» Fiction » Mysteries and Suspense Short Stories Collection, Tamikio L. Reardon [love novels in english .txt] 📗

Book online «Mysteries and Suspense Short Stories Collection, Tamikio L. Reardon [love novels in english .txt] 📗». Author Tamikio L. Reardon

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the end of the block. Only to find there was no house at the end of the block, in fact there was nothing there but a big vacant lot. I turned to look at Mrs. Johnson….she was gone and so was the surroundings in the entire house as if no one ever lived here in nearly fourteen years. I had just come to the realization that there never was a house at the end of the block in all the two weeks I have been in this neighborhood.












The Ocean, Sand and the Mist: Silent Whisper












The Ocean, Sand and the Mist

Chapter 1

By Tamikio l. Reardon


The beach was kind of chilly outside the back of my house; the wind was light, but yet very fierce. I enjoyed feeling the grainy sand between my toes and hearing the rush of water further out into the ocean. It was getting half past dark and I refuse to go inside to the warmth of the house. Each time I came out to enjoy the ocean and the sand I knew I was not alone out here. There was a lunch patio, a garden, a pool on the other side and small area where people could sit and watch the ocean. I enjoyed neither of those I just loved to dance in the sand and hear the ocean. The ocean belonged to someone else which is why I never felt alone out alone out here. Finally I decided to side down in the area and watch the ocean as I have never sat here before. I could feel the mist beside me as I always have when I would dance in front of the ocean with the sand between my toes. It was getting even more chiller inside the sitting area I turned left and begin to stare at myself as I did I burst into tears. “How could I let this happen?”” I could have done more”. Weeping mournfully, I got up from the area as I could feel the cold mist leaving with me. The sobbing became loudly as if there was someone else beside me crying. Still I just refuse to go inside the house I could just live out here beside the ocean. I had no reason to be inside with the warm and comfort of my home. Walking over to the garden it was early November and all contents of the garden was dead. On the other side of the garden as it has always been for the last two years there sat the implanted homemade cross planted there. Kneeling down beside it I can still see the name engraved on the cross. “Elizabeth Anne Hadley” on the other side of the cross next to it was another cross….that has never been there before. I moved over closer to read engraving on that cross, “Eliza Marie Hadley”. I stood quickly from both of the crosses and looked out into the ocean. As I stood I could feel the mist standing beside me again I looked at myself and smiled sadly. I come to realization that my twin sister and I will never leave the ocean and the sand as we have died here two years ago.









The Shadow: A Man’s Worst Enemy








The Shadow

Chapter 1

By Tamikio L. Reardon


I had kind of a long walk home and I had all time in the world. It was a dark, windy night and the wind was howling, I was not scared at all. The streets were empty very little people out on a Monday night it’s usually that way. It was time for me to get off work and go home, but I really didn’t feel like going there tonight I hate going home to a lonesome apartment and room. What did proceed to bother me was how quite the streets were that’s another thing I hated. The wind continued to whistle and howl against the steel of the night, old newspapers and cans rattled against rackety garbage cans in the alley. Suddenly the lights from the sidewalk became inviting to me as I started to enter the alley, but I had to take this way home was the quickest route.


After a few steps entering into the alley, I could feel someone following me. I was not going to stop nor turn around to see who it was I was just going to continue part way into the alley. I held my breath as I walked to try to listen to the steady pace of the person walking behind me. It seems this person had the same exact pace I did which was more frightening. I began to walk faster into the alley as I didn’t like the person behind me following me. Finally I came to an intersection to cross the street from the alley there was light I then would turn around to see to see who was following me. As I approached the sidewalk where there was light, cars and pedestrians, I turned swiftly to see the person following me. With my mouth wide open I stood there in shock…….and saw nobody behind me. Feeling relived I turned to walk towards the other half of the alley this time even faster I really wanted to get home now.

