» Fiction » : Argentine Ornithology, Volume I (of 2), P. L Sclater, W. H Hudson [best authors to read txt] 📗

Book online «: Argentine Ornithology, Volume I (of 2), P. L Sclater, W. H Hudson [best authors to read txt] 📗». Author P. L Sclater, W. H Hudson

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ii. 98.


  _White-and-Grey Warbling Finch_, i. 52.


  _White-banded Goatsucker_, ii. 14.


  ---- _Mocking-bird_, i. 8.


  _White-bellied Tyrant_, i. 121.


  ---- _Woodpecker_, ii. 23.


  _White-breasted Humming-bird_, ii. 7.


  _White-browed Tyrant_, i. 121.


  _White-capped Tanager_, i. 38.


  _White-crested Tyrant_, i. 145.


  _White-eyebrowed Scytalopus_, i. 205.


  _White-faced Ibis_, ii. 109.


  ---- _Tree-Duck_, ii. 128.


  _White-headed Guan_, ii. 146.


  ---- _Tyrant_, i. 122.


  _White-necked Tapacola_, i. 207.


  _White-rumped Swallow_, i. 30.


  _White-sided Humming-bird_, ii. 1.


  _White-tailed Buzzard_, ii. 61.


  ---- _Kite_, ii. 71.


  ---- _Tyrant_, i. 112.


  _White-throated Cachalote_, i. 197.


  ---- _Humming-bird_, ii. 7.


  ---- _Spine-tail_, i. 179.


  ---- _Wood-hewer_, i. 200.


  _White-winged Bécard_, i. 162.


  ---- _Cinclodes_, i. 173.


  ---- _Lake-Duck_, ii. 138.


  _White's Ground-Finch_, i. 64.


  ---- _Spine-tail_, i. 181.


  ---- _Warbling Finch_, i. 50.


  _Widow Tyrant_, i. 118.


  _Wigeon, Chiloe_, ii. 135.


  _Wilson's Phalarope_, ii. 180, 181.


  _Wing-banded Tyrant_, i. 155.


  _Winter Plover_, ii. 171, 172.


  _Wood-bird, Brown-headed_, i. 23.


  _Wood-hewer, Bridge's_, i. 199.


  ----, _Chestnut_, i. 201.


  ----, _Flat-billed_, i. 199.


  ----, _Narrow-billed_, i. 201.


  ----, _Robin-like_, i. 198.


  ----, _Wedge-billed_, i. 199.


  ----, _White-throated_, i. 200.


  _Wood-Ibis_, ii. 108.


  _Woodpecker, Allied_, ii. 20.


  ----, _Boie's_, ii. 17.


  ----, _Cactus_, ii. 19.


  ----, _Gold-backed_, ii. 21.


  ----, _Pampas_, ii. 24.


  ----, _Red-crested_, ii. 21.


  ----, _Red-faced_, ii. 18.


  ----, _Red-fronted_, ii. 20.


  ----, _Schulz's_, ii. 18.


  ----, _Tucuman_, ii. 21.


  ----, _Varied_, ii. 19.


  ----, _White-bellied_, ii. 23.


  _Wood-singer, Brown-capped_, i. 21.


  ----, _Golden-crowned_, i. 21.


  ----, _Pitiayumi_, i. 20.


  ----, _Veiled_, i. 20.


  _Wren, Black-headed Reed-_, i. 13.


  ----, _Brown House-_, i. 13.


  ----, _Eared_, i. 15.


  ----, _Platan Marsh-_, i. 15.


  _Wren-like Spine-tail_, i. 188.



  Xanthornus pyrrhopterus, i. 107.


  Xanthosomus flavus, i. 98.


  ---- ruficapillus, i. 99.


  Xiphocolaptes albicollis, i. 200.


  ---- major, i. 201.


  Xolmis variegata, i. 116.



  _Yabirú_, ii. 106.


  _Yacú caraguata_, ii. 147.


  _Yacúhú, El_, ii. 146.


  _Yellow Cardinal_, i. 55.


  ---- _House-Sparrow_, i. 66.


  ---- _Seed-Finch_, i. 69.


  _Yellow-bellied Tyrant_, i. 137.


  _Yellow-billed Coot_, ii. 158.


  ---- _Cuckoo_, ii. 37.


  ---- _Saltator_, i. 42.


  ---- _Teal_, ii. 131.


  ---- _Tit-Tyrant_, i. 142.


  _Yellow-breasted Marsh-bird_, i. 102.


  _Yellow-browed Tyrant_, i. 125.


  _Yellow-headed Marsh-bird_, i. 98.


  _Yellow-marked Spine-tail_, i. 185.


  _Yellow-shouldered Marsh-bird_, i. 97.


  ---- _Song-Sparrow_, i. 60.


  _Yellow-striped Tanager_, i. 41.


  _Yellowshank, Greater_, ii. 106.


  ----, _Lesser_, ii. 187.


  _Yetapa Tyrant_, i. 124.


  _Ynambū azulado_, ii. 207.


  ---- _tatāupā_, ii. 208.


  _Ypecaha Rail_, ii. 150.



  _Zancudo_, ii. 179.


  Zapornia notata, ii. 155.


  Zenaida maculata, ii. 141.


  Zonotrichia canicapilla, i. 55, 59.


  ---- hypochondria, i. 60.


  ---- matutina, i. 58.


  ---- pileata, i. 58, 59.


  ---- strigiceps, i. 60, 64.


  _Zorsal_, i. 4.





TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The following amendments were made to the text:



  Page                      | Original Word   | Amendment


  TOC #218                  | Bridge's        | Bridges's

  10                        | Churrinche      | Churinche

  25                        | daries          | diaries

  56                        | Nigro           | Negro

  61                        | Andagala        | Andalgala

  64                        | ochaceous       | ochraceous

  66                        | Uspellata       | Uspallata

  72                        | Carhue          | Carhué

  86                        | Beunos          | Buenos

  106                       | In              | It

  122                       | Alectorurus     | Alectrurus

  136                       | {missing name}  | (PEARLY-BELLIED TYRANT.)

  142                       | _subscristata_  | _subcristata_

  157                       | _Haslehust_     | _Haslehurst_

  158                       | Cowbird's       | Cow-bird's

  202                       | appers          | appears

  Index entries:            |                 |

    _American_              | _Oystercatcher_ | _Oyster-catcher_

    _Chorlo_                | 170             | ii. 170

    _Cock-tailed Tyrant_    | _Cck-tailed_    | _Cock-tailed_

    _Eyebrowed Spine-tail_  | _Eye-browed_    | _Eyebrowed_

    _Heron, Whistling_      | i. 100          | ii. 100



Publication Date: 04-24-2015

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