Genre Fiction. Page - 532
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Marvin Fuster has died and gone to Heaven alongside his friend Anselm the angel. Back on earth, John Delilah has married Amy and wins the governorship, moving the state forward with enlightened leadership. They have two children; Maribeth Ann and Marvin James. Maribeth de Torres, nee Harris, has buried two men she loved; Marvin the wacky bum turned scientific genius, and Robert, the head servant at the Governor’s Mansion. She meets a young author, Antonio de Torres, while attending classes at
This is a story of an Indian boys who pursues engineering and struggles for getting job. He unfortunately encounters a company which selects him giving him offer letter. He become very happy. But then one day he was informed that the company he was selected was a fake one which takes away his money. These are just random pages of my book.