» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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“But, we might have some company with us.” I said, glancing at Thomas’ direction a smirk on my face as the wheels began to churn. “Meet me at the mall in an hour, I will meet you by the entrance.”

I heard Sarah shriek, “Thanks. I love you.” She said, not before hanging up.

I glanced in Thomas’ direction as I placed my phone down. Thomas noticed the look I was giving him and he gave me dirty look in return. “Whatever you want the answer is no.”

“I doubt you want to say no to me. Trust me.”

“And why is that my dear sister?” Thomas asked, mockingly.

I shrugged, “You get something in return.” Thomas raised his eyebrows, waiting for me to continue. “You get to spend time with me.” I said, enthusiastically.

I nodded my head, “Mom. You left as thousands of times before why are you so worried about us now?” I questioned.

My mother just raised her perfectly sculpted eyebrows, “Do I need to repeat myself about your brother’s hobbies and you trending?”

I just chuckled nervously, “I am good.”

My mother just rolled her eyes, “Be good. I love you.”

One of the guards opened the front door for my parents as they were ushered outside. They were flying to England for the week for some political business that I paid no attention to whatsoever.

We waved as they shut the door behind themselves. I stared at the door for a couple of minutes before I turned to Thomas. “What do you want to do while-" I cut myself off when I noticed my brother was no longer there.

I sighed, knowing exactly where he disappeared off to.


“That is not fair.” I said, exasperated. “You can’t have beaten me, you know nothing about cars.”

Thomas just scoffed, “What does Mario Kart have to do anything with the knowledge of cars? I beat you in a stroller.” He said, amusement in his voice.

I rolled my eyes chucking my controller on the couch as I took a seat. After Thomas has disappeared back into the cave he calls his room, Melinda and Ricky came up to confiscate all of his electronics. It took a lot of yelling and prying to remove Thomas off his computer. He held onto that thing as if it was his baby and it was being taken away by the government or something. But I could imagine that’s exactly how he felt at that very moment.

“What do you want to do now?” Thomas questioned, taking a seat next to me.

I shrugged as my phone began to ring. My phone was the one thing that my parents didn’t take away from me, they took my laptop but didn’t bother with my phone because unless they needed me or if I wanted to sneak away they could easily track me. Which I found stupid because where could I possibly go?

“Hello?” I said, into the phone waiting for a response.

“Get out of here you morons!” I heard Sarah yell from the other end.

“But, we want to ask her something!” I heard someone respond.

“Yeah, Jake and I knew there was something different about that girl. We just want to ask her things regarding security about the Whitehouse.”

I heard as she let out a groan, “I swear to God. If you guys don’t get out of here I can promise you that there will be one less missing twin in this house.”

I chuckled, as I heard a door shut loudly. “Hello?” I repeated into the line.

“Hey Ali!” Sarah said, “Sorry you had to hear that. But, the twins-“

“They wanted to talk to me.” I said, filling in the rest of her sentence.

I could imagine her smiling on the other end. “Yeah. They saw all the headlines and everything and when they finally connected the dots like the rest of the world they keep pestering me to invite you over so they can attack you with their questions.”

I smiled, Sarah’s brother’s reminded me a lot of Thomas and I could imagine that they both would get along great. I looked at Thomas who was just looking at me confused to who I was talking to.

“So, what’s up?” I asked, changing the topic.

“I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me.” Chapter Fifty-One: Prom Kisses & Disses

"She's in here." I heard the voice of Melinda say, as my light switch was turned on. I wasn't fully awake nor was I fully asleep, however I was conscious enough to hear if someone opened up my bedroom door.

"Thanks." I heard who I believed to be Sarah's voice.

I turned over to my side, letting out a slight groan. "Go away," I muttered.

A few seconds I felt someone rip the covers of me as I sat up in bed. Turning to look at my culprit who had the guts to disrupt my sleep.

When my tired eyes landed on Sarah, no offense but I felt even more annoyed. I love the girl, but waking me up at eight in the morning is cruel.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"I told you, I am coming over to get ready for prom tonight."

I let out a yawn, "Yes. But you said you were coming at twelve not eight in the morning."

She narrowed her dark eyes at me, "Ali. It is twelve. Well, twelve thirty. See I was even nice enough to give you half an hour more of sleep. Your welcome, now get your butt out of bed and hop into the shower."

