» Fiction » Kingdom of Hearts, Anonymous [story reading .txt] 📗

Book online «Kingdom of Hearts, Anonymous [story reading .txt] 📗». Author Anonymous

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doing here?! Have you been stealing my wife this entire time? Or has it been since you were king? Do you think you can have whoever, whatever you want when you want it?! Are you happy now? Are you happy knowing my wife loves you?” Chilles was stepping closer to Tyson with each word.
“Chilles, what have you to say about stealing hearts? Since you stole my brother's wife? And you aren't king, what excuse are you going to spout now? I backed down for you! I let go of Emily for you! I became king for you! And you spat in my face. So am I happy? No. Am I happy knowing your wife loves me? Absolutely. I have something to tell her right back, I love you, too, Emily.” Chilles lunged, and punched Tyson square in the jaw. Tyson slammed to the ground. He came back up, his lip was bleeding, but he was smiling.
“Tyson, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hit you. I didn't want this to happen, I didn't expect this to go this way. I walked to Mitchell's house and Mira said he was gone, but I came in anyway, I should have walked away. One thing led to another. That morning I woke up with her in my arms, I got scared, she did, too. She loved Mitchell to the point of madness, she said we could keep it a secret and everything would be fine. She was pregnant and when Jake came out, things changed. I knew he was mine and I wasn't going to walk away from my own son. So at first I visited and Mitchell saw the care I put into Mira and Jakob. He started seeing things about Jakob that were mine. At that time there was no stopping it, it was like a train going downhill, nobody hit the brakes until it was too late to go back. Mitchell had the same confrontation with me, but that didn't stop it. He kept quiet to save Emily from the pain, but inside it was killing him. He tried to vent, but who understood? Trying to keep someone happy, by facing what hurt you the most. Who had the courage? The heart? Wait...” He said as he ran over what Tyson said before he decked him. “...your brother? I wasn't aware you had a brother.”
“Forget I said anything.”
“I was cheating with Mira and Mitchell is her husband.” He was putting together the pieces, he would come out with one of two choices. One: she was married to multiple husbands or two: Mitchell was his brother.
“Chilles, enough.” His eyes lit up as he got it.
“Your brother is Mitchell? You are his brother?”
“Chilles, enough.” He warned him. “I have enough reason to put you in prison, don't make me.” Chilles backed off, he wasn't about to dispute the king's decision.
“Tyson, let me fix your lip.” Emily came back with a cloth and some water.
“Um...Chilles, would you excuse me and Emily for a moment.”
“I was just leaving, going over to Mira's, before the feast and then I'm staying with her for the night.” He looked over to Emily and then walked out the door.
“Emily, don't. It's fine, really.” She dabbed the cloth and water on his lip.
“Tyson, why did you want Chilles to leave?” She stopped dabbing to look in his eyes.
“I love you, I meant what I said. Elanor and I aren't close anymore, well, beyond that, she told Mitchell to get rid of me, so they could be together.” She went back to dabbing.
“I...don't know what to do from here.”
“Let's get back at the world.” He grabbed her hand from his face and pushed it out of the way. He pulled her to him, and kissed her as he slowly laid her onto the floor. He slowly unbuttoned her top red shirt. His lips kissed her jaw, her neck, her shoulder. He lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom.

