» Fiction » IBO, Brian R. Lundin [the ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «IBO, Brian R. Lundin [the ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Brian R. Lundin

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/> The player dropped his argument and mumbling something under his breath, but said nothing else as he left the playground.
Tim who had been listening to the conversation came over to Cinque and said in a loud voice,
“What the fuck this all about, a black muthafucka got popped, so fucking what.”
“That black muthafucka was a friend of mine,” Cinque answered.
“Fuck you and that black nigger,” Tim said threatenly approaching Cinque with a hand in his pocket.
Cinque could feel the excitement of conflict rising in his chest, the same feeling he had when alligator hunting with his uncle, the same feeling he had before the slaughter at the Dupree compound.
Neither Tim nor James noticed the five black men who had gotten out of a black SUV and was approaching the basketball court; all five men had Mac 10 automatic weapons hanging loosely at their sides. Boise was with them. The other players noticed and began backing away. Tim still not noticing the other black men had attempted to grab the basketball from Cinque. Reacting without thinking, Cinque grabbed Tim throat, squeezing hard not with the intent to kill but to cripple.
Tim threw a wild punch at Cinque, which he easily sidestepped, and struck him in the neck with the studded wristband, Tim fell to the ground holding his neck choking, gasping and struggling to catch his breath. Cinque pulled the man up by his long blond hair and looked into his red-tinted face. The man did not see the small knife Cinque held in his hand and had angled it upwards until the blade was under Tim’s left eyelid. He continued to move the knife slowly, along the contour of his left eye.
“If I continue to push this knife upwards I will cut the muscle under this eye and you won’t be able to look up or down. You will have to wear an eye patch after that, or you will be disoriented, and”- he laughed- and you will look like the fucking freak you are, with one eye staring straight ahead, and the other one moving normally.”
“Please no,” Tim sobbed.
Tim felt the prick above his eyeball and cried out in pain.
“Who’s the black muthafucka now?” Cinque sneered at Tim.
Blood was coming from Tim’s wound and his eyes were glazed and disoriented as he continued to beg. Tears smeared his vision, and the trembling of his jaw caused the eye to shake. Each move caused a fresh and painful nick. Cinque placed his palm against the bottom of the hilt, as though he was going to jam it up, but instead he pushed the knife gently upwards underneath Tim’s right eye another prick sent a shooting pain that punched against the back of Tim’s forehead. Cinque felt good but was mildly disappointed, he wanted to kill somebody, anybody, but that was not the plan.
“Everybody leave who wants to live, leave now,” Cinque said. The other young men began to walk away, including James.
“Not you, me boy,” Cinque said pointing to James to had started walking away.
“We have unfinished business.
“Help that big blob of shit,” Cinque ordered, pointing at James who had started trembling.
James struggled trying to help Tim but Tim’s legs gave out and he started to fall, Boise and two other Simbas helped James held him up as they walked to the SUV. The men drove to an apartment in Fort Wayne where Pops was waiting.
“We meet again,” Pops said to James.
“What’s this all about?” James said still trembling.
Tim was thrown on the floor; his whole body shook as he rolled onto his side. His vision was blurry-red, as blood trickled from his upper lid and pooled on the lower. Pops threw him a handkerchief as Tim laid in a heap on the floor. When he touched his eye the cloth it was stained with blood diluted by tears. Every time he blinked there was a searing pain and his eye hurt.
“Listen, this is what I want you to do, do it and I might let you live, do not and you and your friend is dead,” Pops said.
“I want you to call home and tell your mother and father that you are hurt and you need them to come get you, and tell them to bring your two teenage sisters.”
“What for?” James asked weakly.
Boise immediately smacked James hard in the face.
“Ok, Ok,” James, said starting to cry.
“What about big boy, here, you know his family?” Pops asked.
“Yeah,” James said.
“Call them and tell them the same thing,” Boise ordered.
James did as he was told, and they waited.
Tim’s family arrived first. With his mother Maryann, and father Bennie was Tim’s younger brother Robert who was fourteen and his older sister Robin who was twenty-two. When they entered the apartment, the mother ran over to Tim who was lying crying on the floor.
“What happened baby, you ok?” the mother asked.
Tim was still crying and holding the bloody handkerchief to his face when Pops and the other gang members came out of another room, the family was immediately tied up with duct tape. An hour later James mother Bonnie, his father Tony and his two teenage twin sisters Dorean and Audrey arrived, Tony was quickly bound with duct tape.
“What’s this all about?” Tim father, a big burly red face man asked.
“That’s a fair question,” Pops answered.
“Your asshole of a son and his buddy are dope dealers and a while back they came to Chicago to cop some drugs from me. We set it up where they would meet my man, pay the cash and get the drugs in Warsaw. Well, these assholes decided to be slick; they intended to rip my man off, take the drugs and kill him. However, but being stupid like they are, they killed the wrong man, an innocent man, a good man, but more than that he was a friend of my friend which made him my friend, and for that you all will pay,” Pops said as he called Boise.
Boise, Paul Fairchild and Charles Conway and William Gates came out of a rear room smiling and naked.
“Time for some white pu’say,” Boise said rotating his hips and ending it with a pronounced pelvic thrust.
The white women gasped as they looked at Boise and the other men, their black maleness was ready. The men struggled against their restraints, but to no avail.
“Please don’t hurt them,” Tim’s father pleaded.
“I have money I will give you anything you want, please don’t hurt the women,” he continued.
“Please for the love of God, don’t do this,” James’s father screamed as Boise and then other men approached his wife and two daughters.
“Too late for that shit, you can’t buy your asshole son life or stop your women folks from getting a good fucking,” Cinque said with a toothless smile.
The two mothers and the three younger women were stripped naked and spread-eagled on the floor; their arms and legs were bound while Boise stuffed toilet tissue in their mouths. Audrey, James sixteen-year-old sister was raped first by Boise then the other Simbas. Boise then went to Robin, Tim’s sister, who he forced to oral copulate, him before he raped her. Boise and the other men were like sharks circling a wounded prey as they went from woman to woman forcing some to oral copulate them while another man raped them anally and vaginally. The Simbas and Boise repeatedly raped the women in front of the men. Tim had been awaken by Pops throwing water in his face and he closed his eyes to avoid seeing his mother and sister violated in such a horrible manner. Tears started to flow from the eyes of the other bound men as they helplessly watched the scene. The rapes went on for hours and only ended when the men did not have the stamina to continue, it was now Cinque turn.

