» Fiction » IBO, Brian R. Lundin [the ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «IBO, Brian R. Lundin [the ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Brian R. Lundin

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more radical than the camps,” Lorine said.
“Yes, I agree, I feel the same way too. What you think it is?”
“I don’t know, but he’s a history buff and he seems fascinated with Hitler and the Nazis, Lorine answered wiping away tears.
Later that morning, the vice-president invited Lorine to lunch. This was an unusual invitation, Lorine thought and they agree to meet at 2:00 pm at a quiet restaurant in downtown Washington.
When Lorine arrived, the vice-president was seated in at a table in the rear of the room. His Secret Service Agents were seated at table on both sides of him but out of earshot.
“Thank you for coming, Mrs. Barnes,” the vice president said letting out her chair. “I requested this late lunch at this restaurant so we can talk privately and confidentially since both of our offices are wired.”
“What is this all about, sir?”
“I have decided to run for president and I would appreciate your support. As you know crime in the streets is our nation main concerned, the Re-Location Bill worked for a while, but all of the reports I have read indicates that crime and gang violence is nearly as bad as it was before the bill was passed. I have another solution in mind that some might say is very radical and it is. However, we are living in very radical and dangerous times and we must meet this radicalism with radicalism. I have assembled many of the leaders in the president’s cabinet and like you and me, they have all been personally affected by gang and drug violence and are concerned about the future of our country and how we can protect it.”
“What kind of solution do you have?”
“A total elimination of all blacks and Hispanics youngsters.”
“A what?” Lorine asked incredulously.
The vice-president repeated what he had said.
“Like I told the president, everything that Hitler and the Nazi party did to the European Jews was legal under German law. All we have to do is change the laws and convince the people that the new laws protect them. If we do not do something these gangbangers and drug dealers are going to destroy this great country.”
“That is a very radical solution, sir,” Lorine said trying to digest what the vice-president of the United States was suggesting.
“I know this is a lot for you to think about Mrs. Barnes and I am open to any suggestions you or anyone else has, think about it and we’ll talk again.”
Lorine walked back to her office in a daze as she thought about Warren’s solution, but as hard as she tried, she could not think of another solution to the gang and drug problem plaguing the country.
Chapter 56
Vice-President Warren, Jr. was incensed his plan was not working. Even with the camps overcrowded with the young blacks and Hispanics, and more arriving every day, crime and street violence was continuing to rise.
Vice President Warren intensified his crusade against the gangs and drug dealers, but he had another solution in mind to permanently eliminate the minority gangs and drug dealers, he was just waiting for the proper time. It was time for another meeting with his men.
The Vice-President arrived at the Trump Towers in Atlantic City at 6:00 am, three hours before the meeting with his group was to begin. He had reserved the large conference room for his meeting. The vice-president removed his suit coat and lay on the over-sized couch. He closed his eyes and saw the look on his mother’s face as she laid dying in the street. He thought of his father and how strong he was and always there to give him counsel and guidance, two lives snuffed out by gang-bangers for no reason, but they will pay, they will pay he muttered silently.
At 8:00, the members of his group started to arrive. Hotel waiters had set up urns of steaming hot coffee and tea. Delicate pastries and fruit dishes had been artfully arranged on the serving table.
“Gentlemen, thank you for coming.”
The men all took seats around the massive conference table.