I ran my hands through my hair, "Why?" I whined, "The dance starts at seven not three. Why on earth do we have to start getting ready now?"

I said, knowing that I was honestly only going to take me a half an hour at the most to do my hair and makeup. So I honestly did not understand why we needed five hours to get ready.

"Because I booked us an appointment with Olga."

I gave her a skeptical look. I was kind of scared to as her who was Olga because it sounded Russian and already her name sounded scary.

Sarah must have noticed the look I was giving her because she spoke up. "Olga was the one who dyed my hair red. I trust her enough to do your hair and trust me it will look better than whoever dyed your hair because your roots are already beginning to show."

I narrowed my eyes at Sarah, touching the top of my hair. "Well you have ugly shoes."

Sarah raised her eyebrows at me. "I am not wearing any shoes," She said, looking down at her feet.

"Yeah, because they are ugly." I said, childishly.

"Just get in the shower," Sarah said, her voice showing signs of frustration.

I rolled my eyes, swinging my legs off my bed and walked over to my bathroom. I opened the door and was about to shut it when I remembered something.

"I might not like your shoes, but I like you." I said, giving her a cheeky smile. "And I know you love me too." I said, "But, maybe not as much as you love Andy."

"Could you just go take a shower?"

I rolled my eyes, as I slammed the bathroom door behind me. I love how she didn't even deny when I said Andy loves her because I am pretty sure she felt the same way.


"I am still not a hundred percent sure why this is all necessary?" I muttered, as Thomas, the twins, Ricky and Melinda were standing with us as we took prom pictures.

"Like, is this supposed to be some kind of magical night or something?" I asked, as Melinda snapped some more pictures of Andy and Sarah.

"Shut it, Ali before I shut it for you." She muttered, to me as she continued to pose for the camera.

I rolled my eyes, "Can we just go already? I think I could already feel the makeup dripping off due to the hot mess in the room." I uttered, sarcastically.

"I have eggs and I know where you live. Don't provoke me." Sarah said, giving me a sarcastic smile.

"Well, I have a Thomas and more than a hundred security cameras."

Sarah just glared at me in return.

"Ali, stop provoking her." Andy said, directing his attention to me.

I rolled my eyes, as we did a few more group shots before we were allowed to leave. Sarah and I had invited Andy over, since he was Sarah's date we decided it would be best if he just came over so we could go by limo to prom rather than the limo going to pick him up. Mainly because we were already late as it was.

"Alight kiddos, have fun. Don't do anything stupid," Melinda said, giving me a smile.

I nodded my head, as I noticed everyone's eyes on me. "Hey! If anyone were to do anything stupid it would be Thomas."

"I don't do stupid things." Thomas denied.

I gave him a flat look, "Really? Do you want me to tell them about the time when you-"

"Hey guys, how about we go and check out the security room?" He said, to the twins as he ushered them out hearing range.

"Just be safe? I shouldn't be letting you go but I know it wouldn't be fair to let a girl not go to their prom." Ricky said, giving me a small smile.

I nodded my head, giving him a tight lipped smile. I was itching to yell out how I didn't want to go in the first place but I knew if I did Sarah would have my head.

"Alright, we better be going and don't worry we will have the first daughter back before midnight." Andy said, shaking Ricky's hand as he ushered Sarah and I out the door.

Sarah and Andy walked together toward the limo hand in hand while I trailed behind them like a major third wheel.

I muttered a thank you to the driver of the limo who was holding the door open for me as I made my way inside, seating as far from the lovey couple as possible.

Resting my head against the seat I closed my eyes, tuning out Sarah and Andy as they continued to complement each other on how they look.

My thoughts began to wander on how hungry I was. Since the last time I had gotten the chance to eat was a slice of bread because Sarah rushed me out of the house before I had the chance to eat a proper breakfast. Which I was kind of disappointed about since Saturday was Pancake Day.

We went to the hair appointment where Olga had touched up my roots dying my hair back to its somewhat normal color also curling my hair pinning it away from my face.

She had also done my makeup doing it light which I was thankful for. I didn't want heavy makeup because knowing that it was going to be a room full of hot sweaty dancing teenagers it was a good thing everything was kept light.

Sarah's makeup however, was done like 1950's inspired. With bold red lips and big curls that were pulled to one side I am not surprised that Andy is having a hard time keeping his hands off her.

My eyes began to feel heavy as I started to feel sleepy. Which was odd because I slept until noon, but considering I was up until three in

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