» Fiction » Infected Haven Part I, S.K Nuanes [i am reading a book .txt] 📗

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a heart in him.” Robert sighed, remembering one of the first times they met…


April 23rd 1415


In the graveyard, was a ceremony-taking place where the demons were using a brutal force, where in most history books are known as a ritual where Aztecs would open their chest up while they were still awake. Although demons, were more brutal then the Aztecs. Although the demons did, change it slightly. Demons would gather humans, and hand them over to the Devil. He would keep them alive just long enough to torture them and toss them into a circle with the symbol of the Devil and the Prince. They would be burnt alive, more or less. Shadow demons, would come out from the ground under the circle and rip up the bodies. The humans, would feel every bite, their skin being peeled off of their body, and blood running out from their eyes they would feel it coming out of their eyes. Like tears, but they had no control over the process. They would hope it would end soon, yet it lasted four five minutes.

Brent stood, next to his father. He was dressed in expensive silk clothing. He had his hair tied back in a ponytail. Robert hiding in a tree, he sniffed the air searching for his wife, at the time. She was in the round up; it was her or the newborn child. Robert locked onto Brent, knowing he was the close to the top of the power ladder. Take one down; turn it into a hostage situation.

“Satan, must we do this. There is no point, plus there is someone who is keeping count of heads. If we keep doing this, there will be a witch hunt.” Brent growled low.

Satan glared down at him, then spoke in demonic language, after he finished his sentence. Brent stormed away, leaving the circle. Which was forbidden for a demon to leave, the circle during a ritual. Just as Robert was about to leap for one of the general demons he was slammed into the tree trunk. Brent held him up by holding his throat. Brent’s eyes switched to their demonic form, they glowed in the dark. Looking into the pupils of them, you saw nothing. That was the way Brent wanted it, no one to see the pain he suffers. The yellow burnt like a powerful fire, yet looking into them it seemed like the sun burning your eyes if you stared to long.

“Bloody hell, a vampire in a cemetery not in coffin? Odd.” Brent said, growling low at Robert.

Robert bared his fangs, “A bloody monster, shouldn’t you be using some little house wives. To feast on their souls, and take their virginity.”

“So bloody ignorant, I could easily through you down in that circle. Yet I won’t.” Brent growled, throwing Robert down into a trench then jumped down after him.

Robert grabbed Brent by the throat, and pinned him down trying to choke him.

Brent’s left hand claws turned into claws that slashed Robert across the face that sent him back few inches. Brent jumped on him then growled low, “Be silent, if they hear you. You’ll be dead for sure.”

“Now for our next kill, here is Mrs. James.” Satan announced, and then a bunch of demons cheered and shouted rejoicing.

Robert snarled trying to fight Brent off of him, “Get off me!”

Then there was a loud cry, a woman begging for mercy. She was being devoured, by the shadow demons. Then Satan finished her off. After a hour passed, Brent jumped out of the trench looking around, “The ritual is done, now what the hell is wrong with you.” Brent shouted, smacking Robert upside the head.

“I was trying to save my wife, you probably don’t even know what a bloody wife is!” Robert snapped, trying to punch Brent, but he ducked then spun around, knocking Robert off his feet.

“I’m Brent Hellure? You are?” Brent kneeled down and held his hand out to help Robert up.

Robert glared up at him, and took the gesture of help. “Robert James…”

“I am sorry, about your wife. I wasn’t aware that who you were trying to save.” Brent sighed, feeling terrible about the death of Mrs. James.

“Well, Mr. James let me tell you this I am not like the other demons. As long you are in my service you will not face this fate. These victims appear human, yet they are all vampires, who have no master. I won’t be harsh, it will be more of making sure you don’t die like that.” Brent said, holding his hand out to be shook. Robert glared at him, then shook the hand. “Fine, but I am not your slave.”




“Of course not, Robert. I will see you more as a friend.” Brent grinned, then walked away.

“oh one more thing Mr. James. Don’t try to be the hero all the time; it will end in your death. I know this, when one is a hero they are giving themselves into Death’s hands. Its dangerous to play with fire.”



Robert smirked, how that was how they meant, and he thought Brent was the biggest ass, that ever existed. Now they were great friends, but yet Robert thought about the deal the witch offered. Why would a witch want, Brent’s blood in the first place, it was impossible to do anything with demon blood really. Was it worth it, to ask someone to give them a pint of their blood? To become human for how ever long he would have left. There were some rumors, that legends witches used some voodoo crap.