Half way across the alley again I started to hear the person walking behind me. I was getting really scared. Of course they would not let me see them following me in the light of the intersection of busy streets and cars. Drawing in a deep breath, I stopped and turned around…”Hay who’s there?” Again I saw nobody. Boy was this person fast and quick to get away out of sight, but how can this be? I heard no noise, no footsteps, no stumbling to hide behind garbage cans or anything it’s like the person is a ghost. Again I turned and started walking to the other end of the alley I had to hurry and get home this person following me was getting more annoying by the minute. I started a faster pace and so did the person behind me.


I started jogging and then I begin to run. Unbelievable the person following me still kept up pace following me this person seems to be a real nutcase I knew then it was time for me to get home and fast! I ran even faster and this time ignoring the person behind me I felt my life was in danger now. What was even stranger was that the person following was so quite I could still hear a pin drop I could not even hear them breathing. Just two more blocks and I would be to my apartment and room. Again it was time for me to cross the lights, cars and pedestrians. I stopped at the end of the alley where there was light still no vision of the person following me. I didn’t even know if it was a man or woman. I was too tired to keep running the one last block through the alley I just walked a faster pace……and another thing I noticed that was weird about the person following me? No matter what pace I choose to take they never did catch up with me, say a word or even touched me! This was getting scarier with each block I got too! Finally I had one more block passing the last intersection at the end of the alley.


This time I had enough strength to run the rest of the way to my apartment and room. The person was still following me as if they had nowhere else to be. Finally I made it to the big huge apartment building where I lived and went to the back door leading from the alley. I ran inside peeking back through the window making sure the person did not follow me into the building. Still I saw no sign of anyone. Someone put their and on my shoulder, startled I turned and jumped back. “Mr. Almery where have you been we have been looking all over for you” I was speechless didn’t know what to say….”I hope you were not outside in the alley again you know you are not supposed to leave this building without our permission”. I looked at the man dressed in white doctors uniform not understand what he meant. I turned again and pointed my finger to the window “But there was someone following me five blocks I could not find or see the person I was afraid.” The man in the doctor’s uniform had already turned grabbing my hand to lead me down a very clean and shiny white hallway. As he walked and grabbed my hand leading down the hallway he said “Mr. Almery are we talking about your shadow again?” This time I turned to look behind me I could hear and see the person now following me in the building. It was my very own shadow. “We forgot to give you your medication for today, but we could not find you earlier”. As I passed a blackboard with some writing and names on it I read the title listed about the names on the blackboard. The title read “Grandham Asylum” and my name Gerald Almery was the 29th patient on the list.





The Reject Society: Dying To Fit In











The Reject Society

Chapter 1

By Tamikio L. Reardon


Being in Capers Valley for almost a year now I still have not met all the other students yet in high school. This was my last year as a senior to graduate I feel I should have known over half the school by now. It seems I have finally gotten over my suicidal depression and I’m fit to live with the society. I have been dating Francetta Jackson for over a year now and I’m starting to fall in love with her. I grabbed my back pack and left school this morning early as it is Friday and I’m happy about the weekend. I plan on having a good day.


Parking my car in the back of the school parking lot, I looked up and saw Francetta coming towards me. We had already made plans to skip fifth hour today and go Joe’s Pizza Hut for a slice of pizza and a coke. Joe’s Pizza Hut was the most popular place in town an all the high school kids hung out there skipping school on whatever period of class they hated. Francetta came up to me and gave me a big bear hug and I kissed her back on the lips. As leaned over in the car to grab my back pack, looking through passenger window on the other side of my car, I saw the weird group of teenagers standing over by the football field against the light pole staring Francetta and I. Getting nervous as I always did when I saw them, I quickly grabbed back pack avoiding eye contact with them and walked Francetta to her class.

Getting ready to leave for fifth period I can’t believe that I avoided them for over year. Francetta and her twin sister was very much serious about me not getting involve with that group, but now that I think about it Francetta is kind of bossy I’m new here and I do want to meet as many of the others as I can. I just decided there has been a change of plans with Francetta and me for the day. Suddenly I was not feeling so well. I waited for Francetta in front of the school front door. I could see her bouncing towards me in the crowded hall way. She came up and grabbed me around my waist with another deep kiss of the day. “Francetta,

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