“Unfortunately the Re-Location Bill has failed to stop the drug and gang violence in our streets. Everyday increasingly young people are being sent to the various camps, but it has not stemmed the flow of the drug Ibo. The costs of building, staffing and maintaining these camps are a drain on our national budget. Money that could be spent on education and other things are being drained into this bottomless pit for these gangbangers and drug dealers, something has to be done and quickly. Now younger and older blacks and Hispanics are taking over the distribution of the drug market.
According to reports I have received from the various federal, state and local law-enforcement agencies, this illegal sale of drugs has become a multi-million dollar a month industry. Due to the large sums of money generated, many of our politicians, police officers, judges and businesspersons are corrupted. We must not forget whom we are dealing with, these are the scum of the earth, maggots that have crawled their way into our society and are slowly destroying it. It is time for more dramatic and forceful action. Are there any suggestions?”
As usual Mark Hill, the Director of the FBI Gang Task Force was the first to speak.
“I suggest we strengthen the law, make drug dealing a capital offense, punishable by the death penalty.”
“I don’t think these thugs give a damn about living or dying or going to jail,” Donald Douglas, the Director of the new cabinet position the Safe Streets Agency replied
“I suggest we put all the gang bangers and dope dealer, no matter what age they are on a space ship and jettison their little asses into space,” Dennis Williams, the Director of the Astro-Physicist Department said smiling.
They all laughed.
“Nazi Germany had a situation that was similar to ours. The Jews controlled Germany; they were the bankers, businessmen and big money men. There is a school of thought that it was the Jews that sold Germany out in the First World War. Hitler realized that something had to be done to save his country and we all know what he did. Was it ethical, was it morally correct, maybe not, but he acted decisively and aggressively against what he considered enemies of the people, and what is surprising is that he didn’t get much opposition from not only the German people but the rest of the world either. Shiploads of Jews trying to escape Hitler’s persecution were turned back. The United States, England and many other countries refused to allow the refuges from German to enter the country. He had a final solution to his problem and we must find our final solution. Let us look at what we have tried to do in this struggle with the terrorist; these are the essential points;

a) Pasted federal laws mandating the relocation of black and Hispanic gangbangers and dope dealers
b) Increased the penalties for drug dealing
c) Implemented drug and gang awareness programs in schools and in the media
However, none of these strategies has worked. We have to develop more strategies. This is what I suggest we think about:
a) Changing the age requirements for relocation. Currently it applies to black and Hispanics 18-25 years of age. I suggest we change it to 14- 35 years of age
b) Propose a federal law making gang affiliation and drug dealing a capital offense.
c) Sterilization of blacks and Hispanic women of childbearing age
d) Identify the source country of the new drug Ibo and take appropriate action, even if it involves military action or invasion of that country to bring the criminals to justice, the same way we did in Panama.
e) Total elimination or removal of young blacks and Hispanics from the United States
The Re-Location Bill I introduced worked for a while, street crime and violence was decreasing, but latest reports indicate that there has been a rise in the violence. I would appreciate it if all of you think of some plan for our final solution.”
“Sterilization is pretty extreme, don’t you think?” Dennis Williams asked, looking aghast.
“Maybe, but little dope dealers and gangbangers grow up to be big dope dealers and gangbangers,” Warren responded.
There was a sober silence in the room as the men drifted out wondering if the vice president was serious.

Chapter 57

“Your sister is on the phone,” Cinque told Malik as he and Askido was having breakfast on the balcony of their condominium in Nice, France, which overlooked the Mediterranean Sea.
“Hi big bro,” Joyce said.
“Whatsup, little sister, how’s the family?”
“Everyone’s fine, little Malik is growing like a weed and Naomi is looking more and more like moms, when she was straight. What I called you about is I heard from John, some military guys picked him up and they got him at an army base, he doesn’t know where. He also said to tell you that they are questioning him day and night about you will know what. He said they haven’t beaten him up or anything but they are pumping him with some kind of drugs to make him talk, please be careful, I love you, call me when you have time, bye.”
“Everything ok, baby?” Askido asked.
“I don’t know, some military type arrested John and probably giving him truth drugs to make him talk.”
“What can he tell them?” she asked.
“Not too much, because he don’t know that much,” Malik said.
“We could certainly use Eli now,” Askido said pouring him another glass of orange juice.
“Yep, we certainly could,” Malik, said sadly.
The following day Malik and Cinque flew to Chicago and met with Attorney Carl Weathersby, another Harvard Law School graduate whom he had met through Eli.
“I heard about Eli, that was too bad, he was a good guy,” Carl said sadly.
“Yes, he was,” Malik, responded.
“What can I do for you Malik?” Carl asked.
“My younger brother is being held by the government at an unknown army base, me and my sister is worried. We cannot find out where he is or the charges. We would like to know what’s happening, Malik continued.
“A military base, is he involved in some kind of terrorism?” Carl asked credulously.
“I doubt it,” Malik responded.
“I’ll see what I can find out, where can I contact you?”
“Well, I just flew into town and I haven’t got settled yet, l will call you in a couple of days.”
Malik and Cinque went to the Robert Taylor Homes. They were surprised at the changes; most of the buildings were boarded
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