» Health & Fitness » Woman, William J. Robinson [classic literature books txt] 📗

Book online «Woman, William J. Robinson [classic literature books txt] 📗». Author William J. Robinson

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be further discussed in separate chapters.

Venereal disease, I have to repeat, is terrible enough in itself, without any exaggeration, without picturing it in too black colors. And it is necessary that people should not have too black an idea of it. It is necessary that they know that there are thousands and tens of thousands of patients who suffered with gonorrhea or syphilis and who were perfectly cured, who married, and whose wives remained perfectly well, and who gave birth to perfectly healthy untainted children.


Necessity for Douching Before and After Suspicious Intercourse—Formulæ for Douches—Precautions Against Non-venereal Sources of Infection—Syphilis Transmitted by Dentist's Instruments—Manicurists and Syphilis—Promiscuous Kissing a Source of Syphilitic Infection.

In his book, Sex Knowledge for Men, the author treated the subject of prevention of venereal disease very thoroughly. Men need this knowledge. As men will indulge in illicit relations, we must teach them to guard themselves against venereal infection. We must do it not only for their own sake, but for the sake of their wives and children. For, infection in the man may mean infection in his wife and children. But as women readers of this book are not likely to indulge in promiscuous relations with strangers, a detailed discussion of the subject would be out of place.

I will merely say, that where the woman has a suspicion that her husband is in an infectious state, she should abstain from relations with him until she is sure that he is safe. But where for some reason a suspicions intercourse is indulged in, the woman should use an antiseptic douche before and after intercourse. Where it is inconvenient to use a douche both before and after, a douche after will have to suffice, but it is much safer and surer to use the douche both before and after. When you use a douche there is always some of the solution left in the vagina and that destroys wholly or in part the infective germs. The following makes an effective douche: Dissolve a tablet of bichloride (they come on the market of the weight of about 7½ grains) in two quarts of water—hot, lukewarm or cold. Use before intercourse a small amount—about a pint or half a pint, and use the balance after intercourse. Instead of the bichloride you may use a tablespoonful of carbolic acid, or two tablets of chinosol, or a tablespoonful of lysol, or two tablespoonfuls of boric acid.

Instead of the douche an antiseptic jelly in a collapsible tin tube with a long nozzle may be used.

But besides the venereal sources of infection the woman must guard against the non-venereal sources. Do not ever, if you can avoid it, use a public toilet. If you are forced to use it, protect yourself by putting some paper over the seat.

Do not use a public drinking cup. If you have to use one, keep your lips away from the rim. One can learn to drink without touching the rim of the glass or cup with the lips.

Do not under any circumstances use a public towel. The roller towel is a menace to health and should be forbidden in every part of the country.

If you have to sleep in a hotel or in a strange bed, make sure that the linen is clean and fresh. Never sleep on bed linen which has been used by a stranger.

Never use a public brush or comb.

Be sure that your dentist is a careful, up-to-date man, and sterilizes his instruments carefully. Many a case of syphilis has been transmitted by a dentist's instrument. A syphilitic who goes to a dentist to be treated generally conceals his disease, and if the dentist is not in the habit of sterilizing his instruments after each patient, disaster may result.

Be sure that your manicurist is not syphilitic, or at least that her hands are healthy, clean and free from any eruption.

And, last but not least, do not indulge in promiscuous kissing. This is a particularly important injunction for young girls. This is a real peril and there are thousands of cases of syphilis that are known to have been contracted directly from kissing. People suffering with syphilis often have little white sores (mucous patches) on their lips, tongue and inside of cheeks. These sores are very infectious, and by kissing the disease is readily transmitted. Kissing games have been responsible in more than one case for the spread of syphilis to many persons. I have now under treatment a girl of nineteen who contracted syphilis on her summer vacation from having kissed a man once. Avoid promiscuous kissing! It is a bad practice for more than one reason.


Alcoholic Indulgence and Venereal Disease—A Champagne Dinner and Syphilis—Percentage of Cases of Venereal Infection Due to Alcohol—Artificial Stimulation of Sex Instinct in Man and in Woman—Reckless Sexual Indulgence Due to Alcohol—Alcohol as an Aid to Seduction.

That Bacchus, the god of wine, is the strongest ally of Venus, the goddess of love, using love in its physical sense, as the French use the word amour, has been well known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, as it is well known to-day to every saloon-keeper and every keeper of a disreputable house. And all measures to combat venereal disease and to prevent girls from making a false step will be only partially successful if we do not at the same time carry on a strong educational campaign against alcoholic indulgence. Of what use to young men is the knowledge of the venereal peril and familiarity with the use of venereal prophylactics, when under the influence of alcohol the mind is befuddled, they forget everything and do things that they never would do in the sober state? Of what use are warnings to a girl, when under the influence of a heavy dinner and a bottle of champagne, to which she is unaccustomed, her passion is aroused to a degree she has never experienced before, her will is paralyzed and she yields, though deep down in her consciousness something tells her she shouldn't? Yields, becomes pregnant, and is in the deepest agony for several months, and has a wound which will probably never heal for the rest of her life? Of what use have all the lectures, books and maternal injunctions been to her?

