» Fiction » The Fortress, Catherine Holland [best books to read non fiction .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Fortress, Catherine Holland [best books to read non fiction .TXT] 📗». Author Catherine Holland

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it’d happened. He took a long pull on the cocoa then looked into the mug and winced. “What’s wrong?” Max asked. “I’m drinking cocoa Max, I don’t like cocoa; this is Clara’s favourite drink, this is her chair. Yet here I’m sat.” Max was silent for a few minutes, probably thinking that Ryan was going mad.
Ryan didn’t blame him, he thought he actually was going mad. Ryan shook his head and then drained the last of the cocoa he then stood up and put the mug in the kitchen, he looked at Max and said “Why don’t you go back to sleep, I know I won’t be able to now so I’m going to take a shower to clear my head.” Then still shaking his head Ryan left the living room and went up the stairs to soak in a hot shower.
An hour later Ryan felt a little more relaxed and as he towelled himself dry, he thought of ways to approach Ellen; he’d never had a problem speaking to females or attracting their attentions, but he’d never actually been in a situation before where he would offer his protection to someone other than his sister. The prospect was daunting.
Ryan pulled on a pair of clean jeans and a shirt on over his head; he then headed downstairs to the kitchen to make himself a mug of coffee. At a quarter past seven Ryan left his front door, got I his Porsche and drove out to where Ellen lived. Then steeling himself he got out of the car, walked up the driveway and knocked on the front door.

* * * *

Ellen was running late, she cursed herself for staying up late watching the street and then not hearing her alarm clock. As she grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen cupboard she heard a soft knock on the front door. Ellen grabbed her shoulder bag and went to the front door.
As she opened the door she stood stunned; Ryan Hartsbridge was stood on her doorstep. She saw him take a step back and she left her front door, still watching him. “Can I help you? Sorry I’d invite you in but I’m running really late, and I can’t stay to chat.” She glanced at her watch; it would take her roughly an hour to get to the College, and she still had to pick up her lunch at the local grocery store.
A voice softer than she expected replied “I can give you a lift if you like? I’m sorry I should introduce myself first, my name is-.” “-Ryan Hartsbridge, I know who you are.” Ellen finished for him, he looked at her and she blushed. She saw Ryan shake his head and a small smile formed at the corners of his mouth. “Everyone knows who I am in this town, but they mostly only know of me because of my sister Clara. I don’t mean to sound pushy but I would like to talk to you if that’s OK?
“I understand you’re running late but I really don’t mind dropping you off where you need to go; we could talk on the way.” He flashed her a grin and she knew he was waiting for an answer, taking a deep breath she said, “Sure OK, but just so you know I don’t accept lifts from strangers.” Ellen followed Ryan down her driveway; wondering what he could possibly want or have to say to her. But she was thrilled nonetheless.
Ellen stopped once she’d closed the gate; “You’ve got to be kidding?” She was looking at the Porsche with a stunned expression, in awe at the magnificent machine in front of her, Ryan smiled at her expression and walked around to the passenger side and held the door open for her. She slowly walked around the car and then settled herself in the soft leather seat.
Once her door was closed she buckled up and watched as ryan walked around the car; he settled himself in the drivers’ seat, buckled up and started the engine; as they drove towards town Ellen’s curiosity got the better of her. “So Ryan, what did you want to talk about?” She saw him glance at her and replied “Where do you need to go first? I don’t want you to be too late for wherever you’re headed.”
Ellen laughed; “I need to stop at Spend ‘n’ Save first; then head over to the College.” “What time do you start College?” The question was asked neutrally, and Ellen was surprised at how comfortable she felt around him; she’d known him all of two minutes and she felt safe in his presence. “I start at nine but I got up late this morning and I still need to buy lunch.”
Ryan nodded then pulled the car over, she was about to ask why he’d stopped when she looked out of the window; they were outside Spend ‘n’ Save. “I’ll only be a few minutes, do you need anything?” She asked the question out of habit and courtesy. Ryan smiled and shook his head, he then turned the ignition off and waited whilst she went into the store.
She purchased a soft ham salad roll, a low fat strawberry yogurt and an apple. After paying she went outside and got into the waiting car. As Ryan drove off Ellen tried again; “Ryan? What did you want to talk about?” She felt him hesitate and waited patiently, she noticed they were driving away from the College but remained silent; she still had over an hour before she had her first class.
She heard Ryan take a deep breath and say “If it’s OK with you, I’d rather wait until we were safely inside.” Ellen nodded and sat in silence. She wasn’t worried about where they were going, she trusted Ryan completely which was strange for her as she didn’t trust anyone but her family. She gasped aloud as Ryan pulled up outside a large and immaculate house.
He switched off the engine and got out of the car; he’d walked around and opened her door before she’d gotten herself unbuckled. Five minutes later she was sat down in a large living room, sat on a large squashy arm chair big enough for two relaxing further with a mug of coffee in her hands. She saw Ryan sit down opposite her and took a deep breath.
She waited anxiously for him to speak, but he still said nothing. “Ryan whatever it is just say it; I don’t have much time before College starts.” Ryan looked up at Ellen, she didn’t bother with idle questions; if she wanted to know something she got straight to the point, he took a long pull on his coffee then said; “This may sound strange to you and kind of old fashioned but I bought you here to offer you my protection.”
Whatever Ellen had been expecting it sure as heel wasn’t that. For a moment she thought it was a joke and let out a shaky laugh, then fell silent as Ryan looked at her sharply. “You want to offer me your protection?” She saw him nod; “Why? Why would you do that, you don’t even know me.” She sat forwards and examined his face; she was good at reading people and knew that there was something else going on.
“I think it’s only fair for you to tell me what’s going on, I know someone like you doesn’t offer protection unless something big is going on.” She finished her coffee and waited.

