» Fiction » Faded, Jordan Wadley [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «Faded, Jordan Wadley [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Jordan Wadley

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Chapter Three


When the sun barely began to peak over the mountains, Sapphire shook the others awake to ready them for the journey ahead. It was more than dangerous for the werewolf to hitch hike with humans, but hitch hiking while being a wanted criminal also put the group in the spotlight leaving them no choice. Sapphire knew on foot it would take more than a days travel so they needed to start early before the UFS caught up to them.


As the world advanced into this dangerous new technology so did the FBI and the SWAT teams. They have teams for arresting criminals, teams to search and terminate, and teams (like the UFS) that the citizens had no clue of. The Undercover Federal System, which in some terms would be rather known as a secret agency. Both the FBI and the UFS were looking for them, and as time progressed, their distance decreased. Sapphire could practically smell the reeking stench from a mile away, literally.


Tyler glanced at Sapphire a few times before gathering all of his belongings in one single bag, packed and ready to go on the blade of his shoulder. All of the men in the group admired her strength and bravery, something a lot of the men in the crew didn’t have, and when action she seemed to glide like an angel across ice. The women in the group admired her for her beauty and strength; she’d shine with great flawlessness as her hair would fly in waves around her pale face. Her dark raven hair took color from her face but only gave her grey eyes the maximum attention needed to perfect her features; the fullness of her lips drew the attention of the people watching this everyday criminal in action. It didn’t seem to matter if she was a criminal or not, men and women all over the world admired her for her courage and beauty. Men wished she lay next to them in their beds while the women only wish to be like this flame boosting woman.


Everyone knew how beautiful she was, it didn’t take a genius to figure this out, yet Sapphire seemed to be the only one to disagree. She believed she looked just as well built and defined as the others in the group, no matter how many times they’d disagree and manage to get through her clouded thoughts, she looked at the other just as she looked at herself.


Sapphire used to laugh and smile like any other kid her age, but everyone goes through that catastrophic part in their lives, ending any pleasure that ever existed. Sapphire cried herself to sleep at night because she never truly understood what was happening to her, her parents, so smart and prepared, weren’t ready for what waited at their doorsteps and only when it was too late did they take action.


It was no doubt in Sapphire's mind that she loved her parents as they did her, only when everything went tumbling down hill did she really understand what love is. Love never came from your heart, she understood that. Your brain is what facilitates you to deal with the sentiment of everyday life. The memories that will be forever stored in the back of her mind reminded her daily that she didn't love with the organ at the left side of her chest. She loved the memories stored in the back of her mind, the memories of her mother and father's thick laughter. Her brothers and sisters that would joke whenever she was to frown. Those memories were what triggered the love she used to feel, and still does feel, for her friends and family.


Sapphire felt as if those memories were fading with each angry thought. The people she once loved and held in her arms were no longer there to guide her in such a tretorous world, she was left on her own. The people that held her heart were no longer alive, and sometimes, Sapphire felt as if her love for them was no longer alive as well.


She did love, it didn't take just anybody to figure this out. When she helped the people she now lives with escape from false treason Sapphire felt a certain bond. Though she didn't want to replace and lose the love she felt for her family, she was slowly beginning to love the group around her. All six of the small group has suffured through deep traumatizing events, being blamed for witch craft by the government only added to this. Sapphire didn't want anyone to come with her along her journey knowing they'd only suffer through deeper pain, but watching them suffer in such a horrid place seemed to latch at Sapphire's heart.


Now, Sapphire walks down a long dirt road path with the six heart broken people behind her.


"Are you alright Fire?" Anne asked as she watched the young girl with caution.


"Yes ma’am," She brusquely replied. Anne knew Sapphire before the entire government became corrupt, she grew up with her father. Sapphire didn't see Anne as anything but another broken shell she'd saved from the prison's grasps, yet Anne still remembered visiting the child's crib everyday before she was taken from her home.


"If there’s anything you need, you can talk to me." Although Anne was close to her fifties, she had a heart of a loving teenager.


"I’m fine, thank you ma’am." Sapphire replied once again ending the discussion.


Anne worried about the small female, she had no one to truly turn to and the only life she has is to avenge her parents. Anne didn’t know the whole story of the raven haired girl but her past was enough to send any other normal girl to a stage of melancholy and deep depression. Sapphire collected herself unlike any other Anne had ever experienced, she stood strong and focused without having anyone to tell her to do so along the way. She’d been conducting the group for a while now alone and without a director, she’d saved them from death and they all owed her whether or not she realized this.


