» Fiction » Polly: A New-Fashioned Girl, L. T. Meade [unputdownable books txt] 📗

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I fetch you the flour and things from the store-room, Miss? Why, dear me, your cheeks has peonyed up wonderful. You’re new to it yet, Miss, but you’ll soon take it quiet-like. Cold bacon is a very nice breakfast for the ’all, Miss, and cooking butter’s all that servants is expected to eat of. Now shall I fetch you the flour and the roller, and the milk, Miss Polly?”

“Yes, get them,” said Polly. She felt decidedly annoyed and cross. “I wish you would not talk so much, Maggie,” she said, “go and fetch the materials for the hot cakes.”

“But I don’t know yet what I’m to get, Miss. Is it a dripping cake, or is it a cream cake, or is it a butter-and-egg cake? I’ll bring you things according, Miss Polly, if you’ll be so good as to instruct me.”

“Oh dear, oh dear,” said Polly, “you make my head go round, when you mention so many kinds of cake, Maggie. I really thought you knew something of cooking. I just want hot cakes. I don’t care what kind they are; oh, I suppose we had better have the richest to-day. Get the material for the butter-and-egg cake, Maggie, and do be quick.”

Thus admonished, Maggie did move off with a dubious look on her face in the direction of the store-room.

“She don’t know nothing, poor dear,” she said to herself; “she aims high—she’s eat up with ambition, but she don’t know nothing. It’s lucky we in the ’all is to have the cold bacon. I don’t know how to make a butter-and-egg hot cake—oh, my word, a fine scolding Mrs. Power will give us when she comes back.”

Here Maggie approached the store-room door. Then she uttered a loud and piercing exclamation and flew back to Polly.

“She’s gone and done us, Miss Polly,” she exclaimed. “She’s gone and done us! Cook’s off, and the key of the store-room in her pocket. There’s nothing for breakfast, Miss Polly—no eggs, no butter, no marmalade, no sugar, no nothing.”

Poor Polly’s rosy, little face turned white.

“It can’t be true,” she said. And she flew down the passage to the store-room herself. Alas! only to peep through the key-hole, for the inhospitable door was firmly locked, and nowhere could the key be discovered.


The first day of Polly’s housekeeping was long remembered in the household. In the first place, the breakfast, though fairly abundant, was plain. A large piece of cold bacon graced one end of the board, a brown loaf stood on a trencher in the center, and when Helen took her place opposite the tea-tray she found herself provided with plenty of milk and sugar, certainly, and a large tea-pot of strong tea, but the sugar was brown. No butter, no marmalade, no jams, no hot cakes, graced the board. The children spoke of the fare as severe, and the Doctor’s dark brown eyes twinkled as he helped his family to abundant slices of cold bacon.

“Not a word,” he said, in a loud aside to his boys and girls. “I did not think it was in Polly to be so sensible. Why, we shall get through indigestion week quite comfortably, if she provides us with plain, wholesome fare like this.”

Polly took her own place at the table rather late. Her cheeks were still peonyed, as Maggie expressed it, her eyes were downcast, her spirits were decidedly low, and she had a very small appetite.

After breakfast she beat a hasty retreat, and presently the boys rushed in in great excitement, to announce to Helen and Katie the interesting fact that Polly was walking across the fields accompanied by Maggie, each of them laden with a large market-basket.

“They are almost running, both of them,” exclaimed Bunny, “and pretty Poll is awful cross, for when we wanted to[Pg 37] go with her she just turned round and said we’d have a worse dinner than breakfast if we didn’t leave her alone.”

“We ran away quickly enough after that,” continued Bob, “for we didn’t want no more cold-bacon and no-butter meals. We had a nasty breakfast to-day, hadn’t we, Nell? And Poll is a bad housekeeper, isn’t she?”

“Oh, leave her alone, do,” said Helen. “She is trying her very best. Run out and play, boys, and don’t worry about the meals.”

The two boys, known in the family as “the scamps,” quickly took their departure, and Katie began to talk in her most grown-up manner to Helen. Katie was a demure little damsel, she was fond of using long words, and thought no one in the world like Helen, whom she copied in all particulars.

“Poll is too ambitious, and she’s sure to fail,” she began. But Helen shut her up.

“If Polly does fail, you’ll be dreadfully sorry, I’m sure, Katie,” she said. “I know I shall be sorry. It will make me quite unhappy, for I never saw any one take more pains about a thing than Polly has taken over her housekeeping. Yes, it will be very sad if Polly fails; but I don’t think she will, for she is really a most clever girl. Now, Katie, will you read your English History lesson aloud?”

Katie felt crushed. In her heart of hearts she thought even her beloved Helen a little too lenient.

“Never mind,” she said to herself, “won’t Dolly and Mabel have a fine gossip with me presently over the breakfast Polly gave us this morning.”

Meanwhile the anxious, small housekeeper was making her way as rapidly as possible in the direction of the village.

“We haven’t a minute to lose, Maggie,” she said, as they trudged along. “Can you remember the list of things I gave you to buy at the grocery shop? It is such a pity you can’t read, Maggie, for if you could I’d have written them down for you.”

“It wasn’t the Board’s fault, nor my mother’s,” answered Maggie, glibly. “It was all on account of my brain being made to fit on the top of a sixpence. Yes, Miss, I remembers the list, and I’ll go to Watson’s and the butcher’s while you runs on to the farm for the butter and eggs.”

