» Fiction » The Diary of Jerrod Bently, J.W. Osborn [the false prince series TXT] 📗

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Trouble hoping that nature would take its course and somewhere in the future, there might be a foal. She finished gathering the eggs and closed the door of the chicken coop. That was when the Blackfoot blood in her whispered a warning. Slowly she turned around, and there he was, standing by the side of the barn, looking at her, the reins of his grey in his calloused hand. His clothes were covered with trail dirt and the brim of his gray hat shaded his misty blue eyes. That lazy smile of his which she had seen in her lonely dreams for weeks, now all but moved her to tears as she raised her dark eyes to his. His dark brown hair had grown down to his shoulders and his gun belt hung low on his hips. Jerrod was far more handsome than she had remembered him to be. He had become the very embodiment of what people like J. W. Titus referred to as a real “Texas Cowboy.”
“Jerrod,” she uttered,, letting the basket she had been holding fall to the ground. The Western omelet she’d promised to make for Doc would have to wait now until the chickens lay more eggs.
“Hello Sam,” he drawled. It was a blessing to see her healed and back to herself again. Her arm was still mending, but that was nothing considering how badly she had been hurt when he pulled her out of that ravine. She was beautiful, and he had waited so long for this moment to come. Jerrod dropped his reins, leaving his horse to graze and closed the distance between them. Carefully and gently he took her in his arms. Sam clung to him. “Siksika,” he whispered against her dark and fragrant hair. “Yes,” she breathed as she gazed up at him with tears in her eyes, “I am and always will be.”
“I promised I would ride back to Texas with you ,” he said, his blue eyes focused on her moist and inviting lips. “Is that offer still good?
“I missed you so much,” she whispered . There was no more to say and the way he kissed her spoke for him. Pulling her arm out of the sling, Sam wrapped it firmly around his neck as he held her closer than he ever had dared to before. At this moment telling her how much he loved her did not seem to be enough as he lifted her up into his arms . “I asked you if the offer was still good?”, he whispered against her lips. Her senses were whirling out of control “What offer?,” she whispered back wanting him to kiss her again. “To ride back to Texas with you.” Jerrod replied.
“You remembered that?” she said softly.
“Yes,” he answered “And I am a man who keeps my word, especially when I have given it to you.” He had always thought her natural beauty made her so desirable, but today she looked like an angel in his arms. “Marry me, Sam,” he whispered “Marry me right now. Today.” Her gentle touch on his suntanned cheek turned his lips back to hers. The fire and passion they shared gave Jerrod Bently the the answer he wanted to hear.
“Ah hmm,” someone coughed behind them. “So sorry to interrupt this reunion, my children,” Scrub Pot said, “Unless of course you need me to get my book so you can say your vows.” On hearing her Grandfather’s voice, Sam broke their kiss and wiggled out of Jerrod’s arms’ She ran to Scrub Pot who waited with open arms beside his black and white paint. “Thank you, Father God,” he breathed in prayer as he embraced her. Jerrod smiled , a tear in his eye at their reunion. Victoria has been inside the house and stepped out on the back porch when she’d heard someone outside. She had seen Sam reunited with the man she loved and happy tears formed in her eyes. Sam and Jerrod were together and one day they would be man and wife, of that she had no doubt.
Jerrod and Scrub Pot had come back safely from a long and dangerous trek that took them many miles from Texas , across the Oklahoma Territory, to Kansas and back. Soon they would go home to Grant’s Creek and Sam would go with them. She slid her hand gently over her belly. “I know you are there, baby,” she said in the silence of her thoughts, “Soon I will tell your father.” She would not even have told Sam that she thought she was carrying, but the day Sam caught her dealing with morning sickness, Victoria did not want to lie to her. “Sam, you can not tell anyone,” Victoria had told the girl “Before I can say anything to Doc, I have to be sure.” Sam had kept her secret.
