» Fiction » The Winged Curse, Leah Crowe [bill gates books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Winged Curse, Leah Crowe [bill gates books to read TXT] 📗». Author Leah Crowe

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done, I examined myself in a full length mirror. I heard a small gasp behind me. I spun around to face Thomas. He was more handsome than ever in his new tux with his hair tousled and his eyes sparkling. "Wow," He breathed, "You look amazing." "How can you see me?" I asked. "In the mirror. I can see your reflection." He said, not taking his eyes off of the mirror behind me. "Well, you don't look so bad yourself." I said. Major understatement! I wasn't about to tell him that though! I mean, for crying out loud I was practically being forced to marry him! Your never supposed to like who you marry in arranged situations! "Let's go or your going to be late." I said. Thomas slowely turned and walked out to the car and me following closely behind.

We arrived seven minutes later and Thomas walked up to a big, buff guy with a clipboard. "Stevenson." He said simply and the well-muscled guy let him in with me sneaking behind him. We entered a room playing jazz music. There was a blonde haired lady at a desk, ready to lead us to our table. The room was filled with fish tanks and snazzy couples. The lighting was dim and candles lit the tables. "Hi, welcome to Palm Beach Casino! Table for one? Are you with a party?" The blonde lady asked. "Actually, I'm looking for a man named Simon. Black-blue hair. About this tall." Thomas said, signalling with his hands how tall Simon was. "Um, I'm sorry but I don't know who your talking about." The lady said and I was close to letting out a moan. He wasn't here. "Well, could you get me a table for two anyways in case he comes later?" Thomas asked the lady. "Sure! Right this way please." the lady replied and led Thomas and I to a table near the back. Perfect. Thomas sat down and when no one was looking, I slid back the other seat and sat down. People were laughing and drinking all around us while others played poker and set their bids, their voices slurred with alchohol. Women all around me had their arms draped around their man and were holding skinny drinks between their fingers, whispering in their man's ear as to how much they should bet. I looked over at Thomas, who was facing the other way. Probably inspecting the room as well. A balding man in a suit came up to us and held out a platter to Thomas with nothing on it but a phone. "The line is for you, Mister." He said, and he held out the phone. I passed Thomas a curious glance which, of course, he couldn't see. he took the phone and held it to his ear. As the call progressed, he visibly paled. When it was over, he handed the phone to the man and thanked him. The man bustled away with the platter and I asked Thomas what was wrong. "It was Simon. He said, 'Great! You made it! I'm glad you figured it out! Now find the biggest mall in Paris and look for the food court. Sit at the table in the very middle. See you there...I think!' and then, he hung up."

I groaned. London was starting to grow on me and now we had to leave again! "I can't pay for another plane ticket." I whispered. "Don't worry. I've got you covered. One of the nice things about being a prince is that their dad's are pretty loaded." Thomas whispered back and grinned. I looked at him. "Thomas, there's still so much about your world...our world that I don't understand. Who were you living with when I first saw you?" I whispered in his ear. He answered, "As soon as we get back to the hotel I'll tell you about Faery Relm and the people I was living with were my earth family. Kind of like a cover up. See, faerie are immortal, but when they travel to the mortal relms, they can start life over as a human. When I turned 20 in Faery, I came to earth and was born in this body. You are not in your true form either." I tried to wrap my mind around that. Thomas left some money on the table and left and I walked behind him, silent as a ghost. My mind was reeling. So my parents really were my parents but in the human relm. They really did have me in this body. That made everything more complicated. Once in the car, I asked, "So my mortal parents really did conceive me, but in this body?" "That's right." Thomas answered. "And you were re-born too, because you came to find me?" I asked. He replied, "Yes, that's right." "So then in Faery, if I went back, how old would I be?" I wondered. "Time goes on in your Faery body, even though you are not in it right now. We were born at the same time and so we would both be 23. You see, time goes by quicker here than in Faery and so although I was 20 when I left, I have been mortal for 19 years." Thomas said. I think my brian stopped working because instead of being shocked, all I could think of to say was, "Ha! I'm mortally older than you!" Thomas laughed and said, "When in Faery, technically, I was born a minute and twenty-two seconds before you so that makes me older there!" I flipped my silver hair and scoffed. Then we both burst out laughing.

