» Fiction » Sensei of Shambala, Anastasia Novykh [love story novels in english txt] 📗

Book online «Sensei of Shambala, Anastasia Novykh [love story novels in english txt] 📗». Author Anastasia Novykh

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and could not believe that all this delirium of Vitaliy Yakovlevich could really cause in me this tidal wave. Having concentrated, I felt that all this vibration proceeded not from the stage but from somewhere behind and to the right. It was even more strange, as Sensei sat behind and to the left of me. I looked back, but Sensei wasn't at his seat. Then I looked back to the other side, where the source was according to my sensations. Far away in the corner, at the very end of the empty rows, I saw Sensei. He was sitting and peering with concentration at people who were near the stage. Every second I felt the stream grow in its force. Waves of pleasant sensations were already spilling about my body. But the stream still grew.
In the verbal outpouring of Vitaliy Yakovlevich came a certain pause. At this moment, the blind kid said “Mum!” – not loudly, but distinctly. The woman broke into tears, tightly embracing her son. She drew general attention. And then complete pandemonium began. A woman said that her headache eased, a man said that his stomach stopped aching. But the old woman with the squeaky voice shouted the most that her trophic ulcers began to dry up before her eyes. Not trusting herself, she tried to show them to anyone who would look. Many people in the hall also got up from their places and ran to the stage. Even Vitaliy Yakovlevich himself was taken aback from gratitude, from requests for help for people and their relatives from all directions. Meanwhile, Sensei came back to his place in the hall.
The young mother pressed the child to her breast and sobbed violently but could not get out of the crowd, as the usual crush began and nobody paid attention to her. Nikolai Andreevich hurried to help her. We got the woman out of the cinema and into the fresh air, sitting her down on a bench. Nikolai Andreevich began to calm her down. The kid sat next to her and, hearing the crying of his mother, began to pull his face with his own impressions. Sensei sat down, squatting opposite him, and tenderly stroked his head, saying something silently to himself. The child calmed down and began listening. Then he began to blink quickly with his long eyelashes. The kid then looked purposefully at the watch that gleamed on Sensei’s arm as he stroked him. The boy, having caught Sensei’s hand, seized the watch, trying to pull it off. He looked into Sensei’s eyes and gave a short but meaningful enough command, “Give!”
The kid's mother fainted from everything she had seen. While Nikolai Andreevich and the guys tried to bring her around, Sensei took off his watch and gave it to the kid, saying with a smile, “Here, kid, keep it to remember.”
The kid, smiling happily, began to play with it, examining and shaking it. When the woman came to, she still could not believe that her son had recovered his sight. She gave him everything that was in her handbag, and the kid examined everything with real pleasure, turning the objects into improvised toys. When she was convinced in his newfound sight, the woman grabbed her son in joy, thanked Nikolai Andreevich and all of us for the help, and ran to her building to tell her husband about this piece of news.
On our way back to camp, Nikolai Andreevich was still surprised.
“How could this Vitaliy Yakovlevich, with his chattering, wake in people so much belief that he could achieve such therapeutic effects?! In fact, I saw with my own eyes that the boy was blind. The others could be fake. But it's hard to grasp this case!”
I looked at Sensei. I was curious what he would say. But Sensei only said, half in jest, “You probably listened inattentively to his lecture. Next time, you should take a notebook with you.”
On our way, we gathered dry wood for our evening fire. The senior guys picked up some half rotten wooden column that had once served as a pylon for electric lines. In general, judging by Sensei’s excellent mood and the gathered stock of firewood, the night promised to be long and unforgettable.


