» Fiction » Roses, A.J Beth [rosie project TXT] 📗

Book online «Roses, A.J Beth [rosie project TXT] 📗». Author A.J Beth

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your done with him… mind if I take him?” She asked me giggling.
“Go ahead hun,” I said. We got Steven and then went to the house, we weren’t scared anymore.

We walked into the living room and then sat down in a circle. “Okay so I have something to tell you guys.” I said fidgeting with my hands, they all looked at me like go on.
“Well I’m not normal… I have premonitions and I can do things you guys can’t.” I explained, they all looked at me weird and then they all looked ashamed.
“We can do stuff too.” They all said looking down, then Alice took a breath to talk.
“I can control the weather..” She said. I smiled thinking that was epic.
“I can heal.” Steven said, we all looked at him and then Bryce un-bandaged his cuts for Steven to heal them.
“I can read minds.” Bryce said afterwards, I already knew that from the night he was drunk.

We sat around and then I had a cool idea, “Why don’t we move in here? All four of us. We could like buy furniture and stuff.” I laughed, they all thought for a moment and we decided to stay, and we turned the lights and the water on. So at night it wouldn’t be scary, we fixed it all up because a few rooms weren’t finished and we redid the porch.

After all that we only had a week or two before school started, so all we had to do was pick which room was ours and get our clothes in it. Bryce and I shared a room and after a few days Alice and Steven stayed in the same room after he broke up with the other girl. Most of my clothes were at Andy’s so I had to go into Bangor.

When I got there we looked at me and gave me a hug, “I knew you would come!” He expressed, I went and got my stuff.
“I’m sorry Andy, I love you but I can’t stay..” I said while putting my stuff into the car. He looked really sad and depressed, and it made me feel bad.
“I’m sorry… I know a girl that would love you though.” I tried making him feel better, he looked up and had a small smile.
“Who?” He asked, I thought for a moment. One of my old friends Jennie had a huge thing for emo boys.
“Jennie. She’s really cool. Look her up.” I said before leaving.

The house was finally complete, and I was really happy. We were a big happy family, our parents didn’t care that we did this. We were meant to be together, and it was obvious to us now.

I woke up to my alarm clock, first day of school. I got my clothes an make up on, then Bryce and I drove to school. All of us walked through the door together Bryce and I were holding hands just like Steven and Alice. We kind of kept to ourselves, but would still associated with the rest of the school.
“Hey!” A girl super excited said coming up to me. I looked at her and smiled trying to be polite.
“Hello.” I replied, she looked at me and then turned her head slightly to the right.
“I’m Jennie remember?” She said kind of losing her smile.
“Oh yeah! Sorry you’ve just changed.” I apologized. We almost had a conversation until Bryce came over and took me somewhere else. The day was pretty normal, other than a few people coming and asking me about being kidnapped.

I went home early while everyone else stayed and when I got into the house Andrew was sitting on the couch. “Jesus, Andy you scared me!” I said. I looked at him and he just was starring blankly.
“Andy, why are you here?” I asked him going closer to him, when I sat down next to him in his eyes it looked blank as if nothing was going on. I looked at him and then brushed some hair out of his face, he blinked and I saw him again.
“Andy.. why are you here?” I asked him again.
“..I.. I don’t know. I think there’s something wrong with me.” He told me.
“What do you mean?” I replied looking at him a little weird.
“I keep blacking out and doing horrible things…. I need your help.” He advised me.
“Me? Why me?!” I questioned him yet another time. He flipped his hair out of his face and took my hand.
“Because.. I don’t have anyone else, your were and are my only friend. Please help me.” He pleaded, I couldn’t just not help him but I had no possible clue what I could do.
“Okay… stay here with me and I’ll figure something out.” I told him, a few minutes of waiting and everyone else got home.

Right when Bryce walked through the door I could sense the hatred in his every word. “A.J why is he here?” He asked a little tense. I took Bryce by the shoulder to attempt to calm him down.
“He needs our help hun.” I told him, he was less mad but you could still see it.

