» Health & Fitness » Mother's Remedies, Thomas Jefferson Ritter [reading well .TXT] 📗

Book online «Mother's Remedies, Thomas Jefferson Ritter [reading well .TXT] 📗». Author Thomas Jefferson Ritter

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foreign bodies in the nose, like corn, beans, stone, etc.

Symptoms and Course.—There are alterations of the secretions: the amount varies in the same case at different times. Sometimes it is thin and watery, or thick, sticky mucus or this may alternate with more watery discharges. It may be mucus and pus or entirely pus. Frequently the secretions discharge into the throat and cause efforts to clear it by hawking and spitting. The secretion sometimes dries and forms crusts in the fore part of the turbinated bones and partition. Patients frequently pick the nose for this crust and ulceration may result at that point from its doing. Bleeding often occurs from picking the scales from the ulcers, and perforation of the partition may take place from extension of the ulceration. There is a feeling of stuffiness. There is some obstruction to breathing. If there is much thickness of the structures, nasal obstruction is a persistent symptom. Changed voice, mouth-breathing, etc., are noticed. A sensation of pain or weight across the bridge of the nose is sometimes complained of and this symptom is especially found associated with enlargement of the middle turbinated body on one or both sides, etc.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Catarrh, Successful remedy for.—- "Dissolve in one-half ounce olive oil as much camphor gum as it will take up. Moisten a little finger with the oil, rub into the nostrils and snuff well up into the head." The olive oil is very soothing to the diseased parts and the camphor contracts the swollen mucous membranes, thereby relieving the catarrh. This is an excellent remedy.

2. Catarrh, Cleansing Antiseptic Remedy for.—"Snuff about one teaspoonful of salt in cup of warm water every morning in nostrils. I have found this remedy simple but fine for catarrh and also having sleeping room well ventilated summer and winter will help in curing disease." This remedy will be found very effective in catarrh because it loosens up the secretions and cleanses the nose of the foul secretions and also has an antiseptic action. This can be used twice daily. Snuffing should be done very gently so as not to draw the water too far back.


3. Catarrh, Witch-Hazel for.—"Pond's extract applied with nose spray." Pond's extract is simply witch-hazel water and everyone knows that witch-hazel water is healing and soothing to the membranes of the nose. This may be used regularly twice a day.

4. Catarrh, Cure for.—

Menthol 10 grains
Camphor Gum 10 grains
Chloroform 10 drops
Fluid Alboline 8 ounces

Mix. Apply in the nasal cavities with alboline atomizer.

5. Catarrh of head, Mullein Leaves. Treatment, etc., for.—"Smoke dried mullein leaves and blow the smoke through the nose, and in addition to this, put a heaping tablespoonful of powdered borax in a quart of soft water; syringe this up in the nose, and in addition to both of the above, frequently inhale a mixture of two drams of spirits of ammonia, half a dram tincture of iodine and fifteen drops of carbolic acid; smoke the mullein, syringe the borax water and inhale the last mixture all as frequently as convenient and it frequently will cure if kept up faithfully."

6. Catarrh, Milk and Salt Wash for.—"Mix together one teaspoonful common salt, a teacupful milk, and half pint of warm water. Inject this into the nostrils three times a day. You may use the same quantity of borax in place of the salt, if you choose to do so."

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Catarrh.—If the patient is run down, give tonics, plenty of fresh air and sunshine in the sleeping room, change of climate to a dry, unchangeable climate is sometimes necessary.

Local.—Attend to any disturbing cause, such as adenoids, spurs on the partition, turbinate bone, etc. It is first necessary to render the parts clean, through the use of some mild antiseptic solution, such as glyco-thymoline, listerine, borolyptol, salt, etc. Salt should not be used stronger than one-quarter teaspoonful in a glass half full of water. The others can be used in one to two teaspoonfuls, to same amount of warm water. The solution should always be mild and warm. To use any solution pour it gently through the nose, tilting the head backward, with the mouth open; then as the solution flows through the head should be put forward and downward. The solution flows out of the mouth, and also out of the other nostril. A nasal douche cup made purposely should be used if possible.

1. Spray for.—After cleansing the nostrils with the solution the following soothing mild spray will be found of great benefit.

Menthol 5 grains
Camphor 5 grains
Liquid Alboline 2 ounces

Mix and make a solution. Use in an atomizer or nebulizer.


2. Powders for.—Antiseptic powders are also very useful in some cases, such as, compound stearate of zinc and boric acid, or compound stearate of zinc and alum or compound stearate of zinc and menthol. One or two drams is enough to buy at once as it is very light; always use it in a powder in the following way:

First take a long breath and while holding the breath, puff some of the powder into each nostril; then gently puff the breath out through each nostril. Do not snuff powder up the nose or use the powder-blower while breathing. If this is done, some will get into the pharynx and larynx and cause annoying coughing.

3. Solution for.—

Bicarbonate of soda 1/2 ounce
Borax 1/2 ounce
Salt 1/2 ounce
White sugar 1 ounce

Mix all. Half a teaspoonful to be dissolved in one-half tumbler of warm water; used with spray producer or a syringe.

