» Fiction » Pale Horse, Robert L. Ross [beach read book .TXT] 📗

Book online «Pale Horse, Robert L. Ross [beach read book .TXT] 📗». Author Robert L. Ross

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trip that we talked about when I saw you last, and we decided that tomorrow would be a fine day to take that trip, whatta ya think.”?
“That's sounds like a plan to me”, he replied.
“I say we all ride out to the ranch after I'm off duty, and have us a good 'ol fiesta, to celebrate Winter Crow and Pale Horse being here, my lovely Temperance being home for the summer, and to good friends being together once again” Ben proclaimed, as he raised his glass and the three of them toasted what each of them knew was going to be a night to remember !
After a great meal of hearty steak, and the delectable smorgasbord that accompany it, joyous laughter and witty banter was exchanged as surely as the finest liquor that flowed sweet and pleasantly among them. The grand fireplace was crackling with a magnificent fire, casting shadows of enchantment and kindred bliss upon the oak laden walls and vaulted ceilings as the party was in full swing. Ben and Pale Horse sat comfortable in the plushest of imported leather, while Colt played softly his wooden guitar as the beautiful and graceful Temperance and Winter Crow danced divinely on the terrace under a full, crimson summer moon.
The conversation waned as did the dying embers of the flames now fading and the alcohol slowly began to take it's toll. With the hour getting late, and the morning sun just a few hours away, their night of festivities and merriment began to slowly wind down. Better times were seldom had, as they embraced one another, and one by one, filed up the staircase, each quietly retiring to their rooms for a much needed night's sleep.
The next morning, before the roosters began their crowing, Maria and Lupita were hard at work in the kitchen, preparing a breakfast that would rival anything Ben's guest's had seen before. Fried and scrambled eggs, thick pieces of honey glazed bacon, richly buttered Texas toast, with peach marmalade, deer and pork sausage, hearty strips of charbroiled steak, marinated in bourbon and molasses, wrapped in soft tortilla shell, and homemade fluffy buttermilk biscuits smothered in southern white gravy awaited their guest, as each of them awoke to the aroma that was wafting through the house, carried on the cool morning breeze that softly blew through open windows. Ben knew how to spoil his guest's, and never hesitated to do so when given the opportunity. Time spent at the Double R Ranch was something to remember, especially when you were with old friends such as these that were gathered.
Each of them began slowly emerging from their rooms and made their way downstairs into the dining room, greeting each other genuinely as they arrived. Ben, who had been on the lower 40 talking to Larry, was the last to arrive, and walked in on a welcomed sight indeed.
“Good morning to all of you”, he said with a big smile as he pulled out his chair to sit down and join the wonderful family of friends that had gathered at his table. As each of them exchanged their morning greetings, Lucinda and Bella, the beautiful and charming Spanish maids began setting the table with the feast that Maria and Lupita had spent the better part of the morning preparing. The reactions by each of them as the dishes were being brought to the table was everything Ben had hoped for when he laid out the menu for Marla the night before.
“Simply amazing” said Colt, as he immediately reached for the steak tortilla's and hot sauce.
“You've gone above and beyond daddy”, said Temperance. Pale Horse, not accustomed to such extravagances, naturally reached for the bacon strips and biscuits.
“Now Pale Horse, you can eat bacon & biscuits everyday if you've a mind to, but you're gonna try something different if I have anything to say about it”, said Temperance, as she began piling servings of everything else on the menu onto his plate. The 5 of them enjoyed their breakfast, and after they finished and were walking into the den, Ben told Temperance and Winter Crow that He, Colt, and Pale Horse were going hunting down in the valley, and that they would return before sunset. “Alright Daddy,” she replied, as she continued,
“Winter Crow and I are going riding this afternoon, we'll see ya'll when you get home”. Pale Horse, always the protective brother, spoke up and said, “Temperance July, I would prefer the both of you stayed on the ranch, being that Winter Crow is Comanche, and will no doubt be harassed by idiots and fools alike should you go into town”.
“That's fine, there's a thousand acres of beautiful rolling hills and green valleys to see right here”, she answered, knowing that he was right, neither of them wanting anything unpleasant to happen their sister. He bent down and kissed the both of them, and walked out on the terrace where Colt and Ben were talking about the hunting trip to come, and enjoying a cigar.
“Well boys, I'm ready if you are”, he said, anxious to get out in the wilderness again and do some hunting.
“Sounds good to me”, said Colt as he stood up and reached down to give Ben a hand.
“I've already sent for our horses, they should be out front when we're ready to leave”, said Ben, as the three of them walked back into the game room. Reaching into the side-drawer of the massive oak desk that sat alongside the fireplace, Ben took out the keys needed to open the cabinet that held his rifles, shot-guns and handguns.
