» Fiction » Look at that, - [best motivational books of all time .TXT] 📗
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ex, who had clued him in on all of it.

She must have joined the Young Pioneers from the age of five, Komsomol at fourteen with the prospect, if not overtaken by events, to be accepted in the Bol-sheviks party as well. There is no way she did not at-tend the grandiose demonstrations and parades on the anniversary of the October Revolution and May Day from when she was still a baby, and the Subbotniks 34from at least her teens. As for the struggle to make ends meet, which in any case as a term, was de facto and de jure absent from her vernacular, she can’t have thrown herself in before ‘91, but she had probably as-cended all the grades of people’s education without fail, even though the little cross that hung around her neck testified that the undertones of Marxist theory she had consumed throughout them must have gone to waste. As a pupil, she must have undoubtedly spent her summers with thousands of children from all the sister countries of the socialist camp, at the school campsites in the Crimea, something that made the notions of international friendship and proletar-

34 Voluntary yet unpaid work on some Saturdays of the year.

Simos Panopoulos - Look at that


ian internationalism seem like more than just emp-ty words to her ears. As a college student, she must have, whether she wanted to or not, voluntarily par-ticipated, as part of the socialist emulation and aiming to exceed the five-year plan the Party had set out, in the vanguard working brigade for the construction of the mainline Baikal-Amur railway or harvesting the crops in the kolkhoz. At dusk, especially, when after work, exhausted but proud for their contribution in the construction of communism, they must have gath-ered, boys and girls alike, with guitars and accordions around the campfire, something that if she didn’t rem-inisce over it all with tears in her eyes, she would have been completely insensitive. The same went since there was no way she had not lived at a student hos-tel with revelling in the endless parties and smoky drunkenness, with Pink Floyd and Deep Purple blar-ing, whose songs she would never listen to with the same intensity and emotion ever again, nor would she ever be kissed with the same delight under the sounds of Santana’s guitar as back then, Babis thought that exact moment when they looked at each other.

- Either you’re going to make her younger because it doesn’t add up, or you’re going to have play dumb, hoping that the eagle-eyed reader won’t notice.

- Poetic licence, ever heard of it?

- Putin’s more or less said the same thing.

- Well, if he says that Moscow

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