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oking for them here."March thought of asking him what he was looking for; but, feeling unequalto a technical discussion at least as deep as the deep-sea fishes,he returned to more ordinary topics. "Delightful sort of hole this is," he said. "This little delland river here. It's like those places Stevenson talks about,where something ought to happen." "I know," answered the other. "I think it's because the place itself,so to speak, seems to happen and not

hey had refused to execute her wicked commands. Thesegentle spirits were ever after obedient to the will of Prospero.Of these Ariel was the chief.The lively little sprite Ariel had nothing mischievous in hisnature, except that he took rather too much pleasure intormenting an ugly monster called Caliban, for be owed him agrudge because he was the son of his old enemy Sycorax. ThisCaliban, Prospero found in the woods, a strange misshapen thing,far less human in form than an ape: he took him home

and timid!"I liked his spirit. "One day we shall be lions and eagles and bold prophets! Then our tongue shall taste much beside India and Cathay!" "Well, I hope it," he said. "Mice running under the headlands." He fell silent, cherishing his knees and staring into the fire. It was not Juan Lepe's place to talk when master merchant talked not. I, too, regarded the fire, and the herded mountains robed in night, and the half-moon like a sail rising from an

of it to him too, for he had the pleasure of thinking of it all his life long, and of being envied and courted by all his family besides.' And Ralph always wound up these mental soliloquies by arriving at the conclusion, that there was nothing like money.Not confining himself to theory, or permitting his faculties to rust, even at that early age, in mere abstract speculations, this promising lad commenced usurer on a limited scale at school; putting out at good interest a small capital of

and the villainy which rendered us more than ever impatient of delay. In my fly-blown blankets I dreamt of London until I hankered after my chambers and my club more than after much fine gold. Never shall I forget my first hot bath on getting back to Melbourne; it cost five shillings, but it was worth five pounds, and is altogether my pleasantest reminiscence of Australia.There was, however, one slice of luck in store for me. I found the dear old Lady Jermyn on the very eve of sailing, with a

o immediately fell to talking again and finally, with his head tipped back, sniffed the air in the direction of the tree above them and then suddenly pointing toward the carcass of Bara, the deer, he touched his stomach in a sign language which even the densest might interpret. With a wave of his hand Tarzan invited his guest to partake of the remains of his savage repast, and the other, leaping nimbly as a little monkey to the lower branches of the tree, made his way quickly to the flesh,

. He wore a faded blue sweater, ragged with dirt, and short pants. His hair was long and matted. Brown hair. It hung over his face and around his ears. He held something in his arms."What's that you have?" Hendricks said sharply. The boy held it out. It was a toy, a bear. A teddy bear. The boy's eyes were large, but without expression. Hendricks relaxed. "I don't want it. Keep it." The boy hugged the bear again. "Where do you live?" Hendricks said. "In

among the bracken but a few paces apart.'What beast wouldst thou slay?' cried Deirdre, affrighted. 'It was no beast,' said Nathos, 'but yonder among the bracken lieth a deadman, if my javelin missed not its mark.' In fear and wonder Deirdre ran to the spot. No man lay there, but she sawon the bracken the form of a crouching man. She saw, too, the tracks thatmarked his escape. Nathos followed her, and stooped to take his javelin from the ground. Andthere, beside it, lay a wooden-hilted knife.

the heaven, the embodiment of light, heat, and the breath of life, produced offspring who were of a much less material nature than his son Oceanus. These other children of his were supposed to occupy the intermediate space which divided him from Gæa. Nearest to Uranus, and just beneath him, came Aether (Ether), a bright creation representing that highly rarified atmosphere which immortals alone could breathe. Then followed Aër (Air), which was in close proximity to Gæa, and represented, as its

m 295 416. Zeugma 295 417. Pros to semainomenon 296 418. Apposition 296 419. Collectiveness 297 420. Reduction 297 421. Determination of part of speech 298 422-424. Convertibility 298, 299 425. The Blacks of Africa 299 426. None of your ifs 300 427. Convertible words numerous in English 300 CHAPTER II. SYNTAX OF SUBSTANTIVES. 428. Rundell and Bridge's 301 429. Right and left 301 CHAPTER III. SYNTAX OF ADJECTIVES. 430. Pleonasm 302 431. Collocation 302 432. Government 302 433. More wise, wiser