When Tyson woke up he had both arms around Emily, who was curled around him, her head laying on his bare, chiseled, and smooth chest. Her blonde hair smoothed back, her arm stretched over him, holding him next to her. He softly kissed the top of her head. She looked up and they stared into each others eyes.
“What time is it?” He broke the silence, he almost forgot about the dinner he was supposed to attend, in fact it seems a little funny for him to miss the dinner that's all about him.
“Five.” Great, he'll make it in time.
“We have to get ready.”
“Ready for what?” She was still a little sleepy.
“The feast? In my honor? I want you to attend, but first, I have to play happy with my wife, and I need you to portray my neighbor and friends wife, not the love of my life. Afterward I am all yours. We can go to the castle or back here...” His finger was tracing circles on her stomach.
“Anywhere as long as your there.” He got up and started putting on his clothes. “You sure you want to put on your clothes and go to that feast?”
“Yes, my son put it together. I am not going to miss that. Without him, I wouldn't have known how you felt about me or about Chilles or about Mitchell. All he wants from me is this feast.”
“I'm going. Is it formal? Or casual?” He understood the question behind those questions. Were they together now or was it just a fling, the answer was the same to both.
“Formal. You need me to get you a dress? I can.”
“You know what, yeah, I do. Most women would say 'no', but I really need a dress.”
“Well, I will get you one in your favorite color, red.”
“How did you know?”
“You think I don't notice what your wearing all the time?”
“Well, your always with your....Elanor.” She didn't want to think about Tyson belonging to someone else, especially Elanor. She had a hard time saying the small word,wife.
“My wife. Just because I am married to her doesn't mean that I stopped thinking about you.” He noticed how she couldn't say wife. He knew that she wanted to be. He stared into her eyes for what seemed like such little time.
“Are you going to get that dress or stay with me?” He was really torn. He felt so badly like taking her straight over to the bed again, but he couldn't miss the dinner. “We have all night, Tyson.” She couldn't read his mind, but she knew what he was thinking, because she had the same dilemma. He kissed her and then left to go find the prettiest red dress he could. He found the perfect dress and raced back to give it to her, when he walked in he saw Emily down to her underwear and bra. Her face was already dressed up. When she put on the dress and her earrings and her high heels, she looked like a red angel. When she admitted she was ready, he took her arm in his, kissed her, and then walked out together for the first time since they were young adults, the feelings never changed.
Grand Feast

When Tyson and Emily arrived at the castle he allowed her in first with Chilles, against his wishes. He stayed and greeted guests. When the dinner was about to begin he walked in and took his place at the head of the table. Elanor beside him and Chilles on the other side, Emily next to him. Moments after everyone sat down, the first course was set down. It was the appetizers, deviled eggs. When that was over, the second course was served. The soup was Beef and Cabbage, all homegrown ingredients. As soon as it was served Elanor reached for Tyson's hand. Tyson looked at Emily and her face was full of encouragement, she understood what they had to do, she was looking to him, because Chilles was doing the same thing to her. He suddenly had to eat with both hands. Then Tyson remembered he had a speech to make. He grabbed his wine glass filled with champagne, the kids of course had sparkling apple juice.
“Uh hum,” He cleared his throat. “Thank you all for arriving to this feast in the honor of my return, there is far more gratitude to my son. My son found me on Tesat, where Mitchell left me. I intend to release him, to get this whole thing behind me. To Soturin.” He raised his glass.
“To Soturin.” The crowd repeated. Tyson sat down and returned to eating. The servers came back around the tables and took away the food and replaced it with the third course. The salad. It was just a plain salad served with many dressings.
“So Chilles, when I, today, I forgot to ask how the army is doing.”
“Your army is well. The soldiers had to go to war while you were away. Moeds attacked. They were taken care of with little casualties.”
“Were they families consoled?”
“Of course, sir.” The salads had been completed and along with the main course, Beef roasted over a fire for a good hour or two and as many sides as you can imagine, and a gorgeous red wine.
“Is no one going to talk?” The crowd started talking, a slight pause and then he turned to Chilles and Emily. “Emily, how was the war on you? I mean having Chilles gone protecting our land must have been difficult.”
“It was easier compared to the loss of a great king.”
“Well, I can't say great, but I am a king.” He chuckled.
“Well, the island needed a king while you were gone. How again did Mitchell do this? He can't have acted alone. Did we find any accomplices?” Chilles badgered.
“We had found an accomplice, but he or she has vanished. Not heard from.”
“What of the rumors?” One townsman asked.
“Rumors? I wasn't aware that our town gossiped. I thought we had an island full of facts and feelings, not hear-say. What are the rumors?”
“That the Queen herself was the accomplice. That she was actually the one who planned it and she had Mitchell execute her plan.”
“That is things that criminals would say.”
That ended the conversation for the rest of the feast.

At the end of the feast, Elanor leaned in for a kiss. Tyson looked to Emily with fear, she looked back with the same expression. He moved around her and kissed her on the cheek.
“Tyson. What the hell are you doing?” She whispered in his ear. He came back and smiled at her.
“Goodbye everyone. Have a nice evening.” Everyone picked up and left. Soturin, Tyson and Elanor were the only one's left in the room.
“Grand feast, father?” Soturin asked.
“It was excellent, thank you. Would you mind leaving your mother and I to talk?” Soturin silently walked away.
“What the hell was that? Tyson what happened to the kiss after the

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