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rently in token of approval and assent to all this, and bent an inquisitorial interrogative gaze upon his visitor."I have come to trouble you a second time, Krestyan Ivanovitch," began Mr. Golyadkin, with a smile, "and now I venture to ask your indulgence a second time...." He was obviously at a loss for words. "H'm... Yes!" pronounced Krestyan Ivanovitch, puffing out a spiral of smoke and putting down his cigar on the table, "but you must follow the treatment

o go to such lengths, and I also hate you and stillmore--because you are so necessary to me. For the time being Iwant you, so I must keep you."Then she made a movement to rise. Her tone had sounded veryangry. Indeed, of late her talks with me had invariably ended ona note of temper and irritation--yes, of real temper. "May I ask you who is this Mlle. Blanche?" I inquired (since Idid not wish Polina to depart without an explanation). "You KNOW who she is--just Mlle. Blanche.

and; his face expressed horror and disgust, yet there was in it also the mark of imperious command and confident power. The left half of the picture was the strangest, however. The interest plainly centred there.On the pavement before the throne were grouped four soldiers, surrounding a crouching figure which must be described in a moment. A fifth soldier lay dead on the pavement, his neck distorted, and his eye-balls starting from his head. The four surrounding guards were looking at the King.

ttered nerves, Professor Maxon sailed with his daughter for a long ocean voyage, which he hoped would aid him in rapid recuperation, and permit him to forget the nightmare memory of those three horrible days and nights in his workshop.He believed that he had reached an unalterable decision never again to meddle with the mighty, awe inspiring secrets of creation; but with returning health and balance he found himself viewing his recent triumph with feelings of renewed hope and anticipation. The

rshes of Sonaput.THIS Uninhabited Island Is off Cape Gardafui, By the Beaches of Socotra And the Pink Arabian Sea: But it's hot--too hot from Suez For the likes of you and me Ever to go In a P. and 0. And call on the Cake-Parsee! HOW THE LEOPARD GOT HIS SPOTS IN the days when everybody started fair, Best Beloved, the Leopard lived in a place called the High Veldt. 'Member it wasn't the Low Veldt, or the Bush Veldt, or the Sour Veldt, but the 'sclusively bare, hot, shiny High Veldt, where there

up all these years to get his crown, and everything!"And wise people shook their heads and foretold a decline in the National Love of Sport. And, indeed, soccer was not at all popular for some time afterward. Lionel did his best to be a good King during the week, and the people were beginning to forgive him for letting the Dragon out of the book. "After all," they said, "soccer is a dangerous game, and perhaps it is wise to discourage it." Popular opinion held that the

te unconstrained and careless, danced in the freedom andgaiety of their hearts.If there were no such thing as display in the world, my privateopinion is, and I hope you agree with me, that we might get on agreat deal better than we do, and might be infinitely moreagreeable company than we are. It was charming to see how thesegirls danced. They had no spectators but the apple-pickers on theladders. They were very glad to please them, but they danced toplease themselves (or at least you would

do it; the result was the Jalaliera (so called from Jalal-ud-din, one of the king's names)--'acomputation of time,' says Gibbon, 'which surpasses the Julian, andapproaches the accuracy of the Gregorian style.' He is also theauthor of some astronomical tables, entitled 'Ziji-Malikshahi,' andthe French have lately republished and translated an Arabic Treatiseof his on Algebra."His Takhallus or poetical name (Khayyam) signifies a Tent-maker, andhe is said to have at one time exercised that

e was roused from her forgetfulness, by the sound of the castleclock, which struck one. Surprised at the lateness of the hour, sherose in haste, and was moving to her chamber, when the beauty of thenight attracted her to the window. She opened it; and observing a fineeffect of moonlight upon the dark woods, leaned forwards. In thatsituation she had not long remained, when she perceived a lightfaintly flash through a casement in the uninhabited part of thecastle. A sudden tremor seized her, and

it, likewise, if the daughter-in-law [7] of the Rajah's house had left its seclusion. She was even prepared for this happening. But I did not consider it important enough to give her the pain of it. I have read in books that we are called "caged birds". I cannot speak for others, but I had so much in this cage of mine that there was not room for it in the universe--at least that is what I then felt.The grandmother, in her old age, was very fond of me. At the bottom of her fondness was