» Fiction » The Boy and The Man, Offer R [ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗

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see the path forged for them by the king leading them to a mutual future of glory and dignity, which wouldn't require them to part ways. And while they had zero experience in combat and little knowledge of the codes and practices of the Guard, these two boys were filled with anticipation. Fear of the unknown or of a formidable challenge was a stranger to them, which was not the least reason for which the king had chosen them at such timing.

This was, of course, an event of great significance and a cause of great joy for The Boy, but the magical evening of his 16th didn't end here. It just so happened that one of the distinguished guests in the majestic dining hall, the daughter of one of the king's many advisors, was a girl of 18 whose beauty in The Boy's eyes made even the large diamonds on the queen's neck and hands lose their shine. Her eyes were a lustrous green so intense that they reminded him of the leopard that had changed his life, and her smooth brown hair flowed perfectly down to her shoulders like the steady flow of the river that had always been a place of asylum in dangerous territory. Her skin was a pearly white and her angelic face was dotted with light freckles under the eyes. It was obvious in the first glance that she had a good heart, and when she smiled it became clear that she also filled with energy and life. A purple blouse frilled at the neck and black satin pants covered her lean, fragile body. Her beauty was effortless, and yet it was second to not a single one of the other score or so of beautiful woman of rank in the room.

And what better sign of the spellbound evening's good fortune than this particular girl should march to The Boy's side at the grand cocktail table and take the ecstasy that poured into him that evening to new heights!

"I think the prince is a very lucky man to have you as his Lieutenant", she said in a soft voice that rang like the finest melody in The Boy's ears. Somehow, though he had his back to her and hadn't seen her approaching, he knew it was her.

"The honor is mine", he said, and for a moment he stared at the resplendent creature before him in silence. He'd laid eyes on her several times before during the evening, but her beauty was twice as obvious from up close. "And it's even a greater honor to make your acquaintance, Ms. …"

"Parthons. Aphrodite Parthons", the fair girl said with a rolling giggle. The Boy was by now well versed with the proper etiquette and mastered even the most esoteric nuances that made a true member of royalty stand out from any man of a common run. He was a well-spoken, charming young man that could lure the interest of the dullest of aristocrats. This was the first time he'd used his charm on a beautiful girl, however.

"Parthons. One of the king's most respected advisors. If the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree, then the king has chosen well."

"Oh yes. The king is famous for the judicious choices he makes", Aphrodite returned the compliment.

"It seems he is. Well, my dear Aphrodite- I may call you Aphrodite? Good. Forgive me, for I'm sure what I wish to tell you is as trite as are compliments paid to the queen by her ladies in waiting, and in fact I'm confident everyone in this room has thought it at least once this evening. But I'd like to say it anyway."

"Please", the fine young lady said in a whisper, drawing nearer.

"You are- and may the king revoke my appointment as Lieutenant in his Guard if I'm being dishonest- more beautiful than any girl I've ever seen. More beautiful than I could even dream of. I almost find it hard to believe you are real."

Aphrodite flushed, and her little round nose twitched adorably. "You are quite the talker. I'm sure you could've had your pick of any lady in this room, and yet you seem to have taken a liking to me. That alone makes this moment one that I shall never forget. Thank you." He could tell from her quivering voice that the sentimentality of her words wasn't affected. In his view it was not he who deserved gratitude but she. For just those first moments of elation he felt that nothing short of a lifetime of thankfulness would repay her.

By the end of the evening The Boy could hardly recall the original reason for the lavish event or the tremendous honor he'd been bestowed. Too engrossed was he in his affection for Aphrodite for any other thought to trouble his mind or feeling to temper with his heart. The two didn't leave each other's side until Mr. Parthons declared that their time of departure had arrived. Aphrodite loitered for as long as she could, but it would've been outrageous to make Mr. Parthons call her name a third time, so with tingles all over she gave her hand to The Boy and congratulated him a final time.

"Goodbye, Lieutenant", she said, all her features shining as though this was now the beginning of the evening. Her beauty was even more remarkable now next to the exhausted faces of the majority of the remaining guests. It is the way of banquets to fill the stomachs of the diners to excess, to the detriment of their vigor and temper. But it is the way of blooming love to counter any external negative effect on a young sweetheart.

"Goodbye, my dear Aphrodite. I should like very much to see you again very soon, if it would please you", said our boy. As he said it he realized what influence she had on his heart at the moment. Yes, and he would be in the seventh heaven; no, and he would mourn for weeks.

"Oh, I was so afraid you would never ask!" Cried the girl that was now the center of his existence. "Tomorrow behind the bell tower, when the clock strikes three. Will you be there? I won't have much time."

