» Fiction » The X-Man, Brian R. Lundin [ebooks that read to you .txt] 📗

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is a sociopath, people who cannot feel empathy, or feel sadness or guilt in a normal way like we can, which allows them to kill people with indifference and without suffering any negative emotions as a consequence. When a normal person kills another, they usually feel guilt and empathize with their victim, as well as knowing that they did something wrong. In short they can put themselves in the victim’s position in their mind, and can imagine the victim missing out on the rest of their life, and knows the full impact of what they have done. Sociopaths however don't see any of this, and because of he can’t he can kill indiscriminately at will without feeling any guilt about it at all, even if their victims were totally innocent of harming them. Serial Killers are the most difficult to understand or, rather, the reasoning behind their actions are difficult to comprehend. The drives behind these killings can vary from case to case. Fetishes and hatred of the opposite sex can be motivators in these killings. Two facts can be agreed upon by experts about serial killers. First, serial killers generally prey upon their preferred sex; for example, homosexual serial killers will seek out same sex victims, as in the case of Jeffrey Dahmer, bi-sexual killers- both sexes and heterosexual killers choose the opposite sex. Secondly, as a serial killer continues in his killing spree and he becomes more experienced, violence in the killings tend to escalate. There are no known cases of a serial killer starting out by dismembering his victims and, later, deciding that poison would be better. Some killers may simply have been born with this need to kill. Serial killers are, generally, difficult to catch and the reason may be this: there are two types of killers. The first type is those we see on the streets. The observer may know that this person is imbalanced and that their behaviors are unacceptable, but they do nothing. The second type is the person, who knows that their fetishes and behaviors are unacceptable. This person keeps his behaviors concealed and carries on a sort of "double life." This second type of madman is the more dangerous of the two. He is the next door neighbor, who you do business with or has contact with everyday, whom you would never expect to be a calculating killer. When he's caught, all who know him are shocked to the point of disbelief. Yet, he may even have been caught red-handed; Ted Bundy was a fine example of this very type. Serial killings have been recorded as early in history as the 1800's; they continue to this day. Unfortunately, there is no crystal ball in existence that can aid authorities in predicting who might become such a killer.” After another hour I decided I had it and was leaving the building when I saw Monique standing outside she raised her skirt a little and struck a pose.

Going my way, big boy?

I smiled back and we left together.


I could eat

Italian ok?


Vinzenato Italian Restaurant is located at 24th South Western Avenue, an area mainly Italian and Hispanic. The owner Maria Torena Vinzenato an Italian immigrant opened the restaurant in the late 1990’s and works ten to fifteen hours a day cooking authentic Italian dishes and greeting her customers. The establishment itself is small and intimate with the soft romantic voice of Andre Bocelli floating throughout the room. There were maybe fifteen tables and the staff which were mainly her relatives, are friendly and helpful. We were seated and a large green salad and a basket of hot rolls were delivered by an attractive dark haired young woman that appeared just a little older than Deloris. I ordered Fried Bacala-Antipasto for appetizers, and a bottle of Chardonnay. We snacked on the salad and antipasto and l ordered veal Cutlet Milanese for Monique and Sea Bass in Foil with Potatoes for myself. After a leisurely two hour dinner where we rubbed legs under the table we left. I tried to entice Monique to my place for another drink, but she refused, she had a lot of cases the next day. I drove her to her vehicle parked in the police lot and drove home, the image of Ada constantly in my thoughts.

15 December 2009
When I entered the building one of the detectives mouthed, “Lieutenant Marvel, want to see you right away.”
Without knocking or waiting for an invitation I walked into Lieutenant David O’Shea’s office and sat on the arm rest of a chair across from his desk The lieutenant didn‘t acknowledge me as he continued writing on a yellow pad on his oversized wooden desk. By designed O’Shea had ordered a high chair that made him look down on anyone sitting, and I knew by sitting on the arm it pissed him off. He put his pen down and looked at me for a second.

Please sit in the chair sergeant
I ignored the request and continued sitting, he shook his head and his ruddy red face got redder.

You and that partner of yours really fucked things up, letting that prisoner escape

We didn’t let him escape, how I don’t know, but Tony Alfonso the lockup keeper was killed, did you read my report?

