» Fiction » Unfinished Symphony, Jeffrey Allen White [top android ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Unfinished Symphony, Jeffrey Allen White [top android ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Jeffrey Allen White

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could see Michael Sheldon coming to the podium now with his baton. He would give them the downbeat and an explosion of music, the likes of which were never heard before sounded forth throughout the concert hall.

He had started his piece but he lacked the discipline to finish it. He had the first few lines done. He felt they were very good but he came to a wall, a big brick wall and there did not seem to be anyway around it.

Ken walked inside the apartment and over to the piano. He looked through his music and found his unfinished work. He carried it to the sofa and examined it thumbing through the large pages of staff. Ken’s hands ran over it, he could feel the music. It was there; at least it was in his head. He had only to write it out to bring his music from his mind to the paper.

Ken had tried to do this many times in the last three months. Each time he became more and more frustrated. He could not continue it. His mind was blocked. Maybe he did not have the music in him after all.

He tossed the music on the piano and lay down on the sofa. Ken was lost. He felt so alone. How he missed Katie. Then there were the kids. They needed him and he needed them. Ken hoped he was doing all he could for them and was afraid that they needed more, more than he could provide.

Ken’s eyes searched the ceiling, following all the little cracks and imperfections. He was looking but not looking. He thought of his music, his work, the kids, the apartment, of Mac and Leslie and then of Carl’s cousin.

Maybe it was time for him to date again. Maybe Mac and Carl were right, that he should get out. Do something for him. Ken sat up and got his wallet off the dresser in his room. He fell on the bed with his feet stretched out. His torso relaxed against the pillows. He found the piece of paper with Laura’s number on it. He should call her, he thought. However, he was afraid. He did not know what to say.

He reached for the phone and started to dial her number. After three or four numbers, he hung up. “It’s Friday afternoon, she is probably at work”. Ken realized she would not be home yet. He also realized that if he called now, he would probably get an answering machine and he would have to leave a message and therefore would not be speaking to her in person.

Ken the dialed the number figuring this would be better. He did not actually have to speak with her. Just leave a message and see if she calls back. In addition, if she did not he would not feel rejected.

The phone rang and Ken waited for the machine to pick up. On the fourth ring it did. “Hello, my name is Ken Bell, a friend of Carl’s...” There was someone on the line. It was not a machine. “Hello?” he said or rather questioned.

“Hello” the voice answered. It was a live person on the line.

“Um, this is Ken Bell a friend of Carl’s, is this Laura?” He was thrown off completely now. He had not anticipated her actually being at home on a Friday afternoon.

“Yes, this is Laura.” She answered politely.

Ken’s mouth suddenly dried out and his tongue would not work. His hands were sweaty and his face was paler than usual. “Um. Yes, this is Ken...”

“Yes, I’ve got that.” Laura answered.

“I am a friend of Carl’s,” he offered again.

“Yes, you told me that already.” She had taken the day off because she had a cold and did not feel that well. She had not expected anyone to call her.

“Oh yeah, well the reason I am calling...” What was the reason he was calling he thought? What was he doing? “I was calling you see... to... to see...” He was dead in the water. His mouth had lost its connection to his brain.

“Excuse me, could you speak up. I can’t quite hear you.” Laura was straining to hear. She was also trying to pick up the cat food she had gotten last night and put it into a large plastic container she had.

“Oh, I am sorry. I was just wondering if it were possible... or even maybe that...” Ken felt like a total dope at this point.

Laura dropped the cat food and it spilled all over the floor sending kibble bits in every direction. Little George ran from the room and hid under the bed. “Oh no!” she screamed.

Ken took this as a no for his unfinished question. “Oh, I see I am sorry to have bothered you...” Ken was talking faster now so he could get off the phone and just die there.

“No, I mean... not you...” Laura was tangled in the phone cord and kibbles were everywhere. She would crunch them with every step.

Ken was confused. “What did you say? Is this a bad time to call? I could call later...”

“No, it’s not a bad time. It is just I spilled the cat’s kibble all over and I have made quite a mess for myself.” Laura told him the truth.

“Oh, so that’s... well what I called for is to see if you would like to go out sometime.” There, he said it. He said it! However, there was only silence from the phone.

“... go out sometime? Oh, I would like that.” Laura managed to get out. She would like that but she was also afraid. It had been ten years since she had to ‘go out’.

“What was that? You said that you...” Ken was amazed.

“... would like to go out.” Laura finished his sentence.

Ken felt light-headed. Here he was asking a total stranger out over the phone. Realizing that she indeed had accepted his offer for a date, he continued. “Maybe a movie or dinner or... both. How about that? He was calmer now.

“That would be great, movie or a dinner or both.” Laura though he had a very nice voice. She hoped he was as nice looking as his voice sounded.

“Well, then we just have to decide when. What about tomorrow night? I know it is last minute but...” Ken was getting tongue tied again.

“Oh, tomorrow night? Oh, I cannot tomorrow night or really this weekend. I promised my roommate to go with her to shop for her sister’s wedding. We have it all planned.” Laura told the truth again. The only weekend she had planned in the last three months and she is not available for a date because she had something to do with her roommate.

“Well maybe another time.” Ken felt awkward and was ready to just hang up.

“That would be nice...when?” Laura asked.

Ken’s mouth dropped open. He did not expect her to ask him when. He thought that was it and they would say goodbye and the story would be over. He thought hard. “How about during the week? Are you free?” He felt stupid saying that as if she were for sale or something.

“During the week is fine as long as it is not too late.” Laura shoveled kibbles up with a small cup.

“That’s right; work the next day and all.” He tried to qualify that statement.

“I suppose any night would be fine then.” Laura hoped she was not frightening him away. She hated that she booked her weekend. She could go out any night.

Ken’s mind spun. He felt as if he would throw up. “Well, how about...Monday then?” He held his breath.

Laura thought for a moment. “Monday? Monday is fine.” Laura stepped on some more kibble.

“Then Monday it is. Can I pick you up?” He would pick her up instead of taking the subway.

“Yes, I live on fifty-fourth and second,” she said.

Ken realized she was only two blocks away. They were in the same neighborhood. “You live close to me; I am just down two streets and over one.” Ken was having a conversation now. His mouth was working again.

“Allergist, how about seven o’clock. Is that too late?” She would be home by five-fifteen, the latest.

Seven o‘clock? No, that is great. We can get dinner first or see the movie first, whatever you would like.” He was being men he thought.

“I am usually starving so let’s eat first then the movie.” Laura was busy searching her mind for what she was going to wear.

“Then it’s a date.” Did he just say that? How could he be doing this? “I mean if that is all right with you.”

“Yes, it’s a date then.” Laura smiled as she picked up another handful of cat kibble.

“I guess it is then, I can pick you up in front of your building Monday at seven o’clock.” Ken would have to clean out his car. The smell of pickle juice and mayonnaise was still very strong.

“Yes. I will wait outside. I am in the Newberry Building,” she offered.

“Yes, I know that one. I will be there at seven o’clock.” Ken looked for cleaners under the bathroom sink to start on the car.

“Well, until Monday.” she said.

“Yes, until Monday.” he said.

They both hung up the phone. Ken sat leaning on the bathroom door, his head in a daze. He had done it. He had called a woman and asked her out. To the movies and dinner. Ken put the phone down, picked up the bottles of cleaners, and went down to clean his car.


Publication Date: 01-15-2011

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