Seeing her aunt on the porch, Sam took Jerrod’s hand and led him to her. “This is Jerrod Bently,” she said. Victoria took his out stretched hand. “Yes, honey,’ she said “I know. Welcome Jerrod., I am so glad you are here. ” Scrub pot was right behind the two young people.
“Hello Victoria,” he said “It is good to see you again.” Victoria walked down the few steps, went to the old man and threw her arms around him. “Welcome, Reverend.,” she said “Please come in side. Doc will be home soon.”
“Well, Victoria,” Scrub Pot said “If you are cooking, I am staying.”
She laughed brightly “The last time I saw you was at our wedding.”, she said.
The old man looked at her and grinned “And that was a while ago,”he answered as he followed her into the house. Jerrod and Sam behind them. “Sam,” Victoria asked “Did you get the eggs?”
Sam stood by the kitchen table, Jerrod ’s arm around her shoulders “I am sorry, Aunt Victoria,” she said “I think I broke them when I dropped the basket.”
“May be not all of them,” Jerrod replied as he reluctantly removed his arm and headed out the back door to retrieve the basket Sam had left by the chicken coop.
Scrub Pot turned to his grand daughter “We have business to discuss,” he said “I have the money due you for taking Hinkley’s cattle to market. We made a pretty good profit and there will be more than enough to pay him off. ” Sam smiled at her grandfather. “Thank you,” she whispered.

We sat down to a fried chicken dinner with all the fixings that night. Doc was a lucky man. Not only was his new wife a beauty, and a real lady, she was a fine cook too. I had to push myself away from the table after she and Sam presented us with a large chocolate cake for dessert. Doc was beaming at the head of the table, and I could tell the man was happy. In a way I envied him. But I had been praying that maybe one day I would be sitting at the head of a table with a family around me. With dinner over and dessert served, Doc rose from his chair. “Want to step outside, Zachariah,” he directed to Scrub Pot. Think I’d like a smoke.”
Knowing they had much to talk about, the old Indian rose to his feet and turned to Victoria as she was gathering up the dishes. “I thank you for a fine meal, Missus Stevens,” he said with a wink. Victoria blushed and smiled “You are welcome, Reverend Dodge,” she replied.
I could not take my eyes off Sam as we sat at the table, her hand closed in mine. I could tell that she was tired and fighting it. “I want to ride Trouble tomorrow,” she said.
“How long has it been since you’ve been in the saddle?” I asked, a little worried.
“Since the day of the accident,” she said “but I think I am ready.”
Victoria set a stack of dirty dishes in the wash tub near the kitchen water pump. “Don’t you think you should talk to Dr. O’Brien before you get back on your horse, Sam?, she asked.
“Yes,” I agreed “I think that would be a very good idea, Sam.”
That stubborn look I had come to know so well crossed her face. “I have to get on him sooner or later, “ she said with a defiant edge to her words. “It might as well be sooner. Then we can start for home.”
We all retired to the front porch of the cottage. Sam and I sat together on the front step enjoying the sunset while Scrub Pot entertained Doc and his wife with tales about our days on the trail. I didn’t hear him, I was just glad to be with Sam. I think she was glad to see me too, as she never let go of my hand and lay her head on my shoulder as we sat there watching the sunset fade to black as the stars came out.
She yawned and then looked up at me. “I am tired,” she said “I am going to bed. Will you stay here tonight, Jerrod?”
Of course I wanted to, but did not think it was proper. “No,” I replied reluctantly “I don’t think so. The hotel is not far and I....” Doc cut me off as he joined us on the step. “There’s a bunk out there in the barn, ” he said. “I built it for Sam a while back, and Victoria has it fixed up real fine.”
Now, that sounded good to a trail weary cowboy. “Thanks, Doc,” I replied.
He grinned ,“Look like you could use a good nights sleep anyway. You say good night to Sam and I’ll show you where to put your gear.”
I walked Sam to the door of her room and gently kissed her on the forehead. “Good night,” I said as she looked up at me and smiled.
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