Or this case. Here is a young lawyer, twenty-eight years of age, engaged to a fine girl, and with everything to look forward to. He always was very moderate and circumspect in his sexual indulgence, and, though careful in choosing his partners, he never failed to use a venereal prophylactic after intercourse. There was too much at stake for him, and he did not care to take any chances, even if the chances were one in a thousand. For a period of one year during which he had been engaged he abstained from sexual intercourse altogether, though it cost him a great deal of effort to do so. He was to be married very shortly. But ill-luck made him accept an invitation to a bachelor dinner, where champagne and smutty stories were flowing freely, too freely. He left about midnight, and as the night was beautiful he decided to walk home. He met a siren, who invited him to accompany her. Under other circumstances he would have sent her on her way, or at least he would have stepped into a drugstore for a prophylactic. But, excited by the wine, the smutty stories and the year's abstinence, he went along like a sheep, as a matter of course, without trying to reason or interposing any objections. He remembers distinctly his feelings and the state of his mind. He was not drunk, only exhilarated, but nevertheless the whole thing seemed to him so normal, so natural, so expected, so matter-of-course, that he couldn't think of acting otherwise than accept her invitation. And he stayed two or three hours; and he used no prophylactic. And as a result—three weeks later he had a typical primary syphilitic lesion. How he felt and what it all meant to him the reader can imagine. This is far from being an isolated, an exceptional case.

From my own practice I could cite a number of cases of venereal infection in which alcohol was the direct, primary factor. How many such cases there are altogether in the period of a year nobody can say, but that they constitute a considerable percentage of the total venereal morbidity every investigating sexologist will testify. Forel claims that 76 per cent. of all venereal infection takes place under the influence of alcohol; Notthaft is more moderate, more discriminating in his statistics and his claims are—30 per cent. An analysis of 1,000 cases of venereal infection, just published by Dr. Hugo Hecht (Venerische Infektion und Alkohol, Z.B.G., Vol. XVI, No. 11) gives over 40 per cent. And the saddest part of it is that among the infected were 75 married men (the author thinks there were more, but only 75 confessed to being married), and of these, 45, equivalent to 60 per cent., were under the influence of alcohol when they contracted their venereal disease (extra-matrimonially, of course).

Alcoholic indulgence contributes to the spread of venereal disease directly and indirectly. First and foremost it increases enormously the amount of intercourse indulged in. I certainly do not belong to those who believe that the sex instinct is merely a vicious appetite, like the appetite for alcohol or drugs, which can easily and completely be suppressed by the exertion of will-power. I believe that the sex instinct can be suppressed only within reasonable limits; if an attempt is made to exceed these limits dire results are apt to follow. But I also believe that the sex instinct can be stimulated artificially beyond the natural needs, and among the artificial stimulants of the sex instinct alcohol occupies first place. And bear in mind that alcohol produces even a stronger effect on women, in exciting the sexual passion, than it does on men. Women are more easily upset by stimulants and narcotics, and that is the reason why it is more dangerous for women to drink than it is for men.

So this, then, is count number one: The man and the woman who in a sober condition would easily abstain, with their libido stimulated and their will-power paralyzed by alcohol, indulge unnecessarily, with the risk of venereal infection to the man and the double risk of venereal infection and pregnancy to the woman. Count two: The man who in the sober condition would use care and discrimination, under the influence of alcohol soon loses all his judgment and sees an angel and a Helen of Troy in the worst and most impudent harlot; with the result that the chances of venereal infection are greatly increased. Count three: Where under ordinary circumstances the man would stay a few minutes to half an hour, under the influence of alcohol he stays several hours, or all night, thus increasing his chances of infection a hundredfold. Count four: Alcohol increases the congestion in the genital organs of both man and woman and renders them much more susceptible to infection. All other factors being equal, a connection which will under strict sobriety remain without bad results, may when one or both partners are under the influence of alcohol be followed by infection. Count five: The man who is in the habit of using venereal prophylactics under the influence of alcohol becomes both careless and reckless; he looks with contempt at preventive measures and the result is—venereal disease.

It is impossible to give statistics and exact or even approximate figures. But there is no question in my mind, in the mind of any careful investigator, that if alcoholic beverages

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