Cinque and Pops came out of another room where they had been watching television and eating rib tips during the rapes. Cinque had his small skinning knife out. He started with Tim first. Tim stared up in terror at the toothless dark figure with black eyes straddling him. Cinque expertly began to cut the skin up from Tim’s left leg and continued up his left side peeling the skin as he went, up his face, around his forehead and down his right side, Tim’s terrifying screams were muffled with toilet paper as he looked into Cinque’s dark eyes. Tim fought to stay awake, but the darkness was closing in as he drifted towards unconsciousness.
Boise, still naked walked over to where James was tied-up on the floor. He took out a hypodermic needle filled with 90 percent pure heroin and plunged it into James’s arm. The drug threw his body into convulsions that went on for several minutes. His eyes started to roll around in his head and he started slobbering and finally fell still. Cinque became excited as he watched the young man’s body jerk and twist and have a bowel movement.
“Blood and shit. They will live for another hour or so,” Cinque told Pops.
“Good,” Pops said, “We’re done here.”
The room was strong with the odors of blood, sex and sweat and the floor was stained with the red blood of Tim and James. The smell of death was everywhere in the apartment. Pops and his gang members left and drove back to Chicago.

Chapter 49
President Tolland was re-elected in a landslide; Senator Warren plan had worked. Street crime and violence had dropped significantly. The Vice President, who was opposed to the new bill, had refused to be his running mate and Senator Warren replaced him.
President William S. Tolland stood motionless at the bulletproof large bay windows in the Oval Office. He looked down admiringly at the green grass on the lawn and he watching the people taking pictures outside the White House gate. Sitting patiently at the small conference table was his former National Security Adviser Lorine Barnes, who was now his Secretary of State and the former senator from Arkansas Reginald Warren, Jr. who was now his vice president. He turned and looked affectionately at his two main advisers and said simply, “We did it.”
“Yes we did Mr. President,” Lorine said. “You and your administration have a done a marvelous job, we are at peace, we have defeated the terrorist and their supporters, we have the lowest unemployment rate in modern times, home ownership is up and I think most importantly to the American people, the crime rate has dropped nearly one hundred percent, congratulation Sir.”
“This call for a toast,” the president said, getting a bottle of cognac and three glasses from his wet bar.
Although Lorine Barnes had known the president for years, she had never really noticed how handsome he was. He had that same southern charm and earthiness like former President
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