» Fiction » Fallen Wolves #1: Dark Stars, Katie Radgowski [classic books for 12 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Fallen Wolves #1: Dark Stars, Katie Radgowski [classic books for 12 year olds .txt] 📗». Author Katie Radgowski

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Fang ran over. Snowflake was laying on the ground, cold and as still as a block of stone. Her blue eyes were glazed over in death as the bullet wound, which was on her head, bleeded out. Soon, a whole puddle was around her. 

 "Snowflake, wake up! You can't be dead! This isn't happening! Wake up!" Fang yelped as he tried shaking her. No use. She rolled over limply again, cold as ice. 

 Fang felt wet tears slid down his muzzle as he buried his face into her fur. Some blood soaked into his fur but he didn't care. 

 This wasn't happening... 

 It couldn't happen... 

 Snowflake couldn't be dead! 

 Wind and the Hunters slowly walked up behind him. The sky suddenly was covered in gray, thick clouds. Rain slowly started to sprinkle down as the breeze blew through the empty valley. 

 "She can't be dead! Someone, go get Acorn!" Fang cried as he lifted his muzzle to face them, his eyes clouded with tears. 

 "Fang... there's nothing we can do. She's-she's gone." Misty whispered. 

 Fang's heart broke in half as he wrapped his paw around Snowflake's limp neck. The wolf who cared for him, raised him, loved him and who always was on his side was gone. She was dead. 

 Thunder rumbled above, flashing the valley white as lightning glowed in the clouds. The rain soaked Fang's pelt, causing him to shiver. 

 His teeth gritted together as he curled next to Snowflake. He put her paw on his shoulder blade, wanting to feel her warmth and breathe in her sweet, frosty smell. But he couldn't. All he felt was coldness, and the overwhelming stench of death. 

 "Fang," Wind soft voice reached him after a moment. "Let's bring her body back to camp." 

 Fang slowly got up, helping the Hunters as they lowered Snowflake's body on their backs. They padded in silence back to the hollow. 


 "You sended them out to chase cattle! How stupid can you get! Look at this! Snowflake is dead now because of your stupid actions! You shouldn't deserve to be Lead Hunter!" Storm snarled to Wind as they returned to the hollow. 

 They settled Snowflake's body on a large strip of bark and away from the muddy ground. Fang's Packmates padded slowly into the dens and away from the cold rain that came down in sleets now. Fang sat next to Snowflake's body, his fur drenched in icy water as his ears flattened, trying to break the noises of Storm's outragish voice. 

 Seed and Acorn were licking the blood and dirt clumps from Snowflake's fur. Acorn already stopped the bleeding and patched it up with grasswraps. The two females were getting Snowflake's body ready for her final journey. 

 Down Star Gulley Creek. 

 Fang blinked the water droplets from his eyes as he saw Moon Leader come down the hill. She seemed frail and old with her fur plastered to her sides but she still had the same emptiness and sorrow longed into her gaze. She stopped about a foot from Snowflake's body, her eyes traveling along the dramatic scene. 

 "Pity. Snowflake was young. Such a caring wolf. She raised a responsible wolf into my Pack. I was too foolish to see it, though." Moon Leader mumbled as he tail drooped into the mud. 

 Storm finally padded over. Wind retreated into the Hunter's den, shamed for his act. Fang didn't know if he blamed him or not. 

 Storm sat close to Snowflake's body. His large, gray tail smoothed down her sticked up fur near her eyes. His breathing patterns told Fang he was upset. But not as upset as him. 

 "Come on, Fang, let's go inside and get a bite to eat." Seed exclaimed as her tail tip rested on his shoulder.  

 "No thanks." Fang muttered as he shrugged her tail off. "I'm not hungry." 

Seed had a look of hurt in her eyes. Fang felt bad for breaking her spirits but her eyes suddenly glowed with understandment as she turned and padded to the Storage Chamber. 

 "My littermate had a good heart." A voice suddenly whimpered next to him. 

 Acorn, the new Healer, was sitting next to Snowflake's body. Her ginger fur was soaked, too, as her ears were flattened to her head. Fang liked Acorn, mostly because she was always polite to him and taught him some herb remedies too. But right now, Fang was pure empty to the core. Nothing could fill it in now. 

 "Come on, Fang, let's go inside." Acorn murmured as she pushed Snowflake's body under a large fern, sheltered from the endless rain. "We'll get sick." 

 Fang agreed quietly. He was feeling pretty cold and needed some warmth. Storm already left, not making a sound. Fang didn't want to see him, though, since Snowflake's death was probably the biggest hit in his heart. 

 Fang followed Acorn to the Storage Chamber. Fang stopped for a moment as he looked at the sky, which was still cloudy but Fang could see the tiny shimmers of stars above. 

 Why did you have to leave now, Snowflake? I or no one wasn't ready. 



