» Fiction » Dark Warrior, Susie Cast [i have read the book txt] 📗

Book online «Dark Warrior, Susie Cast [i have read the book txt] 📗». Author Susie Cast

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a warning of how merciful I am right now, if she gets hurt you’ll pay with your head on a platter.” He laughed and just nodded his head. I kissed Lori on the head and patted it. She just stood there amazed and astonished at what just happened.
I sighed, “Lori, please be careful I’m not a lesbian but do you know how it feels to lose everything that’s important to you, you’re an important person to me. Like Roy and I’m sad that you guys would let Brittany manipulate you guys like that but as long as you guys are happy I’m happy.” I got my towel and turned up the music on my laptop and headed into the shower. I let the water run and wash away my exhaustion, I sighed when I thought of Matt. My destiny can’t be written like this, my story is mine and not anybody else’s.
I got out the shower to find Lori sitting on my bed, waiting for me. I sighed, “What’s up?” She shook her head and grabbed me in a tight hug, “Thanks Puck for showing you cared but I got a mother for that.” I laughed, “Well she’s not here right now so I might as well look after you.” She giggled, “Yeah, I didn’t know you and Roy were friends,” I shrugged, “It just kinda happened, he was a really big mess one day and I told him ‘hey you kid, stop moping and start living’ and well I guess he took my advice.”
“Yeah, he told about that you looked amazingly……….dangerous.” We both laughed and fell over on the bed. We stared at the ceiling and I gripped Lori’s hand. “Lori, have I ever told my story?”
“No, why, what happened?” I shook my head, “Some other time maybe, but not now.” She sighed, “Ok, I’ll wait.” I smiled and we fell asleep.

Chapter 5

I was woken up by the same memory that has turned into my nightmare at night. I sighed, tired of the blood, of the flashes of memory I have of my black out in my neighborhood. I felt my bloody tears come down on my cheek staining my face with it. I don’t mean to cry, it just comes and I can’t control it. I got up and took my mom’s journals to my sanctuary with me. I sighed in relief when I saw how beautiful something can be after dark. I went into the cave the waterfall hide and read my mom’s entries again, keeping a close picture of her and dad next to me.

Oct. 31
My little Pucket has found someone to go out with how adorable, although I doubt it’s him, but then again nothing is certain, fate can sometimes surprise us. Oh, she was jumping at the fact that she might have made a friend. Her father is obviously not gonna be as enthusiastic as his daughter. But I will try and convince him into letting her go. But what is worrying me the most is that they’re back. And they have found an interest in my little girl. They believe she is the source to opening the gates that I and all of our kind guard. The religious humans believe they can fix the world by destroying our very home, but they are quite wrong. They believe if they kill us peace can be restored, or whatever it is they believe in. I worry for my families safety thought I really want to tell Puck that we are noble creatures that just follow the orders we are given. She will be proud of being

I screeched in pain to know that those were her last words, and that those religious humans believed they were doing well in slaughtering my family. What was it that we ever did to them, if we took blood from a human we made sure we didn’t kill them and that is rare for us to do cause we prefer animal meat over human. That is what my mother told me, said we were the devil’s kind and that most people would call us demons on the earth but we were just here cause we didn’t go rogue like others of our kind did. Although I wasn’t quite sure what she meant by that, she never really told me what our purpose here was for.
I wanted to kill the people who did that to us. I wanted to make them suffer through everything I suffered through. Make them feel how losing everything feels like losing your very life in a fire. I screeched one more time and silently cried in the darkness. I slipped out of my clothes and dove into the water going deeper and deeper ‘til I reached the bottom. I sat there and cried, letting the blood of my tears mix in with the lake turning it crimson red. You should stop it before he gets worried.

I snarled at my little voice, Go to hell. He will come soon to see if you’re here, his voice will tell him you’re here.

How? Well we’re connected to him, so if you’re in trouble some day he will find you and help.

So he knows I’m balling my eye out right now? Well, not specifically but more like he feels that you are troubled with something.

I sighed and just sat in the red water my tears have made. He’ll be here soon.