Yeah I read it and it is completely unacceptable, you and your partner should have personally taken him to the lockup

I don’t recall ever reading that in a General Order

Fuck General Orders, it’s your fault that a serial rapist and killer escaped and I will be investigation this complaint myself, and if founded I’m going to recommend separation for you and your partner

Do your worst

I sat in the large comfortable chair in Ist Deputy Superintendent Dennis Gult outer office and browsed through the magazines on the table. I knew this was not going to be a pleasant meeting, Lieutenant O’Shea had already got a Complaint Registered Number on me and Evetta alleging that we were responsible for the escape of Esau Sneed and the murder of the lockup keeper, Tony Alfonso. I wasn’t worried about the complaint it was completely unfounded, but that was O’Shea’s way to deflect the heat on the Special Crimes Bureau and himself. After a half-hour wait Captain Patricia Woods came to the door and summoned me into the office.

Have a seat John; be with you in a minute

I sat next to the captain and a few minutes later Gult he put down a folder and turned to me

What happen John?
I interrogated Esau Sneed and told him of the evidence we had against him after he went off on me I had a couple of my detectives take him to the lockup to cool his heels. I planned on interrogating him and hopefully get a confession. When I went to get him that’s when I found the lockup keeper and Esau gone

How in the hell does that lieutenant deduct it was your fault?

Me and the lieu have never gotten alone, why I don’t know, but like he always says, “Shit rolls down hill

Don’t worry about the CR number, I’ll take care of that. I’ve been notified that the US Marshals have a warrant out for Esau and are looking for him and they have assigned Marshal Marcus Cahill as a liaison with the department and I want you and Evetta to work with him. I’m assigning you and your people to my office and you will report directly to me through Captain Woods, she will give you anything you need. Any word on the DNA off the cigarette?

It’s Esau Sneed

After escaping from the Special Crimes Bureau Esau Sneed spent the next three years traveling around the country. He got a job as a substitute teacher in Warsaw, Indiana, Fort Wayne Indiana and Louisville, Kentucky, but he soon got tired of those little hick towns and decided he go back to the Midwest. Esau Sneed felt good, he had fucked the shit out of that black bitch Ada, took her Cadillac Escapade and the bitch had over a thousand bucks in her purse. He remembered the old police officer who though he so fuckin’ smart and tried to put him in that dirty, smelly cell, but I got his ass, the dumb motherfucker forget the knife sitting on his desk that he was using to slice his lunchmeat, well no more lunch meat for him.“Well, where should I go, Chicago is a little too hot now, I sure would like to see the face on that mutherfucking, smart ass detective John Ringo with his smug ass,” Esau said aloud. Esau slightly opened the vehicle’s sun-roof and breathed in the warm late night air. He turned on the CD player and BB King Blues guitar filled the interior. He was driving west on Interstate 80 and passed the road sign that read, “Joliet 10 miles.” Esau talking aloud said “Joliet, never been there, might find some country pussy there.” In ten minutes he exited the Interstate and drove through the small city, stopped at a Mc Donald, went in an ordered a Big Mac, he sat at a table and looked around. The restaurant was filled with teen-agers white and black all giggling and acting like teen-agers. He noticed two young black girls in the group; one looked about fifteen and the other a little older. Esau watched and hoped that the two girls would leave their friends and he would follow them and maybe fuck them both, but after getting their food the group of teens, including the black girls piled into a beat-up Ford pickup and drove off.“Shit,” he whispered and walked up to an older black woman sitting at one of the tables and smiled.

Hi, I'm new to the city and I’m trying to find a friend, where is the black folks in this town?

Most blacks live on the Southside, I would suggest you try Fairview Projects, someone might know him there

How would I get there?

1 June 2012
Early the next morning Esau parked his vehicles three blocks from the Fairview Projects and walked. The Fairview was like the projects in Chicago or anywhere else in the country; worn-down buildings and worn-down people. Esau observed the children playing in the run down playground, a group of boys were playing basketball on a pot-holed basketball court that contained a net-less basketball rim, a group of young girls were jumping around a hopscotch board drawn in red crayon on the dirty concrete ground while others jumped rope. It was early June, but it was one of those rare warm and sunny days, not too hot, and the young children were taken advantage of it. He sat on an iron bench in front of a sixteen storied high rise building and looked up at the old women sitting on the balconies watching their grandchildren through the wire mess that encased the balcony. An older group of boys, wearing red and white Bulls caps were gathered together in front of another high rise waiting for darkness to resume their drug business. He noticed a young girl walk over to a bench and sit down; she had an arm full of books that she carefully spread out on the bench, Esau approached the girl and asked what she was reading.

I’m having a hard time with my algebra and I don’t understand
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