» Fiction » Where you belong, Samantha Thomas [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗

Book online «Where you belong, Samantha Thomas [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗». Author Samantha Thomas

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trying to get me to drink. I gulped real hard, in profound disbelief and drank, I took a big swig, and swallowed it down. It was fizzy and malty. Not for me at all, but I drank it, and half of another pack too.

I felt so crazy slow, so silly, and so weird. So this must be what my dad feels like all the time, when he does it. I don’t feel mean though, and I don’t think I ever would. Why would he? I don’t understand the only thing I can think of is he’s crazy or he really does hate me like he always says he does. We were in the living room now watching Saturday night live, they were on the couch and I was in the chair my dad always sat in. He had nodded out again, snoring, and that girl Sheryl jostled him awake with a shake and a sloppy kiss. Eww, even as drunk as I was it was still utterly disturbing to watch and he gave it all back like he had never went to sleep. And soon things progressed, very quickly clothes were being removed things were getting heavy. Time for me to go, because it didn’t look they were going to leave in fact it looked like they were going to stay, for awhile too.

I had seen sex before, both my dad doing it to random nasty women, and on TV, it was disgusting he never knew I knew, he was always to smashed and he never did it in his room. One time I found him doing it in my room. Never had I done it and I never fully intended too either not for awhile anyways. Guys don’t look at me, and if they do its because I’m in their way. I move, they walk by, the end. I slowly made my way to my room, the world was spinning, it all made sense, I was drunk after all. Thanks dad, your number one! Actually, this is the first present he’s ever given me that wasn’t a punch, or smack, or derogatory slur at my expense, and it was pretty nice. This day was just to fucking crazy and weird for my comforts. I trudged my way up the stairs and flopped my body down on my bed and slept heavily like I aint never slept before.


Al these thoughts of my father and I through out my years came flooding in, it was all so overwhelming reliving all my skeletons and nightmares. I thought the past was supposed to stay just that, the past. But if I’ve learned anything its to expect the unexpected, and nothing ever just stays in the past. In fact, the worse it is in your past, the more it will come to bite you in your ass, chewing a permanent hole that wont ever stop eating you out…
Sounds like the beginning of a very dirty joke huh?
Its not.



The second period bell rang deafening me along with everyone else in the hallway with me. I slammed my locker closed, annoyed at my heavy bundle of crap books. I didn’t like the weight, but I did like school, I just didn’t like the people in it, nor did they like me. I looked up and saw Ashley walking by, she looked pissed! Oh yay! I could use a friend right now, man it sucked that she had to have a falling out with those skanks to be my friend it was just so stupid. I never told her, I hadn’t the guts. “Hey Ashley you wana hang out-” I asked her eagerly, but she shoved on by me, giving me the meanest scowl she could stopping the words on my lips. Shit, damn. Bitch. Whatever. I exhaled it out, used to people treating me like trash, and I spun on my heels and smacked right into someone.

Um hello! My mind shouted, I looked up and kept going. I ran into a very tall, hot-ass dude, a very popular one at that. Shane Nicks, my mouth fell open, because he didn’t move but stared down at me, but he didn’t have the usual disgusted look on his face. He looked…hungry? “Walking here!” I mumbled and pushed by him shrugging his weird ass off, and walked to English class, just before I turned in I looked back, he was standing there still, staring after me, I looked quickly and oddly at him, and then he grabbed his crotch and squeezed. My breath caught, I quickly scoffed out in disgust, turned myself around and walked into class. But not soon enough, I could here his cocky laughter ring heavily in the air, until I closed the door with a little more force than necessary.

I caught not only the aggravated attention of my English teacher Mr. Northman, but also that of my entire class. Ugh… fuck. I strode up to Mr. Northman’s desk handing in my assignment, I worked really hard on it I really hope its good. It was a short story on my idea of what I thought our reading assignment book would be on. It was a guesstimate for the whole class, and unlike probable belief of what people thought of me, I was and still am a hard worker, I care about my education. It’s the only thing my dad never screws with, the only thing he can never take away, even if he wanted to.

“Thank you miss Hart have a seat,” he said taking my paper and gesturing for me to have a seat so he could start the class. I did so immediately but as the inevitable would have it, it wasn’t without, snarky snide comments, or mumblings of whatever about me. What I was wearing, how I looked, etc. Fuck em’ I got bigger problems then these silly bitches. Bet their daddy’s don’t beat em’ starve and thrive on there souls being shattered with horrible words one should ever say to anyone let alone their very own daughter.
I felt a scowl of sadistic tendencies peel its way onto my face, and it didn’t go without notice. Obviously.

