» Fiction » The Diary of Jerrod Bently, J.W. Osborn [the false prince series TXT] 📗

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and oiled and around his neck he wore a bolo trimmed in silver and turquoise. He was a very handsome man, his white hair trimmed and beard neatly clipped. He smiled when he recalled how his wife had winked at him and told him so.
“She’s happy,” he said breaking the silence between him and the old man. “And I am very glad to know that,” he added reflectively “But all morning I’ve been thinking about the past, seeing her as a baby in Sarah’s arms and how Joe was so thrilled that their second child was a little girl. I saw her as dirty faced little warrior on her first pony. We watched her grow up and now we give her away.”
Silently Scrub Pot continued to gaze out of the window watching people still arriving and listening to Doc. “I dreamed about her Pa last night,” Doc continued quietly “It should have been Joe taking her to her husband today, not me.”
“But you will do as he would have done for you if the roles had been reversed Elliott,” Scrub Pot said. “My son died a Christian man. He is in Heaven watching his daughter as he always has.”
“I know,” Doc replied “Just wish that Joe was here to see his children and to walk Sam down the isle. But in just a few minutes, it will be me who does that honor.”
“It is as it should be,” the old man replied a he turned to pick up his books. The parlor door opened and in walked Brian Dodge and Jerrod Bently. “Well, gentlemen,” Scrub Pot said “Shall we go out?”
Doc heard his wife call to him. “I think the ladies are ready,” he said.
Essie, dressed in green came down the stairs, carrying a bouquet of wild flowers. Victoria was right behind her in that lovely blue dress, she carried the same wild flowers, blue bells and Indian paint brushes. She smiled at Doc as he stood by foot of the stairs.
Now those ladies looked beautiful, there was no doubt about that, and there I was with Brian waiting in the parlor and hoping I’d see Sam, but I was ushered outside before I could catch even a glimpse of her and found myself standing under the trees in the front of the house with Scrub Pot and Brian. So there we were, waiting while Scrub Pot opened his book. The guests were all talking in hushed tones, I saw Aunt Lillie smiling that smug smile of hers and seated in the front row, dressed in a very formal, dark green ball gown, and I am not really sure what it was that she had on her head, but to me it looked like a bird cage and suddenly I wanted to laugh out loud.
Back inside Doc stood patiently looking up the stairs as Victoria and Essie waited by the door. Then she appeared at the top of the steps, dressed in her mother’s wedding dress and tall moccasins. Her long dark hair fell to her waist, loose and free with two strands of beads braided at the sides and down the back. A narrow beaded head band was across her forehead. She was more than beautiful, she was exquisite. This gutsy cowgirl wrangler had transformed into a true Native American princess and the sight of her brought tears to his eyes. She seemed to float as she walked down the stairs. Doc stared at her and reached up to remove his hat out of respect. Sam raised her hand, “No,” she said “When I see you in my memories past and present, you have your hat on. Please wear it. “ He nodded as she walked down the stairs. “You are beautiful, honey girl,’ he whispered as he kissed her gently on the cheek. Tears were in her eyes as she looked back at him “I love you Uncle Elliot, “ she said. He offered her his arm, “I love you too, Sam,” he said with a sniff.
Essie walked out first, alone and smiling as the guests fell silent and watching as she took her place to the left of where we stood. At first Lillie Stevens-Black might have thought her eyes were deceiving her as Essie passed her, but then they narrowed. Brian gave her a warning look and she looked away. Then Victoria walked out, looking elegant and radiant. She smiled at Lille Stevens-Black as she passed her, trying to ignore that hat she had on and not laugh.
Then, everyone stood up when Sam and Doc appeared on the front step. She was breathtaking and I had never seen her look so beautiful in that white doeskin dress. She was proud of who she was and it showed. I was overcome as I watched her walk toward me, arm in arm with Doc. She was like a vision in a dream too beautiful to be real. “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?” Scrub Pot asked.
“Victoria and I,” Doc responded proudly “For Sarah and Joseph.” The groan in the background was not really noticed as Lillie Stevens- Black seemed to faint dead away in her chair. When Doc put Sam’s hand in mine, I felt the warmth and knew it wasn’t a dream. She smiled up at me and I thanked God for this moment. Doc took two steps back and seated himself next to Wolf Standing. Scrub Pot began the wedding service in his quiet eloquent way. Tears were on Sam’s cheeks when she made her vows to me and she reached up and wiped mine away with her delicate touch as I vowed to love, honor and forsake all others. Then Scrub Pot asked for the ring. Brian handed it to him. He blessed it and then handed that plain gold band to me. Sam looked at it and smiled, she knew the significance of having it returned to her. “With this ring, I thee wed, “ I said as I slipped it on her finger , unable to take my eyes off her as she spoke the same vow, never releasing my hand.. “I would remember how she looked up at me for the rest of my days.
“I now pronounce that Samantha Ann Dodge and Jerrod Adam Bently are husband and wife.” Scrub Pot paused and grinned a wide happy grin. “Jerrod,” he said “You may now kiss your bride.” and I did, long and passionately as I had wanted to for a while to the rousing cheers and out pouring of good wishes and congratulations.
“I now present to you all,” Scrub Pot said as he closed his book “Mr. And Mrs. Jerrod Adam Bently.” I put my arms around Sam and pulled her close, feeling the stays under the dress she wore. I kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear. “What are you wearing under that?” I asked. She looked up at me and blushed, then giggled “That is for me to know and you to find out.”
Victoria and Doc were the first to congratulate us and Brian had gone to get water for Aunt Lillie, who was still in her chair and coming around. I was not sure she had really fainted , but it did not matter. The music was starting and the celebration began.