Chapter Nine

Ryan had to admire Ellen’s courage, and she was right; she had every right to know what was happening. He took a deep breath and then stood up; he walked around the coffee table and sat next to her; unconsciously taking her hand in his, he then took a deep breath and started talking.
“After Clara was taken, I did everything I could to find her, and bring her back safely. I was at a loss when it didn’t work; then a few weeks later Dana was kidnapped. The process started again, at first I thought that some sicko just had a thing for College girls, but on some other level I knew it was deeper than that. With the disappearance of these last two girls something didn’t feel right.
“I hired help to search the woodlands, and Max; Dana’s boyfriend helped me with that; as we were searching the woods a storm started and we were forced to stop. The storms ferocity reminded me of war films and that was when I made the connection between the kidnappings. It was all to do with the battle for the Castle; I went online and found an old article on the battle, there was a picture part way through the article.
“At first it didn’t mean anything to me until I saw the names under the picture, it listed the names of the original five negotiators, the ones accused of forging the documents to the land. That was when I realised that you were in danger; you’re the last descendant on the list. That makes you the next victim, I want to offer you my protection to ensure your safety.”
Ryan paused for a moment letting his words sink in, Ellen looked terrified and he didn’t blame her, but before he could continue she spoke; “I would also be the perfect person for bait; to draw the kidnappers out and recover your sister and the other girls.” Ryan winced, Ellen was more intelligent than he’d thought, the thought of using Ellen as bait made him feel sick but she was right; she was the only one who could do it.
“I don’t want to put you in danger, but whoever is doing this has no doubt already put a plan in place to take you.” He saw her shudder and he tightened his grip on her hand. “What is it? Ellen what’s happened?” Ryan saw her wipe an escaped tear from her face, her hand was shaking. He waited patiently for her answer.
“Yesterday evening a black van pulled up outside the derelict house across the road from where I live. My mom called the police after it’d been sat there for over an hour, the van moved away but after that I couldn’t sleep; I kept thinking that it would return so I spent most of the night watching out my bedroom window, which was why I was running late this morning; I’d overslept.”
Ryan grimaced, “It appears that you’ve already been targeted, I know it’s a lot to take in but my offer still stands; and I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe.” He watched Ellen let out a breath she’d been holding and then she looked him square in the eyes; “Before I decide on anything I want to know how you’ll keep me safe.”
Ryan had to admit it was a fair question, one he had an easy answer to. “I have a few suggestions for you; first you’re more than welcome to stay here in my home and I’ll drop you off and pick you up from College, or you can stay at your family home and I’ll collect and then drop you off to College each day. I would also need your cell number so you can call me at any time of the day or night, and I can be at your side within minutes.
“I would also get a GPS tracking device
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