I swam to the surface and started to sing “The Catalyst” by Linkin Park. I let my surroundings turn into the music I sang along with letting my voice flow with every note that followed it. The water rose and danced with me as I sang. I let the electric current of the song run through my body. I screeched as I ended the song. I heard another person screech a monster cry. I turned into a white bird. I flew over the woods and spotted Mat making his way to my sanctuary. I flew down and turned into a wolf.
Matt stopped and stared at me, “How can you do that?” I ran back to my sanctuary and slipped my clothes back on. “Why did you put your clothes back on, I liked you like that.” I flashed kicked his leg and laughed, “You pervert.” He tackled me and pinned me to the ground and kissed me. He slowly let go my hands and I ran my fingers through his hair. “Your not resisting.” He mumbled through the kiss. We finally parted and I pushed him off, “Nope I’m off limits.”
He chuckled, “Well, for now at least,” I growled at him and his childish comment. “Puck, how did you turn into an animal?” I shrugged, “I’m not quite sure, but when my parents………….. while let’s just say I learned a lot of things by myself, except that is the reason of why I exist.” He nodded taking it all in, “Why, can’t you turn into an animal too.” He shook his head, “No, ever since my parents told me of my purpose I’ve been training everyday to get stronger, I can turn into a fog, but that’s it.” Hmmmmmmm, I wonder. “Hey what do you do when you turn into fog?”
“I don’t know, turn into fog.” I smack him for being annoying, “No like what do you think of or whatever to turn into fog?”
“Oh, well my dad told me clear my mind and think of how fog would feel like or how it would feel like to be fog.”
“Well, I think I know the problem.” I smiled at Matt, and the look on his face told me I was scaring him. “Puck, what are you think?” I couldn’t hold back my smile of excitement, “Puck, you still have that crazy, wild look on your face like when we were kids.”
“I know and do you remember what I did when I put up that look?” He sat and thought about it. His look turned into utter terror, I giggled at the look on his face. “Puck, when you made that face our 6th grade teacher was sent to the hospital for trying to chase you down in the halls for dress code violations and…….”
“She climbed the tree and when I shook it really hard that fat ass clown fell!” I laughed at the memory of how I ended it with a swift blow. Victory was mine! Hey stop it your acting like a wild animal.

I laughed at my voice, that’s what I am.
“Ok, Matt, get up I’m gonna teach ya how to turn into and animal.” I smiled at him, and he just hesitated like always. “Come on it starts now.” I turned into half bred of a wolf and person. “Matt, your first lesson is hide and go seek.” I winked at him and I flashed myself as deep into the woods as I can. I cover myself in dirt and rubbed myself all in mud. Now that I covered up my scent, I have to cover up my little voice. Hey, how come?

Oh, shh, god this for his own good. This time my voice growled, I chuckled at it. Shh, I hauled myself up on one of the branches of the tree and wait. This was like when I was 7 and nobody could find me. I smiled, remembering how fun it was to win.
I straightened my pose of attack when I heard the crunch of some leaves. He was near I could smell him, I sighed, he’s not very good at this game. Well, it is his first time actually testing his abilities.

Well you got a point. I waited for him to be right under my tree so I can attack. I licked my lips enjoying the moment of being in power. He was scanning the trees but I knew he couldn’t find me. He finally walked under the tree and I pounced on him. He yelped when I started to nibble on his neck, “Your dead.” I jumped off his back and kicked him to get up. Be gentle on him

. I growled at my voice to shut it. I’m in my teaching mode so don’t bother me.
“Get up already.” I barked. Matt immediately jumped off. “If your gonna learn how to turn into an animal, you got to first learn how to be one. Got it!” I barked again. He nodded, “So how are we going to do it?” I smiled at him and this seemed to scare him. “Do you know how to fight or at least defend yourself?” He nodded, “Alrite then let’s start.”
“Wait start wha-” I didn’t really let him finish cause I was already on him, my wolf teeth bared. I slashed at his stomach but he blocked it with his arm. He cried out in pain and kicked me off. We circled each other waiting for the next round. Matt held onto his arm ignoring the pain. I was impressed, “Rule number one. Never let your guard down, if you weren’t quick to block that fatal blow you would have been dead. Understand?” He nodded. “Rule number two.” I flashed myself behind him and slashed his back. “Always anticipate your opponents next

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