On the road to our camp, the Teacher and Nikolai Andreevich started an interesting conversation. Our psychologist, being impressed by everything that happened, asked Sensei, “Well, adults with the help of suggestions under therapeutic influence can partly ease the process of disease. But children?! At such an age they practically do not understand what is said to them. In this case, though, the result is visible. Even I do not understand how it could happen. In fact, this three-year-old blind child began to see; so, as it turns out, we should logically admit the fact of treatment from a distance.”
“The whole history of mankind, if we read it attentively, is full of such facts,” Sensei said with a smile.
“Yes, but to read and to see are two completely different things! If it is really so, then I don’t understand anything at all.”
“It’s not difficult to understand if you have the whole conception of the world and a human body as it actually is.”
“And what is a human body?”
“The human body as well as all other matters is just emptiness. It is an illusion created by the thought of God.”
“So you want to say that this tree and I are basically identical because we are emptiness?” Nikolai Andreevich asked half in jest, passing by a big tree.
“Basically, yes.” Sensei grinned and added in a more serious way, “Your matter is generated by one and the same initial energy, but modified and transformed into different wave conditions. Here is the difference in material features. What does a human body consist of? A body, as you know, consists of a system of organs, organs consist of tissues, tissues consist of groups of cells. Cells consist of basic chemical elements. And the greatest part of a body, about 98% of it, is made up of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen, and 2% are other chemical elements.”
“I don’t understand how that’s possible?” These words accidentally escaped my lips.
“How it’s possible? For example, for 50 kg of your weight, the scheme of division in you will be the following,” Sensei looked a few seconds at my body as though estimating something, and then said, “Oxygen in different isotope conditions is 30.481 kg, isotopes of carbon are 11.537 kg, isotopes of hydrogen are 5.01 kg, and isotopes of nitrogen are 1.35 kg. That is 48.378 kg in total. Well, I shall not mention all other elements, as their weight goes in grams. In general, only 1.622 kg of the weight remains for them… To be more exact and add everything that is not digested: the remains of ice-cream, sweets, and a drink that have not yet completed a chemical reaction in your body… in total, the weight of your body will make 50 kg and 625 grams.”
I was simply struck with such high-speed calculations of my body according to just one glance. I had never thought about the structure of my matter. Meanwhile, Sensei continued to address Nikolai Andreevich, “What are our chemical elements? These molecules make up our cells and exist according to their biophysical laws. Notice that there is emptiness around molecules. Let's go deeper. Molecules consist of atoms, and between them again there is emptiness. Atoms consist of a nucleus and electrons rotating around them, and between them there is emptiness. The nucleus of an atom again consists of elementary particles – protons and neutrons – with the same inherent emptiness between them. We shall notice that variations of any chemical element differ in the number of neutrons in an atomic nucleus so it has a feature of isotopy. Protons and neutrons which form the nucleus of an atom also consist of smaller particles. So look, each time when physicists make the next step, they open a new level of knowledge, removing their relative borders to the horizon of infinite knowledge. Simply, as soon as it was possible for a human to improve a microscope, he learnt the nature of a microcosm. I shall not continue mentioning what is divided into what, but finally division comes to an end, to absolute emptiness out of which everything arises. It exists everywhere, both in a microcosm and in a macrocosm. That is pure energy which is called ‘energy Po,’ consisting of a sole field of interaction of all kinds of energies and therefore the matter arising from it. So it is said that God is omnipresent. The pulses of energy Po generate the waves that change the curvature of material space and time. That is, in the depth of its essence, all matter is a set of certain kind of waves and exists according to laws of the wave nature.”
“It is something brand new,” Nikolai Andreevich said thoughtfully.
“By no means,” the Teacher objected. “I'd better say these are well forgotten old things. The fact that matter is a generation of great emptiness, ‘dao’, was known to Indian philosophers more than four thousand years ago and to Chinese wise men about two thousand years ago. Just read their treatises. They visually represented absolute emptiness as the smooth surface of a lake in the absence of wind. The particle of matter arising from emptiness is compared with the occurrence of ripples on the smooth surface of the lake with a gust of wind.”
“What then is the wind?” Nikolai Andreevich inquired.
“The wind in this case is a divine essence, it is the thought of God with the help of which He creates and destroys everything. Our soul is also a part of this mighty force that can operate the initial energy Po. Therefore, if a human recognizes his soul with his consciousness and merges them into a single unit, his abilities will become unlimited as well as his knowledge.”
“Nevertheless it is new for me,” the ‘Common Sense’ of our company said with a smile.
At this time we arrived back to a camp. The guys who had stayed in the camp were already greedily eating sturgeon barbecue, which they cooked for our arrival and which had almost entirely been eaten. We shared our impressions about the events we witnessed and had a good dinner in the open air. Then we sat near the fire and were looking forward to the forthcoming conversation.
Nikolai Andreevich hurried to come back to the topic that was consuming all his thoughts, “So it turns out that all the world is nothing more than an illusion?”
“That's right.”
“But why can we feel everything so realistically, we can touch, try, that is, to be convinced, using our organs of sense that, for example, this stick is a stick, instead of emptiness and illusion.”
“Because our brain, since birth, is adjusted to the frequency of perception of this reality. But it does not mean that its abilities are limited to this frequency. Different programs are put into it. If we change the frequency of perception, all the world around us will also change.”
“How is it possible?” Nikolai Andreevich did not understand.
“Very simply. Let's examine what our brain is. Basically, the central nervous system is a special device for transmitting and receiving waves of various ranges with corresponding frequency characteristics. As you know, the major elements of the structurally functional organization of the brain are neurons and glia cells, out of which the central nervous system is built. The neuron has an ability that distinguishes it from other cells. It can generate a potential of action and transfer this potential across large distances. This special cell represents itself
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