» Fiction » The Face and the Mask, Robert Barr [best color ereader TXT] 📗

Book online «The Face and the Mask, Robert Barr [best color ereader TXT] 📗». Author Robert Barr

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Alma. You know I would not put you to any trouble for the world.”

“You are very kind, I am sure, Mr. Brown.”

“I am indeed, Miss Temple. All my friends admit that. But now that you are here—by the way, I came to see Mr. Temple. Is he at home?”

“I am expecting him every moment.”

“Oh, well, I’m disappointed; but I guess I will bear up for awhile— until he comes, you know.”

“I thought your last interview with him was not so pleasant that you would so soon seek another.”

“The fact is, Alma, we both lost our tempers a bit, and no good ever comes of that. You can’t conduct business in a heat, you know.”

“Oh, then the asking of his daughter’s hand was business—a mere business proposition, was it?”

“Well, I confess he put it that way—very strongly, too. Of course, with me there would have been pleasure mixed with it if he had—but he didn’t. See here, Alma—tell me frankly (of course he talked with you about it) what objection he has to me anyhow.”

“I suppose you consider yourself such a desirable young man that it astonishes you greatly that any person should have any possible objection to you?”

“Oh, come now, Alma; don’t hit a fellow when he’s down, you know. I don’t suppose I have more conceit than the average young man; but then, on the other hand, I am not such a fool, despite appearances, as not to know that I am considered by some people as quite an eligible individual. I am not a pauper exactly, and your father knows that. I don’t think I have many very bad qualities. I don’t get drunk; I don’t —oh, I could give quite a list of the things I don’t do.”

“You are certainly frank enough, my eligible young man. Still you must not forget that my papa is considered quite an eligible father-in-law, if it comes to that.”

“Why, of course, I admit it. How could it be otherwise when he has such a charming daughter?”

“You know I don’t mean that, Walter. You were speaking of wealth and so was I. Perhaps we had better change the subject.”

“By the way, that reminds me of what I came to see you about. What do——”

“To see me? I thought you came to see my father.”

“Oh, yes—certainly—I did come to see him, of course, but in case I saw you, I thought I would ask you for further particulars in the case. I have asked you the question but you have evaded the answer. You did not tell me why he is so prejudiced against me. Why did he receive me in such a gruff manner when I spoke to him about it? It is not a criminal act to ask a man for his daughter. It is not, I assure you. I looked up the law on the subject, and a young friend of mine, who is a barrister, says there is no statute in the case made and provided. The law of the State of New York does not recognize my action as against the peace and prosperity of the commonwealth. Well, he received me as if I had been caught robbing the bank. Now I propose to know what the objection is. I am going to hear——”

“Hush! Here is papa now.”

Miss Alma quickly left the room, and met her father in the hall. Mr. Brown stood with his hands in his pockets and his back to the fire. He heard the gruff voice of Mr. Temple say, apparently in answer to some information given him by his daughter: “Is he? What does he want?”

There was a moment’s pause, and then the same voice said:

“Very well, I will see him in the library in a few minutes.”

Somehow the courage of young Mr. Brown sank as he heard the banker’s voice, and the information he had made up his mind to demand with some hauteur, he thought he would ask, perhaps, in a milder manner.

Mr. Brown brightened up as the door opened, but it was not Miss Alma who came in. The servant said to him:

“Mr. Temple is in the library, sir. Will you come this way!”

He followed and found the banker seated at his library table, on which he had just placed some legal-looking papers, bound together with a thick rubber band. It was evident that his work did not stop when he left the bank. Young Brown noticed that Mr. Temple looked careworn and haggard, and that his manner was very different from what it had been on the occasion of the last interview.

“Good evening, Mr. Brown. I am glad you called. I was on the point of writing to you, but the subject of our talk the other night was crowded from my mind by more important matters.”

Young Mr. Brown thought bitterly that there ought not to be matters more important to a father than his daughter’s happiness, but he had the good sense not to say so.

“I spoke to you on that occasion with a—in a manner that was—well, hardly excusable, and I wish to say that I am sorry I did so. What I had to state might have been stated with more regard for your feelings.”

“Then may I hope, Mr. Temple, that you have changed your mind with——”

“No, sir. What I said then—that is, the substance of what I said, not the manner of saying it—I still adhere to.”

“May I ask what objection you have to me?”

“Certainly. I have the same objection that I have to the majority of the society young men of the present day. If I make inquiries about you, what do I find? That you are a noted oarsman—that you have no profession—that your honors at college consisted in being captain of the football team, and——”

“No, no, the baseball club.”

“Same thing, I suppose.”

“Quite different, I assure you, Mr. Temple.”

“Well, it is the same to me at any rate. Now, in my time young men had a harder row to hoe, and they hoed it. I am what they call a self-made man and probably I have a harsher opinion of the young men of the present day than I should have. But if I had a son I would endeavor to have him know how to do something, and then I would see that he did it.”

“I am obliged to you for stating your objection, Mr. Temple. I have taken my degree in Harvard law school, but I have never practiced, because, as the little boy said, I didn’t have to. Perhaps if some one had spoken to me as you have done I would have pitched in and gone to work. It is not too late yet. Will you give me a chance? The position of cashier in your bank, for instance?”

The effect of these apparently innocent words on Mr. Temple was startling. He sprang to his feet and brought down his clenched fist

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