Would she use the blood, to torture Brent and use him against his will. Was being selfish was the way to survive in the world today?  Robert punched a hole in the wall, hitting a water pipe.  “What the hell Robert?” Nina shouted rushing with some towels, to try and soak up the leaking water.

“Chill out.” Robert grabbed the pipes and snapped them back into place.

Nina sighed then walked into one of the bedrooms, leaving Robert alone watching the water drip from the pipe. One drop at a time, like seconds time was running out. If you wanted something you had to grab it before it expires away into the night. Robert sat down on the sofa, looking out to the street; he knew what had to be done. Everyone deserves a second chance, but yet there was going to be a price. In life everything comes with a price. A flat screen seems to be filled with bliss yet check the price tag and wonder, what really has value. What something shows on the outside, or the inside? Everyone has to face this problem some point in their life only a few choose the correct path. The wrong choice is the right choice. Yet the choice we think is correct, will destroy us.




He didn’t a say a word, he turned around and came towards me his features were easier to see now. He was 6’5 feet tall, he had a strong tan, he had grey hair, yet he shaved his head a little, his clothes were covered in blood, his eyes were a gentle blue, I could remember our good times how he taught me how to set a rabbit trap, and how to check if someone was poisoned.

He looked down at me, studying me as if he didn’t believe me.

“Adrian…how is this possible?” My father asked, looking at me.

I feel as if I was more surprised then he was, after all these years I saw his face and he was still dead. Thanks to me, I had taken him away from his wife and friends. “I can’t believe I have found you.”

He looked down at my arm, I hid it in the coat this was a great way to meet your father, showing him that you got your arm cut off, and now had a demonic weapon attached to you.


Then he grabbed me pulling me into a hug, holding me tight.

“Dad, you know I am not human right…” I said, with my voice shaking. The silence between us seemed to last forever. I was expecting him to throw me off of him, and demand me to leave him forever. My stomach had butterflies; these seemed to be trying to eat their way out of my stomach.

“I know. When you were born I could feel the Devil wanting to take you. I tried to keep the purity in your heart. And that night, I was ready to be killed. I can see you haven’t given into him yet.” My father said, patting me on the back.

“You knew, I was going to be a demon?” I asked, staring confused at him.

He gave a nod, and then sat down on a mat, I kneeled down and waited to hear this story.

“There were rumors, that a demon was going to be born. The church wanted very child to be baptized, since a demon can’t touch it. I held you close in my arms; I didn’t want to let go of you. I could sense, you were going to be mentally ill. I knew the church would believe you were already demonic. When in reality, you just were a poor victim of a mental disorder. I allowed them to test you; clearly you were not going to have a great life. I held back on getting you married…”

“So you let Jacob marry two different women, and he had four kids I didn’t know about until recently?” I asked confused.

“I cared about him, but I loved you more then my life. Which is why I did everything in my power, to made sure your heart was going to have love inside. Since now I can see you’re struggling with your fate.”

“I…am so sorry dad…” I said, looking down with my eyes starting to turn red with tears building up in my eyes.

“I know I broke mother’s heart, I took you away from her. I ruined our family, I don’t see how you can ever forgive me.”

He grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug, he seemed to be strong for a mortal.

“You never ruined anything, we still love you. You are perfect son.”

My actual biological father, addressing me as his son and saying he loved me. “I will never surrender to Satan.” I whispered.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and sat up straight, “No matter what, you know who you are. And that man is a solider, not a prisoner.”



“Foolish prince, made a mistake. Now one shall pay the price.” The Three Sisters chanted. One pulled out a white string out of the air. Another measured it and made sure it was just right. Then the last one pulled out a string and used scissors and cut the string.



I was still in shock after meeting my biological father, and he was the one who actually loved me, and didn’t care what was inside me. Even if I was a demon, my real father saw me as his son. Satan only wanted for me to be a monster, and bathe in blood. Not what I consider a great father and son activity. “There you are.” Angel said, walking up to me. She wore, a red corset, with a short black skirt.  She sat down next to me, and placed her hand on mine. “We haven’t had much time together.”

“Hm, do remind me what us messed up demon young adults do in our free time.” I said, lying on the ground with my head in my hands.

“Well, after a strange soul court, we can go to the lake house.” Angel said, shrugging.

I sat up and looked at her, confused. “What’s a Soul Trail, or whatever it is called?”

“Since Grim is in charge of souls, so he can send her up to Heaven, here, or Grim’s world.” Angel said, running her hand through my hair slowly.

I stood up then looked at her, “What makes this one so special, Grim sees around one hundred souls a day, why do we give a crap about

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