We arrived at the hotel and Thomas, suddenly somber, said, "Beth, I'm sorry. About the arranged marrige, that is. I hope you'll learn to love me some day but if you don't, I'll understand." I sighed, "Why do I have to marry you, Thomas? My parents made that agreement with yours years ago." He answered, "We have to, if we are to unite both kingdoms." He got out of the car and we both walked up the steps to our hotel suites. "Tell me about Faery Relm. What do you look like there?" I asked. "Well, the reason why I have such unique colored eyes is because my actual eye color doesn't exist here. Same goes for your hair. When we were born, our DNA couldn't create the same color, so they did the closest thing. A.K.A. we may look unique here but it's nothing like out real selves! If you want to see what I look like, I guess you'll just HAVE to come to Faery." Thomas teased as he slid a card by the lock on our doors and they opened. I stuck out my tongue at him and walked into my suite. I opened the door that led into his and said in a british accent, "Well, you book yourself a ticket to Paris while I use the water closet!" Thomas laughed. (A water closet = bathroom in England) "Roger that mate! I'm on it!!" He said and I walked back into my suite to use the restroom.

Une nuit à Paris...

I looked out the window of the plane and gasped, then covered my mouth to try and hide it. Directly below us was the Eiffel Tower and because it was 9 at night, the tower was lit up and it glowed like a little star that had fallen from the sky. During our descent, I got a better look and the Eiffel Tower took shape from the little blob I had seen way up high. "Nous avons maintenant atteint notre destination. Merci pour voler avec nous et ont une merveilleuse nuit! We have now reached our destination. Thank you for flying with us and have a wonderful night!" Said a lady over the intercom in french and english. People speaking both english and french began to chatter, excited to be off the plane after the long flight. We landed and I spotted Thomas near the front. I walked off the plane and carefully looked around, making sure that I wasn't about to be abducted by Simon again. I spotted Thomas and walked over to him. I reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze to let him know I was next to him. I lfelt his pulse quicken and he looked in the direction that I was standing. "You know any french?" I asked him. "Oui!" He said, scanning the airport for the nearest exit. "Good because I can't read a single thing in this room!" I exclaimed and he laughed softly. I followed him as he squished his way through the crowds. Once we were outside he flagged down a taxi. "I've already booked a hotel for us." Thomas whispered in I guess what he thought was my ear but turned out to be my nose. The taxi pulled up to us. Thomas began giving the man in the front seat directions to the hotel while I looked around. It was stunning in Paris! Everywhere was lit up softly and women walked down the street in heels and skirts next to many designer shops that I couldn't read. They sported all the latest styles in their windows and I couldn't help but wish we had time for a little shopping. "Ici, nous sommes Monsieur." The driver said as he turned into a lavish hotel.

I gasped and the driver looked back. I quickly put my hand over my mouth to silence anything else that would happen to pop out. The hotel in London was lovely but this was extravagant! A golden founten spewed crystal clear water into a large basin at the front. When you entered, a chandelier would be the first thing you saw. It was huge! Everything was creme colored and inlayed with gold. Plush chairs sat around a gorgeous fireplace and men in tailored suits served drinks to the smartly dress women and men in business suits. I couldn't even imagine how much this cost! I looked over at Thomas who was smiling in approval. "How much?" I whispered. He turned to the sound of my voice and said, " Non madame! C'est un secret!" All I could make out was secret so I was pretty sure he wasn't going to tell me anything. Thomas checked in and walked to our suites. Only this time, it wasn't two suites. I nervously looked around for the other door I was sure Thomas would open but he only opened one and walked in. "Uh Thomas...Shouldn't there be two? I'm sorry but I'm thinking this may be too intamate-" I started, but was cut off. "Just get in here!" Thomas shouted from inside and i hesitently walked in. I knew Thomas pretty well by now but still, we were supposed to be married and he might use that as an excuse... I gasped!

I wasn't a suite but a house! It was huge! One side held a bedroom and bathroom and the other wall held the same thing. A fireplace sat on the farthest wall and cushy chairs were placeed around it. Our room had it's own slightly smaller chandelier and it glittered in the darkness. I flipped a switch and it burst to life. There was a large kitchen and dining room. It was all very fancy and I was afraid to touch any of it. Thomas bowed and said, "Ma dame, comment vous l'aimez?" "Excuse me?" I replied. "I said, my lady, how do you like it?" Thomas said, translating and looking at me, or at least the direction of my voice. He had the goofiest grin on his face that I couldn't help laughing. "Wayyyyy over the top but it is do you say beautiful in french?" I teased. "Belle." He said, looking back at a mirror behind me. I
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