» Health & Fitness » Potato Chips are Vegan Too, Charlie Petteway [fiction novels to read txt] 📗

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thing. And don’t try to say things like “that’s your body dying” or “that’s your body crying out for the meet it needs” that is simply BS. If it was your body “crying out” for something it needs to survive how come it passes, and soon you feel much better and are perfectly happy and healthy? and also there are plenty of vegan people in the world and they are perfectly happy, healthy, well-adjusted people.

so the first few months are going to be the worst you will have. Depending on how bad of shape you are in to start will determine exactly how bad you get it. Myself I think I got it just about as bad as it can be, I started off in bad shape and even with improvements (yes the improvements have come even quickly some times) I am still in really bad shape.  But I can see the "light at the end of the tunnel" so to speak, as things are better today than any time in memorable history. 

Chapter Four: Start Slowly But Completely

What do I mean by that? Well, this is more than just a diet, it is a new way of life, becoming more active and eating well as well as spiritual healing too. So don’t try to tackle them all at once start with just the diet, but do that completely when you find yourself “cheating” pick back up and go on. The ultimate goal of the “diet” part of this is to completely eliminate processed, refined, chemically altered, genetically modified, manufactured foods, and animal products from your life. Food is a staple of life, not a commodity to be mass-produced in huge factories for astronomical profits. So to start off aim for the end goal listed above, but take steps to get there if you need to. My self, I needed to leave bread in my diet for a while, I just made better bread choices and soon got rid of them completely, the chapter "breads and pastas" can help you make better choices if you need to hang on to your bread for a while. Also if there is something that is a “deal breaker” for you, like bread maybe, you can get the rest of your diet so healthy that you can still have bread once and a while and be fine.  There have been tons of books written on how healthy a whole food plant based  diet is, I would recommend you read them they are great information (in addition to this book naturally)  

So "start slowly" make small changes every day and keep them forever, well mostly forever again if you get "in shape" and years down the road are doing great and you want to have a piece of meat or a bowl of ice cream or something that won't be a problem if it is a once and a while thing and not a "new way of life". With a whole food plant based diet your diet will be healthy enough to allow those minor occasional "bad things" and not hurt your body. As you are determining your path through this "new life style" only you can determine what is right for you based on your health needs and your determination and will power etc. I would recommend as I stated in the name of this chapter "start completely"  so if you decide to go "all in" on the diet don't let yourself "cheat" if you decide, based on all the variables in your life, to keep bread for example then set realistic obtainable rules like "I will have no more than 2 slices at a time no more than 3 times a week" and also goals like "in 3 weeks I will cut it down to one time a week, and in 6 weeks I will get rid of bread completely" That way you will have a "game plan" and you will know where you stand.

When you do find yourself falling behind your goals do not give up and quit "oh well I had a bowl of ice cream my diet is fucked might as well give up now" just pick yourself up dust off and start a new plan with new goals. Each time you "fail" if you restart make new goals try to analyze what went wrong so you can fix it and try harder next time you will get there soon enough. The key is realistic goals, my goal is to be healthy enough to enjoy life and not die if I set my goal at being a "sports illustrated swimsuit model" I would soon give up as that is never going to happen. But once you set those goals, stick to them, fight for them whatever it takes.

Chapter Five: The Diary of a Fat Man

 This is a new chapter I have added, I am going to keep a diary of my life (well as it pertains to this book) this will not be a daily thing, as I am not that good at keeping track of stuff (sorry) but I will try to keep it up to date with frequent entries.

Sunday, July 30, 2017: All in all I am feeling good today, my back still hurts really bad I do feel tired and "out of energy" a lot of the time, I still have painful muscle spasms in my legs and back and once and a while in my abs. all together even though I am still in terrible shape I can see great improvement so I feel good about my progress. It was a 40+ year journey to get in this bad of shape the journey out of death's grasp will not be easy. I am currently down to just 4 prescriptions, and my blood pressure cholesterol etc is good to low as a norm.


Thursday, August 3rd, 2017: Feeling better each day over all is better, some days are better than other. still having back pain but over all, I feel good. I have been checking my blood pressure as much as 4-5 times a day (the doc. is worried about taking me off the drugs) it has been good a few time it was slightly high like 130/90 or so but mostly it is low the average is like 115/78 I think that good.I am just hoping when I lose the weight the constant back pain will go too.

Chapter Six: The Diet

As I said earlier, the diet is simple, it will not be easy. The diet part of this program is simply if it grew in the ground eat it. If it walked around, flew, or swam leave it alone. But just as important, in fact maybe even more so, if you can’t recognize it leave it alone too. Anything processed, refined, altered, modified or manufactured is BAD. That is where the title of this book comes from there are a lot of foods (well they call them food) that are down right toxic and should be avoided at all cost. So what do you eat? Well anything that is a plant is good, assuming it is a plant that is eatable. For example most days I have oatmeal with fruit and nuts for breakfast, then soup or salad for lunch/dinner. Take nuts seeds and dried fruits and vegies and make a “trail mix” for snacks. Use reason, some plants do need to be had in moderation we will cover that later, also don’t eat 10 pounds of grapes at one time (although if you did your body would probably let you know you screwed up) I like to make a soup/stew I call “dump stuff in a pot” literally I go to the store and what ever vegies I see that look good to me at that time I buy, when I get home I laterally dump it all in a pot and make a huge pot of soup I can eat from for the week. Also get in the habit of not over cooking food. You lose a lot of nutrients and taste. Soups also taste great if you put them in the blender make the consistency of split pea soup and bring out all the flavors. Plus a blended soup floods your body with all the nutrients in the food that you may not have gotten out otherwise. Salad is not so good blended but you can make your salad in 2 parts the leaves and the other stuff it keeps longer that way and you can blend the other stuff and use it to replace dressing. That works great and with a little creative experimenting you will find some delicious combinations. As far as the diet goes you will soon notice that you feel like shit, that is “withdraw symptoms” as the toxic animal products are getting flushed out of your system. It is exactly like drug or alcohol addiction just because your body is “craving” it does not mean it is good for you.  It will pass you will feel better soon enough, in fact you will feel better than you have ever felt once you get past the first part with the “withdraw symptoms”. There may also be other things you need to adjust or eliminate (drugs etc.) those need to be discussed with your doctor, my doctor was reluctant to take me off my medications she was basically forced to when my BP, cholesterol etc. was too low it was no longer safe for me to take BP drugs. Work with your doctor, they may not know anything about nutrition and may be reluctant to admit that changing your diet can save your life, but they will not be able to argue with the

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