» Fiction » Old Mortality, Volume 2., Walter Scott [book club recommendations TXT] 📗

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every other respect such an eligible match, that she put her prejudice aside, and consoled herself with the recollection that marriage went by destiny, as was observed to her, she said, by his most sacred Majesty, Charles the Second of happy memory, when she showed him the portrait of her grand-father Fergus, third Earl of Torwood, the handsomest man of his time, and that of Countess Jane, his second lady, who had a hump-back and only one. eye. This was his Majesty's observation, she said, on one remarkable morning when he deigned to take his /disjune/—"

"Nay," said Miss Buskbody, again interrupting me, "if she brought such authority to countenance her acquiescing in a misalliance, there was no more to be said.—And what became of old Mrs. What's her name, the housekeeper?"

"Mrs. Wilson, madam?" answered I. "She was perhaps the happiest of the party; for once a year, and not oftener, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Morton dined in the great wainscotted chamber in solemn state, the hangings being all displayed, the carpet laid down, and the huge brass candlestick set on the table, stuck round with leaves of laurel. The preparing the room for this yearly festival employed her mind for six months before it came about, and the putting matters to rights occupied old Alison the other six, so that a single day of rejoicing found her business for all the year round."

"And Niel Blane?" said Miss Buskbody.

"Lived to a good old age, drank ale and brandy with guests of all persuasions, played Whig or Jacobite tunes as best pleased his customers, and died worth as much money as married Jenny to a cock laird. I hope, ma'am, you have no other inquiries to make, for really—"

"Goose-Gibbie, sir?" said my persevering friend,—"Goose-Gibbie, whose ministry was fraught with such consequences to the personages of the narrative?"

"Consider, my dear Miss Buskbody, (I beg pardon for the familiarity),—but pray consider, even the memory of the renowned Scheherazade, that Empress of Tale-tellers, could not preserve every circumstance. I am not quite positive as to the fate of Goose-Gibbie, but am inclined to think him the same with one Gilbert Dudden, alias Calf-Gibbie, who was whipped through Hamilton for stealing poultry."

Miss Buskbody now placed her left foot on the fender, crossed her right leg over her knee, lay back on the chair, and looked towards the ceiling. When I observed her assume this contemplative mood, I concluded she was studying some farther cross-examination, and therefore took my hat and wished her a hasty good-night, ere the Demon of Criticism had supplied her with any more queries. In like manner, gentle Reader, returning you my thanks for the patience which has conducted you thus far, I take the liberty to withdraw myself from you for the present.


It was mine earnest wish, most courteous Reader, that the "Tales of my Landlord" should have reached thine hands in one entire succession of tomes, or volumes. But as I sent some few more manuscript quires, containing the continuation of these most pleasing narratives, I was apprised, somewhat unceremoniously, by my publisher that he did not approve of novels (as he injuriously called these real histories) extending beyond four volumes, and if I did not agree to the first four being published separately, he threatened to decline the article. (Oh, ignorance! as if the vernacular article of our mother English were capable of declension.) Whereupon, somewhat moved by his remonstrances, and more by heavy charges for print and paper, which he stated to have been already incurred, I have resolved that these four volumes shall be the heralds or avant-couriers of the Tales which are yet in my possession, nothing doubting that they will be eagerly devoured, and the remainder anxiously demanded, by the unanimous voice of a discerning public. I rest, esteemed Reader, thine as thou shalt construe me,