"I will be waiting at midday on the off chance that you arrive one minute early", said the jubilant Lieutenant, and he kissed her hand and watched her leave. He knew then that, whether he died for his king in the battlefield the next week or a hundred years later a wrinkly old man, he would never forget that night.

But The Boy couldn't wait that long. Even before the last of the night's stars flickered in the sky, while he was celebrating the convergence of their bright futures with the prince, he declared to his best friend the real reason for his joy.

"I can't stop thinking about her! We were together for so long, did you see it?" He blurted out with no forewarning.

"Who? What do you mean?"

"Aphrodite. Mr. Parthons' daughter. Didn't you see?" The Boy said, slightly disappointed that there was someone in the kingdom who wasn't excited beyond his senses by the little romance.

"Oh. Yes, I noticed… I didn't think it was so serious."

"What serious? My heart is hers!"

"They say she's the most beautiful girl in the entire kingdom."

"Who? Who says?" The Boy blurted out, now utterly beyond himself.

"Well… I do. You've got yourself just about the finest girl a guy could dream of, brother." The Boy was too excited to notice the darkening of the prince's face and the undertone of disappointment in his voice, and the prince made every effort in his power to conceal this from him. Rather than voice his protest and dampen his friend's high spirits, he offered a piece of sound advice. "I suspect she has had her fair share of suitors and perhaps romances- it would be rather astonishing if she hasn’t, wouldn't it? So if I were in your shoes I wouldn't point out just now your lack of experience. She is already two years your senior; you don't want her thinking you as a child. Those are my thoughts on the matter, in any case."

"You're right, of course. Brother, I owe everything to you! I will do as you suggest, and you will receive a detailed report of the results. Thank you, brother; I would be lost without you." And this is how the day came to an end, with The Boy lighter than clouds and the prince struggling with his own inner conflict.

When the sun reached a zenith in the sky the next day The Boy and the prince were making their first acquaintance as new recruits to the Guard. But The Boy wasn't entirely untrue to his promise, and arrived at the courtyard an hour before the appointed time. Afraid to attract attention from the passersby and expose a connection that was to be kept secret for the time being, he wore a cloak and kept his head down. (Word of his appointment to the Guard was sure to have circulated in the kingdom's high social circles, therefore he could expect to be the absolute center of attention among the frequenters of the courtyard). He retired at once to the bell tower at the northeast corner of the courtyard and sat atop the escarpment that bordered the tower on the outside and overlooked a wide valley. The valley stretched along the entire western face of the kingdom, separating it from the surrounding mountain ridges. Running along the valley was a river whose waters were rather calm at this particular time of year, adding to the pastoral nature of the scenery. The view to the west was breathtaking, but it hardly soothed his nervousness.

Finally the large bronze bell struck three times to mark the arrival of the hour three after noon. No sooner had the heavy echo traveled away down the valley than a whiff of a wonderful fragrance told him that she'd come.


"Hello, darling. Have you been waiting for long?" They hugged and kissed and The Boy was delighted to see that the passion he felt for her was shared. Aphrodite was no longer wearing her dazzling attire from the previous evening, but here taste for good style was just as evident. Also, there was something about her more simple and natural look that made her even more attractive.

"Who knows?" He said. "It is impossible to track time when you're on my mind."

"Oh, so I'm on your mind?" The lovely young woman chirped shyly, and a gentle red hue came to her puffy cheeks. The Boy felt himself melting in to her humble charm again, but then he remembered the prince's advice. He didn't want to be overenthusiastic.

"Yes, you are but… it's always like that when I meet a new girl that I like."

"Always? What do you mean? Have you met a lot of girls like me?" Aphrodite didn't look impressed or especially contented by this. She was surprised and mostly, it seemed, humored by it.

"No, not a lot. Only some", The Boy stammered, almost tempted to tell the truth. "But I'm sure you've met too many boys like me to remember."

"That's not true!" Aphrodite blurted out and burst out in a wonderful laughter that echoed through the tower like the sweetest ring of the bell.

"Don't be too modest. My dear, you are a masterpiece, and any connoisseur would be a fool not to fall at your feet." The Boy curbed his enthusiasm again and added: "luckily I'm no connoisseur. I'm just a warrior."

"A great warrior and a master swordsman", said the exquisite Aphrodite. "You know, I saw your duel with the prince that day in the arena." The Boy's brows flew up in his forehead and his eyes lit up.

"You did?"

"I was there with father, and you know what I think? I think you two were fooling everyone. Father wouldn't hear it, but I know it's true. Admit it to me! You let him win, didn't you?"

The Boy's heart beat violently. He

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