4. Spray, for.—

Bicarbonate of soda 1-1/2 drams
Listerine 6 drams
Water 1 ounce

Use as a spray.

OZENA.—(Foul odor from nose, not breath, due to catarrh of the nose). The membrane is dry and shrunken. It is a very offensive odor, thus called "ozena."

Causes.—It is usually seen in people who are very much debilitated, in young factory girls, and sometimes in healthy boys. Retained secretions in the nose, usually cause the odor. These decompose and ferment. The nose is large and roomy, the nostrils are filled with scabby secretions; hard masses are formed which sometimes fill the nostril.

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT.—The first few weeks, cleansing the nose with peroxide of hydrogen will stop the odor. First, remove the scabs with forceps and then wash and cleanse the nose with the peroxide solution. It can be used from one-quarter strength to full strength, but warm. This will leave the nose in a foamy, soapy condition and this can be cleansed with a mild solution of glyco-thymoline or salt water.

HOME TREATMENT.—This is very important. The patient should use a douche three or four times a day. In the solution glyco-thymoline or borolyptol one or two teaspoonfuls to one-half cup of warm water, and follow by a nebulizer or atomizer in which the following solution can be used:

1. Lysol 10 drops
      Oil of Pine 15 drops
      Liquid Alboline 2 ounces

Mix and make a solution, spray into the nose after douching.


2. The following ointment can be used if there is no atomizer or nebulizer at hand:

Iodol 5 grains
Boric Acid 10 grains
Cold cream 2 ounces

Mix and make into an ointment, and rub a little into each nostril before retiring.

3. Dr. Ferguson of New York uses the following: A new antiseptic enzymol. This is used as follows.—Use one part of enzymol, three parts of warm water. Rub and cleanse the nose thoroughly with the solution, saturate a piece of absorbent cotton with this solution, place it in the nostril and leave it there fifteen to twenty minutes.

HAY FEVER. (Rose Cold, June Cold or Hay Asthma).—This inflammation of the nose occurs in August and September. It is really a nervous affection of the nose membrane.

Causes.—A predisposition: A peculiar sensitive area in the mucous membrane of the nose. An exciting cause circulating in the air, the dust or pollen of certain plants, such as rag-weed, hay and barley; the odor of certain flowers, such as roses and golden rod; dust of some drugs as ipecac and benzoic acid; the odor of some animals. It usually comes about the same date each year, growing worse each year and, in time, affects the bronchial tubes.

Symptoms.—The earliest symptoms are, usually, an itching sensation in the roof of the mouth and the palate, or itching and burning at the inner corner of the eyes. Irritation within the nose is also experienced and very soon spells of sneezing set in. The nose soon feels stuffy and obstructed, and there is a clear water discharge from the nose, which is especially copious after sneezing. The eyes look red and watery and the eyeballs pain and there is also pain in the forehead above the nose. It may take several days to develop these symptoms. They are usually worse in the morning. After some days these symptoms become more persistent and severe. The nostrils are completely closed, and the patient must breathe through the mouth, and the spells of sneezing are very violent. The conjunctiva becomes congested and red, a profuse watery discharge runs from the eyes and the lids are swollen. In severe cases the face looks red and swollen. The mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx and tonsils is more or less reddened and irritated, smell and taste are impaired and sometimes the patient is slightly deaf. The patient feels tired, weak, and it is hard to study or do manual labor. Slight feelings of chillness are common.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Hay fever, Quick Relief from.—"For hay fever and other slight forms of diseases which produce sneezing, there is no remedy more quickly effective, and often curative, than a vapor of heated salt and alcohol. Heat it very hot and breathe the vapor for ten minutes at a time, four or five times a day."

2. Hay fever, Remedy Worth Trying for.—"A mixture composed of ten grains of sulphate of zinc, half teaspoonful of borax, and about four ounces of rose water. This is very good to inject into the nostrils if there is much irritation of eyes and nostrils."


3. Hay fever, Our Canadian Remedy for.—"Inhale smoke from ground coffee (sprinkle over coals). This relieved a case for me of five years standing."

4. Hay Fever, Medicine That Helps.—"Use phenol sodique as directed on the bottles. This was recommended to me by Mrs. Levi Weller, who said her husband had found more relief from this remedy than any other he had tried."

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Hay Fever.—1. The following gives relief from the distressing symptoms. (But first the nose should be examined, for often there is local trouble there.). Then give suprarenal extract tablets, each five grains. Take one every four or five hours.

2. Pill Blennostasin.—Each pill contains five grains. Take one every four hours.

3. The following solution gives temporary relief:—

Dionin 10 grains
Adrenalin (1 to 1000) 5 drams
Water 2 ounces

Mix solution and spray into the nose every two hours.

4. After using the above spray which will shrink the mucous membrane apply the following oil spray:—

Thymol 5 grains
Menthol 5 grains
Camphor 5 grains
Liquid Alboline 1 ounce

Mix and make a solution and spray into the nose three or four times a day.

5. In some cases a drying powder does well, such

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