Alice was already to Andrew’s side looking him over, she loved new experiments. “Ooh play toy!” She expressed her happiness. Steven smiled thinking of how funny it was.
“..A.J what’s wrong with his eyes?” She asked me almost pulling his eyelids to his eyebrow.
“…Oh no, step back Alice.” I told her taking her away, he sat there for a moment ant then got up. I went by his side, I didn’t want him to hurt anyone.
“Andrew.” I said trying to snap him out of it, he looked at me and began to choke me. Bryce and Steven got him off of me as I backed away coughing. We all decided to put him into the room none of us used. He couldn’t hurt us there, when everyone was sleeping I went into Andrew’s room and he was crying. I sat down next to him and rubbed his back, “What’s wrong hun?” I asked him.

“It’s all my fault. Everything is my fault.” He replied, a looked at him with a weird look I had no clue what he was talking about.
“Hun I’m not following.. What was all your fault.” I questioned, he finally looked up from his hands and at my face.
“All the deaths… So many people screaming.” He said, I didn’t understand because no deaths had occurred lately.
“Andrew… There were no deaths, no one died, I think your hallucinating.” I told him, then he started hugging me and crying. I couldn’t help but comfort him.
“I hear them everyday, they’re screams repeating in my head.” He whispered, I put my hand to his cheek.
“Andrew. There were no deaths!” I said lightly, he looked away and then got up.
“W-what am I doing here! Why are you here! You…. Your dead! I saw you die I was there.” He said scared. I didn’t understand what was going on, I figured it would be best if I went to sleep.
“Andrew.. Come into bed, it’s nap time.” I told him, he crawled into bed and I said there with him for a few minutes when I was just about to get up he took my arm.
“Please don’t go, the nightmares will come back… You’ll be dead, I don’t want you to be dead.” He cried, I could see the fear in his eyes there was something really wrong, and it was killing me inside that I couldn’t figure it out,

I stayed with him and fell asleep in the chair I pulled close to his bed. In my dream all my memories went through my head of this year, and then I saw Andrew he was in a cell in like an old jail or something, he was in the corner rocking back and forth as a million screams you could hear coming from further down the corridor. I ran to see why I heard screams, when I slowly pushed open the door lobotomies were going on while the patient was still awake. A girl reached her hand out to me and cried ‘Help me’ it was horrible. Someone noticed me, ‘Hey! She’s out of her cell!’ a man yelled. He threw a knife at me and I woke up.

It was almost 4 in the mourning, if that is what really happened to him then I understood why he was so messed up. I looked to the bed and he wasn’t there, I looked all the way around the room and heard him whimpering in the closet. He was whispering something over and over again, “Andrew.” I said opening the door.
“A.J. Please .. Please kill me.” He pleaded handing me a knife, I could never kill a person but I took the knife.
“No.. Don’t worry Andy we’ll get through this together… I saw what happened at that jail. I know how it must be.” I said, he busted out of the closet slamming onto the floor.
“Do you do you really know?! I was there for every single lobotomy! I saw person after person get murdered! You don’t know how it feels to watch innocent people get killed and there is nothing you can do.” He explained, my eyes got wide as he said it.
“Maybe I don’t know exactly what it was like, but I’m going to help you!” I shouted, he looked up slowly with watery eyes.
“You could have saved me you know. If you just would have stayed with me! I never would have got thrown in there…” He almost whispered. I was speechless, I couldn’t think of what to say. The only think that kept going threw my head was our fight we had.
“If you didn’t leave without a goodbye, I would have stayed! I would have come with you.” I told him almost angry even though I felt it was my fault. He got up and came close to me lying his head on my shoulder.
“All I can ever think about is you. The day we met, all the times we had, how beautiful you are, your smile, the way you helped me when I was down, the first time I held your hand. And all it makes me do is want you even more, I miss you and I wish I could take every bad thing I’ve done away.” He whispered into my ear. All of this year seemed pretty damn dramatic and I seemed to always be speechless, I was getting pretty sick of it.

“I need to go. We can talk about it later.” I said, I left got dressed and headed to school even though the doors didn’t open for anther hour or so, I brought my ipod and just plugged it into my ears and turned it up as high as it could go. I felt better but when I leaned against the schools doors and closed my eyes I could still see all the drama.

I was confused, I was only 16 and how could I know what to do. I just figured out my friends and I could do something crazy, I almost got raped and now I had to chose between Andy and Bryce. I felt alone even though I had 5 people who would do anything for me. I sat there and thought, ‘Was it smart coming back here? Who is the right one? AH!’ Kept going on in my head. Then one of the teachers came and tapped my should, it was my favorite Mrs. R.

“A.J is something wrong? Last time you were here this early your parents
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