“Fucking fugly bitch, go take a bath skank!” the nearest girl spat at me, she was the pretty type. Hispanic of some kind and she was beautiful, she had it made. I rolled my eyes and settled into my seat, sighing out from what I’m sure was to come to me after class, or worse after school from her. Why me? Why was people always starting with me? Was it because god planned it that way? Was it because I was not ‘cool’ or didn’t wear the right clothes and shoes? Didn’t have a man, sex appeal or status? What the fuck was it? I really wanted to know.

Class went without a hitch and as always I learned something. I loved learning, and I tried to do my best considering my ‘situation’ I was doing all right. Mostly. I was in between classes again, getting ready for the last class of the day, when guess who, shows up.


“What’s your fucking problem huh?” she says to me with an attitude, and her leg bent tapping the ground in the typical teen attitude way. My eyes widened to capacity and I scoffed in disbelief “Me?” I squeaked out flabbergasted at her question, “What’s your problem? I’m fine!” I piped out, and she scoffed herself, eye brows shot up, “Yeah, you look it. Listen I cant hang out for awhile, I’m in a lot of pain, cramps and shit. So those bitches are acting up again and some crazy shit went down-I don’t know! I don’t wana talk bout’ it-so anyways yeah I’m on lock down so I cant be chillen for a bit and whatever I’ll call you I guess ya know?”

Oh man she was always in some crazy shit, always in trouble, but easily forgiven by her peers and parents she was a star cheerleader, got semi good grades from copying mostly-I’m not exempt from that list either, but I’ll credit her this; she doesn’t always copy my work, only when she ‘likes’ me she does. I’m kinda sick of her shit, always dissing me whenever she feels like it, but the part of me that has seen her fun, cool, semi nice side, is feeling for her, thinking of what the hell she done got herself into now. I reached out my hand to her shoulder and patted her for comfort. “It’ll be aight’ again, so for how long this time?” I asked patting her, and for a moment I thought she was going to cry. She nodded tears pooling into her eyes, and she sniffled, leaning into my embrace. But only for a few seconds before some passers by walked near and she straightened herself, inhaling sharply, and backing a step away. “Um, for a bit actually. I really fucked up this time, like really girl. I’ll talk to you later alright?” she said walking away, and just before she did I could see her clutch her stomach, holding it and wincing, stopping dead in her tracks, before another moment passed and she was fine again. She strode off to wherever.

That girl was just crazy. And trouble. But she was my only friend.


“GAHHH” I sucked in a huge lungful of air, as I tried to sit up. Key word being tried to sit up, I couldn’t, but what I did accomplish was hurting my neck pretty bad. I looked down ruefully and found that I was bound to the bed. My bed in the hospital. OH MY GOD! SUNNY!

I felt the whimper escape and movement caught my eyes, they turned immediately to that direction. I spotted a security guard sitting a few feet away in my hospital room, and he just heard my whimper. He quickly lifted up his walkie-talkie and spoke almost inaudible into the little speaker. He closed and placed down his magazine and stood up staring right at me, not even blinking. I was so scared, it was all coming slowly back to me, all the pain, the panic, the darkness.

“Please help me! Please…” I cried out, as he kept on staring at me. I don’t know why I pleaded to this man, just by the looks of him there was no way in hell he would help me. Just then a nurse came into my room, followed by a doctor, and another security officer. It was the nurse I kicked in my struggles, and she had another needle. I couldn’t move I was strapped down, why where they doing this? Why weren’t they helping me find my baby? Could they even do this? Was all this legal?

“Please, please don’t do this! don’t drug me again, please I just need help that’s all! Please just help me!”

My eyes were becoming nearly impossible to see through, as the ever increasing terror filled tears poured on, from a sadness I still couldn’t even comprehend, and then I was being patted on the head, my hair being brushed back from a caring hand. My eyes shot to the cause, and it was the kind nurse from before the one who helped me with my baby. “Honey, they have to until you can deal with all of this. Its for your own good. Once you can come to terms and cope, we wont have to medicate you anymore. Please honey, don’t struggle, don’t make this harder on yourself.” she said concern ringing loud and clear in her warm voice, and I couldn’t help but cry out from her words. My heart broke and a gut wrenching sob escaped my lips.

She leaned down
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