silently.

I couldn’t understand anything.

“We aren’t troubled about Faizal’s studies but his behavior with us rubbish… We often feel the absence of a daughter. Daughters always give so much love & respect to their parents. And so, we’ve decided to adopt a girl!” Uncle muttered, grimly.

And there, I understood what the matter was.

“Uncle, I & Feruza are like your daughters only!” I said, softly.

“Yeah, sweetie! But you can’t stay with your uncle & auntie every time…” He said, sadly.

I remained silent.

“I think you are correct. There’s no harm in adopting a girl. If this can give you happiness, you should definitely do it!” Mom remarked, giving a pat on auntie’s back.

Auntie smiled.

“Yeah! And I’ll get one more sister!” I exclaimed, happily.

“Okay then, we will go to visit some orphanages in a few days as soon as my holidays get started…” Uncle smiled.

We nodded.

I checked the time. It was 1:15 AM.

“I think we should sleep now!” I said, switching off the lights.

“Yeah, it’s already too late!” Daddy shouted.

I ran upstairs as soon as everyone slept.

“Amazing day it was!” I uttered, getting on bed.

Again, I wasn’t able to sleep.

To pass my time, I took out my laptop & again opened my Facebook account in it. As soon as I opened it, I found a message from Fadila. I quickly opened it.

‘Heelu! How are you, darling?’ That was the message.

I was overwhelmed. She was online.

So I wrote, ‘I’m awesome! What about you? :D’

She replied, ‘I’m really good! What are you doing these days?’

‘I’m just teaching children! And you?’

‘I’m planning to get married!’ She replied.

‘What?’ I was shocked.

‘Yeah, it’s my wedding in a few months!’

‘What? And you’re telling it to me now?’ I was amazingly surprised.

‘Sorry about that, Heelu.’ She wrote.

‘Oh! My God! Are you serious?’


‘Tell me everything!’

‘There’s nothing so big in it, Heelu! I’m just getting married to Zafar!’

‘You say that there’s nothing so big in it? My best friend is getting married, what else can be a greater thing? And what did you said? You’re getting married to Zafar! Oh! My God!’


Zafar was our batch mate during college. He was a nice guy, but I never thought that one of my best friends will marry him.

‘I still can’t believe! You’re really getting married, Simple Simon?’

‘Why can’t you believe it, Hila?’

‘Oh! Okay. I badly want to see you, Fadila. Please send me your picture!’


After a few seconds, she sent me her picture.

I hastily opened it. Fadila was changed. She looked wafer-thin & really fair.

‘Where are your specs, Fadila?’

‘Well, they’re exchanged with a pair of contact lenses!’

‘Whoa! You look really beautiful!’

‘Thanks. Send me your picture too.’

I chose a latest photo of mine from the laptop & sent it to Fadila.

After a few seconds, she replied, ‘Stunning as always! :*’

‘Thanks. Fadila how’s Haya?’ I typed.

‘She’s in Trivandrum.’


‘She has got her job posting there!’

‘Okay & what about your job?’

‘It’s going good but mommy had asked me to quit job after my marriage!’

‘What? In my opinion you should never quit your job!’

‘That’s what I think! Anyways, Zafar has permitted me to do job after marriage too. So, I’ll anyhow explain my mommy…’

‘That will be good. Do you have any news about Zoof, Fadila?’

‘No… I was really missing you, Zoof & Haya last day & so I uploaded those pictures of our last trip to meadow…’

‘I miss you people every day, especially when I see little children doing friendship in school…’

‘Hmm… I wish to meet you people on my wedding!’

‘Don’t worry! We’ll definitely come!’

‘And what about Zoof?’

‘She’ll come too… I feel like it!’ I wrote.

Zoufishan, where are you? I thought.

‘I hope so…’ She replied.

‘Anyways, you enjoy your time with Zafar

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