Interior of Abbotsford

GLOSSARY. A', all. A'body, everybody. Aboon, abune, above. Ae, one. Aff, off. Afore, before. Again, against, until. Ahint, behind. Ain, own. Ajee, awry. Amaist, almost. Amna, am not. An, if, suppose. Ane, one. Anent, regarding. Anes, once. Anither, another. Arles, earnest money. Asteer, in confusion. Atweel, aweel, well. Aught, own, possessed of; also, eight. Auld, old. Awa', away. Awe, to owe. "Awe a day in har'st," to owe a good turn. Awsome, awful, terrible. Bab, a bunch. Back-cast, back-stroke. Baith, both. Bang, to beat. Bannock, a scone. Bawbee, a halfpenny. Beild, shelter. Bein, bien, well provided. Belive, directly. Bide, to wait, to suffer. "Bide a blink," stay a minute. Birky, a lively young fellow. Birl, to toss, to drink. Bleeze, a blaze; also, to brag, to talk ostentatiously. Blithe, happy. Blude, bluid, blood. Boddle, a small copper coin. Branks, a kind of bridle. Braw, fine, brave. Brawly, cleverly. Braws, fine clothes. Breeks, breeches. Brigg, a bridge. Brogue, the Highland shoe. Browst, a brewing. Budget, a carabine-socket. Busk, to deck up. "By and out-taken," over and above and excepting. Ca', to call. "Ca' the pleugh," to work the plough. Canna, cannot. "Canna hear day nor door," as deaf as a post. Canny, quiet, cautious, snug. Carcage, a carcass. Carena, care not. Carline, an old woman, a witch. Cast, chance, opportunity, fate. "Cast o' a cart," chance use of a cart. Certie! conscience! Change-house, a small inn or alehouse. Chield, a fellow. Chimley, a chimney. Claes, clothes. Clatter, tattle. "Clinked down," quartered. "Cock laird," a small land holder who cultivates his estate himself. Copleen, to complain. Coup, to barter; also, to turn over. Crap, the produce of the ground. Crowdy, meal and milk mixed in a cold state. Cuittle, to wheedle, to curry favour. Daft, crazy. Daur, to dare. Daurna, dare not. Deil, the devil. "Deil gin," the devil may care if. Didna, did not. Dighting, separating, wiping. Ding, to knock. Dinna, disna, do not. Disjasked-looking, decayed looking. Disjune, breakfast. Div, do. Dooms, very, confoundedly. Douce, douse, quiet, sensible. Doun, down. Dour, stubborn. "Dow'd na," did not like. Downa, cannot. "Downs bide," cannot bear, don't like. Drouthy, dry, thirsty. Dwam, a swoon. Ee, an eye. Een, eyes. E'en, evening; even. E'enow, presently, at present. Eik, an addition. Eneuch, eneugh, enow, enough. Fa', fall. Fairing "gie him a fairing," settle him. Fallow, a fellow. Fand, found. Fash, trouble. Faured, favoured. Feared, afraid. Fearsome, frightful. Feck, part of a thing. Feckless, harmless. Fend, to provide. Fire-flaught, flash. Fizenless, tasteless. Flyte, to scold. Forby, besides. Forgie, forgive. Forrit, forward. Foumart, a pole-cat. Frae, from. Fund, found. Gae, to go; also, gave. Gang, go. Ganging, going. Gar, to make, to oblige. Gat, got. Gate, way, mode, direction. Gaun, going. Gay, gey, very. "Gey thick," pretty thick. Gear, property. Gentles, aristocracy. Gie, give. Gin, if. Gledge, a side-glance. Gomeril, a fool, a simpleton. Gowd, gold. Gowpen, a handful. Grewsome, sullen, stern, forbidding. Gude, God; good. Gudeman, a husband; head of the household. Gude-sister, a sister-in-law. Gudewife, a wife, a spouse. Guide, to manage. Ha'arst, harvest. Hae, have. Haena, have not. "Hae 't," have it. Haill, whole. Hantle, a great deal. Harry, to rob, to break in upon. Hash, a clumsy lout. Hand, to hold, to have. Hauld, a habitation. Hempie, giddy. Heugh, a dell; also, a crag. Hinny, a term of endearment=honey. Holme, a hollow, level low ground. "Horse of wood, foaled of an acorn," a form of punishment. Howf, a retreat. Hunder, a hundred. Hup! used to a horse in order to make him quicken his pace. "Hup nor wind," quite unmanageable. Hurdies, the buttocks. Ilk, ilka, each, every. Ill-fard, ill-favoured. Ill-guide, to ill-treat. I' se, I shall. Isna, is not. Jalouse, to suspect.
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