Nobody understood Sapphire; even if they’d check her every back-round paper and every information manuscript that prized her life’s work yet still nobody would truly understand her. She kept to herself, quiet and on alert at all times. She appreciated those that stood around her, it didn’t matter if they received her presence or not, she gave them her respect without realizing this much. Nobody earned her reverence, yet she gives it to them.


Sapphire was different than everyone else, always watching her surroundings and every little sound that echoed across the forest. Never any peace or rest, no such thing existed in her book.


"We need to rest Fire," The same man from yesterday evening, gathering wood, groaned. Almost the entire trip he continued to moan and groan about rest and lack of food. Sapphire knew this but kneeling down to his every need would get them captured, she was sure she didn't want to give up her quest after all this time.


"We still have hours of daylight left and resting in this part of the forest is dangerous, we'll be shifting as we hit the high grass. We'll be hidden from eyesite by then." Sapphire slowly acknowledged the man once before crouching low to the ground, inhaling the environment profoundly before exhaling once more. Her six senses seemed stronger than the others which undeniably gave her a higher leverage against the UFS. Everyone had a certain exceptional smell and the agents that worked for the special administration smelt more like burnt trash which gave their posistion away.


"Really? It's gonna be more dangerous to travel at night anyway! Why can't we just rest, you may be trained for this crap but we sure as hell ain't!" He yelled, getting frustrated with the girl. Sapphire needed no time to consider, she knew they were closing in and if they didn’t cover ground soon they may as well give themselves up.


She couldn’t help the snarl that escaped her lips when turning to him; he struggled to catch his breath at the sight of her stormy eyes.


Tom was never worried of the undersized female; she gave off a strange vibe yes but never was he truly afraid of her until now. Her sinister eyes swirled with irritation; they no longer excelled with a great radiance but a perilous iniquitous gleam that cultivated with every breath she took. The others must’ve noticed the chance in Tom’s face. Tyler took a step closer to observe her evil eyes, shimmering brighter with annoyance.


"Are you seroiusly questioning me? I know exactly what I’m talking about. If we stay here they will catch up to us and I may not be able to help all of you at the same time. Are you going to risk everyone else's freedom and safety for rest you really don't need?" She knew by the insipid look on the man’s face that her eyes no longer held tranquility but a dangerous glimmer. He only stood; examining her every move yet not speaking a word. Tom shook his head vigorously and took a tentive step back as if afraid he might startle a wild animal.


Sapphire knew what she was doing was igorangt, she is meant to help them not shout because he made a diminutive error. Closing her eyes she inhaled the pine trees that encircled her, the faultlessly grown grass flatteend beneath her feet. The forest gave her a sense of tranquility, something that seemed unattainable to come by. When she finally opened her eyes she became aware of the startled looks from the others that just witnessed her show, yet she ignored them. She made an apology to the man before whirling on the balls of her feet and ambling through the tall grass. Every since her abilities had amplified, her anger had as well, meaning one simple fault could set her into a fit of rage. All she had to do until she understood how to control her strange abilities was to calm herself down until the storm passed.


Tyler watched as Sapphire walked further down the path with steam practically blowing from her ears. He couldn't help but admire the way she walked, so sure and expectant. He still remembers her when they were kids, though she may not have remembered him, he still sees the image of Sapphire when she was happy. He knew she escaped from the rogue attack; he was there. Alpha Kyle, Sapphire's dad, invited me and my sister to her party hoping we'd be life-mates. He left before the rogues attacked and Sapphire's body was never found, yet he'd seen her on his pack lands a few months later. He knew she was still alive unlike the Council, which had no clue of her whereabouts, and the only reason he was here was to make sure she was safe. He felt a connection to her, not as strong as life-mates, but a bonding to her which he couldn't deny. So everything she felt, so did he. The anger flowing through his viens reminded him she still had no clue how to control her uncontrolling rage.


Along the way Sapphire began to slowly change into someone she wasn’t, she grew weary of everything around her and always alert. The small female with the heart the size of Jupiter and a smile that melted even his heart suddenly grew angry at the world around her. Tyler thought it may just have been a phase for the loss of her parents, but even now as the years advanced she seemed worse than

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