Chapter 12: Star Gulley Creek And It's Shadows

Fang gently placed a bright, red rose on next to Snowflake's limp paw on the strip of bark. The wolves were now near Star Gulley Creek. The rain cleared, showing a bright sky and cool night. The silver rippled water waved gently on the shore as the wolves put down their final fairwells to Snowflake, who's body was lying on a firm strip of bark in the water. 

 Fang watched as Acorn placed a piece of red colored moss near Snowflake's belly. Storm put down a black feather that reflected the moonlight. Even the blackies had stuff to put down to honor Snowflake's heroic death. 

 Softly, Moon Leader pushed the bark which Snowflake was laying on off the shore. The water gently carried it off the small bay and to the river, which was calm. No one knew where it led, some saying it led to an island where all bodies go, or some said it vanished into a dark pit that led to Sky Lupus. Only Spirits knew. 

 Misty leaned against him, her fur cold and icy. Feather was next to Twig, burying her muzzle into his neck fur. Fang wished to comfort his Packmates, but how could he, when he couldn't even comfort himself? The shocking thought that Snowflake was dead was too much for him to bear. He didn't know how he could survive himself with the endless grief. 

 Fang looked at the sky once more. He thought, and swore again, he saw a shooting star, bright and silver against the black sky, shoot across it. Snowflake was on her way. 

Fang suddenly felt lonely. Who would comfort him now? It wasn't long before he would become a true Hunter, and not a Trainee. Who would be there, saying congrats and brushing his muzzle with their soft, snowy paw? No one. 

 Fang only hoped for the best. Maybe everything would turn out fine. Snowflake was always in his heart. Even if he couldn't feel it, she was there. 

 Soon, the Pack retreated back to the hollow. Only Fang was left. He stared at the river, which rippled white and silver constantly as lilypads floated on the water silently. 

 Fang suddenly heard voices. They came from downstream of the river, loud and harsh. Fang felt curiosty naw his heart as he slid into the undergrowth, going to the sound of the anxious voices. 

 Fang slid into a thick root bush. Two wolves, rogues as the smell of it, were by the river. One had a shaggy brown pelt, which smelled as elk dung, as another had a brownish white pelt, which was woven with thorns and brambles. Both were waiting by the river, tails wagging as their tongues lolled out. 

 "I can't wait to taste the next meal comin'!" The brown wolf exclaimed as it's eyes gleamed. "I haven't had a meal in days!" 

"Me too." The white rogue agreed. "I'm so 'ungry I can eat a cow!" 

 Fang's ears pricked. What meal were they talking about? They seemed excited and joyful about it. And by their bones showing through their fur, they seemed to be starving. 

 "'Ere is comes!" The brown rogue barked as his muzzle poked from the reeds. 

 Fang's heart fell to his belly. He saw Snowflake's body, still laying peacefully on the bark, as it floated downstream. The white wolf led the bark strip over with a long, flat stick as Snowflake's board hit the shore. The rogues dragged it out, licking their chops hungrily. 

 Fang felt anger rise into his throat. They were going to EAT Snowflake!? In-humane! These rogues were starving so much that they ate their own kind! Maybe the last few dead wolves that got send down Star Gulley Creek were now in the rogue's bellies! 

 Fang let out a snap as he launched himself from the bush and shot straight into the rogues! 


Chapter 13: Betrayal To Fallen Law

Fang slammed the brown rogue, who was about to start feasting, into the mud. The white wolf yelped in surprise as it turned to flee, but Fang grabbed his tail with his hindpaw and dragged him back through the reeds. He held the two rogues still under his paws, teeth bared in a gruesome snarl. 

 "Who do you think you are, mudbrains?" Fang spat. "Eating wolves bodies as they travel down the creek! Who do you think you are? SPEAK!" 

 "I ain' the ones who been doin' it, s-sir!" The brown rogue stammered as his eyes widened in fear. "It was hims! He was eatin' those poor likkle dead wolves! Dun k-kill me, sirs!" 

"What?" The white wolf snapped as his gaze traveled to his companion. "You lies! I didn' do its! You been killin' 'em! Ugly, fat likkle slug!" 

 "Call yourselves slugs, maggots!" Fang interrupted bitterly as his claws slid out. "I should kill you, for eating Pack wolves bodies and about to eat this one." 

 "No! Dun eat us, sir!" The rogues whimpered. 

 "I'm not going to eat you." Fang replied coldly. "I'm not like you. I don't eat my own kind. And I won't kill you." 

 "Why's?" The brown rogue asked in puzzlement. "Ain't you mads at us?" 

 "Yes, I am!" Fang snapped as he slammed their heads deeper into the mud. "But I won't kill another wolf. Too much blood has been spilled already." Fang added softly. 

 The rogues tried squirming out of his grip, but Fang dug his claws into their fur. They yelped as blood trinkled out, spilling into the creek. The blue, diamond like water

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