The resurrection OF Joe Dodge

Lillie Stevens-Black might never get over seeing Sam walking down the front steps of the ranch house, wearing the beautiful white doeskin wedding dress. All the fancy fluff and veils Lillie brought from Philadelphia lay on the bed in Sam’s room as our wedding guests marveled at the exquisite bead work trim on her traditional Blackfoot wedding dress that had been worn by Alice Marley and Sarah Stevens , Sam’s grandmother and mother. The wedding was joyful and the reception filled with fellowship , good food , music, dancing and a three tier wedding cake baked by Victoria Stevens herself. Mr. and Mrs. Jerrod Bently, just married. From the paddock Trouble whinnied and snorted, telling all that he had a bride too. Desert Rose ignored him and continued to dine on the hay she had been given after her hard and fast ride to get Sam’s wedding dress to her in time.
It was the ragged stranger , slumped over and barely holding to the saddle on the back of a poor looking paint horse, that drew my attention away from my beautiful bride. Doc had noticed him too and today, he was not wearing his gun. Leaving Sam in the company of Essie, Victoria and several of her friends, I walked up to the man, and looked up into his sadly blank face. “Howdy Mister,” I said. He did not respond right away, just looked around himself as though trying to recognize where he was.
“Water,” he said “My horse needs water.”
“Over by the corral,” I replied “Take all you need.” Suddenly the man , who appeared to be half Indian, seemed overwhelmed by something unseen and uttered words in the language I’d heard Scrub Pot and Sam speak many times. That was when he slid from his saddle and hit the ground hard. The wedding guests did not seem to notice, as the celebration went on. Sam was surrounded by her friends, drovers , their wives and sweet hearts and was unaware of the stranger’s arrival. Suddenly Scrub Pot and Doc were at my side, trying to help the man who had fallen from the back of his horse.
“Go back to your wife,” Doc ordered “I will take care of this.” I rose and stepped back as the stranger opened his eyes. Scrub Pot went to his knees beside him. I saw a look of horror on his face, and then tears began to flow down his weathered cheeks, his mouth moved , but no words came. “My God!,” Scrub Pot breathed in utter disbelief, “It’s Joseph!.”
Suddenly the man was in the arms of the old Indian and he rocked him like a child, “My son. My son,” he wept, “Praise God.” As stunned as he was by Scrub Pot’s words, Doc got water for the man, and gently held the dipper to his dry lips for him to drink.
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