» Games » Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium, Jessie Hubbell Bancroft [best books to read for knowledge txt] 📗

Book online «Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium, Jessie Hubbell Bancroft [best books to read for knowledge txt] 📗». Author Jessie Hubbell Bancroft

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Hopping Relay Race, 106
Horns, 223
Hound and Rabbit, 107
How Many Miles to Babylon?, 108
How to teach Games, 27
Huckle, Buckle, Bean Stalk, 109
Hunt, The, 110
Hunt the Fox, 110
Hunt the Ring (see Find the Ring)
Hunt the Slipper, 111
Hunting, 267

Boys' and Girls' Summer Camps, 440
Children's Parties, 446
Country Clubs, 444
Elementary Schools, 427
Gymnasiums, 435
High Schools, 433
House Parties, 444
Large Numbers, 435
Playgrounds, 435
Elementary, 427
High, 433
Seashore, 449
Indian Club Race, 112
Initials, 224
Introduction, 1
I say, "Stoop!", 113
I Spy!, 113
Itisket, Itasket, 268

Jack be Nimble, 114
Jacob and Rachel, 115
Japanese Crab Race, 115
Japanese Tag, 116
Johnny ride a Pony, 116
Jumping Relay Race, 117
Jumping Rope, 117
Jumping Rope—I, small single rope, 118
Jumping Rope—II, one large rope, 119
Jumping Rope—III, two large ropes, 121
Jumping Rope—IV, large and small ropes, 121
Jump the Bean Bag, 311
Jump the Shot, 122

Kaleidoscope, 122
Keep Moving, 270
King of France, The, 273
Kitty White, 274

Lady of the Land, 123
Lame Fox and Chickens, 124
Last Couple Out, 125
Last Man, 126
Last Pair Pass (see Last Couple Out)
Leader and Footer, 127
Leaf by Leaf, 225
Leapfrog, 127
Leapfrog Games, 127
I. With one back:
Leader and Footer, 127
Leapfrog, 128
Leapfrog Race, 129
Par, 144
Spanish Fly, 182
II. With two or more backs:
Bung the Bucket, 57
Cavalry Drill, 62
Johnny ride a Pony, 116
Saddle the Nag, 171
Skin the Goat, 176
Leapfrog Race, 129
Leaves are Green, 276
Let the Feet go Tramp, 276
Letting out the Doves, 129
Line Ball, 384
Line Club Bowls (Double), 385
Line Club Bowls (Single), 386
Line Tag (see Maze Tag)
Line Zigzag—I, 421
Line Zigzag—II, 422
Line Zigzag—III, 423
Literary Lore, 225
London, 226
London Bridge, 278
Looby Loo, 280
Lost Child, 130

Management of Playgrounds, 26
Marking Grounds, 301
Master of the Ring, 131
Maze Tag, 131
Menagerie, 132
Midnight, 133
Minister's Cat, The, 227
Miscellaneous Active Games, 43
Moon and Morning Stars, 133
Mother, may I go out to Play?, 134
Mother, Mother, the Pot boils Over, 135
Mount Ball, 387
Muffin Man, 282
Mulberry Bush, 283
Music Box, 228
My Lady's Lap Dog, 228
My Lady's Toilet, 138

Naughts and Crosses, 229
Nimble Squirrel, 230
Nine-court Basket Ball, 388
Numbers Change, 139
(See also Exchange)
Nuts in May, 285

Oat Sack Games, 303
Oats, Peas, Beans, 287
Observation, 139
Odd Man's Cap, 140
Old Buzzard, 141
Old Man Tag, 142
Old Woman from the Wood, 143
Over and Under Relay, 392
Overhead Toss (Zigzag), 424
Overtake, 393
Oyster Shell, 143

Par, 144
Partner Tag, 145
Pass Ball Relay, 395
Pass and Toss Relay (Double Line), 314
Pass and Toss Relay (Single Line), 313
Passing Race, 312
Pebble Chase, 145
Pencil and Paper Games:
Author's Initials, 213
"B" game, 213
Bargain Counter, 214
Cake Sale, 216
Cat Party, 217
Crambo, 218
Initials, 224
Leaf by Leaf, 225
Literary Lore, 225
London, 226
Music Box, 228
Naughts and Crosses, 229
Penny Wise, 230
Planting a Garden, 231
Recognition, 233
Shakespearean Romance, 235
Sketches, 236
Tidbits Farmer, 237
Tip, Tap, Toe, 237
Woodland Lovers, 241
Penny Wise, 230
Pig in a Hole, 397
Pinch-o, 146
Pitch Pebble, 147
Planting a Garden, 231
Playgrounds, Management of, 26
Playing Values of Games, 8-29
Poison, 148
Poison Snake, 149
Pom Pom Pullaway, 149
Poor Pussy, 150
Potato Races, 151
Potato Race—I (individual competition), 151
Potato Race—II (team competition), 152
Potato Shuttle Relay, 154
Potato Spoon Race, 155
Preliminary Ball Drill (see Hand Ball Drill and Wall Ball Drill)
Prince of Paris, 232
Prisoner's Base, 156
Prisoner's Base—I, 157
Prisoner's Base—II, 158
Prisoner's Base—III, 159
Prisoner's Base—IV, 161
Prisoner's Base—V, 161
Prize Schoolroom Game (see Balloon Goal)
Progressive Captain Ball, 349
Progressive Dodgeball, 366
Puss in a Corner, 163
Puss in the Circle, 164