“You have got to get ten things,” proceeded Polly; “don’t forget, ten things at the grocer’s. You had better say the list over to me.”

“All right, Miss Polly, ten; I can tick one off on each finger: white sugar, coffee, rice, marmalade, strawberry jam, apricot jam, mustard, pickles—is they mixed or plain, Miss Polly?—raisins, currants. There, Miss, I has them all as pat as possible.”

“Well, stop a minute,” said Polly. “I’m going to unlock my box now. Hold it for me, Maggie, while I open it. Here, I’m going to take half-a-sovereign out of the grocery division.[Pg 38] You must take this half-sovereign to Watson’s, and pay for the things. I have not an idea how much they cost, but I expect you’ll have a good lot of change to give me. After that, you are to go on to the butcher’s, and buy four pounds of beef-steak. Here is another half-sovereign that you will have to pay the butcher out of. Be sure you don’t mix the change, Maggie. Pop the butcher’s change into one pocket, and the grocer’s change into another. Now, do you know what we are going to have for dinner?”

“No, Miss, I’m sure I don’t. I expect it’ll sound big to begin with, and end small, same as the breakfast did. Why, Miss Polly, you didn’t think cold bacon good enough for the servants, and yet you set it down in the end afore your pa.”

Polly looked hard at Maggie. She suddenly began to think her not at all a nice girl.

“I was met by adversity,” she said. “It is wrong of you to speak to me in that tone, Maggie; Mrs. Power behaved very badly, and I could not help myself; but she need not think she is going to beat me, and whatever I suffer, I scorn to complain. To-night, after every one is in bed, I am going to make lots of pies and tarts, and cakes, and cheesecakes. You will have to help me; but we will talk of that by-and-by. Now, I want to speak about the dinner. It must be simple to-day. We will have a beef-steak pudding and pancakes. Do you know how to toss pancakes, Maggie?”

“Oh, lor’, Miss,” said Maggie, “I did always love to see mother at it. She used to toss ’em real beautiful, and I’m sure I could too. That’s a very nice dinner, Miss, ’olesome and good, and you’ll let me toss the pancakes, won’t you, Miss Polly?”

“Well, you may try, Maggie. But here we are at the village. Now, please, go as quickly as possible to Watson’s, and the butcher’s, and meet me at this stile in a quarter of an hour. Be very careful of the change, Maggie, and be sure you put the butcher’s in one pocket and the grocer’s in another. Don’t mix them—everything depends on your not mixing them, Maggie.”

The two girls parted, each going quickly in opposite directions. Polly had a successful time at the farm, and when she once again reached the turnstile her basket contained two dozen new-laid eggs, two or three pounds of delicious fresh butter, and a small jug of cream. The farmer’s wife, Mrs. White, had been very pleased to see her, and had complimented her on her discernment in choosing the butter and eggs. Her spirits were now once again excellent, and she began to forget the sore injury Mrs. Power had done her by locking the store-room door.

“It’s all lovely,” she said to herself; “it’s all turning out as pleasant as possible. The breakfast was nothing, they’d have forgotten the best breakfast by now, and they’ll have such a nice dinner. I can easily make a fruit tart for father, as well as the pancakes, and won’t he enjoy Mrs. White’s nice[Pg 39] cream? It was very good of her to give it to me; and it was very cheap, too—only eighteenpence. But, dear me, dear me, how I wish Maggie would come!”

There was no sign, however, of any stout, unwieldy young person walking down the narrow path which led to the stile. Strain her eyes as she would, Polly could not see any sign of Maggie approaching. She waited for another five minutes, and then decided to go home without her.

“For she may have gone round by the road,” she said to herself, “although it was very naughty of her if she did so, for I told her to be sure to meet me at the turnstile. Still I can’t wait for her any longer, for I must pick the fruit for my tart, and I ought to see that Alice is doing what I told her about the new curtains.”

Off trotted Polly with her heavy basket once again across the fields. It was a glorious September day, and the soft air fanned her cheeks and raised her already excited spirits. She felt more cheerful than she had done since her mother died, and many brilliant visions of hope filled her ambitious little head. Yes, father would see that he was right in trusting her; Nell would discover that there was no one so clever as Polly; Mrs. Power would cease to defy her; Alice would obey her cheerfully; in short, she would be the mainstay and prop of her family.

On her way through the kitchen-garden Polly picked up a number of fallen apples, and then she went quickly into the house, to be met on the threshold by Firefly.

“Oh, Poll Parrot, may I come down with you to the kitchen? I’d love to see you getting the dinner ready, and I could help, indeed I could. The others are all so cross; that is, all except Nell. Katie is in a temper, and so are Dolly and Mabel; but I stood up for you, Poll Parrot, for I said you didn’t mean to give us the very nastiest breakfast in the world. I said it was just because you weren’t experienced enough to know any better—that’s what I said, Poll.”

“Well, you made a great mistake then,” said Polly. “Not experienced, indeed! as if I didn’t know what a good breakfast was like. I had a misfortune; a dark deed was done, and I was the victim, but I scorn to complain, I let you all think as you like. No, you can’t come to the kitchen with me, Firefly; it isn’t a fit place for children. Run away now, do.”

Poor Fly’s small face grew longing and pathetic, but Polly was obdurate.

“I can’t have children about,” she said to herself, and soon she was busy peeling her apples and

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