» Fiction » Light O' the Morning: The Story of an Irish Girl, L. T. Meade [drm ebook reader txt] 📗

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shillings and five-pence here, and I can't get to Ireland with that.”

“Haul out the spoil,” said Molly; “make no bones about it. I'm going with Nora, because the child isn't fit to travel alone.”

“You coming with me?” said Nora. “I didn't know that.”

“I don't mean to leave you, my dear, until I see you safe in the midst of your family; besides, I have a bit of curiosity with regard to that wonderful old place of yours.”

“Oh, it's lost, the place is quite lost,” said Nora, remembering for the first time since the blow had fallen the feather-bed condition of Castle O'Shanaghgan.

“Well, lost or found, I'd like to have a peep at it,” said Molly; “so fork out the spoil, Stephie, and be quick.”

“I will, of course,” said Stephanotie. “But how much do you want?”

“All you possess, my dear; you cannot give us more than all you possess.”

“And when am I likely to have it back?”

“Oh, as if that mattered,” said Molly; “the thing is to get Nora home. You won't be any the worse for this, if that is what you mean.”

“Oh, I am not really thinking of that; but my school fees have to be paid, and the money only came from America two days ago for the purpose. You know Aunt Vi is very poor.”

“Poor or rich, don't keep us waiting now,” said Molly. “Look at Nora. Do you think for a single moment that your school bills matter when her heart is breaking?”

“And you shall have the money back, Stephie, every farthing, if I die to get it for you,” said Nora with sudden passion.

“I don't doubt you, darling,” said the generous-hearted American girl. “Well, I'll go up to my room and see what I can do.” She left the room, ran upstairs, and quickly returned with a fat purse. It contained gold and notes; and very soon Molly found, to her infinite delight, that it would be by no means necessary for her and Nora to take all Stephie's wealth.

“Ten pounds will be sufficient,” said Molly. “I have not the slightest idea what the fares to Ireland are, but I have no doubt we shall do nicely with this sum. May we have these two five-pounds notes, Stephie?”

“You may and welcome,” said Stephanotie. “I have nearly thirty pounds here; but it's on account of the school bills. As a rule, poppa is not quite so generous. He says it is better for young girls like me not to have too much money. I guess I'd eat too many bon-bons if I had a lot of money at my disposal. But had you not better take it in gold? It is much easier to change.”

“To be sure,” said Molly. “Holy Moses! it's you that have got the sense, Stephie.”

“Thank you for the compliment,” replied Stephanotie. “Well, then, here you are—ten sovereigns. Good luck to you both. What do you mean to do?”

“Go to the station and find out about the trains, and start the very first moment possible,” said Molly.

“I do wish I was going with you. It would be no end of a lark.”

“Why don't you come?” asked Molly.

“I wish I might; but there, I suppose I had better not. I must look perfectly innocent to-morrow, or I may get into an awful scrape for this. You must both go now, or Aunt Vi when she turns in her sleep may wake. She turns in her sleep about three times during the night; and whenever she turns she wakes, so she tells me. I guess it's about time for her first turn now, so the sooner you are off the better.”

“Oh, thank you, Stephie! I shall never, never forget your kindness,” said Nora. She flung her arms impulsively round Stephanotie's neck, and the next moment the girls left the house.


The girls now went straight to the railway station; the hour was a quarter to twelve. They entered and asked at once if there was a train up to town. Yes; the last train would be due in ten minutes. Molly now took the management of affairs; she purchased a third-class ticket for herself and another for Nora.

“If we go third-class we shall not be specially remarked,” she said. “People always notice girls who travel first-class.”

The tickets being bought, the girls stood side by side on the platform. Molly had put on her shabbiest hat and oldest jacket; her gloves had some holes in them; her umbrella was rolled up in such a thick, ungainly fashion that it looked like a gamp. Nora, however, exquisitely neat and trim, stood by her companion's side, betraying as she did so traces of her good birth and breeding.

“You must untidy yourself a bit when we get into the train,” said Molly. “I'll manage it.”

“Oh, never mind about my looks; the thing is to get off,” said Nora. “I'm not a scrap afraid,” she added; “if Aunt Grace came to me now she could not induce me to turn back; nothing but force would make me. I have got the money, and to Ireland I will go.”

“I admire you for your determination,” said Molly. “I never knew that an Irish girl could have so much spunk in her.”

“And why not? Aren't we about the finest race on God's earth?”

“Oh, come, come,” said Molly; “you mustn't overdo it. Even you sometimes carry things a trifle too far.”

Just then the train came in. There was the usual bustle of passengers alighting and others getting in; the next moment the girls had taken their seats in a crowded compartment and were off to town. They arrived in London between twelve and one o'clock, and found themselves landed at Waterloo. Now, Waterloo is not the nicest station in the world for two very young girls to arrive at midnight, particularly when they have not the faintest idea where to go.

“Let us go straight to the waiting room and ask the woman there what we had best do,” said Molly, who still immensely enjoyed taking the lead.

Nora followed her companion quite willingly. Her worst fears about her father were held in abeyance, now that she was really on her way to him. The girls entered the waiting room. A tired-looking woman was busy putting out the gas, and reducing the room to darkness for the night. She turned round as the girls came in.

“I'm shutting up, ladies,” she said.

“Oh, but please advise us,” said Molly.

“How so, miss? What am I to do?”

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