Quiet Games, 211

Railroad Train, 164
Recognition, 233
Red Lion, 165
Relay Races:
All-up Relay, 45
Bag Pile, 303
Circle Relay, 70
Double Relay, 76
Fetch and Carry Relay, 309
Over and Under Relay, 392
Pass Ball, 395
Passing Race
Pass and Toss Relay (Double Line), 314
Pass and Toss Relay (Single Line), 313
Passing Race, 312
Passing Relays with Bean Bags, 312
Potato Races, 151-155
Shuttle Relay, 173
Single Relay, 175
Tag the Wall Relay, 192
Ring-a-lievio, 166
Ring Call Ball, 399
Ringmaster, 167
Robbers and Soldiers, 168
Roley Poley, 399
Rolling Target, 169
Round and Round the Village, 290
Round and Round went the Gallant Ship, 170
Round Ball, 401
Run, Sheep, Run!, 170
Russian Hole Ball, 401

Saddle the Nag, 171
Sardines, 172
Scat, 234
Schoolroom Captain Ball, 353
Schoolroom Dodgeball, 369
Schoolroom Tag, 172
Schoolroom Volley Ball, 402
Seeking for Gold, 234
Shadow Tag, 173
Shakespearean Romance, A, 235
Shuttle Relay, 173
Siege, 174
Simon Says, 235
Singing Games, 259
Single Relay Race, 175
Sketches, 236
Skin the Goat, 176
Skipaway (see Slap Jack)
Skyte the Bob, 177
Slap Catch, 178
Slap Jack, 178
Sling Shot (see Jump the Shot)
Slipper Slap, 179
Smuggling the Geg, 180
Snail, 292
Snow Games:
Fox Trail, Double Rim, 93
Fox Trail, Single Rim, 95
Snow Dart, 181
Snow Snake, 182
Spanish Fly, 182
Spans, 183
Spin the Platter, 183
(See also My Lady's Toilet)
Spooning, 184
Spud, 404
Square Ball, 404
Squat Tag (see Stoop Tag)
Squirrel and Nut, 184
Squirrel in Trees, 185
Stage Coach, 185
Stake Guard, 186
Stealing Sticks, 188
Step, 188
Still Pond, No More Moving, 189
Stone, 190
Stool Ball, 406
Stoop Tag, 190
Straddle Club (see Stride Ball)
Stride Ball, 407
Sun Dial, 190

Tag, 191-192
Tag Games:
Cross Tag, 75
Fence Tag, 85
French Tag, 96
Hang Tag, 101
Home Tag, 106
Japanese Tag, 116
Maze Tag, 131
Old Man Tag, 142
Partner Tag, 145
Schoolroom Tag, 172
Shadow Tag, 173
Stoop (or Squat) Tag, 190
Tag, 192
Tag the Wall Relay, 192
Whip Tag, 205
Tag the Wall Relay, 192
Target Toss, 315
Teach, How to teach Games, 27
Teacher and Class, 316
Ten Steps, 193
Ten Trips, 408
Tether Ball, 409
Thimble Ring, 194
Third Man, 194
(See also Three Deep and Last Man)
Third Slap, 195
Three Deep, 196
Three Holes, 411
Tidbits Farmer, 237
Tip, Tap, Toe, 237
To the Teacher of Games, 26
Tommy Tiddler's Ground, 197
Toss Ball, 412
Toss-up, 40
Tossing Wands, 198
Trades, 199
Tree Ball, 413
Tree Party, 199
Triple Change, 200
Tugs of War
(see Catch and Pull Tug of War and Wand Tug of War;
also Contests for Two, under "Feats and Forfeits")

Under the Cuckoo's Nest, 201
Up, Jenkins!, 239
(For the schoolroom, see Hands Up, Hands Down)

Vaulting Relay, 317
Vaulting Seats, 202
Volley Ball, 413
(See also Schoolroom Volley Ball)

Wall Ball Drill, 416
Wand Race, 202
Wand Tug of War, 203
War, 417
Water Sprite, 203
Weathercock, 204
Wee Bologna Man, The, 204
What is my Thought Like?, 240
Whip Tag, 205
Who goes round my Stone Wall?, 206
Widower (see Last Couple Out)
Wink, 207
Wolf, 208
Woodland Lovers, 241
Wood Tag, 209
Wrestling (see Contests for Two under "Feats and Forfeits")

Yards Off, 210

Zigzag Games, 419
Circle Zigzag, 419
Line Zigzag—I, 421
Line Zigzag—II, 422
Line Zigzag—III, 423
Zigzag Overhead Toss, 424
Zoo, The, 242


This game, originated under the direction of Mr. William A. Stecher, of Philadelphia, is probably the best game ever devised for introducing players to some of the intricacies of team work and advanced ball play.

The practice which it gives in throwing, catching, guarding, scoring, the observance of rules, and attention to fouls, makes it an admirable training for the more complicated games, and

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