“Ya'll take whatever you feel like hunting with, the ammunition is in that top drawer”, he said, pointing to the drawer just below the beautiful etched glass that boldly displayed his proud collection. As he reached for the Winchester rifle that was his favorite, Colt reached into the gun cabinet and drew out a 12gauge Greener shotgun,
“I hope to bag something today, it's been awhile since I've been hunting.” Pale Horse stood back and watched as his friends readied themselves with their weapons of choice, not choosing anything for himself. Noticing that his friend hadn't chosen anything, Ben asked,
“Aren't you going to hunt, Pale Horse”? Before he could respond, Colt looked at Ben and said with a chuckle,
“Pale Horse has his long rifle with him, I have no doubt.”
“That's right Colt, she's strapped on my saddle, and sure to bring down anything I set her sights on.” There was no arguing that point, even in jest, for both men had seen him more than once cock the hammer back on that rifle and drop a man, elk and deer sure to escape had it not been for the dead-eye accuracy of their friend and the very rifle of which they spoke.
“Seems unfair when you think about it”, laughed Pale Horse, each of them knowing that the mountaineer was twice the hunter and marksman than themselves.
“Keep bragging, the day is young and the hunt has only begun, we'll see who has the last laugh when the day is through,” laughed Colt as he mounted his horse, ready to begin the friendly competition among friends. Pale Horse, now on Spirit, reached back, and while patting the weathered, red oak stock of the aforementioned rifle, teasingly said aloud,
“Yes we will Colt, yes we will.” The lighthearted conversation and joking went on and on between them as they rode together towards the woods that were just a few miles away from the West side of the Double R.
“So, would anyone like to place a friendly wager on who bags the first game”?, asked Ben, confident that he would do so, being that these were the very woods that he hunted in weekly.
“I'll take a piece of that action”, replied Colt, as he looked over to Pale Horse, awaiting his response. Pale Horse asked Ben what he had in mind. After a moment of thought, Ben spoke up and said,
“The other two have to take turns keeping the victor's glass filled with ice and whiskey throughout the evening, and listen closely with feigned but sincere admiration as he brags of his trophy.” They all burst out laughing at the thought, and happily agreed to the terms as they made their way for the woods. Soon after, the frivolity and conversation began to die down as they were approaching the outer edge of the forest.
While the other two were spread out 50 yards or so away from him, Pale Horse had positioned himself on the far left, hoping this would be the place to make the first kill. Within minutes, with the keen survival skills and senses of an Indian hunter and a seasoned mountaineer both, he noticed a slight movement to the left of him. With the moment of silence that filled his mind, and the years of experience to guide his hand, he slowly withdrew his long rifle from the leather worn sheath, and gently pulling the hammer back, assured that he wouldn't once have to walk to the bar to refill his drinks on this evening. Upon hearing the familiar booming crack of the 50gauge his friend carried, and knowing that he never missed, Colt exclaimed aloud, “Damn Pale-Faced half-breed sons-a-bitch!” Ben was laughing hard and loud at the outburst of sheer frustration by his friend, when a wild pheasant broke from the tall prairie grass and made for the clearing. Always prepared and quick to the draw, he raised his Winchester and swiftly dropped his fleeing prey to the ground as quickly as it had taken off. Seeing Ben's pheasant as it dropped, and making his way over to the deer that Pale Horse had shot, Colt shook his head with disbelief at the misfortune that was solely his for the moment.
“That'll be Irish Jacks and 3 pieces of ice”, said Pale Horse, laughing as he slid off of Spirit to examine his prey.
“Yeah, Yeah, Yeah”, said Colt, as he himself dismounted to help his friend saddle the deer for the rest of the trip. As the three of them continued their hunt, with nothing but bad luck to follow the shamed Mathews, the sun began to wane and cast it's shadows through thickened trees, letting them know that the day was drawing to a close, and they needed to head back to the ranch.
Walking in the front door, Ben had the sense that something was awry, and the others could feel it too.
“Temperance July”!, exclaimed Ben, as she was the first thing that came to his mind.
“Winter Crow”?, shouted Pale Horse, knowing that the two of them were together, wherever they were. Ben shouted for Marla. When she heard this from the kitchen, sensing the desperation in his voice, she quickly made her way into the foyer to see what he wanted.
“Have you seen the girls today”?
“Not since this afternoon when they went riding, sir” replied Marla, sensing the anxious tone of her boss and beginning to get worried at the thought of something happening to her as well.
“Maybe they just haven't made it back yet,” said Colt, trying to calm the situation and see clearly for the lot of them.
“She has never been out riding this late, she knows my feelings on her being caught in the darkness and not being home before the sun sets”, replied Ben, knowing that something was definitely wrong. Pale Horse spoke up,
“They promised they would stay on the ranch, so lets take a ride and see if we can find them.” Without saying another word, the 3 of them quickly returned to their horses. Just as Ben started to turn his horse away from the house, he looked up and saw a
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